Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 22

#22 of ander 22 "banno!" ander should have known it wouldn't be this easy.

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Ander - Part 1: Subchapter 22

banno started towards them, slowly, still smiling, a far-off look in his eye. it was that strange look, even more so than banno's words, that filled ander with dread, but he couldn't understand why.

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 81

Nilia dropped down from above, right onto banno's back.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 173

Nilia dropped down from above, right onto banno's back.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 159

banno was fast, even with a missing foot he would catch up to them somewhere along the road. unless... unless he stayed behind? maybe he could keep banno busy, buy his children enough time to get away?

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 67

banno was fast, even with a missing foot he would catch up to them somewhere along the road. unless... unless he stayed behind? maybe he could keep banno busy, buy his children enough time to get away?

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 95

banno was here. right here. but at the same time, he wasn't. this thing wasn't banno. maybe it had been inside banno all along, or maybe this was what banno had always truly been, but hezzi chose not to believe that.

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 43

"banno, talk to me!" she pleaded, desperate to break free, desperate to get fresh air, desperate to find the light. "banno!?"

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Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 44

"banno, talk to me!" she pleaded, desperate to break free, desperate to get fresh air, desperate to find the light. "banno!?"

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 66

banno was completely ignoring them.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 52

banno's face was becoming more bizarre by the second.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 161

A scream, shrill enough to pierce through even the red haze in banno's mind.

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