Skyfall Chapter 4

       We went back to a room in the medical wing that reminded me of the place I first woke up in, cold and sterile. It was a small room with a bed covered in white tissue, and some cabinets on the wall. Misha told me to sit on the bed.   I watched...

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Skyfall Chapter 3

         I hadn't seen Misha much since the tour. Most days I ended up sitting in my room waiting for the next day to arrive. I would have been bored if I did not have endless information to search through in my head. I was becoming frustrated with...

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Skyfall Chapter 2

Chapter 2   A few weeks passed and I dozed in and out of consciousness. Misha came to clean and dress my wounds daily as well as feed me. Simple tasks like drinking water like a human were awkward for me, but eventually I was able to manage them. I...

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Skyfall Chapter 1

Chapter 1 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DATE: UNKNOWN TIME: UNKNOWN LOCATION: UNKNOWN   I am rocketing through space at a speed so fast all I see is a white blur. My small craft will be running out of fuel soon, and its hazard lights are...

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