The Watch Pt 3

I breathed deeply a few times, trying my best to calm myself. I wasn't nervous, not really. I had done the change before, four times now, to be exact. It wasn't my nervousness that I was trying to hide. It was my erection I didn't want every person in...

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The Watch Pt 2

I couldn't believe this was finally happening. All my patience, planning, and preparation had finally paid off. I was once again about to don the device that had granted my wildest dreams. I had been a little depressed the past few months,...

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The Watch

Smiling to myself as I exited the building, I waved to the security guard as I made my way to my car and drove off the property. It had been perfect. No one was the wiser that I was now in possession of the most powerful object on earth. Or perhaps...

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Is that a Wolf in your Pants or are you Happy to see Me?

Aiden sighed quietly to himself as the last of the rush crowd finally headed out the door. He was finally allowed to catch his breath for the first time since his shift started four hours ago. He was already overworked enough as it was and he didn't...

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Waiting for Moon Rise

Bored out of your mind waiting, you once more take a quick glance at the clock beside your bed. 3:15 pm. Shit. The hours felt like they were fucking crawling by like years! You squirm in your chair a little, an uncomfortable itching across...

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Beaver Feaver (Beaver Tf/TG)

Travis blinked from the shock of unexpected darkness as the overhead lights went out. His mind started racing from fear. Had the power gone out, or was the institution simply shut down for the night? He had no way to know. He'd never been here this...

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Role Reversal (Lion/Tiger TF)

Ian woke up slowly, rubbing his head, wondering how he had such a bad hangover after just a single beer. He couldn't recall the last time he'd been so stiff and sore. He'd been drinking with his coworker, Trevor, at an establishment just outside the...

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The Bonding Ritual 2(Dragon TF)

King Virion walked out into the cool night air, the relief on his body instant. He felt he was finally able to relax somewhat, though the damn itching on his skin had not abated. He rubbed absently at the back of his neck, certain there had been no...

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Cat Got Your Tongue (Cat TF)

Sally Davidson stared down at the vial in her hand, hesitating at the prospect of the transformation she was to undergo. This assignment went well and above her pay grade. But, she had to admit there was some excitement to live out a childhood fantasy...

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Pleasurable Experimentation (Rat TF Preview)

You continue to sit in the waiting room, feeling nervous as hell while you wait for your name to be called. To your surprise, in the last half-hour you've been here, no one else has been in or out. You are used to long wait times, but why are you...

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Making A Mule (Horse/Donkey CTF/UDTF)

Despite the late afternoon heat and exertion from a good workout, Mike still stormed stubbornly forward, rage fueling his tired stride. He had gone for his weekly swimming training and felt relaxed for the first time in days. Yet all it took was a...

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Grin and Bear it (Black Bear TF/TG)

Travis stood up slowly, tired and stiff from the last few hours hiding in his makeshift stand. He was a professional wildlife photographer, currently on contract to take photos in a national park. In the past few weeks, he'd captured the usual images...

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