Sexual (R)Evolution - Smiling Smilodons

Story by Ashley Natter on SoFurry

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#1 of Sexual (R)Evolution

Keila and Darla wanted nothing more than to finish their exploratory mission in peace, but a bloodthirsty smilodon pirate has other plans for the two saurians. Facing a vastly superior foe and with nowhere to run the two explorers will risk their lives to escape capture.

"Got a problem here, Captain." Keila announced as Dara walked in the room. By hir semi-nude state and still half-erect cocks the pilot could guess shi had interrupted some of Dara's morning fun.

"What is it, Keyla?" Captain Dara Lagunov, master of the bio cruiser Gemini, looked up quickly at hir pilot's taut announcement, for "problems" had a way of turning deadly with very little warning in the fringe systems. That had always been true, but the situation had become even more dangerous in the past year, and shi felt the rest of Gemini's bridge watch freeze about hir even as hir own heart began to pump hard and fast. The first scans of the systems had revealed a single inhabited planet and no space-faring species around, there shouldn't have been any problem.

"We've got somebody coming up fast from astern, Captain." Pilot Keila Kolov never looked up from hir display; she was semi-immerse in a pool, directly connected to the ship's neural network. "Looks fairly small, but whoever it is has a military-grade nuclear turbine. Shi's about twenty light-seconds back, but shi's pulling about twenty G."

The captain nodded, and hir expression was grim. Dara Lagunov had earned hir mistress' certificate over ten years before, and shi didn't need Keyla to paint hir any pictures. At six million tons and with commercial-grade turbines, Gemini was a fat target for any warship. Hir maximum possible acceleration was scarcely 10 g, and their force field held her max velocity to only 10% of c. If their pursuer had military-grade particle shields to match the rest of hir drive, shi could not only out-accelerate, but pull a sustained velocity of eighty percent light-speed.

Which meant, of course, that there was no possible way for the Gemini to outrun hir mysterious pursuer.

"How long to intercept?" Dara asked.

"I make it roughly thirty minutes to intercept even if we go to max acceleration," Keila said flatly.

Dara gave a choppy nod. Keyla was less than half hir age, but like hir, shi was one of Gemini's Mistresses. Shi'd been subjected to extensive genetic and cybernetic augmentations to become capable of synchronizing with the powerful neural network of the ship. Like Dara, shi was a hermaphrodite saurian, but Keila was a ten foot tall hybrid between ankylosaurs and plesiosaurus, shi had shinning indigo scales and a hardened shell on her back that was kept impeccably clean by some of the girls of the ship.

Of course, her estimate was for a least-time intercept, and the bogey wouldn't go for that. Shi was almost certain to decelerate in order to kill hir extra speed once shi was certain shi had _Gemini_nailed, but that wouldn't make any difference to the fate of Dara's ship. All it would do was delay the inevitable.

Shi tried desperately to think of a way--any way--to save hir ship, but there wasn't one. At least not conventional ones.

The captain swore with silent venom.

"Challenge them," shi said. "Demand hir identity and intentions."

"Yes, Sir." Hir communications officer keyed her mike and spoke clearly. "Unknown starship, this is the Centauri explorer vessel Gemini. State your identity and intentions." Forty endless seconds ticked past while the red blip in Keila's display closed with ever increasing speed.

"Receiving transmission, Captain!" The communications officer said. "Putting it on the main screen."

The principal screen flickered to life, showing the face of a smiling smilodon.

"Mei!" Dara felt the sudden desire to punch the wall. "I knew a cheap bitch like you would end as a pirate!"

"If it isn't the almighty Dara!" The smilodon laughed. "Not even in my wildest dreams I thought I would have the chance to have you as my prisoner! Now, be a good girl and surrender your ship before I decide to rip you to shreds."

"You are in contravention of the treaty for..."

"Hah! Do you think I care? This isn't the academy anymore!" Mei spoke joyful, "I have you on my sights and no one will come fast enough to save you."

"We will not surrender!" Dara declared.

"Do as you wish, the end result will be the same." The smilodon disappeared, the screen turning off.

"That didn't go very well." Keila sighed.

"I didn't really expect it to be any other way," Dara sighed. Shi sat staring at the star shi'd almost reached for another moment, then shrugged. "All right, people, we will try something dangerous. Alice," shi looked at hir chief engineer, "slave your department to my console, send all power to engines, and then take all the girls for their crash couches. Keyla, get ready for knife fight."

"But, Captain--" Keila began, and Keila shook hir head fiercely.

"You have my orders! Now put us on a path toward the nearest wormhole!"

Keila hesitated, face torn with indecision. Their ship was made for exploration and research, not to exchange shots with privateers, but she also knew that in their current situation there was little choice. The Saber Domain wasn't known for their fair treatment of prisoners, the least they could expect if captured was a five year sentence on one of their breeding farms.

Keila slid down in her pool, the tentacles of the bioship reaching eagerly for her. It touched her tender and warm flesh. Little shocks of pleasure washed hir body as it touched hir more sensitive regions. Shi felt an immediate erection as the tentacles prodded hir tender flesh. A big tentacle forced itself against hir tender pussy, spreading hir open in a blast of pleasure.

The ship's tentacle buried inside hir moist vagina and burned hir with the desperate fullness. The heated impalement of iron-hard flesh threatened to steal hir mind as shi felt her own muscles spasming, milking it as the tentacle throbbed inside hir.

Each stroke carried Keila deeper, threw shi further into the maelstrom of sensation. Hir senses expanded as hir mind synchronized with the ship's neural network, hir senses expanding beyond any mortal limit.

It was wild and pulsating. It was filled with sensation burning, raking across hir nerve endings and shattering into fragments. It was the feel of its final thrust, as shi felt hir body vanishing. As shi became one with the ship.

It was the most exquisite pleasure shi could have ever imagined. There was just this, bliss and ecstasy, and the knowledge that shi was bound to it for life.

"Full speed ahead!" Darla ordered and Keila fervently obeyed gunning the engines to full throttle, pushing the ship past the safety limits. All the females aboard the ship should be on crash couches by now. Darla's and Keila's biology would allow them to survive the tremendous accelerations required and their thick scales would protect them from the stellar radiation.

A thousand pounds sat on Darla's chest like a sledgehammer as the _Gemini'_s engine slammed at ten G's. Darla could only imagine what a regular human would feel at such acceleration, it was uncomfortable enough for shi, but for a simple mammal, it would be excruciating, even lethal. The high-G maneuvering wouldn't kill shi, shi'd be wide awake and lucid to be torn to shred by the enemies weapons.

"Shit..." Darla heard Keila muttering as the enemy ship approached. In a moment of surprise, shi saw the ship breaking in the middle. At first shi blessed the goddess for some malfunction on the shoddy design used by the smilodons, but both pieces kept accelerating toward them. It took the ship's neural network a few seconds to make sense of what was happening.

There were two ships, not one fat and bulky frigate. That they could have tried to dodge and dash towards the local wormhole, but these were two much smaller and maneuverable. Ships that could easily rip them apart before they had a chance to escape.

Darla felt the Gemini shudder as Keila fired a missile at one of the two ships. The smaller ships were rapidly changing speed and vector; the missile had been fired hastily and from a bad angle. It wouldn't score a hit, but at least they would have a good look at the enemies' defenses and capabilities.

Both of the smaller ships darted away in opposite directions at full burn, spraying chaff and flares behind them as they went. The missile wobbled in its course and then limped away in a random path.

"Any idea what we're facing here?" Darla asked.

"We still don't recognize them," Keila spoke through the computer. "But they're flying like fast interceptors. Our best estimate is a pair of nuclear howitzers on the belly and a spinal coil gun."

Faster and more maneuverable than the Gemini, but at least their arc of fire would be more limited.

"Keila, shift power to--" Dara's order was cut short when the Gemini quivered and jumped sideways, hurling shi into the side of hir chair with force.

"We're hit!" Keila yelled through the com.

"What's the damage?" Darla inquired.

"We lost pressure on the recreation area," Keila replied automatically. "Gallery and the machine shop also losing pressure. Nothing that'll kill us."

Nothing that'll kill us sounded good, but Dara felt a pang of sadness for the recreation area. Without the artificial sun on it the nights could get really cold.

"All stations firing with the phalanx," Keila said. "This'll get bumpy!"

The_Gemini_'s threat computer outlined the incoming point defense cannon fire with bright light on Darla's HUD. It was moving impossibly fast, the computer doing its best to track and predict their movement. Keila and Gemini reacted to this threat information with consummate skill, maneuvering away from the cannon' direction of fire in quick, almost random movements that forced the automated targeting of the point defense cannons to adjust constantly.

The ship moved twitchily, finding the gaps between the threads of bullets and dodging away to a new gap before the strands could react and touch it. But Darla knew that each point of light represented a piece of sharp steel with a depleted uranium core going thousands of meters per second. If Keila made a wrong move, they'd know it when the Gemini was ripped to shreds.

Darla almost jumped out of hir seat when the computer spoke. "Damage to maneuvering system, Left side thrusters reduced to fifty percent power. Starting automatic patch."

On hir console, Darla watched as the two ships approached hot on their back. The_Gemini_ didn't had enough missiles for a sustained barrage against the interceptors. Keila had to bring them in so close that the defense cannons wouldn't have the time to respond and shoot the missile down.

"One away," Keila said, and the _Gemini_vibrated as one missile was fired.

Dara shook violently in hir restraints and then slapped back into hir chair as Keila took the Gemini through a series of sudden maneuvers and then slammed down the throttle to evade the last of the cannon fire. Darla watched hir screen as the red dot of their missile streaked toward the interceptors.

"Good sh--" Darla was cut off by Keila yelling, "Bogey one has fired! Two beams!"

Darla flipped back to hir screen and saw the threat system tracking both interceptors and two tight beams of focused radiation coming toward the Gemini.

"Going defensive!" Keila screamed.

Darla slammed back into hir chair again as Keila poured on the speed. The steady rumble of the engine seemed to stutter, and Darla realized shi was feeling the desperate hum of their electromagnetic shield as it tried to block the powerful beams.

Keila jerked hard in a tight curve, all of her focus on their defense barriers. The beam of focused gamma radiation was moving at light speed, not even a sauroid like Dara could have reacted in time to avoid it, but Keila and Gemini could react faster and with greater precision than any organic or artificial mind alone.

A single beam hit them; their shields glowed like a miniature star in the night sky, but most of the damage had been averted. Just a bit of radiation wouldn't really hurt both of the sauroids and the _Gemini_actually fed on it.

Darla made a quick check of the enginery, their ships was depleting their energy stocks in an alarming ratio. The smilodons didn't needed to even hit them, if they managed to keep the fight going for too long they would run out of power.

Darla flipped back to Keila's screen as shi poured everything the communication system had at the small interceptor, trying to blind it with light and radio static. Then shi went back to hir tactical display. The Gemini and bogey two flew toward each other at suicidal speeds. As soon as they passed the point where incoming missile fire couldn't be avoided, bogey two unleashed both nuclear beams. Keila pumped all the energy shi could to the shields and kept up hir intercept course but didn't launch missiles.

"Keila, shouldn't we be shooting?" Darla said.

"Gonna get in close and let the phalanx rip them to shreds," the pilot replied.


"We're getting low on missiles."

The incoming beams hit them with full force, and shi felt the Gemini's shield generators struggling to keep them protected. They wouldn't survive more shots like this.

"One away!" Keila said.

The red dot of their missile streaked off toward bogey two.

Keila said, "Shit," in a flat voice, and then the Gemini slammed sideways hard enough that Darla broke hir nose. Yellow and red emergency lights began blipping on all the bulkheads, though with the ship evacuated of air, Darla mercifully couldn't hear the Klaxons. Hir tactical display flickered, went out, and then came back after a second. When it came back up, all missiles, as well as bogey two, were gone. Bogey one continued to bear down on them from astern.

"Damage!" Darla yelled, hoping the communications were still up.

"Major damage to the outer hull," Keila replied. "Four maneuvering thrusters gone. Sensors burned out at the back and the left. Two defensive cannons are slag. We've also lost our oxygen storage, and the crew airlock is bust!"

"Why are we alive?" Darla asked while he flipped through the damage.

"Boogey one came from behind, two beams," Keila said. "The shields got it, but it was close. The shields burned out and we got some of it."

Darla didn't take time to answer. Shi flipped back to hir tactical display and watched the rapidly approaching bogey one. It would take some time to recharge the howitzers, but at close range it could still cut them apart with its coil gun.

"Keila, can you get us turned around and get a firing solution on that fighter?" shi said.

"Working on it. Don't have much maneuverability," Keila replied, and the Gemini began rotating with a series of lurches.

Darla switched to one of the few surviving external cameras and zoomed in on the approaching interceptor. Up close, the muzzle of its gun looked threateningly big, and it appeared to be aimed directly at them.

"Keila," shi said.

"Working on it, Captain, but the Gemini's hurt."

The enemy ship's cannon flared up, sparks of electricity rushing through its coils, preparing to fire.

"Keila, kill it. Kill it kill it kill it."

"One away," the pilot said, and the Gemini shuddered.

Darla's console threw hir out of the camera view and back to the tactical view automatically. The _Gemini'_s missile flew toward the Interceptor at almost the same instant that it opened up with its coil gun. The display showed the incoming rounds as small red dots moving too fast to follow.

"Incom--" shi shouted, and the Gemini came apart around hir.

An indefinite amount of time later Darla recovered conscience.

The inside of the ship was filled with flying debris, blobs of blood, superheated metal debris, and bones. With no air or gravity, they bounced off walls and then floated slowly around. With enough time and enough resources the ship could repair itself, right now shi already could see the movements on the walls as the flow of blood increased to help with the repairs.

The console next to Keila had a hole in it; White blood slowly leaked into small balls that floated away in the zero g.

"Keila?" Darla said.

"Still here, Cap," the pilot replied, hir voice eerily calm.

"My panel's dead," Darla said. "Did we kill that mammal?"

"Yeah, Cap, shi's dead. About half a dozen of hir rounds actually hit us. Looks like they went through us from bow to stern. We are really lucky to be alive"

Keila's voice had started shaking. Shi meant We should all be dead.

"Repairs?" Darla asked as she unstrapped from her seat.

"Under way, but we will need more resources. Our generator is down."

"I'll find us a place to port. Go check on the girls, see if they are ok." Darla said as shi begun to check the little data they had on the local system. Shi was sure there was at least one inhabited planet around. To her dismay, all data indicated it was still a really primitive planet, just on the start of their nuclear age.

Without any other choice, shi plotted a course to the planet. With some luck they could solve it without interference, just abduct a few tons of organic matter and minerals in the middle of the night and run away before anyone could notice. Their systems could hide them from such primitive sensors almost indefinitely.

If they had luck.