Beautiful Twilight: Breaking In New Bottoms

Story by Sparkle on SoFurry

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#3 of Beautiful Twilight

Beautiful Twilight: Breaking in a new bottom

With a screech of worn out tires, the old dodge intrepid pulled to a slow, grinding halt in the parking lot of Beautiful Twilight. Niobe sighed quietly, closing her eyes with a flush of exhaustion, frustration and overall fatigue. If she wasn't getting evicted out of her apartment for not paying the rent or robbed at gunpoint, or having her purse stolen, she was getting ripped off by her weasel of a mechanic.

"Wonderful." The dragon muttered quietly to herself, pulling her body from the small alabaster vehicle that whined with relief from the reduction of weight. She glared at her vehicle for a moment and shook her head with a sigh. She wasn't at all a "Fat" dragon. No no no, she was...broad. Broad was a perfect term to describe her, for in her family's line, she was considered a bit on the skinny side. Her kind was made to take punishment, with tougher scales and a high tolerance to pain. In the olden, olden, olden days, she would have been considered a prize for breeding, and a lovely mate.

In today's concrete jungle, she could barely find sizes to fit her stocky frame, let alone anything that was comfortable. Her biggest problem was her bottom, specifically her tail, which was broader and wider then most slim tails. Finding a pair of jeans to slip over her rear end was close to impossible. Any jeans she found that fit well everywhere else, made her rump stick out like crazy in the back, and any jeans she found that fit her generous tail end, managed to be to loose everywhere else. Pants that were make specifically tailored for dragons were too expensive, so most of the time, she found herself wearing skirts and other clothing just underneath her tail. This was the most comfortable way to wear clothing, and ideally, as long as she didn't get too excited and wag her tail like a canine, she didn't run the risk of exposing too much cheek, or an embarrassing tushie crack. Today, she had chosen to wear her loosest set of jeans, (That still fit much too tightly) and a white blouse with a black opened jacket.

She paused a moment, checking the small circled article in the newspaper that she carried under her left arm, where her purse would have been, had she not been ripped off the other night. The bar in front of her looked rather quiet, and surprisingly low key for having the reputation of being the hottest BDSM bar in town. She didn't have any clue what BDSM stood for, but what she DID know, was that she was almost desperate for work at the moment, and a steady paycheck, was a steady paycheck, no matter what it was she had to do. With that attitude in mind, she opened the door, and strolled in with her head held high, and her chest thrown out, trying to give off the air of confidence regardless of how meek she felt on the inside.

The bar on the inside wasn't anything at all like she expected. She'd been to a bar once with her friends and it wasn't anything like this at all. This bar was...well there were pictures of furs being paddled, whips, canes all sorts of horrifying devices mounted on the walls, chains and hooks hanging from the ceiling, and black and red pained floor tiles- at least she hoped it was red paint. The bar was completely empty, except for a single individual that sat quietly on one of the stools that was at the bar itself. A short looking female wolf, whom was hunched over, nursing a drink. She was wearing a pair of bright white, baggy pants, a white shirt with a deep cut down the middle, showing off her cleavage, tummy and belly button, and last, a white trench coat over top all of it. Within the gloomy atmosphere of the club, she was an instant eye catch, and Niobe found to no surprise, that she was sitting there, drinking a White Russian. Niobe gave a deep sigh, and walked in, eyes closed, breathing heavy...

"Confidence. You can do this. You NEED to do can do NEED to do this. You won't screw up, you won't screw up, you won't screw up. "The dragon whispered to herself as she walked forward, eyes still closed, head down. When she collided with the bar itself, the wolf burst into a laugh, leaving Niobe's mantra instantly shattered around her.

"EEP! Ahh, heh, s, sorry sorry. " The dragon quipped quickly, to which the wolf just shrugged.

"I'm sure the bar will survive...Sorry babe, but this place is closed right now. You'll have to come back some other time, to get plastered." The wolf explained, closing her eyes, and returning to her drink.

"Oh, oh! No, no I'm not...I'm not here for a drink, I um, I'm supposed to be talking with the your know if, err, is he here? This is Beautiful Twilight, right? I'm supposed to speak with Mr. Shadowpaw." She explained nervously. The wolf twirled around in her seat slowly, facing the trembling dragon, for a few seconds. Niobe, whom stared back, bite her lip, waiting for an answer from the tipsy wolf. Finally, she grinned and nodded her head.

"Mr Shadowpaw? Oh, yeah, he's around. I think he's having a lunch break or something. He'll be back fairly soon. Why don't you set that big butt of your's down on a stool and have a drink with me. The wolf chuckled. Niobe frowned a little bit, and sat down, slowly, her ears splaying as her large rump forced a creek from the stool underneath her. The wolf grinned, looking the dragon over and slowly, she shook her head.

"You know, I heard most dragons are fairly slim and powerful. Your...different. "The wolf said quietly, the alcohol strong on her breath. Niobe gave a quiet sigh, waiting for the slew of insults she knew that were coming. She didn't have to wait long...

"I'm a little bit...ample. Yes. Comparatively with other dragons, but my family says I have a very lovely figure..."

"Your family must be the size of the Hindenburg." The wolf mumbled quietly, something which Niobe found herself working to ignore.

"And your not ample. Your fat. Your tummy is fat, your boobs are fat, and your butt is fat. You, are a fat-assed dragon." The wolf elaborated with a drunken grin. Niobe took a deep breath, and shook her head slowly, forcing down a pint of anger that seemed to be bubbling up from somewhere inside of her.

"No, I'm broad. I'm...big boned, but I'm not fat. I'm not a fat dragon, I'm...oh, just never mind." She said with a huff. The wolf, whom wasn't at all close to being done, shook her head again and chuckled.

"So you wanna job here, huh? She asked quietly, returning to her drink, still hunched over the bar. Niobe bit her lower lip not terribly sure she was enjoying the company of this lupine, but nodded her head anyway.

"Yes. I need one very bad..." She whimepered quietly and the wolf chuckled.

"Badly. You mean to say you need one badly. "She explained to a puzzled looking dragon. Niobe shook her head, letting the rumble of a growl die in her tummy. This wolf was definitely her get on her nerves, but she didn't dare leave until she had a chance to talk with Mr. Shadowpaw.

"S, so is there anything you can tell me about Spark? What's he like? Is he very tall? Short? Does he have a dress code? Is he mean to employees? Does he fire easily?!" Niobe babbled, the questions pouring out faster then she could stop them, her desperate situation to land employment getting the better of her. But instead of seeming annoyed, the wolf just laughed.

"Oh? Well I'll tell you one thing- he really hates dragons." She said casually, sipping at her drink again, catching the wilting ears of the dragon next to her out of the corner of her eye. That was it then. If Mr. Shadowpaw hated dragons as much as the wolf explained, then there wasn't even a point for her to stay. Niobe stood up on wobbly legs, fighting back a sniffle. Her head down, tail dragging on the floor, she turned to glumly walk back the way she came, jobless, hopeless, and helpless. She wondered if there were any nice gutters around for her to lie in and die. The wolf remained sitting quietly at the bar, not even paying attention to her any longer as the dragon dragged herself out of the room.

It was then, that revaluation struck, and Niobe stopped, and stomped a foot into the ground.

"No, damn it! I'm not going to give up until he fires me himself! And if he doesn't like dragons, so what! At least I tried! I'm tired of running away before the fight even starts! "She growled, striding over to the chair and sitting down with a huff, both her arms crossed, her eyes narrowed with determination. The wolf, whom had turned to watch this spectacle, opened her muzzle to comment, but quickly shut it at the dragon's next outburst.

"And you! I don't know if I even want to work here after meeting you! You've done nothing but be rude to me the moment I've walked in the door, and I've had it, so you can just keep your comments to yourself, you understand? You seem very mean and petty, like one of those people whom get off on making others feel bad, and I am having a very bad day, and your not making anything better. Why don't you drink yourself into a stupor and leave me alone!" She snapped, forcing the wolf's ears to perk at attention. The canine grinned a moment, and nodded her head.

"Yes ma'am! I most certainly promise to keep my mouth shut ma'am!" The wolf giggled, to which the dragon growled.

"I, I'm serious! You leave me alone...or....or..."She struggled. The wolf grinned toothily, placing her drink to the bar and leaned in close.

"Or what?"

"Or...Or I'll just be...forced to avoid you! That's what!" She whimpered. At that point the wolf slapped her paw onto the bartop and burst into giggles.

"Alright, alright, I'll ease off you. Sorry if I tied you're tail in a knot. My humblest apologies. " The wolf said quietly with a slow nod. The dragon peered at her for a moment, before knitting her brow.

"Who are you anyway? What are you doing here? Your not cleaning or anything. Are you on a lunch break or something?" She asked with a furious huff. The teasing, the comments, the insincerity of this nasty female whom sat beside her really pushed her buttons. She found her self praying, praying that this wolf didn't work here, and she was waiting for something like an interview along with her. She couldn't stand the thought of being forced to work side by side with the likes of someone like her. At this point, the canine grinned widely and swiveled around on her chair, facing the demanding dragoness with a crossed leg and a warm smile.

"Weeeeell before you showed up I was getting plastered. It's a habit of mine-I like the sauce. Heh, I gotta get goin, I've actually got some work to do now. "The wolf chuckled, standing up a moment, grasped the bar for support, and turned towards the door behind it with a swish of her tail.

"Hey, you never told me your name!" The dragon called out after her. She didn't much care for the wolf at this point, but she figured she had at least ought to know whom it was she was going to avoid by name.

The wolf paused at the doorframe to what looked like a small office and shot the dragon a sly grin.

"Sparkle. Shadowpaw. Spark to my friends." The wolf explained with a chuckle, reveling in the way the dragon's muzzle went from lime green to whitish pale.

"Y, NO. No no no no, your messing with me." The dragon growled. The wolf gave a grin and twisted herself around, strolling towards the bar to lean across it, chuckling all the while.

"Sparkle Shadowpaw, here to give you your interview today for an application at "Beautiful Twilight." I'll admit, "Spark" sounds like a male name, but ...boobs." Sparkle chuckled, hefting her chest towards the dragon whom seemed to be choking on her own tongue.

"Y, mean your really...your really...I, I'm so sorry! I'm so, so sorry about what I said about you! Oooo, I'm sorry!" The dragon whimpered, moving off the chair to get to her knees, but Spark laughed and shook her head.

"I'm sorry I tricked you Niobe...but in my defense- I'm a pretty tipshe right about now, but that's beside the point. The pint is...hehehehe, I mean, the point is, welcome to "Beautiful Twilight." far, have proved to be a most interesting interview." She explained, watching the dragon's expression change from terror to curiosity.

"That's right, this whole thing was your interview, I've got this whacky notion that interviews that are anticipated and prepared are scripted... You know, the typical answers and questions furs ask? I wanted to know the real you. You, my dear, are a bit clumsy, you've got low self esteem, and your willing to try and make others feel good despite what happens to you. Your honest and kind, your very polite even to someone who upsets you a great deal, and you didn't react with violence, or a lot of aggression. When I told you that Mr. Shadowpaw hates dragons, and you decided to remain and stick out the interview anyway, is what convinced me to hire you. Your strong willed, and ready to take on challenges even if your doomed to failure. I made fun of you and you choose to ignore me instead of retaliate. I like people like how does starting out at 11.25 an hour sound? You'll get tips, of course, from the work you do..."The wolf explained, but Niobe didn't answer. She stood silently, staring into space. She couldn't believe it was happening! She had a job!

"Niobe? Niobe? "Spark asked, snapping her fingers in front of the stunned dragon whom's eyes suddenly lit up and she squealed.

"Oh! YES! Yes, yes yes! That sounds wonderful! Oh, thank you, so, so so much! Thank you Ms. Shadowpaw! You won't regret this! I swear! Really really!" Niobe squealed happily. Sparkle giggled quietly, and turned towards the small door that behind the bar.

"Oh stop. You deserve a job far better then this one- I'm just helping you get on your way Niobe. And please, please please please call me Spark. I hate formal titles. Anyway, please step into my office, there's one final bit we have to go over. "She explained, and Niobe nodded her head, quickly stepping in behind Spark, whom shut the door with a grin.

* * *

Rarely did Sparkle venture into the tiny officer for anything other then leisure activity when the bar was dead. Standing at the door and looking in, there was a large, cushy looking leather couch pressed against one wall. On the floor rested a sizable red rug with a big gray paw print design on the inside. To the right, there was a quiet sitting, large wooden desk, with a big leather chair on the other side of it. The items on top of said desk included: A small CD player, a pencil and some pens, a pencil sharpener, a clock, a remote control, a lighter, an ashtray, and what looked like a Gamecube.

Niobe looked amung the items with interest, following the wolf into the office, before she stopped and turned around with a smug looking grin on her muzzle.

"Now then, a great big bottom. "The wolf grinned, forcing the dragon's cheeks to burn.

"As do I...I mean, not quite as sizable as yours, know...hefty. "Sparkle explained, blushing herself as she stood up.

"This bar kind of...tolerates things like spanking, and hell we even encourage pinches, and swats." She explained, walking towards her desk. She opened it, shut it, and placed what looked like a small Ping-Pong paddle on the desk.

"And because of things like this, everyone must be used to...well, a firm swat every now and then. You'll more then likely get more from the patrons but, it's good to know my girls can take a beating and keep tickling. Not to mention, "Spankings" can be purchased from the bar like drinks can. "She explained quietly, and frowned when it looked like Niobe had no idea what was going on.

" works like this. If someone reeeeeally wants to spank you, they can offer to buy you a spanking from the bar. Their pretty expensive, but furs do this is important- are you into being paddled?" She asked with a deadly serious tone in her voice. The big dragon blinked a moment, not quite sure how to answer the question, and finally, just shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't...I mean, I've never...uhm..."

"Bend over the table...err, Desk. I mean desk. Over it. "


"Your gonna be spanked dwaggie. Bend over. "

"But...but I've never been..."

"Just bend over. I'll take care of all the rest." The wolf chuckled quietly- and nervously, the big bottomed dragon slowly submitted herself. Niobe was wearing jeans again today, the loosest ones she owned, and yet, still they clung to her hips and wide bottom. Sparkle grinned quietly, watching as Niobe did as she was told, bending herself forward over the table, her broad rump seemed to take up the entire room, large, full, and firm looking, Spark caught herself almost drooling at the very sigh. And she was still wearing jeans!! Tight, tight fitting jeans that hugged those wonderful twin globes like a second skin. Oooo, she was gonna have fun.

"Ready Niobe?" The wolf asked, but before the dragon could respond, Spark leaned back and launched a volley of swats across that huge backside in front of her. Again and again and again, the paddle swung down, crashing against the dragon's bottom with a firm, echoing SMACK that echoed in the room. In quick succession, Sparkle had managed to deliver 15 firm blows across that upturned bottom presented to her...

The wolf paused a moment, looking at the dragon still bent over the desk and tilted her head.



".....arrrrrre you alright?"

"Yeah. Just, waiting for you to start." The dragon quipped quietly. An insult! Sparkle's muzzle dropped, her eyes wide. Waiting for you to start?! How dare she! The wolf frowned, looking over the dragon puzzled, and grinned.

"Alright then! Have it your way. "The wolf chuckled, viciously, tossing down the ping pong paddle to the floor and proceeded to the bookshelf that rested against the wall of the office. Bending down to pull the book labled: "How to Spank the proper way" She gave it a tug, and stood up. Much to Niobe's astonishment, a small panel in the wall before Sparkle opened, revealing what looked like a showcase of paddles, gloves, whips, creams to increase arousal, creams to decrease sensitivity, creams to enhance endowments...Niobe felt a shiver trickle down her back. What had she gotten herself into...The wolf selected a large paddle, this one black in color, large with several holes drilled into it.

"Alright Niobe, brace yourself! "The wolf behind her shouted, and Niobe shut her eyes, gripping the side of the desk she was bent over firmly. She felt the wolf brush the flat side of the paddle gently across her upturned bottom, and shuddered, squeezing her eyes shut. And she waited....and waited...and waited. And when she finally opened her eyes to look around to she what was going on, Sparkle was staring dumbfounded at the broken paddle in her paws. The wood cracked and splintered, the wolf looking so very shocked, Niobe had to stifle a giggle.

"...How did that happ-

"You know damn well how it happened! Your butt is like...made of steel or something!! Your ...your...your impossible to spank!" Spark squealed in dismay, her eyes wide, she dropped the paddle to the floor and marched over to the secret showcase again, selecting a giant paddle. This one she could barely lift, but she hefted it over her shoulder and marched back towards the dragon.

"Cheeky dragon...think your all that, hmm? Think your invincible, eh? "The wolf said with a sickly sort of grin on her muzzle, as she lifted the huge paddle up.

"You...I've never had a chance to use this before...I call it my "Dragon Slayer" She snickered. "But never had a dragon to use it on...your gonna be prefect.. "The wolf cackled insanely. Niobe's ears perked up, nervously, not sure if she felt safe around the wolf anymore, but before she could open her mouth to object, the wolf, which great difficulty, lifted that huge paddle, and swung it as best she could against Niobe's big rump. There was a brief pause before the sensation hit- a strong tingling in her backside, that made her squeal.

"YOEEEOCH!! Owowoww, my butt!!" The dragon squealed, hopping up instantly, paws rubbing her ample hindside. Sparkle burst into giggles, and before long, so did Niobe. The spanking in a weird sort of way. Something she'd never experienced before, and something that would apparently be part of her life if she decided to continue to work at this bar. Spark was smiling at her, and extended a paw with a grin.

"Show up tomorrow for your first night, at Beautiful Twilight."

The End