Sell Out Mom
He closed his eyes enjoying the feeling of a nice young rabbit muzzle around his tip panting softly.
Stalking The Kitten
Stalking the Kitten By Dracofiend (Kakiro) He talked his prey through the city following the little white kitten from the park to her home. She was an adorable little child, he guessed around five or six years old. She loved to play in the park,...
Chapter 1. A Night to Remember
For how young ethan was, thomas was quite impressed by his growth. ethan had a larger penis for his age, and his chest and stomach were lean with no forms of fat whatsoever.
Bite of spite
(Disclaimer this is a work of fiction acts portrayed in this story are not real and if done in real life are likely to be illegal and dangerous do not try this at home.) Reason for this quick story I have recently gotten some emails that I call nasty...
The Run
I shiver. Not from the temperature. It is cool in the room, but not cold. I usually like it that way. My fur keeps me warm. If all the water hadn't been taken out of the pure oxygen I'd probably be sweating. They do that so there won't be any frost....
Pokephilia Pokedex Entry #108: Lickitung
While her parents were hard at work with the other pokemon, she was left in the nursery, with the young pokemon.
Timothy and Ginger, Ch. 5: Seven, Plus Two Weeks
Neither of us knew it, but we were both well on our way to developing a fetish for peeing, despite our young ages.
Timothy and Ginger, Ch.1: Origins, Age Six
(This was a scenario that went from being thought about to having seven chapters completed within two weeks. While there are plenty of ways to continue, my muse seems to have wandered away for the time being. So, here's the first set of stories...
A New Home
Joshua looks at the girls, noticing many of them are young, some as young as he is. he notices one little girl in a servants gown walking around with a tray of wine for the ladies she serves.
Jade places her parted lips over the young girls vagina slipping her tongue out and gently running it along the folds of the girls flesh. she starts sucking as she pushes her tongue into the folds of skin looking for the child's hole.
Loving Hands
Didn't you hear me the first time young lady?" trembling with utter mortification, vanth slowly turned to face her mother standing in the doorway of her bedroom. "" "no, it has to be now.
Snow White sequel
_ **English is my third language, please correct me if I am using Chinese-style English. Please feel free to comment ^\_^** _ **Snow White sequel** **"I love you more than anything else in the world. Come with me to my castle. You shall become my...