The plan is hatched. Part three.

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#33 of Exploration

So they discussed. It was generally accepted that the Red Clan alpha male was the accepted male, and that it was our job to try and get him to like the Black clan female. Apparently he didn't think much of the Red clan female, so there wasn't too much problem there. Furdinand spoke to me.

"So how do you intend to get the two together?"

"Well, I've got a variation of a very famous trick coming to light. Furdinand, Commander, if you took me to the princess' abode. Then Javid, Draco and one of the Red clan go to the prince's.

"So what's this trick?"

"The trick is to try and see the better side of the person in the question, and that may work if they believe that the person is in love with them."

"So are you saying that we should speak to the princess, telling her that he is in love with her?"

"Not quite."I smiled disarmingly."Just follow and learn."

After half an hour of calibration, Furdinand and the black clan commander, his last name was Covington, teleported to the front door of the villa the princess lived in. Covington knocked, and a lady's maid opened the door. We were led through many doors until we came to a small library, where the lady was reading a book. She was rather pretty, and I noticed her soft white downy fur caught the light. She laughed at something in the book as we came in, and then she looked up.

Her face clouded over in a regal way, and she stood nobly looking at us. Covington bowed.

"Good afternoon lady."

"Covington, you have come from the front with remarkable promptness."

"Yes, my lady, it is with good tidings. The war has been stopped, we are negotiating."

"I see. These, people beside you?" she hesitated over the term as she cast a glance at my metal skin.

"This is Alduin, he is one of the catalysts for this truce. The other is Furdinand, he is from the Red clan. Javid asked to see the prince from the other clan, and you know tradition.Alduin, Furdinand, this is Joanna, princess of the Black clan."

I bowed deeply to the princess.

"What an honour to meet you, Joanna."

"Likewise, Alduin. To stop a war is a noble deed.And, Furdinand. I thought I recognised the face."

"Lady." Furdinand nodded his head.

Simba relayed a message to me.

"Draco's party has just met the prince." I smiled.

"I'm afraid I don't know much about this place, Joanna. I come from a planet a long way from here." Joanna nodded.

"That's quite expected, Alduin.Where exactly in the skies?"

"Our sun's light cannot travel this far. Even by night, you would not be able to see it."

"I see." Joanna looked intrigued.

"We, that is, me and two friends, met Javid, whom I believe you know, when we arrived, and we got embroiled in the fighting."

"I see. Javid's gone off to see the prince of the red clan, correct?"

Furdinand nodded."Indeed, my lady. What is your opinion of him?"

"Far too proud for the likes of me." Joanna turned on her heel, her dress swishing out behind her."He is a vain, silly man."

"Then he is not in your good books?"

"Of course not, Alduin. I would burn my library if he was."

"That is quite reasonable. Each lady is of course entitled to their own decision." I winked at Covington, and Furdinand gave me,"I told you so" glimpse.

"We shall stroll in the gardens, my lady." Covington said. We took her leave, and walked, sitting by a fountain.

"She is a intelligent lady." I said, slowly, as Furdinand ran his hand across the surface of the water, scaring the fish.

"So where to from now?"

"Did you see the way she turned?" I said, and Covington looked up.

"She finds him attractive, you mean?"

"It is possible she likes him, if that is so, then we need to bring that to the surface, make it clear that she loves him. She is confused, she likes him, she likes him not."

"So we have to convince her that the prince likes her?"

"Simba,"I spoke into my microphone,"the princess seems to like the prince, but is loathe to reveal this. What's the prince's feeling?"

We waited for five minutes, and then I heard Draco.

"The prince, even when he's dismissing the idea, he's still talking about her. Javid agrees, he is enraptured by her, but he hides it behind a wall of cool emotion."

"Excellent." I smiled.I turned to the two beside me.

"Cupid is in business."

I rang my boss not five minutes after that, and told her that due to unexpected circumstances, I would not be able to come to work on Tuesday. My boss was naturally a little annoyed, but said that she could probably find someone to cover me. I thanked her profusely, and now had two full days to make this match, or leave it for my friends to finish.I had enough holidays to cover this sort of thing, but short warning was something that annoyed my boss.

"Covington, does the lady walk through the gardens?" I asked. Covington nodded.

"She is of a poetical nature, and takes inspiration from the beauty." Furdinand looked at me.

"We are to speak within range of her hearing?"

"Of course. To each other. We will appear not to know she is listening, and talk about the prince's undying love for her."

We discussed our tactics, and after an hour, we saw her, walking among the blossom trees. I stood up, and meandered on a slight interception course, the other following me. We did not look at her, and she not at us, and we walked on either side of the hedgerow. Covington started the act.

"I still do not believe it,Furdinand!Are you telling me that your prince truly loves Joanna?"

I could hear the footsteps halt briefly, and then try and walk quietly across the raked white stone path. I nodded at the two others, and we continued walking, looking at one another.

"Yes, Covington, I had it from Saphadin himself, who is of course, one of the prince's best friends."

"Gerard always seemed to act very distant when we discussed Joanna.I've talked to him on the subject." Covington looked thoughtful.

"Saphadin mentioned that he fears that the lady has not the same love. To present himself to her, it scares him. For you heard what she has to say about him, and to know that, it would break his heart." Furdinand nodded gravely.

The hedge finished, and as we stood beside the end of it, I could see out of the corner of my eye, underneath the edge of the greenery, a white paw.

"Has anyone told Joanna his feelings?" I said, making carry on motions.

"No, I fear she would laugh at his advances." Furdinand replied. "He writes letters to Joanna, he has told me he is a writer, but Saphadin has never seen him send one of those letters. He claimed that Gerard would spend a night toiling over a letter, and then throw it out, vowing never to send his message."

Gerard was a writer, we had found out that much, but I severely doubted if he wrote anything to Joanna, reasons or otherwise.

"A man lost in love unfounded is a poor sight to see. Do you think he will ever gain his courage to have an audience with her?" I said, sighing.

"I can but hope so," Furdinand looked down, looking depressed." else he will drive himself mad with torment?"

"I say tell her, and find out what she says."

"Nay, Alduin. You have not been on this planet long, you wouldn't know how we work. Besides, if the prince heard, he would have you done away, for Saphadin swears that he would die if she found out, through embarrassment, and that he would die if she didn't, most probably from a heart that has loved and never known the feeling returned." Furdinand replied. That was a nice touch, and Covington, noticing my glance, interrupted our mock argument.

"Alduin, Furdinand, please, hold your opinions. We have already been through one war, I do not wish to be involved in another. Shall we get something to eat?You must be famished after your journey, Alduin."

"I am quite." I replied, and, changing the topic, we walked back towards the house.I changed into my car form as soon as we were out of sight, and silently rolled under the hedge. The other two walked on.

There was a pause for a minute, while Joanna was making sure we had gone, and then spoke.

"Gerard loves me? How could that be? Does he feel my own ardent fire for him, and feel it likewise. And Furdinand claimed all of this from Saphadin?That wolf has always been Gerard's best friend. Why has none ever said something? I have been alone with him many times, was he fighting himself to reveal his inner self to me? Such a fool I have been, not seeing the signs of a man who loves me dear."

A gardener appeared, and the change over Joanna was astounding. She drew herself up again, and walked in a contemplative manner past the hedge I was under, and the gardener. I waited until she had gone out of sight, and then changed into my human form.

I ran stealthily back to the house, speaking into my microphone.

"Simba, Draco, Furdinand's got Joanna excited. She's opened up a bit, and we need our prince to be the same. Draco, did you hear the conversation between us three?"

"I did, Alduin. You deserve an acting award."

"Furdinand deserves one.Now the plan is that you do roughly the same thing.Javid will be the man who knows the goods, and he got it from Covington, who knows Joanna, though not as well as this."

Gerard was fencing in his courtyard with Saphadin when Draco started off part two.

"Javid, what has happened about this?Fill an off worlder in."

They were by the door to the courtyard, well within range of Gerard's sharp hearing, and Javid spoke over the clash of rapiers.

"Well, I know that Joanna is deeply in love with the Red clan prince.I heard it from Covington himself."

I could hear the saber drop in the courtyard behind. All three of them walked along the outside wall, and Draco whispered to me and Simba.

"He's moving across the courtyard, parallel to us along this wall."Then he spoke out loud.

"Does Joanna know that you know this?"

"No, because I'm still here.She refuses to acknowledge it to anyone, but Covington is one of her closest friends."

"So what is this Joanna like?"

"Wonderful woman, but she hides it so often. She is proud and haughty around complete strangers, which is why the prince doesn't know of her devotion to him."

"I know the type." the wolf from the red clan replied." So often seemingly closed, and yet within beats the heart of a desiring woman. They are such secretive people. I wish I could understand them."

"So does she express this hidden feeling, to herself?"

"She writes poetry, and while Covington has never seen one of these poems, she writes about him."

"What else?"

"Come close, I don't want anyone else to know." Javid said, bringing them close, and Draco whispered.

"He's listening to the wall." All Gerard could hear was a muffled mumbling,and then the red clan wolf leaned back.

"You're kidding!"

"No, from Covington himself."

"Does Gerard know of her love?"

"If he does, either he is keeping it very secret,beneath a layer of disdain, or he truly does not care for her. She would swear she would fall ill if he said no. That's why she would never say so to him."

"I feel for her then. Gerard, while being a noble man, never says much of t'anything about love. Does he not feel the way she does?"

"Only he knows the answer to that, and I know no brave man to ask him." the Sergeant replied,"but we should be getting to dinner.Has Draco ever had a banquet on this planet?"

"No, but I look forward to it."

They walked away from the wall, and Draco left behind a microphone, stuck to the wall. Before long, they heard a voice, that of the prince.

"Do mine ears deceive me? My true love loves me back? Such happy news. But this poses me a problem. How do I gain the courage to speak to her? For I have been with her many times, and not once has she been anything other but cordial. She hides her emotion well, like I do.I am but a lonely man, and will stay that way, if I do not speak. And that she will be ill if I say no? She loves me with the power and devotion that I would give to her. But how to make her see?"

He wandered away. Draco laughed.

"I think that's lit the fire."

"I'd say it was a blazing inferno now." I replied, grinning. Simba chuckled.

"Now you two Cupids, we still need to arrange them a meeting."

"Easier said than done, but we make progress." Draco replied.

Joanna stayed in the library all evening, writing. I entered as the bells tolled ten, and she was writing in the lights. Covington and Furdinand had gone to bed, and I quietly entered the library. The white wolf looked up, and saw me.

"Alduin, what are you doing up this late?"

"I don't go to sleep for a while yet. I thought I'd have a look around. You are not tired, or are you working?"

"Just writing." she said, evasively.

I looked over her shoulder at the piece of paper.

"Signing the treaties?" I said." Where I come from, we live on paperwork, and it drives me mad."

"No, it is not that.It is private."

"Ah, poetry. I was told you were a wonderful woman of rhyme.Would you mind if I had a look of your work?"

"I'd rather you didn't."

"That's quite O.K. I do a little poetry myself."

"Oh really, is it a job?" Joanna looked interested in spite of herself.

"No, no, just an amateur thing. I don't think I'm brilliant, but there we have it."

"Can you tell me one of yours?"

I was happy to oblige.

"Dancing lithely over daffodils yellow,

Skipping under the skies azure

Running along the soft, green grass

and passing o'er the heathered moor."

Joanna looked at me after the recital, and I shuffled.

"It's sort of a working thing,I should really practise more often." I looked down, feeling slightly embarrassed. Joanna laughed.

"No, it's not that bad.What's this heather of which you speak?"

"It's a flower from my planet, which blooms purple.Do you write about flowers?"

"Occasionally. Poetry is a nice way to relax."


Joanna paused."Do you often rhyme it that way, the last line from each couplet?"

"No, not always. Sometimes I don't rhyme it at all. I once wrote of an Emerald Pool on our planet, which was a dazzling green, due to the water and the sun:

"After narrow tracks, and one man bridges,

a rushing noise greets us at out destination,

we have finally arrived at the Emerald Pool.

A glamorous green, deep and cool.

As we stare, taking it all in,

There are no words to describe this moment."

Joanna smiled. I coughed.

"It's not one of my better ones, but that's the introduction."

"It sounds nice, both the poem, and the river."

"It is a nice planet, so varied and rich with life." I nodded, sitting down on a chair a few metres away from the wolf.

Joanna laughed. "My poetry, it's all about nature as well, and also some times about men. I suppose I should show someone what I write."

"I do, all the time.But it's always up to you."

Joanna was debating with herself, but handed over her paper to me.

"If you tell a soul, I will hunt you down."

I looked at the poem composed on the paper.

"As I stand by your strong, towering presence, I am protected.

As I walk beside you in the gardens of life, I am happy.

As I dream of you in the lonely nights, I am comforted.

And as I stand beside your soft, gentle frame,

I am aware of the love I feel for you,

And that love shall never die, as long as you are there."

I looked up."What gentlemen has such a beautiful composer on her mind?"

Joanna blushed." He is a gentlemen of high office, like myself."

"That's me gone."I sighed deeply."I've never been of high office.Would it be one of the alpha males?"

Pause."Well, as an alpha female, it would be stupid not to be thinking of any other male, no offence."

"Then, due to your tradition, may I be as so bold to suggest you like Gerard, from the Red Clan?"

I thought she had blushed earlier. This time she turned away, and I stood.

"My lady, I am sorry.It is not my place to pry."

"No, you are right.It's just Gerard is such a high and noble prince, he always seems so, distant."

I moved my chair over, and sat down beside her.

"You truly love him, that much I know. Why do you not say to him your feelings?"

"I, would not know how to, to him."

"Well, if your ability to speak is half as good as your writing ability..." I came to a halt, and Joanna managed a weak laugh.

"That poem isn't to his face."she said, looking at me. I looked at the poem again.

"Would you have me deliver it to him, under your name?"

"No!" she said, in slight panic."What if he laughed, or dismissed it?I couldn't."

"Do you mind if I keep it, my lady?It is such a wondrous work."

This calmed her down, and she nodded."Go ahead, Alduin.I am glad someone appreciates it."

"Many would appreciate it."I said, softly."Your talent is unrivalled."

I got her leave, and went upstairs the bedroom I had been gifted. I spoke into my communicator to the lion and the dragon.

"Simba, how's things over with the prince?"

"Draco's having a good old talk to the prince. He's switched off his mike."

"Well, I've got a very beautiful poem from the princess, explaining her love for the prince. This is not for general exhibition though, so if it's got to go to anyone, it's Gerard."

Draco clicked in at this point.

"What an interesting ten minutes."

"What happened?"

"Gerard was composing a love letter, looks like he spent a good hour on it. I came in, and he threw it in the rubbish bin next to the door. We spoke of some things, but I managed to ask him if he loved Joanna,whilst retrieving the letter."

"Gosh, what did he reply?"

"If was offered heaven or happily married with her, I would stay with her" His exact words." Draco smiled.

"Sounds like he's also the orator." I said, simply,"Now to get them to meet."

"What about a feast for the cease-fire, tomorrow night?"Simba suggested.

I ran down the corridor, and asked Furdinand, who was still awake.

"A feast, to celebrate the truce?"

"And to get the two to meet one another. We have some cunning plans."

"I shall arrange it in the morning. What has Javid said, and Covington?"

"I was just about to speak to him." I said.

Draco came across my line."Javid's keen."

I relayed this to Furdinand, and then went to Covington's room. He, likewise, agreed to the idea, and plans unrolled in our sleep.

It was a beautiful day. Monday, by my reckoning, and the first day of peace between the two clans.After half an hour of talking, Furdinand and Covington came down the stairs together, and spoke to the table, which had a few courtiers, and Joanna.

"We are holding a ball of celebration for the cease-fire tonight, Joanna."

"Why does no one ever tell me these things?Where is it?" Joanna sighed deeply.

"At the garden of Seven moons."

"That's a good half an day's drive." Joanna looked surprised."How do you intend to get there in time?"

"Alduin has a special method of movement, a teleportation device, and he shall teleport us. With your ladies permission, you have been invited."

"Well, as an alpha female, I will have to be there." Joanna replied courteously.

"In that case, I shall inform my clan of the arrangements." Furdinand bowed, and walked out. I finished my breakfast, and likewise left the room, while Covington sat down. I caught up with the wolf, and spoke.

"Well, that's one.Where's the garden?"

"It is roughly between the border between our lands, it is actually an large island surrounded by the river, and some channels run through the island. The place is filled with beautiful flowers, trees, and at one end is an old villa. This place has hosted several parties before."

"I kind of guessed." I nodded, and then activated my mike.

"Hey,Simba, how goes things?"

"Ah, Alduin. Draco's kind of busy, but Javid says the prince will be coming to the ball." the lion's voice was slightly drowned by the beating of rotors.

"That's excellent news, Simba. Do you know the place?"

"I'm following the river right now, I'm still about half an hour from it."

"Yes, I could hear from here." I replied, and relayed the good news to Furdinand.

Thus the morning was filled with orders and counter orders. Draco would teleport the prince at quarter to eight, I would teleport the princess five minutes later. Both representatives of each clan who were aware of the plot would be coming as well. The morning was a series of affirmatives and good news. The food had arrived, the chefs were working on the catering. The gardeners were busy at work, Simba was at the villa, he had placed a scanner at the dock for where the boats were, which in turn was a stone's throw from the main lawn.

You would have thought we had been planning this for weeks, but both commanders and sub commanders had lit a match behind the furry tail of their men. During lunch, Joanna asked the times of the ball, and Furdinand said this.

"The ball starts at eight, and will run til, well, probably tomorrow morning."

"Wolves do enjoy a good party." Joanna smiled at me, and I smiled disarmingly.

"We have an annual ball at Central, most people don't go to sleep until gone four that night."

"And are you a stay late sort of person?" Joanna asked.

"No, my lady. My other job calls for me to start work at seven, I cannot spend so often carousing."

The afternoon was filled with people getting ready for the party. Wolves getting ready for a party inevitably spent a while, so while I was completely ready at three, after a good shower and putting on some reasonably good looking clothes from my kit, Furdinand was the next one out, and he came out at five thirty, even though we had both started at one. He did look good. I had only seen him in army gear, but his dark red tux, matching tie, white shirt and black trousers suited him.

Covington was the next out. His trousers were dark olive, his jacket was blue, and his tie was black, and he looked the part. I heard from Simba that Draco's party were doing the same, and I allowed myself the luxury of wondering how hot Javid would look in a dinner suit. At seven, as the sun began to sink below the horizon, Joanna left her bower, having spent almost six hours getting prepared.

Gerard, you are in for a surprise. Her dress was snow white, it fluttered on the breeze. There was a pause as all three males rearranged their clothes in slight Oh my deity mode. I noticed she was wearing ballet flats, and she held a bouquet of white flowers. A silver tiara sparkled upon her head, and her fur was groomed and elegant. I started wishing I had got into something more formal than my black trousers and silver 'rune' T-shirt. Two lady's maids were behind her, and they were also well dressed, although not as much as her. I had teleported back to Earth briefly to drop off my launcher and pistol, and to get a clean pair of trousers, and I stood there waiting as Joanna made last minute preparations, which went on for half an hour.

At half past eight, I spoke to Simba.

"We're all ready at this end."

"Draco's still waiting on the prince, Gerard's sprucing himself up, apparently.The scanner is all set.You have twenty minutes yet."

I explained that my teleporter was recharging, at that we should be all ready to teleport in twenty minutes. This allowed Joanna further time to worry about her clothing, and the men to leave the room in search of some thing else to do. Seven thirty five, Draco said all was prepared at their end. Saphadin and a page would be attending Gerard, and as the minutes ticked down, we waited in tense fashion.

One minute before Draco was due to teleport, the men all walked out into the courtyard. I heard him speaking.

"Now, if we can all arrange ourselves in a circle. Saphadin, Javid, hold my hand, and so on. Now, brace yourselves, landing might be a little rough with this many people."

"You didn't mention this before now because?" Gerard chuckled.

"Well, I only have the one teleporter, and I was unaware that you were bringing an honour guard."

"That's quite reasonable." Saphadin replied smoothly.

Then Draco spoke.

"Simba, I'm teleporting the party now. Have the arrival space clear."

"It's all clear for you, Draco." Simba replied, and Draco hit the button. As he did, I stood up, and went to the main hall.I found Furdinand and Covington there, discussing. Covington looked up.

"Are we ready?"

"Draco's just teleported the prince. If Covington can fetch her lady, I shall prepare the journey."

Covington nodded, and Furdinand came up to me.

"I hope you are sure of this.What if the teleporter doesn't work?"

"Then I look like a right muggins. But don't worry, Furdinand, you're over stressed about it. Enjoy yourselves, you have a party to go to, and the commander can't have a long face."

Furdinand smiled at my attempts to cheer him up, and Joanna came out of the main room into the large entrance hall. We stood in a circle, and Joanna insisted that she held my hand, slightly worried about this method of travel. Covington took my other hand, and I repeated what Draco had said about landing. This didn't get much of a reception, and then I spoke to Simba.

"Right, the seven fifty from Joanna's hall. Simba?"

"Draco's coaxed the area clear. When you're ready...."

I teleported on his words.

Negotiations and a plan

The wind whistled around me, and I spoke. "Simba, retreat. I am in dive." "Roger, Tin-man." As the altimeter plunged, I aimed at the front building, and saw a speck in the side of the second one behind. A wolf was standing in the door, smoking a...

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Alduin goes to war...and a new planet

One calendar month after the trip to the world of tigers, Draco appeared on a Friday night, while me and Gareth were halfway through tea, and an argument. "What is this supposed to be,Gareth?" I sighed. "It's supposed to be pasta." "Pasta!?"I...

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A weekend in Ata'Kiru, the final part 3

All I'm saying is that it really hurt, and really got people off. As I gazed upon this little addition, I reminded myself to tell Time about him, and Gareth, and Alecto, hell, why not everyone? I stripped down, and Takori looked at me in all my naked...

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