Out of my mind Pt.1

Story by audiblewolf on SoFurry

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Out of my mind Pt.1"BEEP BEEP BEEP"I opened my eyes to see my alarm reading "7:00" in bold red numbers. I reached out my arm and with a few failed attempts i stopped the hellish noise coming from the box.I then proceeded to get out of my bed and walk towards the bathroom. Upon entering I hit the light switch and with a large groan I adjusted my eyes to the room.I looked into the mirror and stared at myself through my bloodshot eyes. My name is Josh Greenman, I'm a 17 year old light gray wolf with solid white paws. I'm gay and have known since I was younger and have never told a soul about it. I hopped into the shower and with a turn of the handle the water flowed gently through my fur. After finishing up I threw on a towel and got ready for the day. Throwing on a pair of jeans and a light blue t shirt on, I headed out the door to drive to school.********"And that class is how you solve for "x" I hate calculus with a burning passion, and especially when it's being taught by a fat old skunk. It was like the skunk wanted you to fall asleep in his class."RRRRRIIIIINNNNNGGG"That obnoxious sound told all the students and teachers that it was the end of 7th period and that the day was finally over. I picked up all my stuff and headed out the door."Hey Josh" I turn around to see my friend James. James is a light orange dingo that I started talking to in the beginning of the year. I also had a major crush on him, but I'm still trying to figure out if he feels the same as I do."Oh hey James, what's up?""Trying not to blow my brains out sitting through that skunks class for an hour" I said hinting with sarcasm."Is Mr. Chesterfield really that boring?""Yep, like watching grass grow""Well are you busy after school today?" The dingo said with a smile"No I have nothing planned""Well I'm planning on going to the mall later and maybe catching a movie, wanna come?"His words almost sent me into a daze. He actually wanted to hang out with me outside of school."Sure that sounds great" I said with a smile."Alright what's your number I'll text you the details" I handed him a slip of paper with my phone number and name written on it."See ya soon Josh" he said as he began to walk away"Alright bye"I almost couldn't believe it James actually wanted to hang out with me outside of school. Maybe my feelings weren't one sided, or maybe I'm just getting ahead of myself.***"Vrrrrrtttt vrrrrtttrt" I heard as my phone vibrated on my nightstand. I reached over and lifted it to see that I had a new message from James."Hey Josh what's your address?" I then proceeded to text back my address and he responded with:"Alright I'll pick you up around 6:30 sound good?""Yeah see ya then"I look at my alarm to see it read "4:30". "Ugh this is gonna be the longest two hours of my life"******* "HONK HONK" I looked out the window to see a light blue car outside. I opened the door and walked to the

passenger side of the car and hopped in. I turned to my side and noticed the dingo giving me a warming smile."Ready?""Yep" I responded with a smile.We then proceeded to drive to the mall.We spend about an hour going store to store purchasing miscellaneous items and clothing, until we headed towards the movie theater in the mall."I heard this movie was good" James whispered to me.We were watching some new action movie, but I was more focused on the handsome dingo that was sitting next to me. After the movie we drove back to my house."Well that was a lot of fun" I said as I opened the passenger door."Yeah we should hang out more often" he said with a smile.I felt myself blush a bit as i walked out and walked to my door. With a wave he drove off and I entered my house thinking over the day's events."Could he actually like me?" I thought to myself. He could have just been being friendly, but I just thought about that warm smile on his muzzle and felt my body warm

up. I knew deep inside that I had to tell him how I felt, but how?*******I scratched my eyes trying to stay awake in Mr. Chesterfield's boring class. I was up almost all night thinking of a way to tell James my feelings for him, until finally I was struck with an idea. After that I gave away to fatigue and let myself get a few hours of sleep before waking up."RRRIIINNNNNGGGGG""Ahh finally time to leave this hell hole" I said with a sly grin.As I left the room I looked around for the dingo. After a few minutes I spotted James walking to his car. "Hey James" "Oh hey Josh""Um are you free tonight?" I say with hesitation "Uh yeah, why?""I was wondering if you wanted to go to the park" I tried my hardest not to blush."Sure just text me the details" he said as he entered his car, and with a wave he was gone.I felt relief and also a bit scared, because tonight at the park was my plan of confessing my feelings. We would walk through the park and when the moment was just right i would tell him.*******I texted him saying to meet me at the park around 4:30. I turn my head to see my alarm read 3:15. Excitement and fear were coursing through my veins. Thoughts like "what if he doesn't like me" and "what if he thinks I'm a freak" we're flowing through my head. I just tried to push those thoughts aside and keep my head blank until I was at the park, but that day at the park is the day I'll never forget.....Sorry for part 1 being short, but part 2 and other parts will hopefully be longer