Forceful Exchange (NC Story Commission For Jon Sanders)

Story by Stinkdog on SoFurry

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#3 of Story Commissions

This was quite fun to write! I suppose that proves how sadistic I can be. >_> Jon Sanders commissioned this bit of non-consensual smut. I hope you all enjoy~

As usual, Terribadger helped with proofreading.

Fang leaned his back into the wall of the alley between 45 and 47 Reginald Boulevard. He scanned the headlines in a newspaper he had picked up on his way there and grimaced as he read one that mentioned him by name.

"Mob boss escapes! Local hero Fang unable to apprehend wanted criminal."

The saber-toothed otter grumbled under his breath as he dropped the paper in a nearby dumpster. He had been a vigilante for a few years now, but the media never hesitated to give him shit if he made even the slightest mistake. Fang wasn't in it for the recognition by any means, he just liked to help people. When he had started acting outside of the law, he had hoped to use the moniker "Sabertooth" but was dismayed to find that the name was already taken- and by a villain no less! The otter scratched his neck under his black, tight-fitting costume shirt. The similarly black loincloth he wore shifted as a slight breeze passed over his bare legs, and Fang scratched an itch on the back of his left thigh with one of his black boots as he stifled a yawn.

Not for the first time, he thought over the message that had brought him here. "I have the information you need to catch Don Argento. Come to the alley between 45 and 47 Reginald Boulevard at ten tonight and come alone. If you are not alone, I will know and you will not get your man. You will not be harmed if you do as I say." There was no indication of who had sent it.

It was nearing twenty minutes past the hour and Fang was about to give up and leave when a familiar crackle of electricity nearby made his fur stand on end. A lion in a flashy blue suit came floating down slowly from the rooftops, electricity jumping through the air around him toward anything metal. He stood nearly two feet taller than Fang and was nearly twice as bulky. Fang's lithe frame was built for speed, but the lion was an impressive figure of strength. A dark blue mask covered most of the lion's face, though his mane was somehow still perfectly groomed and styled. The suit had a silver lightning bolt on the front that diagonally covered his torso from left shoulder to right hip, and the silver gloves he wore had a jagged lightning design jutting out from the rear of the cuffs. His pants and boots were both blue as well, with similar lightning graphics on them. Fang was well aware of this particular lion's abilities and penchant for theatrics.

"Thunderbolt!?" Fang hissed and clenched his fists as the lion's feet touched the ground and the electricity faded. "I should have known it was you."

The imposing lion flashed a villainous grin. "It's good that you can follow instructions, boy." He said in a deep, baritone voice.

Fang reached for his utility belt, but a bolt of lightning from Thunderbolt's palm flashed by his head, missing him by inches.

"Now, now, don't be reckless my friend," the lion said soothingly. "You do want the information I have for you, yes?"

"We aren't friends, creep!" Fang said as he took a careful step backwards and toward the stairs of a nearby, metal fire escape. "How could you possibly have information about Don Argento anyway?"

"Because I'm the one who helped him escape, of course."

Fang balled his fists as his lips curled back into a snarl. "You bastard!"

"Now, now, I'm willing to help you. We don't have to be enemies in this."

"W-what!?" Fang angrily sputtered. "You're the one who helped my enemy escape in the first place!"

Thunderbolt sighed. "I was hoping you would be a little more amicable, but I suppose such things can't be helped. If you don't want the information I have, then I'll leave."

Fang clenched his teeth and grumbled under his breath. He really needed that info...

"W-wait..." he said. "I'll listen to you. What can you tell me about Don Argento?"

That villainous grin returned to Thunderbolt's lips and he nodded. The lion's palm shot upward once again toward the otter, but Fang was too slow to reach his belt in time. A blast of electricity slammed into the otter's torso and he painfully crashed backward onto the metal staircase. Fang's head spun, and he couldn't even lift his limbs to protest as Thunderbolt quickly approached and tore two sets of handcuffs from the otter's utility belt. He slapped the cuffs around each of the otter's wrists and then closed the other ends around the metal railing.

"You must understand," Thunderbolt said. "My motives are not completely malicious."

Fang couldn't respond. His head was still addled from the blow, but he was abruptly brought to his senses when Thunderbolt ripped the loincloth from his waist and grinned at the black jockstrap underneath.

"S-stop...!" Fang whimpered, but Thunderbolt didn't listen.

"Oh... you are a sight to behold, my boy." The lion licked his lips and gently pulled off Fang's underwear, letting his flaccid length flop free.

Fang's cheeks and ears burned with embarrassment at being so exposed to the cool night air and he struggled against his own cuffs to no avail.

"Hm... smaller than I expected," Thunderbolt said with a frown as he flicked the tip of Fang's penis with a finger. "Pity. I guess we can't all be perfect."

"Just- just tell me about the Don already!" Fang whined. "H-hey!"

Thunderbolt surged forward to squat in between the otters legs, a gloved index finger dipping under Fang's scrotum and poking at his tight asshole. The lion's eyes lit up and he licked his lips as the tip of his finger rubbed and traced the rim of the otter's rear entrance. He pushed the thick finger at the pucker, trying to force it in, and Fang yelped, clenching his ass in an attempt to prevent the entry.

"Quit it, pervert!" he hollered. "Tell me what you know, god dammit!"

Thunderbolt rolled his eyes in response. "Very well. I suppose I could give you the info. The Don went north."

For a moment, Fang was too flabbergasted to speak.

"N-north!?" He eventually stammered. "That's it?"

"No. But I'd like something from you before I tell you more." Thunderbolt wiggled his finger against Fang's involuntarily clenching anus.

"You're a sick fuck." Fang grumbled.

"Your words are hurtful, my friend," the lion said with a malicious chuckle. "Now, open up for daddy."

Fang resisted the urge to say something snarky back and reluctantly tried to relax. He couldn't find Don Argento with nothing but a vague direction. As much as he hated to admit it, he needed more of Thunderbolt's information. The otter closed his eyes and huffed as he felt the thick digit pressing incessantly at his asshole. Thunderbolt rubbed Fang's bare thigh with his free hand as he pushed and eventually, after several breathless seconds, the lion's finger slowly sunk inside to the third knuckle. Fang found himself grunting at the odd sensation and he started to pant from the intrusion.

"Very good, boy," Thunderbolt said as he wiggled the finger for emphasis.

Fang grumbled, humiliated. "What else do you know about the Don- guuuh!!!"

An electric sensation shot up his spine from the finger pressed into his prostate, sending vibrating jolts through his penis and sack. Thunderbolt grinned as the otter's length stiffened from the shock and started to grow in spite of the scrawny otter's protesting whimpers.

"That's more like it," the large lion said.

"F-fuck you!" Fang hissed through clenched teeth as another brief zap fired through him and his semi-erect dick throbbed, shooting a spurt of precum up onto his costume shirt.

The large lion flicked his middle finger against Fang's taint, as the otter's asshole spasmed around the embedded digit.

"Let me see, what else can I remember about the Don..." Thunderbolt said lazily as his middle finger pressed against Fang's anal ring next to the first.

"D-don't you dare-!" Fang managed to squeak as he felt the lion's threatening second digit against his rear entrance.

The otter howled in protest as the second finger wrenched its way inside of him and Thunderbolt grinned maliciously as he continued speaking. "He mentioned something about a safe house in Uptown Heights..."

With two fingertips against Fang's pleasure gland, Thunderbolt fired electricity directly into the scrawny otter's asshole, and Fang arched his back and yelped as the powerful jolts sent waves of pleasure shooting through his very core. The otter shuddered and panted as the sensations slowly faded and he became acutely aware of the lion's fingers moving much more easily in and out of him. The electric zaps must have loosened his asshole somewhat, much to his dismay. Thunderbolt was preparing a third finger against his anal ring and Fang knew he had to get more information out of him somehow. The otter struggled to think up a coherent question, but against all odds, the feeling of being so thoroughly abused was actually turning him on and making it very difficult to concentrate.

"Admit that you love it, boy," Thunderbolt cooed soothingly. "Admit that you love daddy's fingers deep inside of you, opening you up and making you feel so damn good."

Fang gritted his teeth. "W-what... is the address... in Uptown Heig-!" He was interrupted by the third finger and let out a whorish moan as it pushed inside to nestle against his prostate alongside the other two.

The otter's penis throbbed angrily against his belly from being neglected as it constantly oozed precum over the fabric of his costume and his bare crotch fur. Thunderbolt teased Fang's sack with his thumb as he spread the three fingers and pulled them out slowly before pushing them all of the way back inside. He stretched Fang's asshole like this for several moments, an audible purr rumbling from his chest as he watched his prey convulse and whimper before him. It was too much. The lion was turning himself on with the display and while his original plan had just been humiliation, he saw no reason now to not take some carnal pleasure from the situation as well.

The large lion fumbled with the lightning-themed belt around his waist with his free hand and soon his pants were around his ankles, meaty shaft thick and dripping in the moonlight. He slowly stroked it in time with his thrusting, stretching fingers and rubbed the scrawny otter's nuts with his thick thumb. Fang was little more than a whimpering wreck by this point, unable to stop the lion from teasing him. The short bursts of electric energy coursing through him came at regular intervals, but it was never enough to let him finish. He was perpetually on the edge, shuddering and groaning and panting at Thunderbolt's bidding. But still, he needed that location...

"S-safe house... address..." he managed to whimper.

Thunderbolt sighed, kicking off his pants. Fang let out a gasp of relief as the lion's three fingers slid out of him. Thunderbolt stood over his prey and turned around, planting a foot on either side of Fang's body. He squatted, giving the otter a very, very close look at the lion's wide, clenching asshole while Thunderbolt stroked himself. The lion reached over under Fang's balls again and the otter yelped as those three fingers were shoved roughly back into him.

"I suppose you deserve a more specific answer for being such an obedient boy," the large lion said as he pushed his penis backward, giving Fang a view of the thick, leonine length and heavy nuts just below his quivering pucker. "One twenty-four, Cherry Grove Crescent."

Thunderbolt punctuated every word with a sharp, powerful zap to Fang's prostate, making the otter whimper and buck his hips involuntarily as his erection pulsed and splattered precum onto his crotch and thighs. God dammit he was so fucking hard! Fang panted and whined as the large lion spread his three fingers as far apart as they could go and pulled them out until the scrawny otter's asshole yawned wide open around them. He held them there for a few moments as Fang writhed under him. Thunderbolt clenched his fist around his own erection, stroking it quickly as he grinned down at his shuddering prey below him. Fang watched the lion's asshole clenching faster as he stroked, and the otter gritted his teeth against the powerful sensations firing through his very nearly shot nerves. He didn't know how much longer he could hold out against the onslaught from Thunderbolt's abilities. What had been awkwardly pleasant was quickly becoming painful the longer the lion continuously zapped him.

Thunderbolt stifled a groan of his own from the delicious sounds of torture Fang was making. The lion was already pretty close, and he had no intention of forcing himself to wait for that exquisite release. He removed his fingers and turned back around, watching as Fang panted in the brief moment of relief. But Thunderbolt wasn't finished yet and sank four fingers as deep as possible this time into the scrawny otter's quivering anus. The lion knelt in between Fang's legs, holding his penis very close to Fang's own throbbing erection, his precum dripping onto Fang's pulsing length as the otter looked at him weakly. God Fang looked so good like this- a slave to the lion's talented fingers. The lion clamped his jaw shut as his lips pulled back into a snarl with the imminence of his release.

"You're such a good boy," He cooed through his clenched teeth. "Daddy's got a nice big reward for you..."

"N-no..." Fang said meekly as the first shot of Thunderbolt's semen launched upward onto chest.

The large lion grunted in bliss, trying to hold back the intense roar he wanted to let out as his heavy sack fired powerful ropes of seed all over the struggling otter before him. His fingers deep inside of Fang sparked uncontrollably and the scrawny hero wriggled in protest as the initial pleasure of that feeling had long since worn off. Jolts of sudden, painful electricity fired relentlessly against Fang's prostate as Thunderbolt erupted, making the otter howl in agony while he thrashed in vain against the handcuffs and his body was covered in the sadistic lion's juices. Thunderbolt's climax ebbed shortly after and the electricity abruptly stopped flowing through his fingers. The lion panted heavily and carefully slid his digits from the twitching, heaving otter's anus as he stood up.

"That was most enjoyable, my boy," Thunderbolt said, looking down at Fang with a satisfied, kind expression as he pulled his pants back on and fastened his belt around his waist. "Sadly, I must be going."

"W-what?" Fang whimpered weakly. "Guh... Hey, wait... I- I'm so hard! You could... at least finish me off before you leave..."

"Can do," Thunderbolt said with that familiar villainous grin. "But won't. Daddy will be thinking of you until we meet again, so be a good boy, won't you? Take care!"

Before Fang could protest further, Thunderbolt was already aloft, and he zoomed away, wreathed in blue electricity. Fang struggled against the cuffs holding him in place as his cock throbbed angrily from neglect.

"Fucking asshole! I'll make sure he suffers for this..." Fang grumbled as he tried reaching his nearby utility belt with a foot. It was just barely out of his reach, though, and he swore in annoyed frustration. How the hell was he going to get out of this?