One Step At A time 3

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Okay here is number three. Let me know what you guys think about these stories so far! :)

One Step At A Time 3

Early the next morning the sunlight shines through the window and onto the two naked bodies on the bed. Hayden lays next to Sam with her head on his chest and his arm around her holding her close to him. Hayden begins to stir a bit as she slowly wakes up from her sleep. She sits up on the bed rubbing her eyes then yawns as she stretches. She then looks over blushing seeing Sam lay there just as naked as she is. With a few pats on his chest Sam slowly opens his eyes looking up to his sister. He blushes as well enjoying the sight of his sister's naked body being the first thing he sees when he wakes up. He then sits up sharing a kiss with his twin. After breaking the kiss they smile at each other for a few seconds before Sam speaks. "Good morning sexy." Hayden giggles softly playfully hitting her brother on his chest. "Good morning to you too sexy hah.." Looking over to his clock on the night stand next to his bed he points out that it's 9 o'clock in the morning. "This might be the earliest we've gotten up on a weekend. And good thing too.. we can go take a shower before mom and dad find out." Sam slides out of his bed after speaking as he walks over to his closet taking out two towels for them. When he gets back to the bed he hands Hayden the one she'll be using. "Thank you Sam." She smiles as she slips out of the bed as well and stands up next to him. Sam gives a slight grin seeing Hayden wobble a little when she stood. "Hope I didn't go too rough on you last night." He finishes with a wink. Hayden glances at him then turns away blushing more. "N..NO... were fine.. it felt amazing Sam.. I wanna do it again very soon.. but first our shower." She giggles as she turns and gives his nose a kiss before walking to the door unlocking then opening it. As they both walk out of the room naked they look down the hall seeing their parents room door still closed so they assume that they're still sleeping. So they make their way to the bath room closing the door behind them and locking it. Sam goes over to the tub and turns on the shower getting it just how they like it. After he's done they sit their towels down on the counter and get into the shower. Hayden stands under the stream letting the water run down her naked body. Sam watches his sister looking over her figure seeing everything he loves about her as his cock starts to grow hard from her. Hayden looks over to her brother smiling seeing he's enjoying what she's doing. "Wish your camera was water proof don't ya?"

Sam grins nudging his sister getting a giggle from her. "You bet I do. I would like to save that moment.. but there's always next time right? now lets hurry up before they wake up." "Yes sir hehe.." It takes the twins half an hour to take their shower as they help each other clean themselves. When they're finished they get out drying themselves off and wrapping the towel around their bodies. As they walk out of the bathroom Hayden goes to her room and Sam goes to his both going to their closets and gets dressed. Hayden in a pair of small grey shorts and a black tank top she took from her brother while Sam dresses in a pair of blue shorts and a blue t-shirt. Sam then gathers up his and Hayden's clothes from the previous day that are still on the floor and puts them in a pile in his closet along with the bag of lingerie he got her. On the other side of the house Randall stands at his door after hearing the bathroom door opening and two sets of footsteps coming from the room. He looks back to Amber who is smiling at her husband getting a slight chuckle from him. Amber walks over to him leaning in kissing his cheek. "I told you those two got closer than they normally were." "Yeah but I thought they were just fell asleep together after playing a game or something.. and that was it.. but now.." Amber hugs Randall from his side smiling up at him. "Oh come on they had the door locked while they were in there together. I tried to open it last night when they were sleeping. and the scent coming from there.. they were playing more us friendly games it seems.. but enough of this for now.. lets go get breakfast ready. We'll question them about it later." Randall looks to her nodding with a smile as they both exit the room and heads downstairs then into the kitchen starting to fix breakfast. Hayden stands upstairs in her room and in front of her mirror brushing her hair. When she finishes she lets it hang down. She then walks to her door opening it and walks out going over to her brother's room opening his door. Sam looks over to Hayden from on his bed just getting done fixing it. "I think I need air freshener and new bed sheets... your claw marks and our cum kinda got to it.. but for now I took off the top cover so they wont know if they come in." "Well that's a good thing I think.. now come on lets go eat. I can smell the food." She smiles holding out her hand to her brother. Sam gets up and takes her hand as he leans in kissing her lips. They share their kiss for a few seconds before breaking with Sam still smiling at her. "I ready when you are baby." Hayden blushes at what he calls her then leads him downstairs. They lets each others hands go before getting to the bottom. As they get into the kitchen their parents are almost done with the food.

After the twins sit in their spots for ten or so minutes plates of pancakes and eggs gets sat in front of them. they thank their parents as they eat. Amber looks to Randall then back to the kids as they sit down and eat as well. The family spend some time eating enjoying their food until each of them finish. Amber sits back in her chair looking to her kids. The twins look back at her then at each other wondering if they did something wrong. Amber smiles at them. "So.. I came to check on you two last night.. and you weren't in your room Hayden." Hayden was about to say something but was silenced by her mother holding up her hand. "Let me finish. I went to Sam's room and his door was locked.. then I smelled something.. you two were having sex last night weren't you?" Her question making the twins blush red as they look down to their empty plates. "We'll take your embarrassment and silence as a yes" Randall said laughing a bit at their actions. Hayden looks to both parents confused. "You're not mad at us for doing that?" Amber shakes her head smiling at her daughter. "No we're not mad at you two. Just a little surprised about it.. because you two hardly got along until recently. And since it's someone you're very close to makes me happy that it's not some random guy.." Sam lets out a sigh of relief hearing his mother is ok with them doing it. "Well I'm glad you're ok with this.." Amber grins looking to Sam. "And I also heard the noise you were making from my office. I knew you were doing it sometime before nightfall." Her words getting another blush from the kids as Hayden gets up and collects everyone's plates and goes to the sink washing them. Amber giggles watching Hayden as she then looks over to Sam. "I think I embarrassed her heh.." "Yeah you did mom hah. Thank you for allowing us to love each other in this way." Amber nods smiling as she gets up with Randall. "But we will be making sure you two stay safe while doing that. We don't need her getting pregnant yet." Randall says before walking out of the kitchen with Amber. Sam then gets up and goes over to Hayden hugging her from behind and kisses her cheek making her smile. She then spins around in his arms until she is now facing him. they lean into each other sharing a kiss. Randall, forgetting to tell the twins something walks back into the kitchen. He pauses seeing them kissing as he watches for a few seconds then he clears his throat to get their attention. The twins jump breaking the kiss and looks to their snickering father. "Well I can see you two are very happy with this. But I came back to tell you that we'll be getting you protection later. So try to hold off from doing anything until then please. Now come in here with us." After getting a nod and a "Yes father" from the kids he walks back into the living room joining Amber with the twins following right behind him.

Randall sits next to Amber on one side of the couch and the kids sit with each other on the other side looking to their parents. Amber looks to her kids smiling. "Ok so today's plans were to leave you two here while I went to show a house to a client and Randall going to help his brother move. But seeing that you might mess up the house with doing that I've been thinking about changing my mind about that." Hayden stands up looks to her mother. "Hey hey hey just because we did it once doesn't mean we'll do it all over the house come on mom why would we do something as crazy as that?" She then looks back at Sam seeing him quickly look up to her because she stopped talking. He blushes giving her a wink then covers his face right before she hits him with her tail giggling. "I think Sam would suggest something like that." Randell smirks looking to his son both winking at each other and Randell getting a hit from Amber. Hayden looks to her mother both sighing at the males. "I'll make sure nothing like that happens here mom I give you my word." Amber nods at Hayden. "Fine I'll give you two a chance to prove yourselves. This is your only chance. If we come home with the house smelling like your room, you two will be grounded and we'll take your tv, computers, and phones. Understood?" Both kids nod to their parents smiling as they look to the TV.

"We'll be good mother I promise. Nothing like that will happen in other parts of the house besides our two rooms. Deal?" Hayden looks to Sam winking then looks back to her mother seeing her laughing at her answer.

"Sure Hayden I'll give you that one option. Only in one or both of your rooms. And stay out of our room. That one is off-limits." The twins smile high fiving each other then goes over hugging their parents before running back upstairs. The adults look to each other nodding at the kids believing what they said. Then they walk out of the house locking the door behind them and goes over to Randall's car with him getting in the driver's seat and her in the passenger. Randall starts the car as they put on their seat belts and pulls out of the driveway and drives off. "So.. they obviously believed that.. now how should we handle this?" Randall glances over to his wife then back to the road letting out a sigh before answering her. "Well.. I say send one of them to your parents for a few months.. or years if need be. But who should we send?" "Maybe Hayden? She was the first to protest against it so maybe she's the cause of it happening.... So I vote Hayden." Randall nods as he continues to drive to their destination. "Fine with me I guess. Hayden it is then." Back at the house the kids heard the door lock and the car drive away knowing their parents had left. When they come out of their room they look to each other smiling with Hayden holding out her hand to him. Sam walks over to her taking her hand and being ushered into her room closing the door behind them. Hayden turns off her lights allowing the light from outside of the window to light up the room. Sam smiles as he is ushered to her bed and sits on the edge once he reaches it. She stands in front of him smiling then grins as she takes off her top then bra dropping them to the floor. "And we just got all cleaned up didn't we? heh.." Sam nods chuckling at her statement knowing it's true then he pushes off his shorts and boxers showing his sister what she wanted to see. Hayden blushes looking to his barbed cock as he starts to get stiff from just the sight of her. She then pushes down her shorts and panties kicking them off before climbing up into his lap. Placing her hands on his shoulders she leans in kissing him. Sam holds onto his naked sister's hips then lets one hand slide down to grab her butt. As they make out Sam starts to push Hayden down onto him making her gasp and moan into the kiss as his cock enters her tight little pussy. Sam lets out a moan as well into the kiss as Hayden now starts to rise and fall back onto his lap. They break the kiss moaning freely now as Sam moves his other hand back to her hips pushing her down harder onto him making her moan louder as well. After a couple of minutes of staying it that position Sam pulls out of his sister and flips her over onto the bed. He then stands up as both of them pant. "On your hands and knees." Hayden blushes as she complies to what he says and gets into position for them to continue. She then looks back to him and moves her tail out the way and shakes her butt at him. Sam smirks as he climbs back up onto the bed and smacks Hayden's butt making her squeal. He then lines his cock up to her pussy as he grabs hold of her hips again and thrusts back into her making her moan and gasp again. Hayden moans out loudly as Sam starts to pound away at her newly deflowered vagina. Gripping the covers under her and glancing back at him Hayden's face is red from blushing so much.

Not knowing about what's happening back at home the parents arrive to where they were going. They turn off the car and exit it at they walk up to the front door being greeted by one of the staff members. After taking a tour of the all male boarding school they shakes the headmaster's hand after he hands them an application for Sam to attend. During their tour of the school, Sam now has Hayden pressed against the wall of the bathroom shower as the water falls over them. Sam rams his cock into his twin sister as hard as his body would let him causing her to let out loud moans of pleasure from what he's doing to her. He bites down on her neck though not enough to seriously hurt her, as he cums one final time into Hayden getting a pleasured scream out of her. Once their done he pulls out of her cum dripping pussy and sets her down on her feet but keeps hold of her to make sure she doesn't fall. He helps her clean herself and she does the same for him before they get out of the shower and dry off. Once their back in Hayden's room they put their clothes back on then heads back downstairs. Hayden goes out of the back door to sit on the patio while Sam sits in the living room watching TV. Amber and Randall decide to stay out longer to see if there was anything else they could do to dissolve their situation. Amber calls her parents telling them of what happened and why they want to send Hayden up to them. At first her parents refuses but after some persuasion they end up agreeing to the deal of keeping Hayden until she turns eighteen. Amber smiles to Randall. "I know this is a hard choice to make.. but it's truly for the best." Randall looks to her nodding and returns the smile. "I know Amber.. i'm still just a bit shocked by this whole deal.. our kids.. in love with each other? first time i had to ever deal with something like this.. we're making the right choice here." Amber leans over and kisses her husband as he drives them back to the house. Aft arriving back at their house they get out of the car and enters the house. Randall looks to the living room seeing Sam sitting their looking at tv. He smiles to Amber as they walk into the living room. "We're back son." Sam looks back waving at his parents. "Welcome back guys. Hope everything went well with the house mom." Amber nods as she walks over ans sits on the couch then shortly after Randall joins them as well. Amber smiles at her son. "Yeah it went very well. The couple is still thinking on buying it.. so it's too soon to tell right now. Where's your sister?" Sam points to the back door after hearing the question. "She's sitting out on the porch. Sunbathing probably hah.." Amber smiles as she nods and gets up heading to the back door. She opens it looking out seeing Hayden sitting in one of the lawn chairs on her phone guessing she's talking to someone.

Later on in the afternoon Amber retrieves the envelope with the application to the boarding school in it. She walks back into the house and heads straight upstairs and into her room. Walking over to her bed she sits on it and opens the envelope taking out the paper. She then signs everything that she needs to and lays it on the nightstand when she's done with it, then she lays back on her bed letting out a sigh never thinking she'd have to do anything like she was planning now. When a knock comes to the door she sits up and responds telling them to come in. Sam opens the door to his parents room and smiles at his mother. "Hey mom.. I just wanted to say thank you for being so cool about this whole thing.. we didn't plan for it to happen it just.. happened yesterday I guess.. so.. thank you again." He gives his mother another smile knowing he just lied about not planning it. Amber nods smiling back at her son. "Its no problem sweetheart. Love can come from anywhere right? You could never predict on when or where it will strike. So you're very welcome." Sam smiles waving to his mother before leaving the room. Giving a sigh of relief Amber lays back down on her bed thinking Sam didn't see the application on the nightstand but he did. Though he didn't know what it was he did spot it and he wants to know because they don't usually get envelopes. He shrugs it off for now and returns to his room where Hayden is waiting for him. Once inside he joins her on his bed laying next to her. They smile at each other then leans in sharing a deep and passionate kiss. When they break they blush red still getting use to whole thing but enjoys every second of it either way it goes. Sam then turns on his TV and smiles to his sister as he starts a movie. They spend a few hours in the room and position watching movies and talking at times. Sometime while they were distracted Amber had left her room and stood at the door listening in relieved to not hear their moaning. She then walks downstairs to where Randall is sitting on the couch next to him. "They're looking at tv right now. They might even be sleep as far as I know. Now.. about this school for Sam." Randall looks to his wife smiling. I'm sure he'll be fine dear.. it's for the best right? he'll get over it eventually. But Hayden on the other hand.. she might be very upset about all of this.. I mean if she's anything like you were then we're going to have a problem.." He smirks covering his face as Amber hits him giggling. "Hey I wasn't THAT bad you dick! haha.." "That's what they all say." Sam having heard what they were saying by standing at the top of the stairs looks confused as to what they were talking about. He came to see what was wrong after hearing his mother's footsteps leave his door. He shrugs it off and goes back into his room with his sister.

About two hours later Sam sits up on his bed yawning and stretching. He then looks to his sister who had fallen asleep along with him smiling. Thinking of a clever way of waking her up he smirks as he moves to the foot of the bed. Once he's at her feet he reaches up and grabs hold of her shorts and panties slowly pulling them down then off of her. He then spreads her legs a bit as he looks up to her seeing her move a little. Seeing she didn't fully wake up he proceeds with his plans and leans down to her pussy. Taking in her scent he closes his eyes for a second then opens them smiling as he extends his tongue out and gives her pussy a long and slow lick making her let out a moan from her sleeping state. Hayden who is a pretty light sleeper felt him when he moved her legs by taking off her shorts and spreading her legs. When feeling the lick he gave her she couldn't help but let out a loud moan at the feeling. Sam continues to lick at his sister's pussy loving the taste of his twin. She grips the covers she's laying on as she moans from him. Once she's as wet as he wants her he leans up a bit and slowly sticks his right pointing finger into her hole making her gasp and moan as he starts thrusting his finger into her. Sam pushes down his shorts and pulls out his cock stroking it at the sight of her moaning and his finger invading her pussy. Hayden opens her eyes looking up to her brother blushing as he just smiles down at her. "You fell asleep and I wanted to wake you up. You really awake?" Hayden nods as she moans a bit louder when he increases the speed of his finger. He then slides another finger into her as he strokes his cock faster as well. Hayden lays there moaning and watching him jerk himself to the sight of her until she lets out a loud moan cumming onto his fingers and bed. While panting she sits up then gets onto her knees as Sam sits up on his as well. Hayden leans down taking his cock into her mouth sucking on him until he cums into her mouth shortly after. When they both lay back down panting and smiling at each other they were about to kiss until they heard a knock at the door. Randall tells his kids goodnight and be good before he leaves the house for work. Amber opens the door seeing them on the bed. "Hey i'll be in my office if you two need me." After getting a nod from the twins she closes the door and walks over to her office closing that door behind her. Sam looks back to Hayden smiling. "Dad's gone and mom is in her office working too.. hey I'll be right back. There is something I wanted to check out." He then hops off of the bed and pulls up his shorts before leaving the room. He silently walks past his mother's office and opens their bedroom door.

Once he's in the room he spots the envelope still in the same spot. He grins as he walks over to it and picks it up. Opening the envelope and taking out the paper, He reads what it says about a boarding school then sees his name on the application to live on the campus the school has. Looking to the date he sees that they got this today, the day his parents figured out that he and Hayden were in love. He steps back looking around for a second envelope for Hayden but doesn't see one. After putting the envelope back he walks back out of the room and back to his. Closing the door behind him, He walks back to his bed looking to his sister. "Hayden.. I think we have a problem.." Hayden already sitting up on the bed and dressed in her shorts again looks to her brother seeing the worried look on his face." Oh man this isn't going to be good.. what's wrong?" Sam goes over and sits on the bed next to her. "They're enrolling me into a boarding school.. this one has a campus where they let the kids stay for some reason.. and they want me to go.. but I look around and didn't see anything for you.." Hayden looks to him now sharing the same worried look he had. "They're trying to separate us aren't they? I thought they understood what he wanted and were ok with it.." "They lied about being fine with this then if that's what they're doing.. I don't want to be away from you.." Hayden looks at him then crawls closer hugging him. "I don't want to lose you either.. If they wont accept this then...then.." "Then lets leave." Sam stands up taking his sister's hands into his pulling her off the bed and onto her feet in front of him. "Let's this them. We can take care of ourselves. We've been doing that for a while anyways right? You can cook and I can do most of everything else." Hayden looks around the room a bit thinking about what he just said then looks to him nodding. "Sure.. let's go.. but... we'll need money to go though plus.. where would we go?" Sam thinks about the question a bit then smiles to his sister. "The money thing I can fix. I know where mom and dad hide their money. And as for place to go.. remember that condo dad owns by the beach a few cities over? we can take a bus there. No one lives their and it still has everything in it. And I know where he keeps the keys. I was with him when he put them up. Go pack your clothes while I get everything." After receiving a smack on her butt Hayden giggles and exits the room going to her own and pulls out a suitcase and starts packing her clothes and other things she'll need. While she's packing Sam enters their parents room again and goes to their closet opening it. As he walks in he looks around until he moves around some of his father's shirts uncovering a safe they had installed into the wall. Remembering the combination, he opens it and picks up the keys to the condo he was talking about. He then sees two bank cards with his and Hayden's names on them. He guesses they're the bank accounts their parents made for their college fund. After picking them up and the slips of papers under them containing the passcodes, he stuffs them into his pockets. He then takes the money they have stashed away which is a little more than $1,500. After closing the safe and leaving the closet he exits the room and goes back to his packing his things as well.

It took them almost 20 minutes to pack what they needed and wanted, silently carry their suitcases downstairs, and meet up in the living room. Hayden walks over to Sam hugging him. "This is very risky.. but I'm with you all the way brother." Sam hugs her back smiling. "I'm glad to hear that love.. I wouldn't want it any other way." He then lets her go and opens his suitcase taking out a piece of paper he wrote a letter to their parents on. After laying it on the coffee table and using his phone to call them a taxi Sam and Hayden walk outside closing and locking the door behind them. When the taxi arrives they walk up to it and puts their luggage in the trunk then gets into the car. Hayden asks the taxi how far he'd take them into the next city and he tells them that he can get to the closes bus stop to the border of the city. The twins nod and gives him the ok to go. Asking no questions the cab driver takes them to their destination. When they arrive Sam pays the driver and they get out of the taxi grabbing their stuff from in the trunk and waving him by before he leaves. Now the kids wait about 10 minutes for the next bus to the next city arrives. Once they're on the bus they sit in the middle next to each other and right across from another couple. Hayden and the wife of the couple they're across from start to talk for half of the ride, talking about random things. Sam shakes his head a bit as he smiles seeing his sister made a new friend in 5 minutes. It takes the bus and hour to get to the next city letting the cubs off. Once they're off they walk down the road and hails another taxi repeating the process taking them to the closest bus stop by the border of the city. Upon entering the second bus they see it's more filled than the last one was. They walk on to the back of the bus finding two empty seats. Hayden this time keeping quite seeing some of the furs on the bus don't look too pleased with where they're going, she guessed it was work. They were the third to get off at the first bus stop into the city. Hailing one more taxi they finally arrive at the condo they were heading to. After entering the building and taking an elevator up the kids smile to each other as they walk to the room and Sam unlocking the door allowing Hayden to walk in before him. When they're in Hayden turns on the lights seeing the clean condo just like they left it the last time they been there. "So this means the master bedroom is ours right?" Sam only nods and smirks at his sister watching her run down the hall and turn the corner. She opens the door to the master bedroom when she reaches the end of the hall. Walking in she smiles brightly as she turns on the lights and goes over to the bed. She then lays her suitcase onto the bed opening it. Sam leaves his suitcase in the living room as he looks around the oversized apartment. Checking the fridge seeing it still has some things in it which are probably no good, he closes the door laughing to himself. He then walks over to the back door which leads out onto a balcony smiling at the beautiful view of the ocean. Hayden comes back to the front and walks out to him hugging him from behind.

"This place is still beautiful Sam. I wish we would've done this a lot sooner.." Sam smiles turning around meeting his sister's beautiful eyes with his. "It's always been this way. Just like you have been." He then leans in kissing Hayden passionately with her kissing him back as well. They stay like this for a few more seconds before breaking the kiss and walking back inside closing the sliding door behind them. They walk into the living room and looks over it seeing the black sectional and the large flat screen on the wall over a fireplace. "We have to put our clothes away now.. I think we might have more here that we can still fit but we have to do something about their clothes.." "Well.... let's get to work then." She smiles to him as they walks down the hall and goes into the master bedroom and goes over to the closet opening it. They let out a sigh in unison seeing all the clothes but shrug it off and starts taking their parents clothes down and moving them into Sam's old room. Once that's done they hang their clothes up in the now empty closet. They also get their extra shoes from their rooms that they can thankfully wear and puts them into the walk in closet as well. When they finish they go into the bathroom and set up the rest of their things. When they're done with everything they walk back to the front and into the kitchen. Hayden looks through the fridge smiling. "Well I can make us sandwiches for now but we need to order more food soon. If I remember correctly you can do that in this city." "Yes you can which is why I love this place almost as much as I love you." Hayden giggles winking at Sam as she starts fixing them sandwiches. It doesn't take her long to bring his plate to him in the living room along with a bottle of soda that was in the fridge as well. Then she sits next to him with her own food and drink as they both now start to eat. When their done Sam takes the plates into the kitchen washing them then returns to his sister's side when he finishes. "I think the bills for here are wired to dads bank cards.. so as long as we don't have anything crazy in here they'll never know we took this place." "I hope you're right about that Sam." Hayden smiles over to her brother then kisses his cheek. Sam looks to his sister then smirks getting an idea. He jumps up and stands in front of her. "Hey. Since this is all ours and we're the only ones here. We can walk around naked. I know you've always wanted to "be free" Hayden giggles as she nods at him. "You're totally right about that one!" She smirks as she sits up and takes off her shirt throwing it at him before pushing down her shorts as well. Sam grins throwing her shirt onto the couch and starts to undress too taking off his shirt and pushing his shorts down. With them both in their underwear now they smile at each other then takes them off as well now standing and sitting in their living room only in their fur. Sam takes his sister's hand getting her to stand up. He then holds it up letting her spin showing herself off to him. He smiles then smacks her butt then she stops. Hayden giggles looking into her brother's eyes. "Wanna go break in the bed?" Sam smirks and nods. "Hell yeah!" The twins then runs back to the master bedroom again and jump onto the bed. Sam jumps onto Hayden when she rolls over onto her back. He starts to kiss on her neck and caresses her body making her let out soft moans instantly.

Sam starts to kiss down Hayden's body until he reaches her breast. He goes to the left one first licking over the nipple before suckling on it causing her to moan more. He then moves on to the right one repeating the actions and getting the same reaction from her. Once he's done with that he continues to kiss down her belly until he reaches her pussy. Hayden looks down at him blushing still. Sam grins up to her before giving her a long slow lick to her pussy. She moans out loudly as He licks at her. Getting her as wet as he wanted, Sam sits up smiling down to Hayden who's panting. He then spreads her legs a bit more then positions himself between them with his hard cock pointed at her hole. After winking to his sister he holds her leg with one hand and uses the other hand to hold his cock steady as he thrusts into her slowly making her gasp and moan from his entry. Hayden starts to moan as Sam lets her leg go and starts to thrusts his barbed cock into her pussy. Sam leans down letting Hayden wraps her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist holding him close as he fucks her. His cock ramming into her pussy and jolting back out as he rams away at her. Sam starts to kiss at her neck while listening to her loud moans loving every one he hears escape her mouth. Hayden was the first to cum while holding her brother tightly to her not letting him go until he shoots his cum into her shortly after making her scream out in pleasure. She lets him as they both pant. After a minute of resting Sam rolls them over getting a giggle from his sister as she now lays on top of him. She then sits up placing her hands on his chest smiling down at him, with his cock still buried deep into her. Sam places his hands on her hips but lets his left one drift to her butt squeezing his and giving it a smack making her giggle again. Hayden then slowly starts to bounce on his cock before receiving another love smack from Sam. She starts to moan again feeling his barbed cock goes deep into her pussy. Sam holds onto her butt squeezing it as he looks up to his sister watching her small breast bounce as much as they could every time she moved. He then uses his right hand to reach up and grab hold of her left breast squeezing it a bit. Hayden leans her head back moaning and enjoying her brother's cock more than she thought she would.When She cums onto his cock for the second time she leans over onto him letting out a loud moan and now panting. Sam takes this chance to start thrusting up into her pussy making her moan again until he shoots another load into her but pulls out shortly after. They rest in this position with Hayden still on top of him for a few seconds before Hayden sits up smiling. "H...Holy.. shit.. Sam.. I could.. do this all day.." "Then let's do it all day Hayden. Nothing stopping us now." After saying that he receives a smirk from Hayden before leaning up kissing her deeply.

After sharing a make out session the twins move to the edge of the bed with Hayden still sitting in Sam's lap. Hayden sits up on her knees so Sam can straighten out his cock to point up to her pussy. Once he's ready she lowers herself onto him letting out another gasp and moan when he penetrates her. She places her hands on his shoulders as she starts to bounce on his cock again but this time with him pushing her down onto his cock making her moan out loudly at his barbs going across the sensitive walls of her pussy. She holds onto him as they look each other into their eyes. Hayden leans in kissing Sam again as she moans more. Sam returns the kiss and picks up the pace now helping her rise and fall onto his cock with a little more force getting loud moans out of her and into the kiss. He then smacks her butt and pulls out of her before breaking the kiss. Hayden hops out of his lap and crawls onto the bed. She then leans down and spreads her legs a bit showing him her cum dripping wet pussy. Sam grins and crawls up onto the bed behind her and gives her butt another smack before shoving his cock into her again. He holds onto her sides as he rams into her tight pussy over and over never wanting to stop for anything. And he doesn't stop. With no one to interrupt their fun he keeps pounding away at her being driven on by her sexy moans she's letting out. He holds her tail in his mouth for a couple of seconds when it sways in his face. When he lets it go he leans over her back forcing his cock to go as deep as it can into her. She starts to moan louder feeling him all the way in her as she closes her eyes cumming again over his cock. This still didn't stop him as he holds her hands in his while shoving his cock into her. When he finally cums again he shoots his load hard into her pushing into her womb and some dripping out of her pussy. He pulls out of her and drops down on the bed next to her before she drops down onto the bed fully as well both panting heavily. Sam looks out the window noticing it has gotten dark out. He grins looking to his sister who is already looking at him meeting his eyes when he turns his head. "This.. Is.. the... best... day... ever.. Sam.. I.. love... you.." Sam smiles leaning in kissing his sister. "And I love you too Hayden. This day was amazing. And I can't wait to do it again." Hayden giggles nudging her brother before cuddling up to him and laying her head on his chest. They both close their eyes drifting off to sleep. Back at their parents house Amber walks out of her office for the sixth time and still not hearing a sound com from her kids rooms. She walks over to Hayden's door and opens it not seeing them. She then does the same with Sam's getting the same result. Puzzled by this she looks in the bathroom then in her room. She does notice that the application isn't exactly how she left it but shrugs that off. She then walks downstairs looking into the kitchen then out the back door before going into the living room. There she spots the letter Sam wrote and picks it up. the letter reads:

"Mother I am running away with my sister, the girl that I love. We see you lied about your approval and are planning on separating us forever and we wont allow that to happen. We're sorry if we displeased you with our love but you will not stop it. This is what we want and what we're going to do. We wish you two the best and a happy life without us."

Sincerely Sam & Hayden.

P.S.: We still love you and father.

Amber sits down on the couch looking to the letter before dropping it to the floor. "They ran away.. I'm never going to see my kids again.. What have we done.." She then picks up her phone calling Randall but gets no answer. Sitting back on the couch she looks up to the ceiling thinking about everything that happened throughout the years with her kids. From their first steps to them entering middle school. She then lays down on the couch as she starts to cry at what she's done.