Evergreen Estates: Watchers and Homecuming

But one jaw dropping look inside, you couldn't care less if you were standing on hot coals. the interior was well lit, giving everyone outside a perfect view in.

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A Bump in the Road. Chapter Six.

The medallion around my neck felt so hot as if it had been resting in hot coals. it was from sheer force of will i ripped the damn thing off and hurled it to the side.

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Tales of Valora - Book 1, Chapter 4: Odd Days and Restless Nights

"how've you been since the ca-" i shut reed up by "accidentally" dropping a hot coal on his foot. he doesn't seem to appreciate that happening, obviously, as seen from his scowl and low snarl. "we don't talk about that, remember?"

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Punishment By Fire

She attempted to fend it off with a hand to its glassy black muzzle; her palm seared and blistered as if touching a hot coal. another of the beasts came out of the darkness; barely visible in the dim ruddy light.

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Weathering the Storm

Soon he had a bed of hot coals and a fire bright enough to see the walls of the cave. but that was not all he saw.

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The Dragonslayer

A growing heat began to burn against his palm, feeling as if he were holding a red-hot coal but unable to cast it away. he screamed in agony, but still he could not let go.

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The Cherry

He felt his phone in his pocket like a hot coal, and when he exited the gym he stood for a long time wondering whether he should make the phone call. if he wanted, he could block the number and never go back to the gym again.

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Track and Field: Part 11 - Lee

My biceps and triceps felt like they'd been pumped full of hot coals. "what is it?" "animal?" he gasped. oh, yeah. we'd sung that in the car the other day. "yeah, sure. i can...\*huff\*...print off the sheet music later. why...

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Theodora’s rebirth

She began to jump around as if she was walking on hot coals. a black flame began to consume her turning white as the heat dissipated. she looked at herself again. i am young again! , hollering out loud. the trainer caught up with her.

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Kito's Story - Chapter One

She was busying herself, cutting up some plants, humming gently as on a grille over some hot coals, in a round pan some meat cooked. "where is father?" he asked as he popped down beside her, his nose twitching at the smell of cooking meat.

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Tigers Curse (Kindle prototype part 1)

But that night i...i had a nightmare of been chased by a large, golden tiger though a forest, its eyes glowing like hot coals in a fire.

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