Perilous Jaunt Chapter 22

esme admitted. "i mean, why shouldn't you kiss a friend?

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Perilous Jaunt chapter 16

I asked esme, once madyson faded away into the green forest.

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Perilous Jaunt Chapter 8

Dante decided to go hunting for dinner, since esme had gotten us breakfast earlier that morning. he tied my hands to a tree and set out to look for food, leaving me under esme's watchful eye.


Perilous Jaunt Chapter 7

esme pondered behind me before laughing.

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Perilous Jaunt Chapter 24

"you said," esme recalled with a smile, "'i want you to have it, esme.

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Perilous Jaunt Chapter 12

esme asked. dante lowered the paper and turned his head to hopelessly stare at esme.

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Perilous Jaunt Chapter 26

Do you think esme would want us to die, too?"

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Perilous Jaunt Chapter 20

I said, looking over at esme and hoping she would tell me.

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Perilous Jaunt Chapter 9

esme had never harmed him. in fact, he had never even met esme until the other day.

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Perilous Jaunt Chapter 10

esme interrupted. "soldiers have wives and children, just like kings do.


Perilous Jaunt Chapter 19

esme said and finally looked up at me.
