Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 27

27 The water washed over Ander's head, bitter cold, stinging his wounds with a bombardment of sand and grit and broken twigs. The pressure he felt pushing against his body was enormous, almost enough to straighten him out with the current, threatening...

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Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 26

26 - help me!" That voice... Ander fought through the grey haze of pain. It hurt just to breathe, but that voice... Kiana's voice. She needed him, and he had made a promise. "Kiana..." Ander started to rise. Even this simple action made his head...

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Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 25

25 - and pulled as hard as she could, falling backwards, taking the monster with her. It stepped back, trying desperately to maintain its balance. That single click was the only warning given. The biter snapped shut around Banno's ankle, its teeth...

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Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 24

24 Very rarely had Ander experienced pain like this. He would be very surprised if that last knee strike didn't crack a rib, but even worse than that was the look on Kiana's face. Even through the rain, even through the stabbing, throbbing pain, he...

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Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 23

23 - sprawling, the scent of wet, half rotted leaves ripe in her nostrils. She twisted around just in time to see them collide with each other, two hulking shapes in the dark, biting and clawing and tearing, snarling like beasts. They were fighting...

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Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 22

22 "Banno!" Ander should have known it wouldn't be this easy. Of all the Wolves to come after them, it had to be _him_; the one Wolf who lived for no other reason than to kill, the one Wolf who could only feel alive by tasting the death of...

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Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 21

21 They had only been running on for a short while when Kiana tapped Ander on the shoulder. "Do you hear that?" "Loud rumbling dead ahead? Yeah, I hear it. Sounds like we've nearly reached the river." Kiana rested her head against Ander's shoulder,...

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Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 20

20 It was the smile that saved him. It was the first thing Ander saw, and he knew no other Wolf would be smiling like that. Even as the bowstring straightened out and the arrow shot forward, Ander shifted his aim. But even so, it was a very close...

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Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 19

19 "_That's_ your big plan?" Kiana said, not bothering to suppress her chuckles. Not too long ago she was convinced she would never smile again, let alone laugh, but here she was, riding piggyback on a Wolf tearing through the forest at breakneck...

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Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 18

18 She hardly dared to believe her ears. "You... you have the key?" "No, Wardo has it," Ander said, fishing something from his vest. "I have these." He held out a thin pair of metallic picks for her to see, one tipped with a hook, the other with a...

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Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 17

17 Ander entered his tent and let the flap fall shut behind him. He was absolutely soaked, but that hardly registered in his mind. He allowed his eyes a moment to adjust to the gloom, then picked up the flame-box he always kept by the entrance. He...

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Ander - Chapter 1, Subchapter 16

16 Everything stopped making sense then. Ander could feel the rain pelting his fur, cold and unrelenting. He could hear the cheers from the Wolves around him. He could feel the mud beneath his feet and the icy wind in his face. He was aware of all...

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