Out of the Cold

Story by AnubusKiren on SoFurry

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I really don't need to explain how much of a hypnoslut Ildac is anymore... right? >.> In this little short, he encounters the lamia Firoozeh, a lovely little lady with a love for all things warm and masculine. She also has a penchant for coiling them up nice and tight, even if they're not entirely into the idea, themselves!

This story (inspired by this pic: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/18631701/ ) is a gift for voiceinsight, who's fighting the good fight and ensuring FA has a delicious amount of snake ladies to admire (and submit to @.@). You keep doing what you do!

This story is also... not naughty! But mature because... naked bodies touching. >w>

Firoozeh (c) voiceinsight

Story and Ildac (c) AnubusKiren

Had it been the howling whistle of whipping winds that had woken Ildac, or perhaps the slamming of a loose window shutter? The angelic fox yawned quietly and stretched his arms up. The world around him was hazy, almost dreamlike as he came to consciousness, and he was warm and comfortable, despite the raging snowstorm outside.

Outside... Right, where was he, exactly? And why was he naked? Wooden log and plank walls, plain glass windows, a warm fire burning in a dull stone fireplace across the room... A cabin, apparently. Now if only he could remember how he'd gotten there. Perhaps the girl snuggled up to his chest could provide a satisfactory answer.

The fox quickly segued to the next point of interest: Just who the hell was he cuddling with? She appeared to be sleeping; eyes shut, shoulders rising and falling slowly with her deep breaths, her posture completely slack. Her dark skin was mostly bare, save for a silken bandeau of sorts draped over her breasts. Brown hair cast down in feathery tresses that fell over her naked shoulders, and her waist, neck, and head sported golden chains and circlets.

Most striking, however, was what fell below the waist and, incidentally, wrapped all around the fox's nude lower body. He couldn't tell at a glance how long her serpentine tail was, but the shiny brown and black coils clung firmly to his waist and legs, ensuring his continued cuddling. Panic threatened to seize Ildac's senses, but he fought back the urge to struggle from the woman's grasp. There were two things to keep in mind: One, he remembered nothing of the previous evening; and two, he was alive. She could have easily crushed him at any time with a tail that size.

The sudden feeling of distress diminished over time as Ildac looked around the room, taking note of its... plainness. That was the best word he could summon up--the place was just barren, save for the fireplace. No paintings hung on the walls, no trinkets on the mantel, and not a single piece of furniture stood in the large, empty room. The only door in the cabin was the one leading out into the snow. Now that he thought about it, Ildac realized the place even smelled deserted. Dusty. Unused.

The faintest motion caught his attention. He cast his gaze down from the bare wall he'd been staring at and found a pair of deep blue eyes looking back at him. The fox jumped, then tensed when the coils laying loose around his body slowly tightened. Neither moved; he stared into the serpentine woman's sleepy eyes. Angelic perception, well beyond that of any mortal, read the tiniest twitch in ocular movement, seeking out signs of aggression. He ultimately found none, and his muscles slowly relaxed again.

"Morning." the woman finally said with a groggy smile, stray locks of hair falling over her eyes as she ducked her head forward. "Did you sleep well?"

"I assume I did." he replied, adding in a confused shrug. "Truth is, I don't remember."

"Oh no." she pouted, slender arms slipping up to circle the fox's shoulders. "I may have overdone it."

Ildac's brow raised. So she was responsible for his current state. He shifted his posture to a more comfortable position, taking note of how her coils adjusted to stay tight against his nude, muscular frame. "Alright." he began, keeping his tone casual. "That's... fine, I guess. I don't suppose you'd mind filling me in, seeing as I can't remember?"

Her deep blue eyes narrowed, but in a way that was opposite of glaring--the sort of look that brought heat to the cheeks and fluttering to the heart. "Firoozeh."


"My name." she purred, a faint tint of redness slipping into her cheeks. "It got so cold out, and you were just standing there, looking so... warm."

Ildac averted his gaze. A source of warmth... Well, she was a snake, after all. "Right. So we were both here, in this cabin..?"

"Oh, no." Firoozeh smiled casually. "I don't think anyone lives here, and I was just out to look at the icicles. You were just... there!"

"I got called out here. Some, uh... business." the fox cleared his throat. She'd already seen his wings and not made any fuss (that he could remember). Best not to mention any angelic duties he'd been on before the night went fuzzy. "Go on."

The serpentine lady twisted her coils a little tighter, giggling when Ildac fruitlessly attempted to loosen them again. "So we talked. You seemed really nervous. And warm." she emphasized this point again, that wanting look returning to her eyes. "I asked you to come join me out of the snow. A storm was coming, you see."

"So I've noticed."

"But you didn't want to. Said you had places to be, things to do. Dangerous things." An iota of smugness slipped into her smirk. "You're a bad liar."

Ildac bit back his retort. It was near-on impossible to lie to a serpent. Too crafty. "I'll work on it."

"I invited you a little more insistently. And we slept the night away!" Firoozeh beamed, fingers combing through the angel's neck fur as the story concluded. "That's it, really! And what a relief, too. Just look at the snow!"

"Right, right." Ildac glanced out the window. Urgent or not, he did have things to do. Snuggling snakes would have to wait. Now if only he could convince her of that. "Well, this has been fun and all, for all I can remember of it--"

"It has, hasn't it?" a squeeze of her coils ceased his thinly-veiled attempt to escape. "Are you comfortable? Any cold spots? Or... uncomfortably-warm spots I can relieve?"

"Look, ma'am, I..." the fox tugged at the coils around his chest, only for a thick loop to tighten around his arms, pinning them to his sides. "Miss, please--"

"Firoozeh." she corrected, her gentle fingers slipping into his hair to fondle his ears. "Please don't go, foxy."

Ildac wasn't going to be held prisoner here. Sure, she was cute and almost innocent in a way, but he desperately needed some personal space, and her odd influence over his memories of their meeting was still slightly disturbing. Divine strength laced with muscle fibers as he pushed more insistently, prying her coils away from his chest and arms. He breathed a sigh of relief when they didn't return. "Sorry, but it's important."

"Lying again." the serpent crooned, her hands sliding down to take hold of his cheeks. Her gaze met his, and she hissed a soft, sibilant sound into his ears. "Stay..."

The fire behind her suddenly seemed so dim compared to the glow of her eyes. The azure light flared brilliantly and expanded outward, followed by a growing band of emerald. The two colors repeated in her eyes, alternating each time the newest ring reached the edges of her eyes. The colorful pattern tickled the back of Ildac's mind, robbing him of his strength and affixing his gaze to the centers of those pulsating rings. "B-But..."

Firoozeh hushed him gently, her coils slowly encircling both their upper bodies and pinning them together. She raised her bare shoulders as goosebumps prickled her skin, redness flushing her dark cheeks as she soaked in his body heat. "Don't you want to be nice and warm, Ildac?"

"W... Warm..."

"Nice and safe?" she continued, guiding the angel's head down so that their foreheads could meet. Those swirling, colorful eyes were all he could see now. Endless tunnels of blue and green. Sinking. Falling. Warm and safe. "Don't worry. You'll remember this time. Soft coils, quiet snuggles... How nice it is to look deep and let me in..."

Ildac's eyelids fluttered, his eyes mirroring the glowing, swirling colors within her enchanting gaze. He tried to keep his mind clear, his thoughts unmuddled by the intense relaxation she kept insisting he was feeling. He clung to the resisting parts of his mind, a sinking ship in a sea of bliss, her hypnotic stare boring deeper and deeper with every passing moment. His lips moved, but only nonsense came out; what sounded like a reasonable argument in his head came out as helpless babbling, and the frustration only drove more of his mind to surrender. To listen. To sleep.

He had to keep fighting, had to get out of here and... well, he couldn't really remember. If only those eyes weren't so close, he might be able to watch something else. Maybe her lips, so soft and inviting, murmuring sweet, sweet words straight into his mind. Her serpent tongue laced her suggestions with gentle, subliminal hisses that coiled around thoughts and warmed them to sleep. Sleep... Such a wonderful word on its own, and so suggestive, so compelling when sibilantly slipping from the lips with an elongated 's' sound. So befitting a serpent such as his cuddlemate for the evening.


Warm. Tight. Safe.

"Ssssleep and submit."

No worries. No fears. So relaxed.

"Ssssurrender to me."

It would feel so good to just...

"Give in."

The last remnants of conscious thought sank beneath the mirror-still sea of serenity, and Ildac felt a smile cross his lips. It was bliss, to be so thoroughly empty, so completely without thought or worry or concern. To be floating in place, safely ensnared in her muscular coils, to feel her soft body pressed against his. To be so deliciously warm...

The colors left his vision, but his mind's eye picked up the slack just fine. He felt a warm cheek press against his chest as her coils secured their bodies, the slack draping around his shoulders and brushing soothingly across his collar. Reports and debriefings could wait a little while. It was so cold outside. He couldn't leave this pretty lady here to freeze. He would gladly share his warmth, for however long this awful storm would last.