An Ode to SoFurry...

Our style safe from their fury, and so i sit and look at it; that "it" is called sofurry.

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The Fall of SoFurry?

\*ahem\* sofurry, at times, is quite a nice place, but no matter what i do i can't efface, the fact that the people that once made it grand are the ones who are leaving us out of their plans.

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Am I the only one who DOESNT like furaffinity?

I know i'm going to get people saying the sofurry is worse than furaffinity, and that furaffinity is the best, but does anyone feel the same way as i do?



[]( one of sf's best writers in in a tough spot, so if you feel like helping out click the link to her emergency commision.

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sofurry so far

dear notebook, I have had so much fun here within the time i have been here and i hope to meet more nice and new people. It's great here for my first time on a furry site a friend of mine in real life is on here as well so thats great as well. Though...


sofurry's change(poem)

Today today make this headache go away, for there is this chang in sofurry. they brought the sycthe with the knife and sawed off everything nice.

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Public RP chatroom suggesti

The Temple Ruins Desc: A Series of temples hidden within a clearing in the Jungle, standing still in time since the day the final stone of their construction, an Energy can be felt around these temples, Mysteriously hindering any advanced technologies...

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Sofurry presents locked and loaded Ep.1

Intro: "rock music" London 79: Tonight,Travis Retriever goes one one with Feaowx. dude 66: And the rookie sensation Billy Young faces off against Importer Stann. London 79: Plus,Terry Dane goes up against Bad Don all of that and more tonight on...

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SoFurry House Party 2013: An Outside Chance

"the sofurry house party 2013: the premier event for..." someone will be swinging off the end of that sign before the night is through, he concluded. still, there were worse ways to swing.

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forbidden love

My love, who was my futer you made me feel safe, and kept me out of harms way. You knew when to attack, protect, defend me, you were my extacy,my passion, ... my love. And they took you from me. You were always there to fall back on when I needed...

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Updating My SoFurry Account

Nearly nine years ago i joined sofurry and, while my main haunt is now furaffinity, sofurry still feels like a home away from home i guess. i can't promise how up to date i'll be able to keep sofurry, but i'll make an effort.

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The Ongoing Tale of Otterbear Inc. Chapter 4

As always, the evidence for this true story is all on the sofurry server: back in zion i made the area around my cave nice. i made a wheat farm (this was difficult as the water kept turning to ice) and planted trees.

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