"so what duties does a klis liaison perform?"
"i calm down the terrified until the klis can make them passive." ember said as he started scrubbing the dirt from clay's shoulders and chest.
"sounds like a difficult vocation."
"it can be.
Aardvarks, Adventure Series, Alien Abduction, Aliens, Bisons, Confinement, Dalmatian, Demon, Devoured, Dinosaur, Doberman, Entity, Feline, Grays, Humans, Hyena, Kobold, Long, Mastiff, Meeting, Mini-series, Monster, Nudity, Others, Otter, Plot Development, Possession, Rottweiler, Skunk, Story Series, Walrus, Wrong catch, attack, conspiracy, decapitation, fundoshi, message, news report, nexus, nightmare, regrets, revelation, undressing
"sir ram and mara's loss is a major blow; he was the leading mind trying to figure out how to stop the klis threat."
**\*now he is with the klis.\*** the automated assistant volunteered.
"and more than likely everything he knows...."
Aardvarks, Adventure Series, Akita, Alien Abduction, Armadillos, Bears, Canid, Cat, Chakat, Confinement, Counseling, Dawn Horse, Debriefing, Deerfeeder, Eagle, Ewe, Faux Human, Fire Lizard, Ghost hunters, Hedgehog, Humans, Maned Wolf, Meeting, Mind Control Device, Monkey, Monster, Museum, Mysterious Lights, Naga, Otter, Rabbit, Reunion, Serial, Stockholm syndrome, Story Series, Therapy, Time Hunters, Triceraton Rebellion, harpy, news report, proposal, road trip, secret, theory
"and spend the rest of your existence as the klis' personal lab experiment? i think not!" russell said to the she skunk.
"schwee!!" a blue slime next to them said in agreement.
"besides you have to live for your sister nikko.
Aardvarks, Adventure, Akita, Artificial Beastial, Capture, Chakat, Crestfallen, Entrapment, Fursuit, Groundhog, Hedgehog, Horse, Humans, KLIS, Maned Wolf, Monkey, Nomadic Colony, Out Sourcing, Plot Development, Plot Progression, Redemption, Regret, Revenge, Self Doubt, Settlement, Skunk, Slime, UFO, Wombat, deception, glacier, hide and seek, insecurity, oasis, triceratops
Meanwhile, cody, arthur, minka and primrose narrowly escaped a klis harvesting while visiting the world three technology museum.
Adventure Series, Akita, Alternate Reality, Away Team, Bat, Bears, Bizarre Star, Cat, Chakat, Chipmunk, Colonia, Dall Sheep, Deerfeeder, Demon, Disguises, Exploration, Faux Human, Flower shop, Ghost hunters, Hanky Panky, Hedgehog, Howling, Humans, Jackal, Kissing, Knight Command, Licking, M/F, Maned Wolf, Massage, Mind Control Device, Monkey, Monument, Museum, Mysterious Lights, Open Case, Orgasm, Rabbit, Reunion, Scalie, Serial, Stockholm syndrome, Story Series, Throwbacks, Tied, Tigress, Time Hunters, Treefolk, Vampire, Village, Wolves, afterglow, cafe, cameo, embracing, greetings, orangutan, paralysis, resignation, revelation
But the klis scientist had succeeded.
Adventure Series, Aliens, Badger, Bear, Bound, Censured, Chakat, Chipmunk, Counseling, Coyote, Dark, Dawn Horse, Death, Debriefing, Deerfeeder, Demon, Desert, Desolation, Destruction, Domestic cats, Drag Me To Hell, Dragons, Eagle, Electrocuted, Endgame, Ewe, Forest, Goat, Humans, Just Desserts, Lab Animals, Maned Wolf, Marsh folk, Memorials, Monster, Naga, Penguin, Pit Bull, Ram, Revenge, Rhino, Ritual, Sabertooth tiger, Satyr, Savages, Science Experiments, Serial, Stone Folk, Story Series, Therapy, Torture, Vengeance, Wolves, alarm, cameo, caracal, carnage, conversation, harpy, imprisonment, interrogation, laser, leech, movie, prototype, ruin, spaceship, war zone
"the debt i owed, well the klis came to collect; i dreamt that i was in that small circular orange room, strapped to that table aboard their spacecraft."
"um cousin..." ember tried to interrupt.
Aardvarks, Abduction, Adventure Series, Aliens, Assault, Attack Beast, Bathing, Battle, Bear, Canine, Chance Encounter, Crumbling, Dark, Deerfeeder, Desperation, Dire Situation, Dissection, Going Ape Shit, Hiding, Humans, Long, Maned Wolf, Monster, Rage, Rebellion, Savages, Serial, Skin-walkers, Story Series, ambushed, cameo, interrogation, leech, prototype, rampage, sentinel, venting
The skunk-woman pushed past her friend to 'round the corner again and this time klis let her pass. when 'tasha rounded back onto the street from whence they'd come, however, she couldn't spot damon.
Cat, Collie, Cougar, Dog, Endbringer, Fox, Otter, Plot Development, Puma, Skunk, Story, Story Progression, Story Series, Wolf
"and now as a result of this klis attack the empire is forced to acknowledge that the klis abduction phenomenon is real as is the backlash they are receiving from the populace who had complained all along that something was going on but had felt ignored."
Aardvark, Adventure Series, Aliens, Alternate Counter Earths, Bear, Birth, Chakat, Communal Bathing, Debriefing, Dragons, Florist Shop, Humans, Koala, Maned Wolf, Ostrich, Plot Progression, Rhino, Savages Meeting, Sibling Rulers, Story Series, Vampire bat, Virtual Space, Witch Doctors, captured, catsuit, interrogation, multiple stories, news report, orphan, prisoners, research, scientist
_"reports are still coming in but sir ram and the majority of knight command were in the castle at the time and now are... part of the klis beastial research project whatever that is.
Abductions, Adventure Series, Alien invasion, Ambush, Badger, Bear, Bull, Canine, Chado, Chakat, Collateral Damage, Couple, Coyote, Dragon, Emergency Broadcast, Encounter, Erection, Finger Puzzle, Fondling, Haboob, Humans, Improvised sex toy, Lioness, Long, Luncheon, Maned Wolf, Masturbation, Observation, Ogre, Partial Beastial, Penguin, Plot Progression, Rabbit, Raccoons, Rhino, Savages, Speakeasy, Story Series, Surrounded, Teasing, Tied, UFO's, Vampire bat, caracal, leech, orphan, prototype, resistance, slaves, target practice
The others knew i was abducted by the klis, but not that you healed me."
"fair enough, i won't talk about it either."
Aardvarks, Adventures Series, Aliens, Buffalo Calves, Epic Adventure, Humans, Hyena, Island Adventure, Islands, Membership Drive, Orientation, Plot Development, Prejudice, Reunion, Serval, Skunk, Staff Meeting, Story Series, Totally Screwed, Weekend Retreat, captured, cruise, intervention, serial killer
I am relieved that they are still alive but indentured to the klis?"
"actually just to one of them little cutie. that klis female.
Aardvarks, Abduction, Alien, Bad Touch, Centaurs, Cuddling, Dissection, Epiphany, Everything Has Changed, Examination, Fear, Hugging, Humans, Husky, Kissing, Lioness, M/F, Massage, Mongoose, Nudity, Pending Rape, Shock, Side Quest, Snuggling, UFO, Very Long, Violated, awe, creepy, crying, experimentation, fundoshi, imprisonment, panic, realization, swearing, terror, triceraton
It is the klis!"
"who are the klis?" gabby asked morning.
"they are what you would call biologists who intensely study things for their own benefit."
"are they grey with black eyes, small noses and mouths?" i asked.
Adventure Series, Aliens, Bear, Bull, Coyote, Curfew, Curmudgeon, Dragon, Epic Adventure, HISTORIC REVEAL #8, Humans, Humor, Long, Plot Development, Space craft, Story Series, The Unexplained, X-files Reference, country, first contact, panic attack