Jeremy 057; Tidbits And Morsels

The next day Jeremy prepared for work while reviewing the movements of the four police officers. Each had spent the entire night patrolling the park. They were now presumably back home sleeping off the night's activity. He would wait for the right...


Jeremy 025; An Appetite For The Road And Rice

Had a busy week and hit with a cold that sucked the life out of me for the past couple days so no comments this week. Jeremy didn't get back home until late Friday. He got to the apartment only to find two of the roommates had also decided to...


Jeremy 026; So You Say Its Your Birthday

Yeah, so this is the chapter all you first run veterans have been waiting for. I have to admit I've been itching to get to this point as well. You'll all see why. Jeremy did call Jenna Sandoval, but only after two more incidents. He explained...


Jeremy 050; Learning Curves

Sorry this week is a bit late. The rest of the week went far more normally for Jeremy. A less reputable news outlet had reports of sightings of a large bird that had been seen flying over the city. The typical hazy picture that could...


Jeremy 038; Seeking The Northern Passage

Didn't have much time this week even though this chapter needed it more than most. Its still at a point that I'm satisfied with it overall. Its just a certain part that I feel needed just a bit more attention, more on that later though. Anyway,...


Jeremy 086; The Road Ahead

A bit late this week so lets get right to it. \* \* \* That weekend it was Sam and Jeremy's turn to host the family get together. Sam was of course the one cooking while Jeremy cleaned the apartment and once that was finished had stayed out...


Jeremy 083; Back To This Again

Um, yeah. With his previous client well satisfied and escorted from The floor Jeremy was changing the sheets and turning his studio when Jenna came in. He continued working as he glanced at her and greeted her as he usually did. She stopped...


Jeremy 077; Meal Planning

The next few days saw everyone settle into a routine. By the time Jeremy's next dinner with Jackson came up the weather had surprised everyone with an early heat wave. Even Jackson remarked at the vagaries of the weather midway through his...


Jeremy 076; The Cat

Jeremy arrived at the hotel ten minutes early. The lobby was typical for one in that part of the city, large and well furnished. In looking around he could see Allen had not yet arrived. Detectives Jenkins and Frick were both sitting at a far set...


Jeremy 084; The Myth Of Closure

The next few days were a blur between his training with Alex Elkins, the Bureau and the Thirteenth Floor. Gakota had become as much another mentor to him in working toward getting the Bureau back to work. The cat taught him how to delegate much of...


Jeremy 062; Priorities

Dominic knocked on the door after waiting a few seconds to listen. He'd tracked the two that had been passing out bulletins to what he guessed was their apartment. The door was opened by the male that had watched from across the street. Dominic only...


Jeremy 014; I Am Jeremy's Smirking After Action Report

Yeah, didn't see that coming last week did ya. Well, you weren't supposed to, thats the whole point of surprises. It left a lot of unanswered questions that we'll get to now. It took thirty seven stitches to close the deeper...
