THe Glowing Chapter 6

Chapter 6 At last Austin has reached Phil Walker's apartment, he is on the second floor of a small building, the number on the door is 6. Has his hand outreaches to touch the door, a flash in his mind shows him that he has been in the building before,...

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The Glowing Chapter 5

Austin has seen this charm in one of his books. "grandma said to hide this," brooke explains she sounds far away, the voice is influx [g42] like when you hear a sound from under water.

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The Glowing Chapter 4

Austin had taken an interest drawing a comic book. his sketchbook has no heroes in it. only nightmares brought to life with the greatest detail an 8-year old's mind can muster.

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Warm Sun, Lazy Days

Reaching out, he pulled close the cheque book he'd brought for just this reason. "what would be a reasonable amount?" johnathan listed off a number. abortsford's face went white.

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All Out of Makeup at the Fancy Dress Store

It seemed the man had been spending every waking moment pouring over books and illustrations of lions, gaining insight into their makeup. and he was planing to use what he'd learned now.

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A Morning to Remember

Putting all his will into it, johnathan tried his best to fall slack, let himself become an open book. he wasn't sure how well he accomplished it with his alien features. "thomas, i'm not a..."

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The Good Doctor Gone Bad

Pulling a book at random, johnathan was grateful to see it written in an old dialect of english. flipping the pages, the book itself was less telling than what had been scribbled in the margins.

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An Animal Passion

That was what all good damsels did in books. they encountered a beast and fell conveniently into his arms to later be saved by the hero. johnathan snorted at that idea.

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The Cat and the Mouse

# Chapter 10: The Cat and the Mouse Opening his eyes the next morning Johnathan knew before his vision even focused that something was very, very wrong. Still sitting nude, slumped up against the wall under the open windows, he felt far more...

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Warm Sun has Bleached me Blond

Attached was a list of dates the church had already been booked. if they'd be so kind he would appreciate it if they could let him know their desired date as soon as possible.

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High Society Braggart

A moment later she was paging through her book. "i, uh, i have an account for your parents, but none for you." johnathan rolled his eyes.

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Dark Roads and High Winds

# Chapter 7: Dark Roads and High Winds Riding back down the unkept drive from the Talbot's home, it was only then Johnathan realized how much he'd had to drink at dinner. Unaccustomed to alcohol at the evening meal, Johnathan had drank with...

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