Janja And Jasiri - The Return Of The Tradition
"jasiri? what do you have?" karima asks with concern. jasiri sighs. "i don't know what i can do to make myself stinky for janja." karima approaches jasiri with her traditional walk to calm her down. "jasiri, my friend. don't worry.
The Lion Guard: A Big Discovery
jasiri giggled. "oh! i see." fuli said, amused. jasiri gazed around. "so, where's kion?" "with simba and his family, we got the day off today." fuli explained. "lucky you, guess it's just us girls today." jasiri declared. "guess so.
Gender Swapped Spots
_ _somewhat,_ jasiri sighed. _is it always this exhausting?_ _mostly,_ luna agreed, nuzzling the top of jasiri's head.
Unending Love: Journey To The Pride Lands - S1E15
jasiri: \*confused\* kion. what did janja say to you? kion: he's been nervous about something. jasiri: oh. \*worried\* i'll talk to him later. kion: ok, jasiri. jasiri: kion.
Pride and Pregnancy
jasiri still has more to give **me**!"
The New Breed
The woman, a middle aged leopard who jasiri recognised as one of his mother's co-workers, moaned happily as jasiri leaned in towards her.
Alphabet Challenge 2018 - W is for Worship
#23 of alphabet challenge 2018 kaz loves jasiri, but they love jasiri's body every bit as much, and aren't afraid of showing it whenever they're given the chance. this story was written for jasiri as part of my 2018 alphabet challenge.
I was getting tired of hearing jasiri praise kion. i like him. seriously. but i can't stand jasiri to give him more caring than me. we got up early again and arrived at the tree of life that morning. jasiri was happy to see kion.
Stuck between Kion and a Hard place
jasiri! i'm begging you!" jasiri let out a sigh. "alright, we'll try again. but if it doesn't work i'm getting help." "it won't come to that, but thanks jasiri." reaching down to the cubs tail jasiri gripped the tail a bit further down.
The Liger's Happy Days: Day 3
jasiri said with a smile, and after a while, they made it back to his home. "this is a nice place you have here." jasiri told him looking at the cave. "thanks, it's not much but it's home." onmy? told her. "jasiri! where are you!"
The Ligers happy days: Day 4
Razzle said as she slid by him causing jasiri to glare at her. " come on bucky, jasiri, waiting on you." jarjar exclaimed. " don't you mean dazzle?" fifle exclaimed with a giggle, jasiri just rolled her eyes and followed her brothers and sister.
Alphabet Challenge 2018 - H is for Harem
#8 of alphabet challenge 2018 two new ladies eagerly arrive to join jasiri's harem, and receive their induction as only the studly cheetah himself can provide. ^^ this story was written for jasiri as part of my 2018 alphabet challenge.