
Story by sisco on SoFurry

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Ok this was an idea I had that I just had to write, it is a look at mind control. Or rather it is a look at the fallout from mind control, furry stories and comics are full of mind control, but nobody looks at what happens afterwards. This story is set in a world where all naga's are born with a natural ability to take control of other anthro's minds. It tells of someone being rehabilitated afterwards, yes there is some sex in there too, hot steamy sex. However, more than that I think it's a good story. I don't look down at, or support mind control, it's not a fetish of mine, but something I did want to explore.

Slight warning it starts dark, but gets lighter as it goes through

"Right Mr Stevens, you are aware of the situation and have read the file fully, correct?" A tired voice asked, it had been a long day for the social worker, but then he couldn't remember the last time he had a short day. It wasn't an easy line of work and the husky had known that going in. However, that didn't mean he couldn't complain about the workload, that was criminal in size, the lack of support and most importantly the lack of a good night's sleep in almost a year.

Derek Stevens was just as tired, or he told himself he was. It wasn't an easy thing he was trying to do, but he was trying to help. Not that it meant much, every social worker looked at him with distrust. It was understandable he supposed, given the line of work of this department. Nagas were unlikely to be liked by the workers, certainly not trusted. The stigma wasn't entirely unearned, paying for his fellow snakes failures was part of the reason he was here. He felt a need to give back where he could. There were benefits for him of course, but he insisted to friends, and at night to the mirror, he wasn't doing this for the perks he was doing this to try and make a difference.

The naga looked down at the file, a few pages of details, some photographs of a young male cheetah, a handsome fellow happy with his arm around a tiger. Apparently they were lovers once. Then the cheetah had went out with some friends, after work, and just never come back. That had been five years ago, six months ago he had been found in the home of a rogue naga, a prisoner of sorts. "Yes, I have read the file. You said there was videos, but you never sent them."

"Ah shit! Yeah, sorry I'll get you a copy before you go. We have a selection, his mother is obviously keen to get her son back," the husky sighed, just one more task that had slipped through the cracks, just like the cheetah. The mother had been in to see him yesterday, as his next of kin she needed to sign several consents forms. Some of what she had to agree to had been pretty extreme, and she had broken down in tears. The council psychologist had been there to reassure her it was the best option to try and help her young boy.

"Did she...will she want to meet me?" The naga's green eyes waivered a little at this point, he always knew it was probably that he would need to meet the family of his charge. However, this was his first time and he was still nervous about how she might react to him.

With an audible sigh the husky shook his head, "not right now, eventually she will want to. Until then she will get visits every other weekend with her...son. However, she has specifically requested that you not be present. Try not to take it personally, I've seen some bad cases in my time, Danny is something pretty bad. I mean he's gone you know, totally wiped... there's nothing of himself left, most cases a vestige remains buried. With him there is nothing, the cunt that did this did a really thorough job. I have no idea what drives you people to..." The canine paused suddenly realising where his rant was leading him, he didn't need another complaint on his file. "Sorry, just cases like this make my blood boil you know?"

Nodding his head the naga couldn't help but agree. "I understand, it makes my blood boil too. I came here because I want to help." That was the truth, he was certain of that, they both were. The number of psych tests he had to pass to get approval were proof of his good intentions. They had to be very sure before they assigned him a charge, because a guy like Danny, he might be able to be brought back. It wouldn't be easy and there was a chance the real Danny would never resurface. If they gave him to someone who would just drive him further into the life of a mindless slave... sometimes there was no way back.

Although the naga could understand how it happened more than the husky. Nagas were all born with natural hypnotic abilities, it made them distrusted. Of course the bad boy air they had often drove guys and girls their way, a little flirt with danger is exhilarating. He had been honest in his application and admitted he had used his powers consensually on several occasions. In each case he had the signed consent forms and confirmation from his former lovers that he had never broken the rules they had established.

His last boyfriend had a stressful and difficult job, he had found hypnosis relaxing. He had enjoyed submitting to him, letting Derek take control. As a natural dominant animal the naga had enjoyed it too, but he had always maintained control of himself as well. Power was addictive and he always made sure he let it go when he needed to. This would be something different, letting go would not be until he had managed to rebuild a shattered life.

Part of the naga wondered what that would be like, what would the real Danny think of him. That was a problem for the future, first he needed to see if he was able to help. Danny had been the personal sex slave of his naga master for more than four years. The cheetah had been controlled for so long he needed it, at least a little now to live. He could not eat, drink, piss or shit without permission. His owner had built in many codewords and requirements. After being evaluated by four different specialists they had all confirmed this was Danny's only option. To live as a slave once more, with a naga master. With the difference being; Derek would be trying to rehabilitate him, to pull out the real cheetah and destroy the slave. It would take months, maybe even years and there was always a risk of relapse, once released from a master's control the real world seemed far harsher, to some, than life in happy mentally numb servitude.

"Right well, the next part is often a bit unpleasant," Richard sighed, the husky hated this part. He knew with Danny it was going to be really bad. Not his worst, that had been in his first year... the victim had been eight years old. That day he had understood why some countries had the death penalty. Some monsters need to be slain.

"I am prepared, I... made up his room at home," Derek replied, he wasn't sure why he added that last part. He had spent all weekend trying to get the room right; posters from what the file said were Danny's favourite films, books that he loved and a selection of foods, ones he both loved and hated. Anything he thought might help him provoke a reaction, a memory or just a spark of himself, he had placed as prominently as he dared.

"That's good, after all we didn't pay you for nothing," mumbled the husky, his mind wasn't on the conversation it was on the room across the corridor and what he knew was about to happen. "We will inspect you at random over the next six weeks, at least once a week. After that the inspections will reduce to around once a month. We will never announce an inspection before hand. Both yourself and Danny will be regularly interviewed by psychologists."

It was hard for Derek not to roll his eyes, he had heard this about seven times and that had just been since he was matched to Danny last week. He understood, he read the file, he knew what a naga gone wrong was capable of. It still didn't mean he would have to take this treatment forever. "I understand Richard, I really do. I'm here to help."

"Yeah, I know. Let's just get started," it wasn't even an apology, just an acknowledgement that the naga had spoken. He knew it was the naga's first time and he wondered how the giant creature would handle this. Tests and specialists they could interview him until the end of time, the husky would know if they had made a mistake in the next ten minutes.

As the husky stood Derek reared up a little. His body over thirty foot long, a creamy green underbelly of fine silky smooth scales. A line of purple scales tracked from his snout back over his head, growing thicker as they went the scales becoming huge diamonds, rough to the touch as they slid down his back. The purple standing out nicely against his dark green body. Most of his lovers had found him handsome. He had a hooded head, which to most people made him look sinister and poisonous, like a cobra. However he had no venom, in his bite or his heart.

The husky led the way out into the hall and to the door just across the way. Pausing he turned to look at the naga, Derek had reared up a little more as he slithered, he towered over the canine an easy eight foot in height. He understood why people found them attractive, in his youth he'd had a naga girl friend. He'd let her hypnotise him for fun, and he'd enjoyed it. Now he shuddered knowing what might have happened to him, he knew too much to ever let go like that, however tempting it was. The proof of that was on the other side of the door. "I'll go in first, just stay here until I call you over. The bastard that did this to him...he put a lot of commands in his head so he is going to fight it. It gets...distressing."

Derek didn't reply, he knew it was not going to be a fun start. Fun wasn't why he was there, though the adverts had shown that this could be a rewarding experience. He'd spoken to a few nagas who had gone through similar, most had good stories. Most were still in touch with those they had helped, one had even married one of the furs he had helped. They all said it was rewarding, but intense and at times emotionally draining. There had been some sad stories too, ones of rehabilitated furs not wanting anything to do with the person who had spent months bringing them back. Some just can't see past the scales to the person who saved them, others relapsed unable to take reality and preferring the fuzzy safety of submission.

When the husky opened the door he found himself leaning forward to stare. He could see Danny in there, laying on a bed, his hands had been strapped down. However, the cheetah was just laying motionless. He was cute, sexy in fact. That of course had been the problem, some predatory, almost feral, naga had seen him at a club and wanted him. Derek could understand why, he had a nice sleek body, his spotted coat looked wonderfully soft and well groomed. His eyes were a warm golden brown colour.

Richard approached the cheetah, "hello Danny, how are you today?"

The cheetah turned his head to look at the dog, the expression on his face was almost blank, maybe just a hint of curiosity. The husky sighed and glanced at the door, "I've got someone to introduce you to Danny."

Danny didn't do anything, he just lay back, the blank look on his face somehow becoming even less interested. Richard gave a wave of his paw and Derek slithered forward. Danny's head shot up, with a look of pure joy for a moment, it was quickly replaced with annoyance and anger, "you're not Master." He spat the accusation at the naga, almost as if someone had promised him his master was about to return.

"Well, he isn't yet," muttered the husky to Derek's horror. It had felt almost like the husky was taunting the poor feline. "Are you ready?"

"Yes," the naga replied slithering right up to the bed, lifting himself up he leaned over the cheetah, trying to catch his eye.

"No! You are not the Master!" The cheetah squealed it and started struggling, kicking and pulling on his restraints violently. "No, NO, NO!" His eyes were closed, his head to one side, desperate to avoid eye contact. It was clear his master had prepared him for this eventuality, to fight back and not let some other naga take him away. If only Danny had fought harder against that naga.

"Shit, just relax Danny," muttered the husky reaching out he grasped the feline's head and held it down.

"NO!NO!NO!" The feline squealed his eyes staying firmly shut as he panicked and struggled with all his might. "NO! GET OFF!"

"Stop staring and open his fucking eyes,"snarled the husky as his paws struggled to hold the jerking head still. Derek recoiled for a moment, his heart told him this was wrong. Everything he had learned growing up told him that he should respect a person's right to consent. Of course he knew those rights had already been violated and that he had the legal consent of his family to try and put him right.

His green paws reached down and he felt the feline trembling in fear to his touch. "It'll all be over soon," Derek wasn't sure if he was trying to reassure the cat or himself.

"Fuck you!...NO! You are not my Master!" Danny spat and Derek yelped as the cheetah managed to turn his head enough to sink his teeth down into his paw. Derek hissed loudly and pulled his paws back, a flash of anger passing through him. He reached down again and forced those eyelids open.

His head dipped lower, his green eyes lining up with Danny's golden ones. The cheetah was still struggling weakly against his restraints and the two men. Desperate eyes darting all over, trying not to see the naga's eyes. Derek took a deep breath to calm himself and then whispered, "relaaaaaax." He put everything he had into the word, whispering it low and soothingly. "Just Breeeeatthhhh." It was a command, but a gentle one and as the naga spoke it the cheetah stopped struggling, his eyes stopping and staring up into the endless green pools. It was easy to take control of someone who had been as dominated as Danny, just a little glimpse. The cheetah was addicted to that control, the absence of his master left a naga shaped hole in his life. Any naga could fill that void if they put their mind to it.

Richard let go of the head and stepped away shaking, he always hated that. Holding someone down, even for their own good, and worse, feeding them to one of the scaly bastards that screwed them up so much in the first place.

The scaly bastard in the room was paying him no attention, his eyes were fixed on the cheetah, much like for the feline the rest of the world melted away. Hypnosis was such an intimate moment, at its best it could bring two people closer than any other act, to a naga at least. However, he had a job to do and he certainly wasn't looking to enjoy this session. "That's it, you are safe Danny..." The cheetah shivered for a second and then suddenly he shook his head and closed his eyes and began to kick.

"You are not master!" The cheetah squealed and the husky jumped back to grab his head again.

"Fuck, don't use his name, call him slave, you need to replace his master as close as possible and slowly lead him away. He is not ready to be Danny yet," the husky pressed the panicking feline's head down. "You have to BE his master, at least for now."

Derek bobbed his head in understanding and reached out again, his stomach was twisting in knots as he forced those eyes open and leaned close once more. "Reeeeellllllaaaaxxxxxxxxx," he let the word verberate around the room so strongly even Richard felt his muscles begin to go loose. "Brrrrrreeeaaaatttttthhhh." Three people took one deep slow breath, "You are safe slllave." The last word tasted oddly bitter in his mouth, but he saw Danny lay back relaxing more.

"Master is here," he whispered and moved a little closer, his paw stroking the cheetah's cheek gently. The fur felt good against his scales, he could see the feline was starting to fall under his spell. Danny still looked a little confused, it didn't look exactly like his master, but the voice it was so like master's. He had been away from it for so long, yet it still felt right he could trust that voice and just that voice.

"You left me Master, did I anger you?" The cheetah whispered softly.

"No, you didn't slave. Master is happy to see you," Derek whispered his palm continuing to stroke his cheek.

"But...I need you master," whimpered the cheetah as he nuzzled against the paw not breaking eye contact.

"You will be ok slave, Master is here now, we will go to our new home soon," the naga whispered reassuringly as paw reaching down to take Danny's and lightly squeeze.

"I'm so happy master, just tell me what to do," the feline replied a broad grin spreading across his face. "Will you take me when we get home? I have missed you and missed feeling good."

"Feeling good?"

"Yes Master, you told me I must only feel good when master is touching me. I have felt terrible since those men took me away from you," Danny whispered nuzzling the naga's paw and purring happily.

A paw on Derek's shoulder let him know that he had to wrap things up, "well you will feel good soon, Master has to go talk. Then we will go home, do you understand?"

"Yes Master," Danny whispered and smiled happily resting back as the huge head slipped away from him.

Richard escorted the naga back into the corridor, "Well it looks like he's accepted you as his master. How do you feel?"

"Nauseated," Derek replied honestly his stomach was still in knots.


"Good?" The naga couldn't stop the question it leapt out of his mouth on it's own.

Richard gave a shrug, "to be honest, if you go through that and come out fine... I'd have doubts on if you were the right person for this job. Be careful though, I could see you were about to say he could feel good anytime he wants to. Don't push too far too fast. He has accepted you as his master and that is enough for today. Try and stick to the routine he wants and expects for now."

Derek couldn't look the husky in the face as he knew there was one question he had to ask. He knew what the answer would be, but he had to ask anyway because he needed to hear it, "he...expects me to...fuck him right?"

"Yes, obviously. You gonna be able to man up and dip your wick?" The tone of the husky shocked the naga, even through his cold blood he felt a flush of embarrassed warmth on his cheeks.

"I... I mean, I think so. It's just..."

"It ain't rape, he wants it and right now he needs it." Richard said reassuringly, it was the words they both knew the naga wanted to hear. "This is all part of his rehabilitation, I know it's your first time, from every successful case I have seen there is one bit of advice I can give."

"What's that?"

"Try to enjoy it, it'll help him believe it," the husky replied with a pat of the naga's shoulder that almost verged on friendly. "Right now he needs a master, he is an addict and you are his nicotine patch. You give him just a little of what he needs until he no longer needs it then...well in the end all bets are off. Usually it involves a lot of tears."

"Is that supposed to be encouraging?" Derek asked more than a little shocked. All the training and speeches had all been about how uplifting it was to do this, to help people.

"It's the truth, mostly when they finally realise who they are and what happened people get sad, then angry and then sad all over again. They lash out, verbally mostly though sometimes physically, and you will be the first target,"


"Yeah, look after that they usually are grateful, but especially when they are so far gone you have a legal permit from a judge to fuck them, as part of their therapy...well he might remember who he was, but he'll never be that guy again." the husky was too tired to lie or try and put a rose tint on the truth. "But, he will be a person again and that's something. Right now he isn't even that. He's a body waiting to be a person. So just do what you gotta do, enjoy what you can. Get to know who he is, as he finds it out for himself and... don't fuck up"

It wasn't exactly the world's best inspirational speech, but it was enough for Derek. "Ok, I'll take him back home. I can figure everything else out from there." Part of the naga wasn't sure he was ready, but there really was only one way to find out for certain. All the training courses in the world could not beat the reality of hands, or coils, on experience.

"Good, now I will go get the last of the papers for you to sign and the two of you can be off," Richard said with a sigh of relief. It was over, well at least for now. Then he thought of something and added, "oh tell him to go to the toilet before you leave, at least the cleaners won't have to mop out his room again, I am sick of their complaints."

"Your compassion astounds me as always," the words slipped out, a year of dealing with social workers and just at the end the naga's contempt escaped.

The husky froze in his tracks, for a moment there was doubt in his eyes as he ran over his words. Insensitive? Probably. Offensive? Maybe.Then he felt something else bubbling up and he rounded on the naga, with a snarl, "you want to talk about compassion? I have forty cases on my books, Danny isn't the worst of them. You think today was easy for me? You think it's easy when they look at you, lost souls, empty minds..."

Richard could feel himself trembling with rage, a good day he would have laughed it off, but good days were as rare as diamonds and ten times a precious. "Or when their family comes to you. Mothers, fathers, husbands, wives. When they cry and you, when they tell you how much they miss them. When they look at you like you should have all the fucking answers, like you can just snap your fingers and make everything better. Then how much they hate you when you look them in the eye and tell them... your son, daughter, wife, husband needs a naga master? You think that's easy?!"

" I didn't... I mean," stammered the naga, cowering away from a husky half his size.

"You want to try looking one of them in the eye and asking them to sign a waiver saying that someone, like you, can have sex with their loved one? You want to picture that, the moment you look into a mother's eye and watch as she signs away her own son's consent?" The husky wasn't looking at the naga anymore, his voice was growing distant. "She cried you know? We told her you were a good person and that our charges have a sixty percent recovery rate. Then she gave me a look when she signed the form, it was just... defeat, we hollowed her out... I know how she feels."

"I... sorry," muttered the naga quietly.

"Just bring him back..." the husky muttered as he left. If the naga could bring the cheetah back, that would be a good day.

There was nothing that Derek could think to say, so he kept quiet. He knew that explosion wasn't all about him. Reading through Danny's file had been disturbing, he wondered what it would be like to live with that every day. To deal with worse. Maybe he wouldn't be stable, maybe he would develope some callouses and prejudices. In the end it wasn't something he got to dwell on as the husky brought back a couple of contracts. "Sign here here and here," The canine muttered as he handed him the papers and a pen. The canine seemed to be trying to put on a professional air, as if his little rant had never happened. Like all Englishmen Derek was certainly willing to pretend something that heartfelt and awkward had never happened.

Derek signed where indicated and returned the paper to the husky. Richard glanced over it and then handed the naga a disk, "here's the videos, some birthdays, graduation and holidays. Try not to dwell on it too much, this is a marathon and not a race. Just let him show you his routine, then look to change it slowly. You have the emergency number, don't be afraid to call if you think something is wrong. We'd rather you raise something that's nothing, than not raise nothing that is something."

"Ok, I will do," promised the naga as he took the disk from the husky. The next few minutes seemed rather strange. They returned to Danny and unfastened his restraints. The cheetah ran up to Derek as it he was the long lost love of his life. It was so strange to feel those beautiful eyes looking up at him with pure joy and absolute trust. The cheetah obeyed his every word, going to the toilet and showering at his command. Though the feline seemed disappointed when the naga did not follow him into the shower, Derek could see the question on his lips. He made a mental note to try and shower with the cheetah as clearly the feline was used to bathing with his master.

Before Derek realised time was passing, he was alone with the cheetah in his car. A naga modified vehicle. The driver's seat covered the full front of the car, the brake and accelerator adapted to be wider to allow his tail to control them. Danny was sitting behind him quietly, his eyes fixed on his master, his ears quivering as he waited for a command. "It won't take long to get to your new home... slave." The word still tasted strange in his mouth, he knew he would have to get used to it, but until then he would just bury his concerns and deal with it.

"As master says," the cheetah purred with delight to hear his master's voice addressing him.

There was something disquieting about the cheetah's expression. It was so honest and pure, yet tainted in the worst way. The silence was awkward, but every attempt at starting a conversation seemed to end rather quickly. It was hard to engage in discussion with someone who only ever replies with "yes master, as you say master, I agree master."

Derek pulled into his driveway, he glanced at the neighbouring houses. He had informed his neighbours what he was doing, just to make sure they didn't report him to the police for suspected hypnotic abuse. "Here we are your new home."

"As master says," Danny replied quickly with a dopey smile on his face.

The naga led the cheetah inside, "I will show you your room first." He said trying to sound authoritative, he was supposed to be the master after all.

"As my master desires," came the predictable reply. The naga couldn't help but wonder how Danny's abuser had lived with that every day. He liked his name, he wanted people to use it, he wondered how long it would be before he would hear the cheetah call him Derek and accept the naga using his own name. That would be the day all of the current discomfort and annoyances would seem worth it.

Slithering quickly through the wide corridors and rooms he led Danny to his former spare bedroom. Now Danny's new room. He knew he was going to be disappointed, but a tiny part of him was hoping the cheetah would look at a poster from a movie he loved, or a picture of his mother and start to remember. Just a tiny sign, any sign that things would be ok.

"This is your room, your bed and you have your own ensuite toilet..." he bit back the desire to tell him to use it whenever. The need for his permission to go to the toilet would be the first command he tried to remove, gently of course but he didn't want the cheetah holding it in until he messed himself waiting for his master to tell him it was time. He wanted to point out the pictures and posters, but he held back.

"Thank you master," the cheetah purred and Derek turned back to look at the feline following him. His eyes went wide as he found himself looking at a naked feline, the cat smiled up at him moving close. "Does master wish for me to pleasure him?"

"Yes," the answer escaped the naga's lips spoken from his body and not his mind. He knew that sex was part of the deal, in the training courses it had been explained clinically. Somehow that had made it easier to believe he could go through with it. It had seemed simple guy believes and wants to have sex with you, have sex with the guy. Now, he could feel his heart fluttering as the sexy young cheetah advanced on him, his pink shaft slipping out in silent salute to his desirability as a master. "But, in a moment... "he paused mid sentence, he knew he had to be a master, he had to be dominant and controlling. "First I want to relax with my slave, in my room."

He tried to sound as confident as he could, he could see the confusion on Danny's face. The naga was worried his spell might be broken and so he made sure to catch the cheetah's eye and put as much power into his voice as he could, "follow me, slave." The voice came all too easy and the warm feeling he got as the cheetah submitted to his will was far too enjoyable for comfort.

"Yes, master," the cheetah purred happily as he stared deep into those wonderful warm eyes. The doubt and uncertainty was gone, he was a slave and his master had given a command, he would follow. Life was so simple that way, he wandered after the naga and never noticed the doubt in Derek's face as he worried about the pleasure he had felt in that moment.

Derek's bedroom was quite typical for a naga, heat lamps lined the walls, they turned on as he entered and he felt the warmth flowing into him. It was invigorating, the heat flowed over his scales, kissing them like the warm golden light of a summer's noon. In the center was a large round pit, with a mattress inside, Derek cast off his Jacket and shirt. Danny picked them up instantly folding them carefully, and sniffing them with a happy smile on his face.

The naga slithered naked onto his bed, coiling over himself, he was a little surprised at how quickly the cheetah stepped onto the bed and climbed onto his coils. Danny lay himself right in the centre and looked up at his master, he was offering himself up for hypnosis. This was the position Derek had hypnotised all his lovers, it was close and intimate. His tongue lapped out on instinct alone, tasting the air, the risking heady musk of his prey.

"I missed this master," Danny whispered as he gazed up lovingly at the naga. Derek tried to not hear the last word, he reached down with both paws, caressing the cheetah's cheeks.

Their first session had been violent, uncomfortable, Danny had fought with everything he had. However, the cheetah was too used to submitting, even while fighting it had been easy for the naga to imprint on his mind. Now he wanted something far more, he wanted to melt into his lover's mind. The times with the others had been wonderful, feeling their trust and excitement. Then once the session started his hypnotised partners had dropped all their inhibitions, they had been their true selves, it had let him slither out of his skin and be himself; the vulnerable sweet guy who most people never really saw.

"Just relllllaaaaaxxxxx," this time Danny did just that, his body going limp as he stared up into those dazzling emerald eyes. The soft shine coming from behind them, it filled the cheetah with warmth, calming him more and more. This was right, he was slave and his master would make him feel good. "You feel at peeeeace. Listen to my voice and just my voice."

Danny nodded slightly, not letting his eyes move from the naga's. The snake moved closer, his tongue darting out again and again. He could taste the desire on the cheetah, the sweet musk in the air signalling arousal. It was expected, his master would have spent months ensuring his reaction to hypnosis was pleasure, it helped keep the slave addicted, it was part of why only another naga could deprogramme those abused individuals.

While the cheetah fell into a deep trance the naga found himself melting into those warm feline eyes. He could sense the trust of his partner, looking up at him and giving his all. A warm shiver ran through his entire body, no partner had ever given up to him so completely. They all held back a little, they fought on instinct. Danny had just accepted his dominance. With a moan he could feel his own cocks slipping free from his genital slit.

He let one paw wander slowly down the cheetah's body as he moved closer, keeping their eyes locked. The trance was fully established, yet just looking into the cheetah's eyes was filling him with strength and confidence. Danny needed a master and he could be a good master, he could treat the cheetah with kindness and care that his previous owner never had. "What is slave thinking?" He whispered softly, it was the question he always asked first when he hypnotised them. Their answer was a good way to judge just what they wanted and how far he could push things.

A slight crinkle of confusion passed across the cheetah's face, but the smile stayed on his lips, "of how much I missed being with master, how it hurt it be apart, and how good I will feel when you take me again, Master."

"Is that all?" Derek had hoped, foolishly, to get more than answers formed from his years of programming. While hypnotised people were more likely to be themselves. The bastard that had held Danny had clearly buried the cheetah really deeply. A flash of anger passed through the naga's mind, "I will find you and bring you out!" The words came out with the sincerity you only find in moments of uncontrolled rage and unbridled ecstasy. It wasn't just a promise, it was a statement of fact and he would move Heaven and Earth, if need be, to make it come true.

"Master?" The cheetah's confusion was growing and Derek knew he was risking losing the trance. He had pushed it far enough for the day, he would need to fully establish himself in the cheetah's mind as master. There was one more thing he would have to do to complete that task and to do it he had to push his feelings of anger to one side.

"Slave, I want you to reach out and touch my slit, with both paws. It will feel good to touch master again won't it?" The naga whispered the instructions, he felt the cheetah tremble and tasted Danny's sweet breath as he gave a sigh of contentment.

"Oh yes Master, I only know joy when you tell me I can," the cheetah replied, sitting up in the naga's coils for the first time, his own erection was drooling and his musk was filling the room. Mammalian musk always tasted exotic and spicy to the naga, like warm milk, infused with cinnamon and cardamom. Two gentle paws stroked down his stomach, over his fine silken scales and down to his slit. The cheetah ran a single finger down to slowly widening slit, a soft purr was erupting from Danny's chest as his programmed mind bathed in joy, just as he had been instructed to many times before.

It didn't take the cheetah's skilled paws long to encourage Derek's twin snakes back out of their lair. Slipping out the two members were immediately met with warm and loving fingers stroking and caressing. The naga couldn't stop the moan of pleasure or the shiver than ran from his head right down the thirty foot of his body. He held still, letting the feline pleasure him, two paws wrapping around his cocks, stroking slowly and gently.

"Oh Master, you are so big," the cheetah whispered as he explored the two engorged malnesses. His fingers traced over the scaled malenesses, wondering at how good he knew they would feel as they thrust inside him.

"Don't talk," Derek ordered, he didn't like commanding silence, but each time Danny spoke the illusion was broken for him. He had no desire to be called master. However, he certainly was willing to take charge, with his blood screaming in his veins, and his body soaking in hormones, he wanted the feline in front of him. He let go of his feelings and emotions and let the animal inside him take control. Handing over the keys of his body to his lusts, knowing that no matter what he wanted, Danny would want it too.

Giving a deep hiss the naga reached down and grasped the feline's erect cock. The squeal of surprise, and delight, taught him that Danny's master had never been one for returning pleasure. Well he was, there was nothing better than holding some willing bitch in your coils and breeding them so hard they see stars and cum from pure anal stimulation. Of course for that he would need some lubrication, the bottle was in his dresser, it would mean stopping and nothing could make him stop now.

With a firm tug he pulled the cheetah forward, Danny gasped as his master pulled him forward by the cock. It was unusual, but not unpleasant and it was what master wanted, that made it ok. He tried to keep quiet and then gasped as the paw pulled his cock right between the two scaled serpent shafts. Two large scaled paws grasped around all three members and started to stroke.

The pleasure of his master's touch was amazing, his cock was surrounded by his master's maleness and fingers. His own paws reached out, landing on the thick naga torso, the strength of the beast making it like a rock. He knew he could always lean against master, he would never be strong enough to push him over, he was so weak and pathetic, next to master.

Bobbing in the air the naga caught sight of his partner, the dopey happy smile on the cheetah's face it looked so sweet. Suddenly he darted down, pressing his lips against the feline's and kissing deeply. His forked tongue pressing deep into the Danny's mouth, the taste of sweet moans of pleasure and surprise. He loved the feel of the warm blooded animal's lips against his, so warm and inviting. Soft gasps of pleasure escaped the cheetah and the naga devoured them hungrily, he could feel the beat of Danny's heart, it was racing so fast; it was like a rabbit caught after a long chase.

Derek's paws worked quickly pumping all three shafts, while he moaned happily into the feline's mouth. All thoughts of master and slave escaped his mind, there was nothing more than two lovers lost in the passion of the moment. Breaking the kiss the naga whispered, "thrust." It was more of a beg than a command, yet to Danny it was all he needed, instruction and he gave in to what his body had been screaming for him to do. He began to thrust into the naga's hands and cocks. His meat sliding between the two thick green members wonderfully, the friction of the scales teasing his sensitive flesh was almost too much. The cheetah's balls were aching begging for release and yet it wouldn't come.

With a desperate groan the naga knew he couldn't take much more of the stimulation. It had been months since his last fling, a rather fun pony guy who wanted to let go, but was too much of a control freak to let someone top. A little consensual hypnosis had let the equine relax to a point the naga had spent the night emptying one cock after the other into one, gloriously fine, equine behind. As each blissful second passed his orgasm drew nearer and nearer, he tried desperately to hold back. He wanted Danny to cum first, he didn't know why in that moment but it was vital to him that his lover cum before he did.

The cheetah began to whimper as his need to orgasm kept building, the pressure inside him building thrust by thrust. He gasped and panted, unable to finish but desperate to follow his master's orders, he knew he needed to. Master would make him feel good, his hips were a blur in the dim light of the room, his furry nuts were slapping against his master's slit. He looked into those wonderful eyes drinking in the moment as the need to orgasm continued to build. The three cocks were glistening in the dim lights as the slid together, both males drooled pre constantly holding onto the edge of their orgasm.

Just as he felt himself driving uncontrollably over the edge of his orgasm Derek had a flash of inspiration,"Cum for me, Slave." He hissed desperately as his own orgasm hit him fully, he cried out in passion, while his coils strained, his entire body convulsing. Danny was thrown against him, the feline's tiny paws scrambling against his scaly chest for purchase.

The order from his master was all Danny needed, he squealed and whimpered as his entire body was bathed in pleasure. His weak voice raised up with the words he had screamed many times before, "Oh Master!" Three cocks sliding back and forth pulsing as naga and feline spunk sprayed across two sweaty convulsing bodies. Green and cream scales glimmered in the red light of the heat lamps, as rivers of cum trickled off Derek's exhausted body.

With just enough of a mind left the naga reached out to catch the cheetah as he collapsed exhausted on him, purring deeply. His arms closed around the lithe male, he felt warm, and not from the heat lamps. There was no knowing exactly what the feline had been through over the last six months, but at least he had shown him some pleasure. A soft warm paw reached up to caress his cheek and he couldn't stop himself from nuzzling against it.

"Was I good, Master?" The cheetah asked, his voice quavering slightly.

"Yes.. yes you were," Derek whispered softly his own paw reaching out to caress Danny's soft cheeks. His eyes gazed into the golden ones, seeing nothing but contentment there. He leaned down and kissed the shuddering feline once more. This time without reservation, enjoying the soft moans of his lover against his lips. Their tongues began to dance as their bodies ground against each other.

His cocks slipping back out of their warm cave once more. A firm warm poke in his stomach told him just how excited the feline in his arms was. Reaching down he scraped up the remains of their first encounter, and then hissed deeply as he spread it over both of his members. Then he let his paw stroke down the feline's body, his paw reaching behind the purring feline. It took just a moment to find Danny's pucker, making the cat purr louder as he stroked it softly.

Danny couldn't help himself, he purred loudly grateful that his master had not forbidden him from doing so. It had been so long since he had felt his master inside him, it always felt good, even when it hurt. His master had told him how good it would feel, and he had felt good. The slender, yet strong digits slipped inside easily, there was no pain with the added lubricant of the cum. His ass had taken far more and far rougher, he purred louder; he always loved when master was in the mood to be gentle.

With gentle motions the naga's fingers stretched the purring cat wider, preparing him for the aching serpent maleness that was stroked in the naga's other hand. It was his left one, the one he always picked, left for ass and right for mouth. He wasn't sure why he had always preferred it that way, only two lovers had ever let him use both inside them at once. Those had been an amazing nights, he knew he could just take Danny that way if he wanted, but he knew if he did he would be a hair's breadth from becoming just like his former master.

The two fingers pulled from the warmth of the mammal, he had to admit he loved fucking mammals, they always felt so hot on his cock. It was such a wonderful feeling to slide into the wonderful heat, he hoped he didn't feel too cold to them. Not that he had ever had anyone complain about it.

His dual malenesses were singing to him that it was time, his body was aching to be inside the slender cheetah. Danny's ass felt nice and loose around his slick digits and seemed to clench around them as they pulled out. He didn't stop, or ask, for he knew what the answer would be and he had no desire to hear the M word again. So he turned the cheetah around, laying him face down over his coils, the slave's erect cock dripping as it pointed down into the hollow centre of the naga ring.

With a hiss of delight he lowered his torso down over the cheetah, his paws stroking the feline's back softly. Then he pushed down, carefully guiding his left cock right under the cat's twitching tail and between his butoocks. The hiss of delight drew to a sharp end as he felt the searing warmth of the feline, he pushed into the cat slowly and gently. The sensation around his cock was the wonderful heat of a summer's day, it pulled him deeper. He could hear Danny moaning softly in delight.

He pressed his chest against the feline's warm fur, loving the sensation as the soft fur caressed his sensitive stomach scales. His arms closed around the cheetah's stomach, he rested his head on the feline's shoulder kissing it tenderly. As he coils rolled rhythmically, softly and gently rocking his maleness back and forth, pushing a little deeper into the warm sunlight with each motion. The cat clenched down wonderfully as he thrust forward, the warm ass seeming to strap around his cock and pull him deeper.

A deep hiss escaped his lips as the pleasure ran from his cock out and down his spine, running through his entire coiled body in waves of wonder. He couldn't stop himself from speeding up his thrusting. The cheetah under him moaned and gasped, but thankfully said nothing. Derek closed his eyes basking in the sensations alone, shutting out any doubts or worries, for this moment they were two and one. Danny was his, as any lover should be, his sub and his willing lover. The feline's every movement only served to enhance his pleasure, a wriggle of Danny's hips as the naga thrust sending shockwaves of bliss that made Derek cry out.

His paws clasped tightly around the feline, holding him desperately as he thrust faster and faster, giving his all the heat of the body almost addictive. He had to have more, he craved it, his thickness forcing it's way deep inside his lover again and again. He peppered the feline's back with kisses, targeting his beautiful spots. While Danny continued to squirm and wriggle for him, clenching and massaging perfectly. The rumbling purr radiated up through the feline and vibrated the naga's form wonderfully. He knew that his lover was enjoying every moment and that knowledge he clung to desperately.

Danny squeaked with delight as the thin tailtip of his master coiled around his painfully erect cock. He couldn't remember his master ever being so gentle, sex had never been this pleasurable before, but if it was what his master wanted, who was he to argue. The thrusting cock inside him felt perfect, it was hitting sweet spots he had forgotten he had, making him mewl and cry out again and again. He could feel the rain of kisses on his back and he basked in his master's joy and love.

The two writhed and squirmed together sharing moans and squeals of delight as they took the bliss of their union together. Each one glad of the moment, and each one feeling safe wand content. With cries of unexpected bliss the cheetah's body convulsed as the naga tail around his cock, and the battering of his prostate proved too much. Danny came with a surprising roar of pleasure, his whole body clenching and contracting down around the thick maleness inside, as streams of white spunk landed on thick, muscled, coils of naga flesh.

"Oh...Oh...Oh...DANNY!" The words burst from the naga's lips, too strong to be contained, in that moment he lost everything he had or was. All he knew was the warmth of his lover under him, around him. He thrust into the cheetah with feral passion rutting him with the speed only a beast could match. The room filled with the slapping of his hips against the feline's spasming ass. All the while his cocks throbbed, one painting the cheetah's ass on the outside and the other on the inside, with the fruits of their union.

The two lovers squirmed and moaned as they rode out the end of their orgasms, Derek keeping his cock lodged inside the feline. Even at the end and he pulled the slumbering kitten into his arms, curling his body protectively around the feline, for the moment at least Danny was his. Then he followed the feline to the peaceful world of closed eyes and peaceful dreams.

Derek awoke with a yawn that only a serpent could manage, his jaws spreading wide. Then he noticed that Danny was no longer there, for a moment he felt a rush of panic in his heart. Had Danny just been playing him? Had he not done a good enough job to be his master? Had he remembered his real master? Then the naga's tongue caught the scent of something cooking, pancakes.

Without bothering to pull on any clothes the naga slipped out and downstairs to his kitchen. The cheetah was standing at the stove, his back to the door, wearing nothing but an apron. Derek found himself briefly mesmerized by the two spotten perfect mounds that were swaying as the feline hummed a tune to himself. It was such a wonderful image, soured only slightly by the knowledge that it wasn't the real Danny, not yet anyway.

Not letting thoughts like that stop him the naga slithered quickly up behind the feline and hugged up behind the cat. "Morning." The cat jumped a little in his arms and then purred nuzzling and grinding his lithe body back against him. Derek nuzzled into the feline's neck enjoying the closeness.

"Morning Master, your breakfast is almost ready," the feline replied, pushing back into the naga's powerful embrace with a happy sigh. His world had been put to rights, after months of wrongs everything was back to the way it should be. "Pancakes, with blueberries and strawberries on the side, as you command for a Tuesday."

The naga pulled away with a soft sigh, "thank you slave, please make sure you make enough for yourself too." He had hoped stupidly for something, yet the cheetah was still the same slave he had brought home. Maybe it would take months, or years. Maybe he just wasn't going to be able to help Danny come back.

Breakfast was placed carefully in front of him, a stack of pancakes with strawberries and blueberries on the side, dusted with icing sugar. Derek had been given a list of meals that Danny's former master had preferred and had bought ingredients for many of them. He wanted to keep things as close to what the feline expected as he could stomach, though he would be changing things up, as soon as he saw some changes in Danny.

He watched as Danny placed his own breakfast on the table and then sat down. Tasting his breakfast the naga had to admit the cheetah was a pretty good cook, hardly unexpected as he would have spent many hours practicing to please his master. While he swallowed a sweet mouthful of carbohydrates and fruit, his eyes spotted something on Danny's plate.

The feline had prepared himself a breakfast similar to his, but not identical. Danny had left out the blueberries, and replaced them with banana, that had not been part of his programming. The cheetah had a childhood allergy to blueberries, it was in his file, he had grown out of it and yet as an adult still held an aversion to them. His former master would not have cared what his tastes were, he would want his slave eating and loving the food his master loved, to validate how correct his master was. With a smile the naga relished the rest of his breakfast, watching Danny eat happily. He had wanted a sign that the real Danny was in there, it was a small one but it was a start.


"Are you ready?" Derek asked quietly as he looked at the cheetah in front of him.

His arms clasped around himself nervously the cheetah looked up dumbly and nodded, he was visibly trembling. Derek wanted nothing more than to coil around and hug the feline to comfort and support him. Yet, he also knew his time as Danny's master, and lover, was over, after nine months the feline was considered mentally strong enough to go home. He had been told to limit physical contact for their last week together, to help the cheetah prepare.

It had been a tough week for them, with tears being shed by both of them. Their final night they had broken the instruction to keep apart. For the first time in weeks they had made love, it had been sweet and tender, with the naga letting the feline take control and decide what he wanted. Derek hoped it was the right decision, but Danny still seemed to be himself, no sign of relapse.

"You have my number, if you need anything just call," the naga said trying to sound as confident and reassuring as he could. "We can meet for coffee or something in a few weeks." Once he left Danny wasn't allowed to see the naga for at least a month, someone like him needed to start standing on their own.

"I know... it's just..." the feline finally muttered not looking up at the naga. "I... don't know what to do next." The cheetah looked up, his eyes glassy from the tears building up.

"That's up to you," Derek replied with a smile, squeezing the feline's shoulder. "You'll be fine, you've been making your own decisions for two months now. I've just been your roommate..." He didn't get to finish speaked as a yellow and black blur hit him in the torso, the feline squeezing tightly.

"You were never just a roommate," the words were muffled as they were spoken into the naga's stomach. For a moment Derek froze, he knew that he should push Danny away. However, he also knew he couldn't, his arms slipped around the cheetah, his tail coiling up around him hugging his full body gently. He found feel wetness on his chest and the shake of the cheetah as he cried. His own tears were dripping slowly down his snout, landing in Danny's hair.

Their embrace was ended by a knock on the door, they both looked at the door with a mixture of fear and hope. "I guess that's my mother." The feline whispered as Derek released his from his embrace.

"You need anything, just call, ok?" The naga said as he wiped a tear away with one paw, while his tail lifted the cheetah's bag off the stairs and placed it in Danny's spotted paws.

"Yeah... same goes for you," the cheetah replied with a smile and a wink, his tears wiped away. He reached out a paw and took a deep breath, then opened the door. A stern looking middle aged female cheetah was on the other side, she gave Derek a disapproving, almost hateful look. She had never agreed to meet him, even after all Derek had done to help her son, she still held a grudge against his species. "Hi Mum."

"Danny!" The elder female's frozen look melted in a moment as she pulled her son into her tight embrace. Even as the two embraced she kept her eyes fixed on the naga, almost daring him to try something. A stupid reaction really, given that eye contact was the first part of taking control of someone. "Let's get you home." She said firmly stepping back.

While the two started to walk away, Derek could see Danny turning back and waving at him. Then another figure stepped onto his doorstep. It was Richard, the husky social worker. "Well, you did it Mr Stevens. I am impressed. Well done."

"Thanks, it...wasn't easy," the naga whispered his eyes following the cheetah as he climbed into a car and then the car as it drove away. It already felt like his home was empty, there was something missing from his life.

"Indeed, now I have a file I'd like you to take a..."

"Seriously, now? You want me to talk about another case now!" Hissed the reptile with more than a touch of venom. "This wasn't easy you know, months and months of hard work, all I get is a thank you and a new fucking file."

The husky took a step back as the naga vented at him, but he was made of far sterner stuff than most people thought so he took no more than one step back. "Indeed, my father used to say that hard work was its own reward. You did a good thing, you saved a young man's life. I have found that my father was only partly right, hard work is rewarding, sadly the reward is almost always more hard work."

With a confused look the naga looked down to the file in Richard's paw, "is he in as bad a state as Danny was?"

"Yes and no, and it's a they not a he," the husky replied stepping inside the house. "I brought the videos this time. Rabbit brothers, twins in fact."

"Two? You want me to take on two?" Derek asked in disbelief, when he had been matched to Danny the husky had shown his now trust or respect. Suddenly he had gone from not capable of doing it, to being capable of handling two at once.

"Yes, the therapist recommends they be housed together," the husky replied offering the naga the file. "Here you go, read through the files, you don't have to decide now, take a day or two."

"What about Danny?" Derek asked as his paws took hold of the file.

"That's up to him, forty percent relapse within a year and go out looking for a naga to be their master..." Richard paused as he saw the look of fear on the naga's face. "However, I am sure he will be ok. His family know the signs to look for, he will be watched over until he is stable. I will keep you informed of his progress as much as I can."

"Thanks," the naga muttered.

"Thank me by reading the file and taking the case," the husky replied, turning to leave again. "I need someone I can trust handling this one." The dog didn't wait for a reply he just closed the door behind himself and drove away.

The house seemed so quiet as Derek stood there alone, after a few minutes he opened the file and began reading in the hall. He had a Danny shaped hole in his life, and the husky had given him a way he could fill it.

If you enjoyed this story please consider buying my first book details can be found in my journal It's a sweet romance story with some steamy chapters and some art by Edesk

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