Digimon: Defenders Chapter Zero

It was their duty to keep the peace of the digital world, protecting it from any and all threats, big and small.

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Journey of the Chosen Chapter Two

Inside he noticed that the room had large showers for all kinds of pokemon, big and small with a large bathtub next to them, a restroom stall and a dressing area with a big mirror.

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Stuck in Orbit Chapter 1

Aliens big and small, simple and complex, strangely familiar and some so completely bizarre that they would leave you speechless. there were cultural differences to be sure. awkward first meeting and a few pointless scuffles.

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A Night at the County Fair: Part I

Humans came by in lines and seemed to examine the strange creatures, while children ran about and pet the noses and coats of every animal big and small.


Getaway: Parts 1 & 2 (AaO Side Story)

Beyond the rush-hour traffic, and pedestrians big and small, the newest set of 'downsized' apartments rose five storeys high... fixed to the side of the single storey corner store they'd been built into.

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The Ratmen's New Generation

There was no shortage of attractive rats both big and small but none really struck sven as someone he wanted to spend his life with, someone he could dedicate himself to and gain endless satisfaction from them doing the same.

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Perfect For Two

Houses big and small, of all sorts of colours, flanked the street, each interesting to look at. he watched a pair of deer cubs play catch as they drove past, and he smiled. the contrast was jarring, but he felt so much more comfortable here.

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Walls: Reboot 5 - The Lockbox

There were plenty of creatures around, big and small. reptines had passed through the area a mere hour ago, but there was an even fresher scent clinging next to the tree. i licked my chops, and i could feel that hunger rise within me.

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Demands of the Supply

Since it had to accommodate creatures both big and small a flow was often established where those that were bigger would walk and those that needed to go in the same direction would have to follow carefully in their wake and hope that they would get

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A Surprise Growth

"welcome to the land of the big and small," garlan said as he motioned for vyrnen to follow him down one of the forest paths.

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