Angel Dust: To date a Spider

Flashes of his night life, an expert in espionage and stealth. a hand twitching as he feels where he holsters his 6 guns while on "jobs" for a different employer each day or night.

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Night Out

He always felt a crushing shyness whenever the chance arose, and so had never developed much of a night life. partners had come and gone, arriving with tempting possibilities, and destroyed by disinterest.

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Introduction (A Story about Anya)

Anya felt terrible about charging him that much...he was probably a rebellious teenager who'd taken a break from his rich father who decided to be a jerk that night...he was just curious about the night life...anya didn't want to judge without answers.

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The UAA Chapter Six: Blood and Fire

I was now sitting silently on the roof of the base watching the night sky, the silence of space, drowned out by the sounds of the cities night life.

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Pokemon: Turning Over A New Leaf! - Chapter 4

I could either find a place to camp, turn right around and head into the pokemon center, or explore the amazing night life that is pewter city. i looked around, seeing that all of the lights, excluding the pokemart and center, were flickering off.

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The Lion King 3 part 2

All the animals in the savannah were asleep and the night life was quite. he yawned again before walking out of the cave and into the graveyard. if it wasn't for the moon, the graveyard would not have been so scary.

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Always Cry Wolf (Part VII)

"jenny, i heard you know a lot about the local night life. actually a student from another class recommended i talk to you about the club scene. i've recently moved here from new york and i feel so out of place after i leave the college.

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Wolf Pack: Part 1

Lil crater is a small town so there's no night life, no 24 hour shops and no night patrol. many of the townsfolk are retirees or students of lil crater's art college. frost is the latter.

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The night life isn't for everyon! toxic fumes coughed out from cigarettes would burn holes in your lungs. bottles of jack daniels would be swiftly emptied into thirsty drunk muzzles by the barkeep.

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Furry Fetish Chapter 1- Repost

A young man by the name of kristopher brewer, but he prefers to be called, kris, was walking around his home territory, just enjoying the night life.

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Zeak's small failing

night life was raging in buckley city, and people were out in droves. restaurants glowed with life and sweet scents of food. zeak felt terribly exposed even with her fur covered body. the important bits just poked through the fine fur.

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Tapping the Keg

. ## tapping the keg the night life wasn't for a lot of people, but one would usually find the most excitement when the sun went down.

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