Greetings song, naka, kiwi, black and the rest of the nomadic colony, i have news."
"um, how is it that you are communicating with us?
Adventure, Akita, Avian, Beagle, Caldera, Canyon, Chakat, Death, Disappearance, Discovery, Fennec, Fursuit, Great Outdoors, Grief, Groundhog, Hedgehog, Humans, Kiosk, Long, Maned Wolf, Miniture Horse, Monkey, Mystery, Plateau, Prejudice, Rock formation, Serial, Skunks, Slime, Voyeurism, Wombat, binturong, creature, eulogy, flashback, hills, lake, merging, migration, sentinel, terror, volcano
It started moving toward the glacier where the nomadic colony had been hiding.
"everyone take cover! it is coming this way!" song shouted as the group was enveloped in the fat yellow beam of light.
Aardvarks, Adventure, Akita, Artificial Beastial, Capture, Chakat, Crestfallen, Entrapment, Fursuit, Groundhog, Hedgehog, Horse, Humans, KLIS, Maned Wolf, Monkey, Nomadic Colony, Out Sourcing, Plot Development, Plot Progression, Redemption, Regret, Revenge, Self Doubt, Settlement, Skunk, Slime, UFO, Wombat, deception, glacier, hide and seek, insecurity, oasis, triceratops
Miraculously one by one the members of the nomadic colony emerged on to the other side. drenched but alive.
"anyone want to tell me why we were in such a hurry?" nikka asked.
"that is because we are being followed."
Adventure, Akita, Assassin, Badger, Bathing, Beagle, Cervine, Chakat, Embarrassing Wounds, Fear, Fursuit, Groundhog, Hedgehog, Horse, Humans, Island, Journeys End, Long, Manedwolf, Meerkat, Mongoose, Monkey, Mystery, Nudity, River, Skunk, Skunked, Slashed Buttocks, Slime, Stupid Mistake, Trap, Voyeurism, ambushed, creatures, danger, flashbacks, hunted, injuries, killings, migration, mountains, terror, travel, valley, wilderness
Day's remains, the away team made contact with the nomadic colony. it turned out that they had been suspicious of the mole that had recently joined their group.
Akita, Attempted Abduction, Badger, Bear, Caprine, Chakat, Epidemic, Fear, Fursuit, Groundhog, Horse, Humans, Hybrids, Lioness, Maned Wolf, Mole, Nudity, Plot Development, Plot Progression, Prototypes, Relationships, Skunk, Slime, UFO, Wombat, dining, panic, rescue
#72 of counter earth chronicles: fallen empire
last chapter:
alex was actually allowed to accompany lady ursa, lady barq, russell and addy on a away mission to the nomadic colony to treat those who were suffering from the itching epidemic.
Akita, Ambush, Badger, Bear, Call Of Nature, Chakat, Communal Bathing, Cuddling, Dalmations, Deaths, Deseration, Fingering, Foreplay, Gecko, Genitalia Worship, Gorillas, Hideout, Horse, Hugging, Humans, Kissing, Lioness, Lizard, Long, Male/Female, Maned Wolf, Mole, Mutual Orgasms, Nudity, Plot Progression, Prototypes, Serial, Skunk, Slaughter, Slime, Turtle, Vampire bat, monsters, new character, rebels, rescue, roar, sucking
"no you two i just have a lot on my mind... our colony, the nomadic colony, kala and her vigilantes and the other two cities we didn't help."
"you are wondering if we should go there?" the lioness asked.
Avain, Badger, Bear, Centaur, Character Development, Crocodile, Dalmatians, Debriefing, Deer, Dragon, Exhibitionism, Gecko, Gorillas, Groping, Humans, Humorous, Hybrid, Kissing, Lioness, Lizard, M/F, Mass erections, Mongoose, Penguin, Plot Development, Pouncing, Prototypes, Rabbit, Rhino, Turtle, Vampire bat, Warthog, Werewolf, Yeti, capybara, homecoming, marble fox, public sex, triad, zonkey
Shira of world six, song from the nomadic colony, haem from the monster colony and masha of the vigilantes welcome."
i scanned the crowd looking for the sabre-tooth tiger, the chakat, the mother pitbull and the octopus monster.
Acceptance Speech, Akita, Badger, Bat, Butt Massage, Caprine, Chado, Chakat, Cheetah, Coronation, Crocodile, Dalmatians, Donkey, Dragon, Gorillas, Groundhog, Horse, Humans, King Dragon The First, Lioness, Long, Maned Wolf, Massage, Massage parlor, Meeting With Friends, Mountain Reedbuck, Naga, Negotiations, Nudity, Penguin, Pitbull, Rabbit, Red deer, Rhino, Sabertooth tiger, Serial, Skunk, The Greatest Of Adventures, Thrown Out A Window, Yeti, caracal, ceremony, creatures, monsters, scorpion, spring hare, triad
It was revealing in a way, when anyone spoke of his father in his household or in the one of the nomad colonies it was always of reverence. the boyarson found it hard to believe that his father used to be a pup like he was.
Bear, Desperate Author, M/F, Otter, Rabbit, Sci-Fi, Tiger, Violence, War, Wolf
At the infirmary shakara and myself received additional staffing lily blossom- who was the nomadic colony's original healer, penny penguin our new boss, and nezera from kala's vigilantes.
Akita, Announcement, Bushbuck, Caprine, Centaur, Chado, Chakat, Crocodile, Dragon, Group Sex, Hedgehog, Humans, Humorous, Kidnapped, Lioness, Long, Meat Suit, Mission, Monkey, Monster, Naga, Penguin, Pitbull, Sabretooth Tiger, Skunk, Stung, Threesome, Vampire bat, Village, Voyeurism, WASPS, Yeti, captured, diplomacy, funny, presentation, question and answer, raid, rescue
During the same time their friends in the nomadic colony (far to the west of world three) were being hunted by the klis. meanwhile kala and her vigilantes were facing increasingly stronger enemies trying to defend their territory (in world two).
Amphibian, Another world, Chasm, Fennec, Humans, Major Plot Development, Major Plot Progression, Mongoose, Obelisks, Space Bridge, Star Gate, Vehicle repair, analysis, mesa, monsters, outer space, planet, prototype, road trip, sentinel, spring hare, transported, vomiting
The former leader of the nomadic colony asked.
the assassin turned to stare at a short walking tree like creature who flailed its limbs and shook its head trying desperately not to enrage the akita.
"it's not." he replied.
Abduction, Akita, Aliens, Automated Assistant, Bat, Bears, Bedtime story, Bridge, Canyon, Caught-In-The-Act, Centaur, Chado, Chakat, Communal Bathing, Continuing Adventures, Dalmatians, Desperation, Dragon, Fire Lizard, Goat, Groundhog, Hideout, Husky, Hypnosis, Jackal, Kiosk, Knotted, Male/Female, Maned Wolf, Meerkat, Mini series, Monkey, Naga, Nudity, Panda, Pitbulls, Pony, Sabertooth tiger, Sand Folk, Secret sex, Sexual Massage, Skunk, Story Series, The Unexplained, Thunderstorm, Tied, Very Very Long, Wolverine, caracal, intimacy, leakage, monsters, orgasms, prototype, spaceship, spring hare, swearing, the unknown, valley
#70 of counter earth chronicles: fallen empire
last chapter:
the away mission in world three was not going well because the search teams were not having luck finding the nomadic colony.
Advertisement, Bear, Centaur, Discovery, Examination, Fennec, Horse, Humans, Humorous, Hybrid, Infiltration, Lioness, Long, Mountain Reedbuck, Nudity, Penguin, Plot Development, Plot Progression, Porcupine, Quarantine, Relationships, Rhino, Sergal, Slime, Treatment, harassment, injury, outbreak, prototype, referee, research, sparring