MoonDust, Chapter 30

MoonDust: Falling From Grace © 2015 Ton Inktail 30 SHADES OF GRAY The new members of Sergeant Lauren Porter's squad received a motley assortment of scavenged armor and equipment. Imogene was glad she only needed a new rifle. Poorly fitted...

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MoonDust, Chapter 11

MoonDust: Falling From Grace © 2015 Ton Inktail 11 PANDA PROBLEMS "--the hell do you think you're doing?" The Sergeant's words floated into Imogene's mind. Foggily, she wondered what she'd done wrong this time. Her head hurt, and as she blinked...

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MoonDust, Chapter 10

MoonDust: Falling From Grace © 2015 Ton Inktail 10 IN LOVE AND WAR Things were starting to fall together, Imogene thought as she took her armor down from its pegs. A black heart outline around her initials now enlivened her breastplate,...

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MoonDust, Chapter 9

MoonDust: Falling From Grace © 2015 Ton Inktail 9 STARLIGHT STARBRIGHT Imogene couldn't tell if any of the survivors were Josh. Furred heads bobbed in the water, too tiny on the bar's screen to identify. Edging forward, she stared up at the...

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MoonDust, Chapter 8

She wasn't sure what she'd expected, but to find all the familiar corporate logos on the moon was a let down.

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MoonDust, Chapter 7

Around them, the other members of the squad sparred, relearning the subset of unarmed combat deemed useful on the moon. there wasn't a great deal of it, but imogene had never enjoyed hand-to-hand and was struggling.

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MoonDust, Chapter 6

He set out in the long, bounding gait that was most efficient on the moon, where you had the space to use it. the sergeant had said they'd take it easy this morning. if this was easy, imogene didn't want to see hard.

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MoonDust, Chapter 5

Like so much else on the moon, the armor inside was a flat gray, mottled with lighter and darker patches. the only exceptions were the reflective silver faceplate and the blue rank insignia shining proudly upon each shoulder.

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MoonDust, Chapter 4

At least the moon's one-sixth gravity kept the maneuver from turning into an outright crash. weight returned, luna affectionately tugging the new arrivals into a gentle hug.

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MoonDust, Chapter 3

Ugly and uncomfortable footwear was useless on the moon where everything was either indoors or required a spacesuit. looking at herself in the dressing room mirror, she gave her short tail a sassy flick and smiled.

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MoonDust, Chapter 2

There weren't any belligerent natives on the moon. no pawns for the una and pan-asian federation to push back and forth at each other without declaring the open war neither side wanted.

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MoonDust, Chapter 1

. =^_^= moondust: falling from grace © 2015 ton inktail chapter 1: home the moon hung low over ankara, a blood-red eye blinking as clouds of smoke drifted across the city.

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