MoonDust, Chapter 18

"you mean if someone blows up a tank on the other side of the moon, the turret might land on us?" "probably not the whole turret. bigger things take more energy to get moving. but shell fragments, or even gravel thrown up by explosions, yeah.

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MoonDust, Chapter 17

MoonDust: Falling From Grace © 2015 Ton Inktail 17 EVAC Half an hour later, everyone gathered in the mess hall. Those who had somehow managed to sleep through the alert and subsequent launch had been roused and filled in. Gwen even laid out an...

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MoonDust, Chapter 26

MoonDust: Falling From Grace © 2015 Ton Inktail 26 CONVERSION Imogene woke to find the light from the corridor even dimmer than usual. Every second glow panel had been disconnected to save power. Noticeably cooler, the air tasted thick and...

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MoonDust, Chapter 25

MoonDust: Falling From Grace © 2015 Ton Inktail 25 HELL OR HIGH WATER Imogene's dream of flooded fallout shelters and choking smoke seemed to have taken a night off, and while she wasn't exactly chipper, the next day found her ready to get...

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MoonDust, Chapter 16

MoonDust: Falling From Grace © 2015 Ton Inktail **16 THE FALL** The deep-throated blare of an alarm jolted Imogene from slumber. Instinctively, she slapped at her chronometer to silence it, but the howling continued, coming from a speaker above...

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MoonDust, Chapter 15

Tycho was only a few hundred klicks away, and unlike australia, the moon offered little political ambiguity to hide behind. she'd seen incidents like this worked out before, but never when tensions were already so high. "shit," jack said.

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MoonDust, Chapter 24

MoonDust: Falling From Grace © 2015 Ton Inktail 24 POWER PLAY _Smoke coiled through empty streets, black snakes flowing on an icy wind. Cold. So very cold. Water dripped from her fur, freezing where it hit the cobblestones, soaking the dead...

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MoonDust, Chapter 23

MoonDust: Falling From Grace © 2015 Ton Inktail 23 BREATHING ROOM Imogene and Bruce herded their prisoners down the stairs. Imogene went through the airlock first and stepped out to find Lauren and Alexei waiting. Both still wore their much...

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MoonDust, Chapter 19

MoonDust: Falling From Grace © 2015 Ton Inktail 19 CONTAINMENT A third of the way along the wide valley which ramped up to Santbech Crater's southern rim, their lone Paladin pulled to a stop. Ahead, the double line of hills flanking the...

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MoonDust, Chapter 21

MoonDust: Falling From Grace © 2015 Ton Inktail 21 HOOFING IT Imogene picked herself up out of the dust for what felt like the thousandth time. They'd been traveling steadily for the better part of ten hours and were nearing the crest of a...

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MoonDust, Chapter 20

MoonDust: Falling From Grace © 2015 Ton Inktail 20 ANNIHILATION Imogene studied the map on her heads-up display as they hiked north, but with the LPS satellites shot down it was more trouble to scroll to their current location than the low...

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MoonDust, Chapter 22

MoonDust: Falling From Grace © 2015 Ton Inktail 22 BORDA The last rays of the setting sun illuminated the installation below them. Set into a small, cirque-like valley about halfway up Borda Crater's north rim, it consisted of a central...

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