Sophomore Year: Can't I Be Myself?

Story by Ace Wolf on SoFurry

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#6 of Sophomore Year

The Next Chapter In This Installment. Please Comment And Fave!

Sophomore Year: Can't I Be Myself


Here we are again. It's time for round two. The second year at Madison High had arrived, and I was not looking forward to it. Why wasn't I looking forward to a new adventure? Well, at the end of my last one, I lost people. People I cared for deeply. Even though I no longer had those people, I gained something even better.


Dozer and I were friends during our Freshmen Year. We met in a club called the GSA. The GSA, or Gay Straight Alliance, was the birth-place of my social life here at Madison High. There is where I gained the friends I would later call family. The GSA is where I met Colby, Dozer, and Samantha.

Why was Dozer set apart from my other friends, you ask? That's an easy answer. Dozer is my boyfriend; the love of my life; the person who feels me with so much joy. We started dating the last day of school. Since then every second has been spent with the little skunk. The summer was great. I met his parents and he met my mom, which went surprisingly well. It gave us the opportunity to spend the night at each others house, and boy was that fun.

I loved spending time with Dozer, but the time spent with the little skunk was a double-edged sword. I lost Samantha and Colby after gaining Dozer as my boyfriend. Apparently, those two also wanted to be in a relationship with me, yet no one acted on it. Well, except Dozer.

After many attempts to regain our friendship, Samantha and Colby decided that being the third and fourth wheel would not be fun for them. I understood, but it saddened me to lose such a great set of friends. Neither would take my call, and Colby even tried to attack Dozer on the first day of school. Luckily, I stepped in just in time to avoid any confrontation. After that little scene, I knew for sure that our friendship could never be mended.

Today was August 23rd, the second day of school. Lucky for you I can skip the boring part of actually being in school and get to what was happening in my room. Dozer came over to do homework, but there was not much work going on. Instead, Dozer and I laid in bed, half naked, as we kissed and fondled each other.

Dozer lie next to me with his chest exposed. The little skunk did not workout like my other friends, Brandon and Max. His body leaned more on the toned side rather than muscular. He was perfect in my eyes. The little body covered in black and green fur. The white fur on his body was died green. He had a thing for darker colors and hated his white fur.

I, myself, had a decent body. It could not be compared to Drake or Max's, but I did keep in shape; especially my arms. I found myself focusing on my arms when working out. Most guys thought a six pack is what dropped panties. Not me. I wanted the bodybuilder image. That is how real men should look.

Dozer ran his par over my bicep, squeezing it. A murr could be heard from the little skunk.

"You know I love those biceps of yours," Dozer said as he gazed over my left arm. "So big, like a tree trunk..."

I chuckled at his compliment before giving him a quick kiss.

"That explains why you like to climb me every chance you get."

Dozer climbed on top of me and placed his paws on my chest; they sunk into my chest fur and I could feel them grasp my pecs. The skunk let his eyes jump over my body before resting at my own.

"What can I say? You're just so damn sexy!" The compliment forced me to blush. I placed both paws on his waist as I leaned up to push our lips together.

Dozer returned the kiss. His lips were soft and sweet like fresh honey. I could not help but smile as our lips parted. The little skunk looked at me and returned a smile. A blush stained his cheeks.

"I'm glad you like my body..." I moved in closer so that our noses touched. "It isn't as defined as Max or Drake's, but I don't see myself putting that much work into it."

That was true. I see how much time those two spend in the gym; hours upon hours, working out and pushing their bodies. They ran on the treadmill nonstop. I know they are both canines, but how much stamina could one furson hold? I could not... No. Would not put myself through that type of hell for six tight muscles.

Dozer grabbed one of my arms and squeezed.

"Drake is a boxer, he needs to keep in shape for his fights. You on the other paw just need to stay big and strong for little ole me." Dozer said with a grin.

With one swift motion, I flipped Dozer on his back. My body hovered over the little skunk, dwarfing it in size. I felt our crotches bump and grind against each other, causing a stir in my pants.

"You know, I like your little body," I thrust my hips into the little skunk. "I like all of the things I can do with it... You know...

I leaned over to his ear, whispering into it as my warm breath traveled the triangular canal, "Like when I fuck you..."

Dozer shivered and murred. He wrapped his legs around my waist causing my now growing member to push into his little ass. I knew it would not be long before our clothes came off. They always did. Dozer had that affect on me. Anytime we were alone, he would pull me into his sexual world; no mater if I'm horny or not, I would find myself hypnotized by him.

Our eyes met. Dozer's lips curled into a smile before saying seductively, "Fuck me."


"So you're Gay?"

"No, I was in love with Tyran."

"But Tyran is a guy, right?"


"That means you're gay."

"EHH! NO!"

I glared at Max, furious. The past thirty minutes was filled with question after question, all focusing on my sexuality. I felt like I was being interrogated for a crime I did not commit.

This was my first time seeing Max in months. After my falling out with Caleb, the social life I once had declined. I spent all of summer at Diablo Apostles. Working out and improving my boxing dictated my very being. They kept bad memories of what happened with Caleb and Tyran at bay. I could have started doing drugs again, but what good would that do? I was pissed, and I wanted to feel every ounce of anger pulse through my veins. I wanted to let others experience the pain I withstood. What better way to do that than boxing?

"You're Bisexual then?" Max sat on the bottom of my bed, shirtless, his feet firmly planted as he leaned back on both paws.

"No, man." I stood up from a desk chair I sat in and tossed him a shirt. "Put a damn shirt on."

"Why?" Max grinned. "See something you like?"

I flipped the Husky off.

"Shut the fuck up." I went to walk out the door, but turned around before exiting the door. "You're gay and never told me? Why?"

Max sat there with a smile on his face. I never understood this guy's mood. He seemed to have the ability to not care. It amazed me to no end.

"Well..." Max started but was interrupted by the door opening.

Brandon had barged in the room, holding a large two liter sprite, half a dozen bags of chips, and three cups. As he walked in, he kicked the door shut behind him before dumping everything onto my bed.

"Sweet! Cheetohs!" The husky jumped at a bag of Cheetohs, obviously high as a kite.

I sighed, a little miffed at my friends absence of interest. I swear the husky had the IQ of a genius, but the attitude of a fucking toddler. He was always like this, even since we were cubs.

"MAX!" I growled, causing Max's head to shoot towards me. "You have the attention span of a fly when you're high.. Oh, I just rhymed that shit!"

Max and I started to giggle. I won't lie and say I did not participate in a smoke session with my old buddies. It seems like a lifetime since I kicked it with these two. I questioned why we didn't hang out over the summer, seeing that these guys could put my mind at ease with just their presence.

Brandon rolled his eyes. "You two are idiots..." He grabbed a bag of chips and sat next to Max. "So what happened while I was gone?"

I grabbed the desk chair, pulled it to face Max and Brandon, and sat down directly in front of my friends.

"Well... I was wondering why you and Max never told me you were gay?" I said.

Max and Brandon looked at one another then back at me, simultaneously. They both wore a serious expression. Brandon was the first to speak.

"That isn't a topic you can just come out and talk about, you know? So many things could go wrong if we told you and Caleb. You two could have acted like assholes and told the entire school."

I opened my mouth to speak, but Max beat me to the punch.

"Yeah, and with Brandon as the football star and my status as the former class president, we couldn't risk the school targeting us like those kids in the GSA."

I sat there, deep in thought. Their reasons were pretty solid. You never know what people will say or do after they find out your sexuality. Hell, Caleb completely disowned me, and Tyran's family sent him off to Military school. The risk and rewards were completely one-sided in this situation, leaning more toward risk than rewards.

Max and Brandon both waited in anticipation. I guess they wanted some type of confirmation. What could I say? I fell victim to the same circumstances, hiding my relationship.

"You know how I am guys," I started. "I would never give up a friendship because of who you choose to love..."

"Fuck.." Brandon said, smirking.

I ignored him and gave my attention to Max. "You guys are like brothers to me, and... I know Caleb feels the same. It's just.. It's just that when he found out I was in love with Tyran he flipped out. He isn't homophobic, I think. Maybe he is, but that wasn't like him... You know him... You know both of us. We always stood up for the gay kids at our school."

Max raised a paw, causing me to halt in mid sentence. A mischievous smile was plastered across his face. This smile was new to me. Brandon looked at our husky friend and mirrored his expression.

"You don't have to explain anything to us dude, I just want to suck your dick." Max said this with such confidence.


Brandon interrupted, "I want you to suck my dick."

They both looked at one another, grinning. I had no idea what was going on in their twisted heads, but I knew it could not be good. The way they looked at one another, then at me made for an uncomfortable atmosphere.

"G-guys... I told you I'm not gay." I blurted; my cheeks where burning bright red now.

Brandon grabbed one of the cups he brought in earlier and poured sprite into it before grabbing a bottle of vodka to mix. He passed me the cup, then repeated this two more times, handing a cup to Max, then sitting one in front of him. He looked at me, continuing to freak me out with his weird grin.

"Drink up, buddy" He said as he tilted his own cup up, taking in a huge gulp of his adult beverage. Max copied his action and I hesitantly did the same.

"If you won't let me suck your dick," Max said as he placed the cup on the floor next to him. "Answer this question for me, but you have to promise to answer it honestly."

I nodded.

"Sure, if it will get your mind off my dick."

Max chuckled.

"Oh, don't worry, we'll come back to that, but first... Did you and Tyran ever... You know... Fuck?"

I gasped at the unexpected question. This was obviously something new to me. For months, I had to keep my relationship with Tyran a secret and now I had people to talk to about it. I wanted to shy away from this question, but deep down, it felt good having the opportunity to discuss this topic.

"We never fucked..." I whispered...

"AWWW!" Max sighed. "Did you even see each other naked?"

I blushed again. "Y-yeah..." I don't know why I wanted to talk about this. It could have been the vodka, or maybe the fact I was forced into silence for the past four months. I can't put my finger on it, but it felt good, nevertheless. "We kind of fooled around, once."

Max lunged forward, placing his chin in his paws as he looked at me, awaiting more information. Brandon just looked at me with that same grin. The bear's paw slowly moved towards his crotch.

I chuckled a bit. "I know you two are gay, but does that mean you have to act like little girls? Is the gossip getting you gals wet?"

Brandon squeezed his crotch, which looked a little larger than before. My eyes must have been playing tricks on me, because it filled his paw.

"Naw," Brandon licked his chops. "It's just getting me hard. Wanna feel?"

My eyes almost popped out of their sockets causing Max to burst out laughing. I glared at the husky, both furious and embarrassed. What the fuck was wrong with these two. I never saw this side of Brandon before. It was exciting, yet infuriating.

"I'm sorry dude!" Max continued to laugh. "You have no idea how horny this bear is! Our entire life I had to deal with his little comments. I'm just glad someone else is here to take the abuse for once."

I just stared at my friends. I guess these two had a history together. The entire time they had a secret friendship going on behind Caleb's and my back. It made me wonder. How much it must suck to keep your true-self hidden from people who claim to care about you? I'm sure it is torture, but those two having each other probably eased the pain.

Brandon continued to look at me as he held his crotch. "Let's get back on topic. What do you exactly mean when you say 'fooled around'?"

I shrugged. "We fooled around, you know? Hand jobs and blow jobs. Nothing major or anything. I don't think either of us were ready for that... I mean, how does sex with two guys even work?"

Brandon was now amused and a little less horny. He stopped groping himself as he sat up straight. "Well, it's quite simple. There is the top and the bottom. Lets use Max and I as an example."

Max opened his mouth to protest, but Brandon interrupted him as he continued, "Think of me as the top and Max, the bottom. The top is the guy who gets to play the role of the male and plow a Max's tight little ass."

"HEY!" Max blurted, now blushing.

"Yeah, yeah... Never mind that last part." Brandon grinned. "Max is definitely not tight." The bear winked, but our husky friend sat pouting.

I chuckled at the two. I had more questions on the topic, especially since I was in the dark on this particular issue when I dated Tyran. I wish Brandon and Max knew my secret in the past. Maybe, just maybe, I could have made a few better decisions. Maybe Tyran would be here...

As my mind started to inch toward those depressing thoughts, the door flew open as my mom, a medium sized white wolf, walked into my room.

"Hey boys, I'm just coming to tell Brandon that his mom said she will be working late tonight and that he can go to his dad's or Ace's." My mom twirled her cell phone in a hand.

Brandon's face lit up at the information. "I'll be going to Ace's!"

Mom nodded her head. She was about to turn around and leave the room, but before doing so, she sniffed around, her nose shriveled up as if a strong odor had been inhaled. She glared at Brandon. I guess she smelled the vodka.

"I will drive you there." Mom's glare went from Brandon to me. "Really, Drake? On a school night?"

Brandon and my face turned a scarlet red.

"Eh.. Mom, all of our grades are above 4.0's at the moment so..." Mom interrupted before I had the chance to finish.

"They better be. If you're going to live like adults, then you better be responsible and make good decisions. I swear..." My mom started.

Brandon stood up causing Mom to look at him. "Hey Mrs. Foster? I didn't notice until now, and my mom talked about seeing you the other day, but that new haircut looks great on you."

Mom's face was now as red as mine was a few seconds ago. She ran a paw through her long black head fur, giggling softly. "Thank you, Brandon. It's good somebody notices when I change up my appearance. What exactly did your mom say about it?"

Brandon grabbed his backpack and made his way to the door, following Mom out of the room. Before closing the door behind him he looked back and winked at me, causing my jaw to drop. "Well, she always wonder how yours got so long and how it looks as healthy as it does..." The voice of Brandon faded as him and Mom put distance between themselves and my room.

I looked at Max, face full of awe and amazement. All the husky could do is shake his head with a smile.

"That Brandon can play with anyone's head..." Max started. "He gets that from Ace."

I just shook my head and poured another drink. After Brandon left, Max and I just sat around listening to music, talking, and playing with our phones. You know, normal teenager things. Since it was the second day of school, no much homework was given. Lucky us. Now was the time to enjoy life until school threw us in a whirlwind of work and stress.

I enjoyed having Max's company. It had been so long since I was myself. My social life had taken a nose dive after the altercation with Caleb. Of course I had Necross, but around him life was more serious. We didn't hang around talking about the past or get wasted just for the hell of it. The dragon was a great friend, but it was nice to not eat, breathe, and think mixed martial arts twenty-four-seven.

Mom took forever to get home. She was probably out getting dinner, not to mention Ace's condo was on the other side of town. This left Max and I to have the house to ourselves.

The room was pretty silent for a while. Max lied on my bed with his head hanging over the edge as he scrolled through his phone. I sat on the floor only inches from his head lost in thought. My mind went toward a few depressing thoughts, all focusing around Tyran. The conversation earlier must have caused this. I guess it was inevitable. I spent all summer trying to forget about my last relationship, and all today did is dump all of those problems back onto my conscious.

One thing that troubled me was the fact that Tyran and I never had sex. I was a virgin, and I always wanted to lose my virginity to someone I loved. I cared for Tyran more than anything, and in a way, I did love the little guy. I spent my whole life loving the lion, only to have my love ripped away from me the moment I had it.

I looked over at Max, my nose was only an inch away from his muzzle. "Hey dude, are you a virgin?"

Max's attention went from his phone to me. He blushed. "No I am not."

I turned my body toward the husky and tilt my head. "Really? Who did you lose your virginity to?"

"Brandon." Max said, now blushing even harder.

My eyes widened at his answer, catching me completely off guard. I knew those two were close, but not THAT close.

"R-really? When did that happened?" I asked.

Max looked at the ceiling. "Well, I think we were... Nine or ten? I can't really remember. Maybe eight. It's been so long."

My jaw felt like it hit the floor when I heard his answer. They didn't just find out they were gay. Their little secret extended all the way into our cub years. This was news to me, and boy was I shocked.

"Are you a virgin?" Max turned his head back toward my direction, looking at me in his upside down position.

I begin blushing again. "Yeah... I mean, I've had a few blow jobs from girls and Tyran, but that's it."

"You are way to sexy to be a virgin, dude. I can't believe that no one has went all the way with you." Max's eyes met mine for a split second, but I quickly broke the eye contact.

"Drake..." Max flipped over before coming to the floor to sit next to me. "Drake... Can I be your first?"

I gave my husky friend a disgusted glare as my head leaned in the opposite direction. My first? My first time having sex with Max sounded ridiculous. I loved this man, but as a brother. I didn't love him in the romantic way like I loved Tyran. The love I had for him was similar to the affection I showed Caleb, or Brandon.

"Shut the fuck up dude." I rolled my eyes and pulled out my phone.

Max chuckled, nervously. "Why not, man? I mean you and I have been friends for years. I care for you, and you care about me... I might not be Tyran-"

Before I knew it, I was on top of Max with my paw gripping his neck. "Don't you dare say what you were going to say!"

Max's eyes widened. His body stiffened as my paw held his neck in place. I looked into his eyes; they were filled with both fear and compassion. I don't know what came over me, but hearing him talk about Tyran stirred up so many emotions- more than I was able to keep in.

My nose mashed into his. "No, you are not Tyran. You will never be him. Neither you, nor Brandon can ever make me feel the way I did with him!"

Max just stared at me with his light blue eyes. I never noticed how calming they were, like being lost cloudless sky on a warm Spring day. He returned the stare, his body now becoming a little more relaxed. He brought a paw to my wrist and grabbed ahold of it; his other paw was placed on my cheek, then moved to the back of my neck, grabbing me and pulling my muzzle into a kiss.


The point tips of a sharply mowed grass poked me in the back as I lie looking up at the sky. A cool breeze washed over me, causing a ripple in the grass. I just lay motionless and exhausted, dripping sweat, secretly wishing I could stay in this spot forever.

The weather was nice out today with the sun giving off just enough heat to keep the cool breezes in check. It was one of those days that would be perfect for hanging out with friends and grabbing a cold beer. Instead of participating in said activity, I lay on the football field well after school hours.

"GET YOUR ASS UP, BRENNAN!" A loud voice boomed over the distance.

I slowly pushed my body from the ground to look at the owner of the dominant command. There, in front of me, was a tall Shepard, looking at me with disappointment glued on his face. This guy was my dad, and also known as Coach Roberts, leading coach of Madison High's football team.

I picked myself up, lazily, surprising myself. "Dad... I can't keep at it like this... I'm way to tired."

Dad growled, "I don't give a fuck if you're tired or not! That kind of shit happens when you take a year off of training to join a fucking science club!"

I rolled my eyes. Dad had always been this way, trying to push me to play sports throughout my life. Personally, I preferred the company of a science book, or a good game of chess: anything that didn't require me to throw a football, really. It seemed like he wanted me to follow in his footsteps and get a sports scholarship. With my grades a scholarship wouldn't be hard to obtain.

Wait. I'm getting ahead of myself. I'm new to the story, even though I attended Madison High freshmen year. Guess my life wasn't interesting enough to be apart of the cast. Anyway, now I'm included and here is a little about myself. I'm a German Shepard that is about five foot eleven and one-hundred and sixty pounds. I had a proportionate body, and the only thing that stood out was the way my black and caramel fur blended into an almost tigerish look.

I stood in front of my dad. We had been at this for hours, going over so many plays that I lost track. The football team didn't even have practice today, yet I was here doing drills.

"Practice doesn't start 'till next week dad, why am I the only one here?" I glared at my dad, but his look of disappointment quickly erased all the hostility I once held.

Dad walked up to me holding a helmet in his hand. He forced the football gear into my chest, almost knocking the wind out of me. "Because you will be the quarter back this year, and since you are out of shape, we don't have much time to get you ready."

"Don't you have a quarter back?" I asked.

Dad sighed. "No. Jakob isn't coming back this year. I swear that boy was the best damn quarter back I ever had a chance to coach! It upsets me that he had to leave before I unlocked his true potential."

"I don't want to be the quarter back." I threw the helmet down. "I played my whole life and it just isn't for me. Why can't I do something that I like?"

Dad's face filled with anger. "Because I'm the coach and your father! Football will help you get into a good college, and if we are lucky you will receive a scholarship so your mom and I won't have to pay for four years of school."

Dad picked up the helmet and pushed it back in my paws. He began to turn around but I walked up to him and cast the helmet to the ground behind the older Shepard. My dad was a few inches taller than myself, and probably a good hundred pounds bigger. I didn't care. I was tired of putting up with this crap. All I wanted to do was focus on things I enjoyed. Ever since I was a kid he has held football over my head, hoping I would share his love for the sport. That would never happen.

"I'm smart enough to get into any college I want." My voice tried to stay in a respectable range, but I was to frustrated to keep it under control. "My GPA is at a three point seven, one of the highest in my class next to Max Wesley. Some of us are smart enough to get into college with our brain and not athletic abilities."

Suddenly, a paw was mashed into my muzzle causing me to fall back onto the field. I sat on the grass, holding my face in a paw as blood dripped down my palm, wrist, and arm. I looked up at my dad who stood above me with a scary mad expression; his paw was curled into a fist as he stared down at me.

"You fuckin' prick." Dad hissed. "Think you're better than me cause of some silly little test? That shit doesn't matter out here in the real world. You know what? Let me give you a piece of reality. I am your fucking father. I own you until you turn eighteen. That means you will do whatever the fuck I tell you to do, and I am TELLING you you're going to play football until you graduate."

Flesh beneath my cheek fur pulsed. Blood continued to pour out as I stared at my father, both frightened and pissed the fuck off. I was scared of my dad, and pissed to have the fear of him take away my will to fight. He was my dad, afterall.

"Do you understand me you little shit?" Dad growled.

I nodded my head slowly. I felt the tears started to fill my eyes, but I held them back. I wouldn't give this bastard the pleasure of seeing me cry. He didn't deserve to have that much control over my life.

Dad turned around and started walking away. "Go clean yourself off before blood covers your jersey. Those things are cheap!"


I sat in the passenger seat of a 2015 Toyato Camry looking out the window as houses past. The car was quite for the first few minutes. I had given Ms. Foster all of the compliments in my arsenal. Lucky for me, she quickly forgot about the smell of alcohol on my breath after being told how clean and organized she kept her car. Mothers were all the same. All they wanted was to be noticed.

My mother was the same way. She was a great mom -don't get me wrong. I rarely got to see her. She worked every night at the hospital as a nurse, so there were times when we wouldn't cross paths for weeks.

That never bothered me. I mean, with Ace in my life, who else do I need? The wolf took care of me; fed me; clothed me; gave me a roof over my head. But most importantly, Ace makes me feel special. There was no one else in this world that could make me feel the way he did. I couldn't put my finger on it, but the love given by the wolf was converted into confidence. That same love is what drove me to get good grades and play football.

"Your mom works some crazy hours, huh?" Mrs. Foster said breaking the silence.

I took my focus from the passing houses and gave it to the female wolf. "Yes Ma'am. I rarely get to see her."

Mrs. Foster nodded.

"I understand. Single parents have to work extra hard to put food on the table. Trust me, we would like to be home more with our kids."

" I'm sure you do," I said shrugging.

She chuckled.

"We do," Mrs. Foster started. "I hate not being able to play a role in Drake's life. So much of his life seems like a... well, secret."

My eyes widened a little before turning to give my attention to the houses again. I hope she didn't see that. Drake's life was a secret, and it was not for me to tell. If I did... Well, Drake would cut all ties and I would never see the hybrid again.

"It feels like he's been hiding something lately... On top of that,' Mrs. Foster started. "Caleb hasn't been over in months. Those two were closer than brothers... What happened to them."

The car filled with silence. I knew she would want an answer... But what could I tell her? This was so all of sudden. I did not know what to say. What would Ace do? He would probably tell me to take a deep breath and focus.

So I did.

"Sorry, Mrs. Foster. I'm not really in the loop, you know? Drake and Caleb's problems are their own. I don't concern myself with it. It's better to stay neutral when friends have a feud."

The wolf gave her attention back to the road. I wanted that answer to be enough, but she grinned, giving me an uneasy feeling in my stomach. All of the alarms went off when I saw her face. The image reminded me of someone...

"You are a smart kid, Brandon. Very smart. You know I'm a psychologist. I pick up on things you do; things my son do." She glanced over at me, causing my head to hang. "I know you were playing games earlier, trying to get my mind off of the fact you kids were drinking and smoking. I don't mind at all. Everyone has problems, and everyone has ways of coping with it, even teenagers."

I nodded, remembering Ace telling me something similar not long ago.

"So, tell me right now. Is my son ok? Is he going through... what you and Max went through?"

My head shot toward her; a blush stained my cheeks. Could it be. Did she know? How? No, that isn't possible! No one knows about my secret. I was so good at hiding the true Brandon.

"W-what.." Oh shit. I stuttered. That won't be good... "What do you mean, Mrs. Foster?"

She looked at me with another one of those grins. The same type of grin Ace gave when he had me trapped in a mind game.


Stay focused...

"Is he gay?"

In an instance, all of the air I inhaled was pushed out of my chest as I gasped from utter shock.

"I.. I'm not......." What could I say? "Max and I arent'..."

There was no words that could be found at that moment. I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. I always said who I fuck is my business, but I've also never lied to anyone when they asked my sexual orientation. This time was a bit different. My next words could out not only myself, but my two best friends.


"Mrs. Foster," I started. "I know you have been known for your outstanding analyzing skills. Ace has spoken high of you when it comes to that... But this time you are not fully right. Drake and Max are not gay... I am."

The car came to a stop. The conversation at hand made time and distance slip away from me, because when I looked up, we were at Ace's condo. Ms. Foster turned to look at me.

"I don't care if any of you are gay, bi, or straight. I know it is not a choice. Do you know how many years I've researched kids like you for fun? Please, Brandon, don't bullshit me. I know a lot more than you think."

I don't know if it was pride, but the next words that came out of my mouth were definitely wrongly chosen.

"I doubt that." I mumbled.

The wolf laughed.

"I see Ace has rubbed off on you. Wow... I remember when he was a kid... He came to my office in his Freshmen Year of college to ask if he could be my intern. He was a lot like you... Very calm and smooth with his words."

I just sat there and listened. This was the first I've heard of this story.

Ms. Foster slapped the steering wheel. "He made one HELL of an intern! On multiple occasions I would let him talk to my patients for practice. He excelled. But he wasn't fooling anyone... Just like you. Just like how the both of you aren't fooling anyone now."

It struck again -the feeling of red flags standing tall. I had a very, very bad feeling.

"Ms. Foster... I don't know anything about your son. I'm sorry. Thanks for the ride." I grabbed my backpack and proceeded to exit the car.

The wolf sat back in her seat and grabbed the steering wheel. "Here I was, thinking you and Ace were smart... But I guess not. Fucking a kid is a serious felony... Definitely not worth the career he's built... the work you've put into school."

I froze.


Did she just say what I think she said? Maybe if I just leave I can act like I did not hear her. I wonder if it was to late. My pausing to get out of the car? Was that enough to give her the confirmation she needed?

This was Ace's mentor... I couldn't talk my way out of something like this. It was on another level. The amount of pressure I felt was to much for me. I didn't know what to do next. My next move could easily out Max, Drake, and..

And Ace...

"Hello, Ms. Foster." My head shot up as a familiar voice rang in my ears, sending a wave of comfort throughout my body. Standing in front of the car stood a jet black wolf with white tip ears and a white tip tail -Ace.

Ms. Foster looked at Ace and smiled. "Hello, there. Long time no speak. I guess your phone has been off for the past few years, because I haven't heard anything from you."

Ace chuckled. "I'm a very busy wolf, nowadays. And besides, you know I'm not a phone person."

"That's true..." She laughed. "You never would call to tell me you would be absent."

Ace scratched the back of his head and smiled. "Well, thanks for bringing Brandon over."

"No problem," Ms. Foster stated before restarting the Toyato's engine. "Take care of him... As if I need to tell you that. You have always done a good job at that."

Ms. Foster grinned at Ace. They both stared at one another. Ace had a look of amusement on his face. Not what I would expect. I wonder if he overheard the conversation from before. If so, I would expect him to charm his way out of this, just like he always do. But would it be enough this time?

Ace grinned as he bit his lower lip. Two canines poked out of his mouth as they latched onto his lower muzzle.

"Will do," Ace said calmly. "And do tell your brother-in-law that Drake will be performing in the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu tournament next month. I know how he LOVES keeping up with that kids career."

Ms. Foster's face turned from smug to angry in an instant. I don't think I've ever seen her this mad, and she's had to host all-boy sleepovers. You know how frustrating that can get.

The female wolf growled before backing out and driving off, leaving Ace and I waving dust out of our face. The muscular wolf turned around with a grin glued to his muzzle. Myself, on the other paw, was left with my mouth open, confused.

I finally found the words to say after being dazed.

"What was that all about?"

Ace shrugged as he walked toward his condo.

"I don't know."

His voice was full of secrets. That only made my young mind go into a frenzy. Everything I just witnessed was like one giant puzzle. Each piece looked complicated. But if I could put it together, the story it's picture will tell would surely be worth the effort.

I followed Ace, right on his tail -literally. The wolf's tail waved back and forth, not missing a beat. The muscles in his back were clearly visible as they outlined the tight white shirt that clung to his body.

I smiled and licked my lips.