The DissiDex - The 'Complete' Character Compendium

Shi carries a green necklace found by hir father beneath the hills, and shi often talks to an imaginary friend. during the night of the storm, odella discovered that friend wasn't so imaginary...

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"dear, is this another imaginary friend?" i stroked my fingers through his hair, helping diffuse his clearly evident embarrassment. "no gram. i haven't had one of those since i was in sixth grade. this is my real friend, his name's will.

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Chapter 8

"maybe i should have just told her from the start.", leo said to no one in particular, but to his surprised someone replied:"i didn't know you had an imaginary friend." leo moved hi gaze towards the voice and he saw fema smirking at him. "fema?

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Rise of the Yokai - Part VI

The young girl barely whispering to the giant dog, as to not alarm her mother, which indeed did seem to think she talked to an imaginary friend or such, asami responded whispering herself: "yes... i am... but you are not allowed to tell your mommy...!"

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High School is Hell - Fury

Quinton was silent throughout the entire one-sided conversation and wallace started to think that this guy was just some figment of his imagination, an imaginary friend, a coping mechanism to deal with what he had seen. "and that's it?" quinton asked.

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Spy Games

.~ erica frowned and looked off into space, speaking to hir counterpart, looking as if shi were talking to an imaginary friend. "you knew and you didn't tell me!?"

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07c - The Song of the Iberian Wolf - Part 3

She also has an imaginary friend who's a unicorn." "you sure the friend is imaginary?" jason asked with a laugh. "you know, i guess i don't," clifford said, chuckling. "the test is at least an hour, jason.

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A Deep Family Tradition

You were my imaginary friend all the years i was growing up. all i ever wanted was for you to be there, dad. if you can just hold on a little bit longer, all those dreams might...well, they might come true."

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Epiphany Part 7 and Epilogue

This is a mortal child's pastime, much akin to imaginary friends or pop-up books, simply prescribed unto a visual medium for the attention deficit." "i know, it's awesome!"

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Epiphany Part 7 and Epilogue

This is a mortal child's pastime, much akin to imaginary friends or pop-up books, simply prescribed unto a visual medium for the attention deficit." "i know, it's awesome!"

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