Just Once: Side Stories: Only If They Like It

Story by Albus Kane on SoFurry

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#15 of Just Once

Another side story until I have a plan for the next actual episode. Sorry if it's a bit short.

Just recently, I met yet another person who made the first move, and who I was more than happy to please: some Cat lady named Beth. She just walked up to me on the street and told me that she was in heat and she needed to have sex with somebody. We went back to my penthouse apartment (the one I live in when away from the mansion), she still didn't know I was rich, and we had sex multiple times on multiple days. The sex we had was the usual affair: kinky, rough and very much enjoyable. What made it unique, though, is that I was always receiving head instead of giving it, and she even said it was okay for me to grab her hair during the blowjob. Normally I wouldn't be remotely comfortable doing that, but then there was the exception for all rules I have regarding what I do during sex: "only if they like it"

The reason that exception exists is because A: I'm constantly worried about what might happen if I cross boundaries I don't know about during sex (one of the reasons I'm pretty much always the sub) and B: the most pleasurable thing for me, sexually, is the pleasure my partner or partners experience. That's why I'm willing to spank, whip and even fist, but only if they like it, male or female (or in between, but that hasn't happened yet). Such activities happened, respectively, during the second, third and fourth sexual encounter I had with Beth. Every time, she would suggest one of those things to me, I would ask "Will it be enjoyable for you? I'm only asking because I don't really feel comfortable doing those things if I don't know you'll enjoy it", she would go "I fucking LOVE those things", and then I would do those things.

This all ended, though, when we tried anal. Neither of us had any lube, so we calmly discussed whether or not to go ahead with it. She said "Well, it's more than worth giving a try at least, isn't it?" and I responded "If you say it is, then it is." Then we started having sex, and it gradually got rougher, and she seemed to be enjoying it more, even encouraging me to be rougher. It stopped, though, when she let out a brief scream in pain. That's when I backed away as fast as I could, and I couldn't help but cross my legs, feeling so sexually uncomfortable it actually hurt a bit. I asked "Is something wrong?", she responded "My asshole hurts a lot, and it's bleeding a little, so yeah, something's really wrong." "We can stop and you can just do whatever you want if you want." "Yeah. I think I'll just go away for a while. I think I need a break from all of this."

And that's a lesson quite a few people need to learn: it's not just receiving consent that's important, but the sex being pleasurable for whoever you're having sex with. Otherwise, you should really just stay home and jack off instead.