Jeremy 076; The Cat

Jeremy arrived at the hotel ten minutes early. The lobby was typical for one in that part of the city, large and well furnished. In looking around he could see Allen had not yet arrived. Detectives Jenkins and Frick were both sitting at a far set...


Jeremy 084; The Myth Of Closure

The next few days were a blur between his training with Alex Elkins, the Bureau and the Thirteenth Floor. Gakota had become as much another mentor to him in working toward getting the Bureau back to work. The cat taught him how to delegate much of...


Jeremy 062; Priorities

He dismissed her reaction and continued to make sure there had only been the two of them in the apartment. back in the living area he looked at the male who was wearing an amused expression as he waited at the door. the male said.


Jeremy 014; I Am Jeremy's Smirking After Action Report

Yeah, didn't see that coming last week did ya. Well, you weren't supposed to, thats the whole point of surprises. It left a lot of unanswered questions that we'll get to now. It took thirty seven stitches to close the deeper...


Jeremy 067; Karma Also Smiles

While Jeremy was cleaning up his studio after his latest session he looked up at a knock on his door. Used to the protocol on The Floor of knocking and entering he continued working until he realized it was his brother waiting for him to open the...


Jeremy 068; Leverage

The morning after Able's birthday Jeremy spent an hour working from home before leaving. Sam and Eric had both avoided each other before they left for work. With his brothers orbiting each other in wide arcs Jeremy felt able to focus most of his...


Jeremy069; Sounding Board

So, its going to be no surprise that the Eric story arc is about to elbow everything else to the side for a while. The next day went fairly normally. Sam continued to adjust to his duties at The Floor and freeing everyone from the task of...


Jeremy 066; Corrosion

Okay you lot, buckle up because this starts a bit of a rollercoaster ride over then next several chapters. Jenna found him waiting for his laundry to finish. She leaned against an idle washer and crossed her arms and cupped her elbow in her...


Jeremy 064; Agendas

Hope you lot have recovered from last week's chapter. Even if not we're going to get back to the story. Jeremy was sitting and reading next to the washer waiting for his sheets to finish when Jenna barged in. "Are you all right?" ...


Jeremy 070; Last straw

Time for a rare shameless plug; My Patreon supporters didn't have to wait a week to see this chapter. Thats right, I've once again started publishing a chapter ahead for all Patreons. They also get a reward story that is for now monetized at every...


Jeremy 065; Patterns

Time for Jeremy to follow up on one of those decisions from last week's chapter. After sitting in Jackson's outer office for ten minutes he was beginning to feel the effects of his active weekend. His eyelids were getting heavy and his mind...


Jeremy 059; Endurance

Jeremy got to the Thirteenth Floor with plenty of time before his appointment. He checked everything in his studio over before going out to reception to meet his client. She was a fairly large hyena. He led her back to his room chatting with her...
