
Story by Tayu on SoFurry

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I dunno what I was aiming for, really. Had a vague idea, and had fun writing this.


"Is this seat taken?"

Samuel's ears twitched and it took him a moment before he registered that the question was directed towards him. The fennec looked from his view of the river from his window-seat and up at the large zebra standing there, smiling patiently. He quickly reached up and took the headphones out of his large ears. "I'm sorry?"

"Is this seat taken?" the zebra asked again, trying to suppress a chuckle.

"Oh! No, not at all," the fennec said, smiling politely and bowing his head, pocketing the headphones. If he was going to be seated next to someone he thought he should at least give the stranger a chance to make conversation rather than start playing his music again.

The zebra sat down on the bench next to the tan, dessert fox and bowed his head politely. "Thanks. I had to sit with someone, and, well, honestly you were the only one that didn't look grumpy."

Samuel chuckled at that and looked around the rest of the train. Most of the seats had at least one person in them, and no one quite looked awake just yet. The early morning commutes were not for everyone, though Samuel enjoyed the ride. "I guess some people just wake up easier,"

"Yup, though, for me, I'm just getting off work. Get there at seven, off at five," he said, leaning back in the seat and closing his eyes.

The fennec took the chance to let his eyes wander over the zebra's body. The other man was wearing a snug tee to show off a muscled frame, and a pair of jeans that did the same. He was your typical black and white striped specimen with a shaggy white mane that was tied in a ponytail. "Pretty late shift. What do you do for work? Bouncer?" he guessed.

The zebra laughed and opened his eyes, looking at the fennec in amusement. "Bouncer? Odd guess. But no, I'm a police dispatcher. I work the night shift. Name's Max." He offered a hand to the fennec.

Samuel grasped it firmly and shook, nodding. "Samuel," he said in return.

"So, Samuel, what about you? What do you do for work?" he asked, quirking an eyebrow at the smaller canine.

Samuel forced a smile. Telling people what he did for a living always got mixed reactions, and often nothing very gracious or affirming. "I'm... a hypnotist," he said matter-of-factly.

The answer drew the often-familiar snort of surprise and disbelief that Samuel was accustomed to. "A hypnotist? Like a magician?"

The dessert fox kept his smile steady and held back a weary sigh. "No, not like that. I help people remember things, help them break bad habits, help them relax, and teach them ways to control their emotions and fears," he explained. "Pain management, eating disorders, really whatever anyone needs help with. Sometimes it's just talking and counseling."

Max frowned a bit, but nodded slowly. "So, you're like a psychiatrist?" he asked.

"Psychologist, actually. Can't prescribe medicine. Got my PHD a year ago, and have been practicing since," the fennec said, smiling warmly at the zebra. "I know it's hard to imagine hypnosis being a real thing, but it's amazing the things you can do, and... well, I'd like to think I'm rather good at it," he said, grinning wide to show his teeth.

Max laughed and shook his head in disbelief, but smiled back. "If you say so. I personally never believed in any of the stuff like that. No offense. Just not for me,"

Samuel leaned against the train's window to look at the zebra better, shrugging. "It's not. And some people can't be hypnotized. Some are more susceptible to it than others. It's really fascinating. I had a woman once who was unable to bring herself to orgasm. I managed to talk her into one through hypnosis and now she's able to do so on her own," the fennec said, a little color to his cheeks.

Max's eyes went wide at that and he straightened up, unsure what to say right away. "Should you even be telling me that?" he asked, rubbing the back of his neck as he tried not to envision a woman in that kind of predicament. "You know, client/patient privacy?"

"I didn't mention anyone by name. I mentioned a vague experience, and I could also be lying to try and persuade you," Samuel said. "But you'd be surprised at what things it can do," he said.

"Mmm, I still don't know if I really believe you. It sounds like a good story, though," Max replied, spreading his legs a bit and shrugging his shoulders.

Samuel looked out the window at the scenery as they rode along, and then checked his phone. Still a good half hour until his stop. "Tell you what. I bet I can do the same to you that I did to her," he said with a grin.

The zebra's eyes widened and he coughed nervously, looking around the train, though it wasn't like anyone could really hear them, or was paying attention. "I mean, I'm flattered, but... I'm straight,"

The fennec laughed and shrugged, fingers drumming on his thighs. "Well, then, that should make it even harder for me to win, right? If I lose, I'll give you fifty bucks,"

Max thought for a moment, eying the fennec suspiciously before nodding. "Alright, but no touching me or anything,"

"That'd be highly unprofessional," he said indignantly, taking a deep breath and then letting it out. "Alright... Close your eyes, and go ahead and raise your arm up above your head. Doesn't matter which one," he said quietly.

The zebra shifted around uncomfortably but did so, raising his right arm up, just above his head.

"Alright, now open your eyes and stare at your index finger. You may look at it if you wish, or just visualize it," the fennec spoke low and calmly, focusing all of his will on remaining calm and attentive to the zebra's reactions.

Max stared at his hand for a moment before closing his eyes, picturing his hand.

"Are you still picturing your hand? Staring at your index finger?" Samuel asked.

"Yes," Max said, breathing slowly and trying to comply as best he could. He wasn't certain about this ordeal, but figured it would be impolite to try and mess up on purpose.

"Good. As you picture your hand and your finger, you'll notice that the other fingers start to fade away and your entire arm will feel heavier and heavier," Samuel said, watching the zebra closely.

Max just grunted in response. His arm was starting to feel a bit heavier, but then again, it was because he was holding it over his head. Not because of this voodoo nonsense.

"The longer you continue to focus on your hand, the heavier it will become. But you will not fade into a deep state of relaxation until the arm has come all the way down. Just keep concentrating, and feel the weight of your arm start to pull it down," the fennec said.

It was almost too easy with some people, and the zebra appeared to be one of the more influential people. "Down, down, down... your arm is becoming heavier and is being pulled down. You're relaxing further and further. All you can hear is my voice. Nothing else matters right now, except concentrating on your finger. Can you still feel it?"

Max's breathing had slowed considerably and the zebra was struggling to keep his arm up now. "Yes," he replied hoarsely.

"Good... keep focusing. It's getting heavier. You're going down. Deeper and deeper," the fennec whispered as he watched the zebra's arm continue to lower. "Deeper and deeper... down, down... down into complete relaxation," he said as he watched the zebra's arm come to rest in his own lap.

"You're completely relaxed now... everything is quiet and still. Peaceful and you're alone in your favorite, personal space. Where are you?" the fennec asked.

"My bedroom," the zebra replied softly, his chest rising and falling slowly.

"And what do you see in there?" he asked, occasionally telling the horse to take in a deep breath.

"My bed," Max said.

"And what do you like to do on your bed?" the fennec asked softly.

"Have sex... sleep..." he replied simply, body laying limp in the seat as he talked.

"You're not alone in your room, though. There's a woman there with you. The most beautiful you've ever seen, and she's laying on your bed. Can you see her?"

The zebra let out a ragged breath and his body twitched. "Yes..." he replied.

"Good. She can see you. All of you. You're as naked is she is, and she's beckoning you closer to her. Step over to her, "

Max's legs twitched, but he remained where he was, eyes closed.

"Yes. She's running her hands across your body. You're tired and aching, and her touch is comforting, and then she pulls you down... down onto the bed with her," the fennec said quietly, adjusting his own jeans so his erection wasn't pinned against the zipper.

Max's chest rose and fell steadily, but he didn't move.

"You're running your hands across her body, feeling her breasts while her own reach down and massage that thick, heavy sheath of yours, quickly bringing your shaft into the open and stroking you until you're hard. You're harder than you've ever been right now. Can you feel it?" the fennec asked, his voice a little lower than before as he enjoyed himself.

Max's sheath and cock seemed to react in similar fashion. His sheath plumped out and filled quickly before his member pushed down the leg of his jeans, straining hard at the fabric. "Yes..." he answered huskily.

"Good... just keep breathing nice and slow. Take in deep breaths. Deep, deep, deep breaths... she's stroking down your shaft and teasing your cock with her lips now. You're dripping everywhere and it's been forever since you last mated. Her touch keeps you excited but calm, and you're patient," the fennec said.

His own canine shaft was dripping against his boxers, but he was going to change at his office anyway. The zebra, thankfully, didn't have work to go do, which was fortunate, because the wet spot at the end of the bulge on his thigh was starting to grow as pre oozed from the equine's thick cock.

"Good... she's ready for you now. She's spreading her legs invitingly and pulls you down against her, the head of your cock pushing into her folds as she takes you deeper and deeper. She's squeezing and milking your cock. Her walls massaging your length as your hips rest against yours. Your body quivers and you're already on the edge,"

At the mention of a shiver, Max's entire body rippled and he sighed softly, his cock throbbing involuntarily in his jeans and dripping into the fabric.

Samuel wanted so badly to be the one touching and molesting the zebra, but it wouldn't be fair. "Now you're thrusting into her with wild abandon. You're sweating from the effort and she's begging you for more. Your body is alight with pleasure and your senses are tingling as you plunge into her. You're so close... so very close. Do you feel just how close you are?" the fox asked.

Max was sweating now. Looking like he'd just ran a mile, and his breathing was ragged as he fought to keep it slow and under control. "Yes," he replied, cock pulsing in his jeans. The wet spot couldn't have been covered by a hand at this point, and would only get worse for the poor equine.

"Good... she's ready for you. She wants you. She wants all of you. You're thrusting. You're getting closer and closer. When you wake up, it's all over, and you'll experience the best orgasm you've ever had of your life. She's urging you closer and closer. Are you ready?"

"Yes," Max replied, unable to say much more as the fantasy ran vividly through his mind at the fox's words.

"Wake up," the fennec said, eyes locked onto the zebra's bulge.

Max's eyes opened with ease and his body straightened now that he was alert and at attention again. It was less than a second later that his face contorted and he choked back a loud groan before cumming hard. The first blast of equine cum blasted through the denim's fabric and splattered against the back of the seat in front of them. The rest continued to gush through the fabric, running down over the zebra's thighs and over his leg as his body twitched and convulsed.

Samuel bit his bottom lip as he watched in wanton lust. He wanted to join in so badly, but that wasn't in the cards, and this wasn't the time or place. These images would be on his mind as soon as he got a moment to himself at work, though.

Max's cock throbbed painfully in the confines of his jeans and emptied the last of his load over his thigh before the zebra went limp on the bench, panting heavily now. It was still early, though, and none of the others on the train had done more than give a curious glance back at the source of the zebra when he'd groaned. When there was nothing immediately noticeable, their attention had left, short as it was.

"Guess I don't owe you that fifty bucks," Samuel said, laughing and then clearing his throat, trying not to stare at the zebra next to him.

Max's eyes were unfocused and he just looked at the seat in front of him where his seat was running down the vinyl to drip on the floor of the train. "Oh... my god... I've never had an orgasm like that before. That... wow. That was incredible," he said softly, looking at the fennec unabashedly.

Samuel nodded and grinned wide, tail half in his lap to hide his own bulge. "See? I told you. You can do some pretty fun things if person is receptive," he said. "But, if you ever want to go again..."

Max laughed and closed his eyes for a moment before shuddering. "I think I'd like that. Preferably without... uh, the mess to deal with," he said, looking down at his leg and thigh where his seed clung to the denim wetly.

"I'm sure I can manage a home visit," the fennec said with a wink.