Ep 02 - First Day on the Job

Story by sniperfox on SoFurry

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#3 of Tales of Sniper Fox

15 Mar 2218 - First Day on the Job Sniper Fox learns the ropes on his first day

Sniper yawned and stretched after awakening to his first day as a member of The Dark Society. His bed was still a mess from the romp that he had with Sonya the night before, but he was too interested in examining his new surroundings to be worried about making it.

A cursory overview of his quarters proved them to be much nicer than he was used to back on his small freighter. He had a decent bed, a generously sized closet, his own bathroom, a small video & communication center computer, and even a couch. All in all, the fox thought to himself, this was a definite trade up from his former career.

After a few moments of examining the variety of entertainment options available on his computer, he used it to place a call to Sonya in her quarter. After a few moments, the surprised jaguar fem appeared on the screen.

"Hello Sniper! I'm surprised that you called me. I haven't had a mate in a while, but I seem to recall it being rare for them to call you the next day after your first date. Oooh, and you're still naked," she said with a smile.

The fox laughed before saying, "You're not my mate, Sonya. You are my... pet. In fact, you will refer to me as 'master' from now on. Do you understand?"

With little hesitation and perhaps even a hint of excitement in her voice, the fem replied, "Of course master. I will come to your quarters immediately to show you around for your first day, if it would please you."

Sniper nodded before answering, "It would. Bring me a change of clothes too, pet. My closet seems to be empty. Also, don't forget that you're not to wear panties in my presence."

Sonya replied, "Yes master. The Dark Society doesn't generally provide clothing, but I will purchase some for you from our station store and then be over immediately!" With that, Sniper clicked the button to end the call and sat back in his couch, pleased with himself. After spending a few minute configuring his preferences on the computer, he switched it off and walked towards his bathroom to get a shower.

The naked red fox male was still toweling himself off when door chime rang. Pleased with her speed, he smiled and opened the door, watching as the jet black jaguar walked in to his quarters silently. He motioned for her to follow him, and then lead her to the couch. Licking his muzzle, he unbuttoned her light gray shirt then pulled it over her head. After unhooking her lacy bra, he let it fall to the floor in front of her as he went to work of unbuttoning the small button on the side of her short skirt. Pleased to find that she was without panties underneath, the fox tugged her skirt down over her thighs then let it collapse to the floor beneath her. Without speaking a word to the nude jaguar fem, he put his paws on both of her shoulders and pushed her down gently, signaling his intentions to her. Sonya placed the folded pile of clothing she was carrying on the far end of the couch, and then knelt submissively before him. Sniper sat down on the couch in front of her and spread his legs, watching to make sure the fem kept her head down submissively without peeking. Nodding, he spoke a single word, "Suck."

Needing no further encouragement, Sonya leaned forward and grasped her master's heavy balls with both paws, rubbing them hungrily. Her small pink tongue parted her lips and she slowly licked all the way from the fox's balls, up his sheath, to the top where the head of his cock was beginning to emerge. The jaguar fem opened her maw and quickly took the head of his foxhood in, licking it lightly, and eliciting a low murr from Sniper. Sonya slid his cock in, inch by hard, pink inch as it emerged from his sheath. Within a few moments, she had as much as she could handle inside of her maw, but he continued to harden under her touch. After his member reaching his full seven inches in length, Sniper spoke, "Take the rest, pet," and then slowly pushed her head down further on to his shaft. Pausing for a moment each time she started gagging, which didn't happen often to his surprise, he slowly worked his cock deep into her throat. He held her there for a moment, on her knees with a cock so deep in her throat that she couldn't breathe, before letting her move her head back up and gasp for breath. After four deep, slow thrusts like this, he was hilting himself in her at the top of every thrust. "Continue like that, slowly, my pet," he ordered her, and then released her head.

The fox put his paws behind his head and relaxed further on to the couch, closing his eyes. Sonya did just as he had requested, taking his entire length into her maw, holding it there as long as she could while licking all over it, then releasing enough of it to draw a breath. She continued for what seemed like a long time to her, but was probably only five or ten minutes before she noticed that his knot was starting to build. She struggled, but managed to keep taking every inch of her master in with each stroke as she sucked and licked him lustfully, his knot continuing to swell. Sniper was panting now, each breath labored and loud, as she quickened the pace of her head bobbing. No longer able fit his knot into her throat, she pulled out until just an inch more than his head was in her maw then licked the tip of his prick as fast as she could. Sniper murred and bucked hard, the last bit of his resolve disappearing in a cloud of lust when his orgasm took hold of him. Reaching down, he forced himself deep into Sonya's maw as his cock began spurting wad after wad of hot, thick fox cum deep into her throat. Holding her there uncomfortably long, the jaguar fem tried desperately to swallow his cum, but ended up choking on it and losing some of it out of the corners of her maw. She eagerly licked him clean after his orgasm subsided and returned to kneeling submissively on the floor before him.

"That was a good first try at sucking me off pet ...*pant*... but we'll have to work on your technique. You may bring yourself to off, but lay backwards so I can watch," he instructed the jaguar fem.

She immediately began moving to comply as she spoke, "Yes, master. Thank you." The jaguar fem laid down on her back, her ankles high in the air and her legs spread widely, "Please watch me cum for you." With that, her paws went to work on her sopping wet pussy, one paw spreading herself to afford him a better view and the second rubbing her clitty wildly. Sniper was very pleased to see how wet she was just from sucking him off and he watched her paw herself eagerly. It wasn't long before she was moaning loudly and the scent of her arousal filled the room. The fox staring at her paw herself off after she pleasured him added to her arousal, and she was able to quickly bring herself off for him. Arching her back high off of the floor, her orgasm quickly washed over her. Girly cum poured from her pussy and she howled carnally and she came, her eyes closed tightly.

"Good girl," the red fox said as he stood, beginning to dress himself with the clothing she had brought him. "Show me around the station now, pet"

Sonya climbed to her feet, her legs barely able to hold her. Still breathing heavily, she tugged on her skirt, bra, and shirt. After taking a moment to fix her headfur in his mirror, she spoke softly, "This way, master," and led him out the door.

The two spent the rest of the morning touring the various decks of the station. They visited the medical center, where Sniper blushed to again see the large-breasted skunette that had basically raped him. Following that, she showed him the rather large galley, the flight sim rooms, the armory, the station's store, and the spacecraft hangers. Strangely absent in the tour were any kind command and control areas such as ops, the bridge, radar rooms, etc. When asked, Sonya had explained that for security purposes these areas were off limits to non-officers and that even she had only been to several of them when she had written orders.

Over lunch in the galley, Sniper asked the fem, "So what do people to for fun around here? How do they unwind?"

Sonya smiled coyly and answered, "Many go off-station for entertainment, but we also have an underground game that you may be interested in. Have you ever heard of sensual wrestling? It's a rather... errr... sexual game but it has ties to ancient gladiator type games. It's much too violent for most legal venues, but almost all groups of smuggler, pirates, and such play it, watch it, or even bet on it!"

Sniper's ears perked up and he almost dropped the piece of food he was holding, "I've never heard of it. How do you play?" He smiled widely as he waited for her reply, his mind pondering the possibilities just based on the name.

"Well," she started, and then looked away shyly, "the basis of the game is to bring the other combatant to orgasm, or have them submit to you by begging for release. You can't use traditional weapons like blade or guns, but more ... umm ... sexual type toys are allowed. Normally everyone involved decides on the rules and wagers they want prior to starting, so just about anything goes if you can get everyone to agree. Also, they have this band that goes around your head that detects your arousal and can actually increase or decrease your sexual stimulation and pain sensations. It's hard to explain, I can show you on the computer terminal in your room if you like. Most of the battles are recorded and saved in the entertainment database's archives."

The red fox smiled widely and said excitedly, "Absolutely! Let's go watch one now." With that, they quickly finished their meals and started on their way back to Sniper's quarters.

The two hadn't even made it down the hallway from the galley when they were stopped by the same large stallion that had brought the fox to the station a day ago. "Hello again, Sniper," the stallion said in a hurry. "My name is Zanzibar. We have a quick mission to run and it will give you an opportunity to learn the ropes. Follow me to hanger bay 3." Not bothering to wait for a reply from the startled red fox, he turned and began to trot down the hallway.

Sniper shrugged and gave Sonya a swat on the ass. As he began to run to catch up to Zanzibar, he said over his shoulder, "I'll catch up with you later Sonya." After a short run, the two were in the hanger bay. Several furs were climbing aboard their spacecraft. Continuing to follow his captor-turned-lancemate, he smiled when the horse motioned towards a fighter.

"This one is yours," Zanzibar said with a nod. "It's a fast, sturdy basic frame but each pilot is responsible for the maintenance and upgrades of their own ship. Basically, if you want better stuff, you have to buy it with your earnings from each mission. Mount up, and don't think of any funny stuff. Your ship has been programmed to only accept warp nav points from the lance leader or I and you'll never be able to get away under impulse engines alone. The weapons and shields on your ship are very basic, so follow my lead and I'll cover your ass out there."

Climbing aboard his ship, the fox was pleased to find the control fairly standard. 'Not too unlike some of the combat sims I've used in the past, this is going to be easy', he thought to himself. His thoughts were interrupted quickly when the communicator in his helmet came on. A female voice that he hadn't heard before said, "The nav points are being sent over now. Let's get out there, do this, and get back quickly. We have a new member today, so everyone watch his back out there. You are all cleared to launch. Let's make it hot!"

Sniper shook his head silently at the overused term, but moved to quickly start up his ship and maneuver it out of the hanger. Despite his care and inexperience with his new ship, he was pleased not to be the last ship in the squadron out of the base. Pleased with himself, he pressed the button to engage warp. As the ship repositioned itself and the warp countdown ticked away, the fox thought, 'I'm going to love this job.'

After all of the squadron had exited warp, they made their way toward the convoy. Sniper counted only 8 fighters in formation around the frigate. Once again, his communicator buzzed to life and the female voice he had heard earlier spoke, "Orange lance take the right 4, Red lance take the left 4, Yellow lance you're with me... we're taking out the defenses on the frigate. Engage!"

Zanzibar quickly replied, "You got it Yellow Lead. We're on it. You're with us Sniper! Shields up, follow us in!"

Obeying the orders, the fox followed his lancemates into battle. Clearly overpowered, the four fighters took only a few minutes to dispatch, exploded with a bright flash as lasers and missiles from the pirate fighters bested their comparatively weak shields. Red lance signaled that they had a similar victory on the other side of the capital ship and both lances turned their attentions to knocking out the defenses of the frigate without damaging its valuable cargo.

The female voice came over the communicator once again, "They just surrendered unconditionally. Red lance, dock in their fighter bay and secure the ship. We'll escort you home. Good work once again everyone. 8 confirmed kills and only negligible damage to the frigate and to our fighters!" Please with his first performance as a pirate, Sniper smiled to himself and wondered what the cargo of the frigate was. Whatever it was, he was entitled to 5% of it. Thoughts of what to spend his earnings on kept him occupied through the entire uneventful trip back to the station.