The Serpent's Shard (Pt 2)

The Serpent's Shard (Pt 2) By Whitepython Rarriku poked his head out from the tight tunnel formed by the collapsed rocks towards the large antechamber. He couldn't scan the ceiling because his movements were too restricted. It was a miracle his chest...

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Hotel Emperador - Chapter 2: The God that hold us accountable

Hotel Emperador Chapter 2 - The god that hold us accountable By Whitepython "If he's not here in five minutes, I'm out..." Xaduardo the raptor spoke to himself as he walked in circles. He waited at the small concourse outside of the temple of our...

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Hotel Emperador - Chapter 3: Hotel Emperador

Hotel Emperador Chapter 3: Hotel Emperador By Whitepython The number '1576' was engraved at the top of Hotel Emperador in a half circle pediment made of stone over the diagonal wall where the L-shaped building connected its both wings. They were...

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The Serpent's Shard (Pt1)

The Serpent's Shard (Pt 1) By Whitepython Even if Rarriku the wolf was blessed with good vision in the dark and ample experience as theft. The strange sounds coming from the ceiling along with the falling stones along the dark hall made it more than...

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Astraifort Estate: June/July news

Good day demons and demon hunters! I have been receiving a lot of notes and questions about Astraifort Estate. People are wondering if the game continues to be under development and my answer is the same as always. Of course, yes! Game development...
