Sinon Bullseye Bio

Story by Namel909 on SoFurry

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One Bio i made for sinon


Sinon Bullseye

Hight 1,62m

Weight 56kg

Two arms covered in black furr and glowing blue tatto like lines on the

shoulders and upper arms. Human like hands with five fingeres on each hand.

Two legs covered in black furr with glowing blue tatto like lines on hips

and the sides of his upper legs. Deer like black shying hoefs.

The torso is flat chested but the nipples can be seen through the furr.

The black furr is added with blue tatto like lines on the flanks and blacker

longer furr is sitting on his chest to give him a more proude and a little

cute and manly look. A short black haird tail sits fullfy on his nice and

muscular ass.

The Head has a deer like muscle longer black with bright pink tips, shyning,

shagy hair that grows on top of the head and even on the neck and a little

on the shoulders, to join with the hair on the chest. He has a deer like

muzzel and blue eyes.To top of the head there are two small antler with 3

ends and 15cm high.

The is an avareg deer penis, protected in a sheet when not erected, sitting

between the legs togeder with lowe hanging deer balls.

The Penis is smothe and flawless, when fully erected it is 24cm long, 5 cm

thick at its base and narows down twords the tip. The cum is glowing blue

and gives of light in the night.


He can retract his antlers at will, this gives him more room in the head region.

He can mark you with his glowing cum, witch marks you for sveral days.