Phoenix Coven - Chapter 38
Chapter 38 Black Orchid and Beechwood Soaps _Egad's Villa_ _7:00 AM_ Tommy and Zhal walked into the room Bishop and Gareth were in, after hearing their ruckus earlier at 3:00 in the morning. When they walked in, they saw the two asleep in a very...
Phoenix Coven - Chapter 37
Chapter 37 Eternal Bond Rekindled and Healed _3:00 AM_ Gareth opened his eyes slowly, still in a daze as he looks around a bit. He was in a room, on a comfortable bed with sheets that felt luxurious and smooth against his scales, covering him from...
Phoenix Coven - Chapter 36
Chapter 36 Tears and Pain _Inside the Villa..._ _One Hour After the Hunters' attack..._ Bishop knelt at Gareth's side as he lay in the bed, his partner's WarGreymon helmet on the nightstand, Gareth's burns treated with burn ointment. The Sephartian...
Phoenix Coven - Chapter 35
Chapter 35 Draconic Bloodbath Once Bishop let out his roar, everyone stopped and looked up at the patio, even the hunters. Mick looked at Bishop, seeing his eyes glazed over with pure white! Not only that, but smoke was starting to come out of his...
Phoenix Coven - Chapter 34
Chapter 34 Wrath and Tragedy _Shadewoods Manor_ _8:15 PM_ Victor Lincel rode his Indian Chieftain 5000 motorcycle down the winding, forested private road, ending up at the gates to Shadewoods Manor. Already, he was getting the vibe that something...
Phoenix Coven - Chapter 41
Chapter 41 Hunter-Killers _Farmer's Market Square_ _Outskirts of Moon City_ _7:45 AM Local Time - The Next Day..._ Mick pulled the Audi up into a parking space near the farmer's market with Uniko and Zarch in the car as well. Both Zarch and Uniko...
Phoenix Coven - Chapter 44
Chapter 44 Corporate Get-Together After Tommy, Gareth, and Bishop were welcomed into the coven, everyone was relaxing, settling down after a quick dinner that Zarch, his sons, and Uniko put together. Master Egad, Galen, Uniko, and Zhal, along with...
Phoenix Coven - Chapter 43
Chapter 43 The Jaren's Choice Mick looked around at the tribal dinosaurs that were rubbing and licking him, Xen, and Jet who had also awakened. Mick then looked at Reggie, who he recognized on the spot. "...Reginald?" Mick asked after a long...
Phoenix Coven - Chapter 42
Chapter 42 Tribal Worship _That Evening, back at the Villa..._ Mick looked over both Silva and Eli with a vigilant eye as they were secured to the beds in the room by Amon, Galen, and Zarch. They both had harnesses around their chests that secured...
Phoenix Coven - Chapter 47
Chapter 47 Submission and Freedom - Part I _Egad's Villa - Loft_ _One Hour Later..._ The coven was gathered in the loft, all disrobing from their party attire as Amon and Zarch finished up the bonding devices that would be used for the initiations...
Phoenix Coven - Chapter 45
Chapter 45 Aggressive Negotiations Mick, dressed in a skimpy variant of a business suit to blend in with his uncle's entourage, watched from his Audi as Egad and company walked down the carpet between the media barricades, cameras flashing and...
Phoenix Coven - Chapter 46
Chapter 46 Exit, Stage Right! Bishop and Gareth's hand cannons let loose two blasts of concentrated plasma, striking their targets! Bruce was hit in the arm and Eric in the shoulder, the heat from the blast burning through their clothes, heavily...