Changes Chapter 6

This story continues directly after chapter 5 ends. I really should have made it all one chapter, but I didn't. This one was fun to write. As always, if you like my work, please comment! Leave me feedback. I love to hear from people who enjoy reading...

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The White Robe Chapter 21

The house was quiet when Corbett opened the door and walked in. He was used to coming home late and having his wife already in bed asleep when he got home. He specifically called and asked for her to wait up for him this evening, though, so the eerie...

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The White Robe Chapter 20

Caitlin laid on the bunk and found herself once again staring at the concrete ceiling of the cell. There wasn't much else to look at and she didn't want to take herself to the window and see that pole in that courtyard any more. Every time she looked...

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The White Robe Chapter 19

CHAPTER 19 By the time Corbett left the tenement, the sun was going down. Preparations had been made, and plans had been set in motion, and now all he had to do was pull them all off without Lewis and his goons finding out about them. He pulled his...

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The White Robe Chapter 18

CHAPTER 18 The afternoon sun shone through the window in Caitlin's cell, casting long, barred shadows along the floor. She lay on her bunk and looked up at the rough-textured ceiling, thinking back to the night at Amanda's and trying even harder to...

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The White Robe Chapter 17

CHAPTER 17 Corbett didn't return to the station right away after his visit at the Kincaid's. The pictures in the house and the way they felt made him realize that he couldn't live with himself if he didn't try to do something. Even though he knew that...

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The White Robe Chapter 16

CHAPTER 16 Caitlin sat in the same spot in the yard while the other girls spent their yard time in motion around her. She didn't feel like moving at all, even after being locked in the small cell for the last two days. She watched as some of them...

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The White Robe Chapter 15

CHAPTER 15 Corbett sat back at his desk with his cup of coffee in his hands while he finished his reports for the case. Little by little, he worked the story that he was supposed to tell into the reports, painting a picture of a young teenage girl who...

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The White Robe Chapter 14

CHAPTER 14 Caitlin stood at her cell window and looked out over the courtyard. She hadn't moved from that spot since the firing squad had done their duty and executed the girl in the white robe. As she looked down at the courtyard now, she could still...

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The White Robe Chapter 13

Chapters 1-4 can be found in Part 1 - Caught Chapters 5-6 can be found in Part 2 - Accused Chapters 7-12 can be found in Part 3 - Investigation CHAPTER 13 Corbett sat at his desk in the squad room, going over the notes that he'd made on his tablet...

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The White Robe part 3 - Investigation

The White Robe Part 3 - Investigation By BlindTiger The night was cold and the sheets and blankets in the cell were not thick or warm. Adequate was a term that could have been used on any warmer night, but this evening was not one of those nights....

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The White Robe Chapter 26

Corbett stood up from the chair and stretched, surveying the room that he'd just spent the last six hours in. Two pizza boxes and an empty soda bottle rested on a folding table off to the side with a small stack of paper plates on the edge. Two...

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