Chapter Two

To'roc blinked slowly as he woke. The bright sunlight crept in the window like an unwanted intruder. Unhappy to be dragged from blissful dreams, the jruu groaned softly and opened his eyes wider to look up at the small window. A thin hide had been...

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Chapter Five

Before Taiyra opened her eyes, she knew the cave was empty. Sleep melted away like frost in the gaze of the sun and she stretched herself out with a yawn. After a moment to gather herself, the doe sat up and turned her head to look at the place where...

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Chapter Four

"Are you sure we're going the right way?" Kai asked impatiently. The brun turned his gaze to the wood elf. "Tell your fleshie that if he opens his mouth again, I will rip out his tongue and feed it to my hyolf. For the third and final time, yes. I am...

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Chapter One

The golden eagle's cry echoed across the barren land. Watchful golden eyes scanned the soil, seeking any signs of life, but observing only the evidence of past carnage and the discarded casualties of war. Bones, long scattered and picked clean, lay...

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Chapter Seven

Soft clouds drifted lazily across the sky, their shadows playfully chasing each other through the grassland below. The light of the first sun splashed brilliant colors across the canvas of fading night. The young druid's eyes saw none of the morning's...

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Chapter Eight

Matna woke with a gasp, pursued by her nightmares. Frantically, she clawed at the air until the images melted away. If she expected comfort, she found none as she looked around the unfamiliar room. Except for the mattress she was laying on and a messy...

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Mourning The Sun

It is a bit of an introduction to the world and the wolfcaller chronicles collection. the tarous are a peaceful and gentle race who unfortunately share their land with some not so gentle or peaceful neighbors.

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Chapter Two

#3 of uprising chapter 2 of uprising: the wolfcaller chronicles tired eyes looked up into a star strewn sky, but found no comfort in the twinkling of far away suns.

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Chapter One

#2 of uprising chapter 1 of uprising: volume one of the wolfcaller chronicles the clash of sword to shield was music to the old bull's ears.

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Chapter 4

#5 of uprising chapter 4 of uprising: book one of the wolfcaller chronicles the sun was merciless, glaring down and making the very air seem to boil.

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