Even the Moon of a Different Sky...

"Hey, man, what was in that last drink? Shit's strong!" Gilles commented, making a disgusted face. "Decided to bring out the good stuff!" Eli replied, a smirk on his face. He didn't figure his German friend would mind his booze on the strong...

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The Dragon Dance

"Come on, man, just one more time!" Theodore whined, fatigued from their efforts but not wanting to give up when the two of them were so close. Calvin looked at his friend with tired eyes. He didn't have an inclination to try again, not after...

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Live in Luxury or Luxurious Fur!

"All right, ladies and gentlemen, it's time for 'Live in Luxury or Luxurious fur!' The game show that has two contestants working together to answer questions for a cash prize of a million dollars each! That is if they can hold onto their humanity long...

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I've Got You Under My Skin

Exhausted, Gabe almost fell through the door on his way inside, trying to resist the urge to slam it behind him. Work had been terrible lately. His retail job was hell and thus far his efforts to find further employment had proved fruitless. He wanted...

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Dreams Do Come True (Preview Version)

David wasn't feeling well. Whatever had been in those pills, it wasn't working, at least the way he'd hoped. He felt like a fucking idiot, thinking some supplement he'd found online would help him. Now he was stuck in a convenience...

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The Fire Stone

Jason sat listlessly, staring vacantly at the clock on his stove as he waited for his friend Gabe to ring the buzzer to his apartment. He'd been so excited to show Gabe the little gift he'd picked up for him online a while ago. Jason was well aware...

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Synthesizing A New Life

Lying in his hotel bedroom, Alex felt his cock twitch from the excitement of what he was about to do. His lover was not yet there, though he would be soon. Alex was gay and powerfully attracted to the male Synths, the ones with external male genitalia....

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Learning to Follow Your Pride

Sighing, Fernando stared almost longingly at the three male lions, all asleep in the waning late afternoon light. Though it was getting close to closing time at his local zoo, Fernando lingered, wanting to stay to the last possible moment. He loved...

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Bull Reverse (Preview Version)

"All right then, boys! Let's get you settled, and then I can show you around!" Patrick smiled, breathing in the fresh country air as he jumped off the back of the pick-up. He'd been looking forward to this summer for some months, the...

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Getting Wrapped up in Your Work

The setting sun sent a shiver of depression through the already anxious man as Josh tried to determine his plan of action. Normally, he was used to long treks into the woods. As a seasoned entomologist, even for his younger age at 29, he often spent...

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Chess at Auction

Looking out at the barn around her, Chess felt a wave of trepidation from what she was about to do. She was naked, no possessions save the satchel of special ingredients that would mean nothing to a non-practitioner. But, even with the myriad of spells...

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Ready and Willing to Serve

"Shit, they're all booked!" Rachel said, sounding defeated. "Everything?" Eric whined, exacerbated. Jon, for his part, sat in silence, feeling powerfully disappointed. He'd been waiting for this concert for over three years, having...

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