Jockstraps and Hardons
The dingo stretched his jockstrap right over the kangaroo's face. crotch first right over russell's nose. the kangaroo nearly fainted from the musky scent. for russell, it was like smelling the balls of god.
The Jockstrap Twins
Ray's muzzle was forced off of evan's cock and out of the jockstrap, and ray whined pathetically as evan stripped himself of his jockstrap hurriedly.
JOABWB: The Jockstrap
Journal of a brief wearing bunny part 8 the jockstrap "kids, could you bring your dirty clothes to the laundry room please?" dylan's ears perked up as he heard his mom calling.
Pumped: Jockstraps Optional
_This was a magazine I put together a long time ago based on the theme of gyms and muscles and big buff dudes. It was printed through Alleycat Books and sold for approximately 5 seconds before it fell off the face of the planet. Louie Furrywolfy did...
Jockstraps: Engaging Eli
The name 'cloud' was drawn across the elastic of the jockstrap. _cloud__...
Jacked Up Jockstraps
"jacked up jockstraps will help you go biiihhuuuuunnngghhh..."
Jockstraps: Getting Gauymore
He found the thick, meaty rod of peter's cock, revealed through his jockstrap and happily pressed his sole against it.
Jockstraps: Colton Corrupted
He was already thrusting wildly into cameron's groin, his cock yearning feel that hot, leathery jockstrap against its sensitive flesh.
Jockstraps: Claiming Cameron
Eli was leaking like a faucet, his precum coating liam's fabric-covered jockstrap.
Jocks, Jockstraps and Jock Sniffers
Zech was the first one to approach him: rivard didn't budge an inch as the towering coywolf lifted his foot and pressed the pads of his toes into the jockstrap on the otter's muzzle.
Jockstraps: Let Liam Loose
And jockstraps :3 enjoy! # the perfect pair **jockstraps: let liam loose** ** ** job interviews were _always_ stressful.
Shopping Trip
The jockstrap remained in front of his beak, and as art panted he laid his head back. that was when he felt the jockstrap ride up his feathers, the cloth wiping some of the cloth off.