\*\*\* Author's notes! Please read! This is a NON CANNON fan fic to develop the character of a good friend of mine [![avatar?user=319557&character=0&clevel=2](https://www.sofurryfiles.com/std/avatar?user=319557&character=0&clevel=2) Reii the...
\*\*\*Before you read! This story was written by my friend :iconDrake Shadowmane:, based off of a RP me and :iconPrincess Twilight: Sparkle: had done one night. So in saying that I did not write this! Drake took the RP and nicely turned into a short...
# [Chapter 6.3](https://www.fimfiction.net/story/476774/24/clown-mare/chapter-63)
Several years ago.
"Are you sure we should hurt her? I mean she is a pegasus after all."
The mystery unicorn smiled, "Oh come on Moonshine we have to do this otherwise...
# [Chapter 6.2](https://www.fimfiction.net/story/476774/23/clown-mare/chapter-62)
Spiras took a sip of the coffee. He felt that nice warmth of a taste in that coffee, nice, and hot. The cream was a bit on his tongue when both of his eyes shut. He had...
# [Chapter 6.1](https://www.fimfiction.net/story/476774/22/clown-mare/chapter-61)
Two o'clock in the morning.
Spiras Cross walked down in the basement as the stepped made a soft creek.
"Sighs this is not the best of my works. Rumor has it that this...
# [Chapter 6](https://www.fimfiction.net/story/476774/21/clown-mare/chapter-6)
You saw the horizon in a cave while it was dark there. When you put all the prisoners in the new cage with your magic. A pony came up to look for something that wanted with...
# [Chapter 5.3](https://www.fimfiction.net/story/476774/20/clown-mare/chapter-53)
"What should I do with my slaves dear?"
Dragonfly squinted both of her eyes making that slight tone of her giggle with that weird smirk on her face of having her teeth...
# [Chapter 5.2](https://www.fimfiction.net/story/476774/19/clown-mare/chapter-52)
Dragonfly nibbled on Veilios left wing.
"Oh Dragonfly, that is my sensitive spot." She shut both of her eyes tight and took a deep breath. Her heart began to race with...
# [Chapter 5.1](https://www.fimfiction.net/story/476774/18/clown-mare/chapter-51)
"I was captured on that very same day with Rane Shackleton because I too made an oops. When I was on the cloud, I saw Rane flying in that heavy storm. So, I flew down...
# [Chapter 5](https://www.fimfiction.net/story/476774/17/clown-mare/chapter-5)
"Gasp." He then itches both of his eyes with his right hoof. Both of his eyes had been blurry for a moment when he lifted his small glass specs and put them on.
# [Chapter 4.3](https://www.fimfiction.net/story/476774/16/clown-mare/chapter-43)
Eight o'clock in the morning.
Prince Blue Dream and Rane walked to the diner room. They both sat next to each other. Had their fill and Rane went to do her work around...
# [Chapter 4.2](https://www.fimfiction.net/story/476774/15/clown-mare/chapter-42)
"The rock of the cliff was nearly twice the size of a griffon. However, It was coming straight towards me. After that I shut my eyes and then I was nearly at the...