The Spirit of Things to Come

Story by Kayle Storm on SoFurry

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This one was a lot of fun to write. As always, comments and feedback are appreciated. Hope ya'll enjoy it!

The digital clock on the dresser read two thirty a.m. In the dark bedroom, Ian, a young leopard, sat in the middle of the bed, knees drawn up to his chest, clutching his pillow to himself; holding it like a drowning man clings to a stray piece of driftwood. The leopard's shoulders heaved with quiet sobs, tears staining the white pillowcase. He had had the dream again.

In the dream, he was walking down a long, deserted street. Boarded up houses lay on either side. He cried out desperately, hoping for someone, anyone, to hear him. But there was no one there. He was all alone. Each time the dream invaded his sleep, he woke with a deep, lonely ache in his heart. The feeling of being totally, completely alone haunted him, even into the waking hours. The feline looked up at the clock, his amber eyes sad and distant. He would give anything, anything at all, for someone to ease this lonliness.

From across the silent house, he heard a door open and close, softly, but loud enough for him to hear. Ian started, wiping the tears from his eyes. "Who's there?" The leopard's voice shook with fear. He waited a moment, but heard nothing else. Could it be a burglar? The feline looked through the open bedroom door into the dark kitchen.

A sudden, slight breeze seemed to blow across his tear streaked face, a warm, comforting wind. Had he left a window open somewhere? No, surely not. It was the middle of winter; he hadn't opened any of the windows in months. Ian had the overwhelming feeling that someone was not only inside the house with him, but that they were watching him. For some reason, that thought did not make the feline uncomfortable. Instead, it seemed to lift his spirits.

Again, the leopard called out into the darkness. "Is someone there? Please, say something!" In the pitch-black kitchen, he saw a soft shimmer in the air, and then a gentle voice answered him.

"Hello, Ian." The leopard's eyes went wide with surprise. Despite his query, he had never thought that he would actually receive an answer.

"Who... Who are you?" The shimmer in the air grew brighter as it answered.

"I have many names, none of which you could comprehend. Some call me the Spirit of Things to Come."

Ian drew back doubtfully. He had never been one to believe in ghosts or spirits, but how could he deny their existence now, when such an entity was speaking to him from his own kitchen? As the leopard mulled this thought over, the spirit came closer, crossing the threshold into the bedroom. "Don't be afraid, Ian. I am here to help you."

The spirit's voice was soothing, friendly. Ian felt his fear and apprehension slowly begin to melt away. "Help? How?" The shimmering light had drawn abreast of the bed, and it's form began to solidify into a vaguely canine shape. An indention formed on the edge of the bed as it sat down next to the feline. Ian felt a warm, semi-substantial paw rest lightly on his shoulder.

"Your heart hurts. You feel unwanted, like no one cares for you. You see others, mated and happy, and you want to feel glad for them, but you can't. It just makes you hurt even more." Tears welled up in the feline's eyes, and he nodded dumbly. Everything the spirit said rang true. He felt the warm paw caress his face tenderly, wiping away a stray tear. "But things will change, Ian. Things will get better, and very soon. You won't feel like this forever."

The leopard felt the warm paws move to his shoulders and begin to massage gently. He purred softly at the loving touch. The spirit's paws moved downward, rubbing his back. "Would you like me to help you sleep?" The spirit's voice was low, tender.

Ian nodded. "Please." The ghostly paws moved lower, caressing the soft fur at the top of his tail. One paw wandered around his waist and softly touched the inside of his thigh. The feline had wished, night after night, for someone to touch him, to hold him as the spirit did now. Ian felt a warm breath on the back of his neck, followed by a series of soft kisses. He purred louder, leaning back against the spirit's form, almost expecting to fall right through it, but instead resting easily against it's surprisingly substantial body.

The paw at Ian's back slid underneath his tail, and the feline raised the appendage willingly. The soft paw rubbed and stroked at the leopard's tailhole, sending an electric tingle through his body. The spirit's other paw ceased it's motion on Ian's thigh and moved upwward to his groin, running along the length of the feline's semi-hard shaft.

All the while, Ian's ghostly visitor whispered lovingly in his ear. "Your beautiful, Ian. You have a gentle soul, and you care for others more than for yourself." A soft finger slid past the tight ring of muscle under the feline's tail, and the leopard gasped. "Shhh... I won't hurt you."

Thanks to the spirit's gentle ministrations, both under his tail and on his cock, the feline was fully aroused. The paw at his front rubbed over the slick tip of his member, eliciting a soft groan from the leopard. Another finger joined the first inside his tight ass, massaging slowly.

The spirit gently pushed the leopard forward onto all fours, never ceasing it's gentle motions. Ian's tail flagged up and curled over his back willingly. The spirit worked it's gentle fingers in and out of Ian's hole, slowly and tenderly opening up the leopard. Ian moaned quietly. It had been so long since anyone had taken him, much less made love to him the way this mysterious spirit was.

The spirit withdrew it's fingers, and, a moment later, Ian felt a warm breath under his tail. A soft, hot tongue flicked out and ran across the loosened ring of muscle, making the feline gasp in pleasure.

The paw on Ian's cock began to stroke faster. He felt the spirit's tongue slip into him, felt warm saliva slicking his entrance. He received another lick across his tailhole, then the warm tongue was gone, replaced momentarily by a pre-slick shaft gently nudging against the tight ring. Ian moaned softly. "Shhh... Relax. I won't hurt you." The spirit slowly and gently pushed into the leopard.

Ian shuddered expectantly as his visitor entered him. He felt the tip of the spirit's manhood press against his prostate and his hard cock throbbed, dripping pre. "Oh... it's been so long..." The spirit chuckled good naturedly.

"I know. You feel so good inside, Ian." The spirit thrusted gently into the feline, hilting in the leopard. Ian could feel the ghostly shaft pulsing inside him, and it's balls pressed gently against his thighs. The spirit wirhdrew, then pushed slowly back into the feline. The leopard purred loudly, the vibrations generated by the action massaging his ghostly lover's hard shaft.

The spirit thrust deeped into Ian, groaning as the cat's tight muscles squeezed and milked it's cock. The feline could feel the spirit's knot pressing against his ring, and he moaned with arousal. "You can knot me. Please, do it."

The spirit stroked the cat's back gently with one paw, the other groping and stroking at the cat's shaft. "It may hurt. But if you're sure..." Ian nodded, and the engorged knot pressed harder against the feline's hole. Ian relaxed as much as he could, grinding back against his lover's cock. He let out a pained yelp as the blood-filled organ slid past his ring and seated firmly inside him. The feline quivered with arousal and the aftershock of the painful entry. The spirit waited patiently for the cat to catch his breath.

After a long minute, Ian began to grind backwards against the spirit, loving the feeling of his visitor's knot inside him, stretching him open. The ghostly canine wrapped an arm around Ian's chest and sat back, pulling the leopard into his lap. The spirit thrust upward into the feline, even as Ian bounced lightly on the intruding shaft.

The ethereal paw resumed it's slow, steady motion on Ian's cock, and the leopard groaned in pleasure. He rocked his hips slowly on the spirit's endowment, milking and squeezing at it with his internal muscles. The spirit nuzzled the back of Ian's neck, and then bit down in a gentle mating bite.

The feeling of the spirit's teeth on his neck nearly sent the leopard over the edge. He gave a long, gasping moan. The paw on his crotch increased it's pace, as did the grinding thrusts underneath the feline's tail. Ian could feel the cock inside him begin to spasm, and the spirit's thrusts became harder and more erratic. A low growl filled the feline's ear.

The growl crescendoed quickly as the canine gave one last hard thrust and came. Ian could feel the spirit's warm cum coating his insides, quickly pooling against the hard knot that tied the two together. Two more fast, hard strokes on the feline's rock hard member produced a loud yowl of ecstasy from the leopard as he, too, came, spraying thick strings of pent up spunk across his own lap.

The spirit laid it's head on Ian's shoulder, panting hard as he nuzzled against the leopard's neck. Ian's eyes were half closed already, and he could feel a drowsy afterglow creeping up on him. "Thank you. I needed that."

The spirit chuckled softly in response. It gently withdrew it's spent member, the knot popping audibly out of the leopard's well used ass. It laid the cat down gently on his side and licked the feline's cheek. "Look at me, Ian." The leopard's half closed eyes opened, looking up into the eyes of bis ghostly lover.

The face the spirit wore was that of a young collie. In the canine's kind, chocolate brown eyes, Ian could see the same heart wrenching sadness and lonliness that he himself felt. "Remember this face, Ian. Two hearts as lonely as yours and his call out to each other." The spirit caressed Ian's face. "I must leave you now. Sleep." With that, the ethereal visitor vanished. Ian could no longer keep his eyes open, and he fell into a deep, untroubled sleep.


Ian's alarm woke him up at six o'clock. He yawned and sat up slowly. For the first time in longer than he could remember, he felt rested and happy. The events of the previous night were a vague blur, though he knew that it was no dream. The slight soreness under his tail could testify to that.

The leopard dressed quickly. He had to be at work by six-thirty, and had woken up with just enougb time to dress, chug a cup of coffee and go. He jumped into his car and pulled into the parking lot of the grocery store where he worked at six twenty-five. Ian hurried inside and made his way to the time clock.

As he withdrew his time card from the battered machine, he heard a voice behind him. "Mornin', Ian." It was George, an overweight grizzly bear, and also the store manager. "Got a new hire for you to train." Ian groaned. He had worked at the store over two years, and, as such, was the go-to man for training new employees. Ian turned around, already extending a paw to shake the new hire's hand.

And he stopped dead, a look of surprised shock enveloping his face.

Standing beside George was a young collie. "Ian, this is James." A look of open mouthed surprise, similar to Ian's, was evident on the canine's face. George looked from one to the other, momentarily flummoxed. "Say, do ya'll know each other?"

Ian shook off his surprise. "Something like that." Ian and James shook paws.

"Well, get to work then." George lumbered off toward his office. Ian watched him leave, then turned back to James.

"Did... you have a visitor last night?"

The collie nodded. "Yeah. He looked a lot like you."

The two locked eyes.

Suddenly, neither of them felt quite so lonely anymore.