The Son of an Enemy

Story by FosterTony on SoFurry

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#1 of Story of Fenrir Wolf

This story is a reformed myth that I modify based from the real myth. It involves bdsm and mild kinky things. The characters are modified as well, so perhaps for those that dislike the real story got ruined, it would be better to not read it. I'm warning ya :P

Also, this is my first post here suggested by my friend who also helped me a lot at this story~ I'm not sure about my grammar, but comments always welcome!

Once upon a time in Asgard, land of gods, alarming news spread through the main palace. The oracle had said that Loki, the traitorous son of the mighty Odin himself, had fathered three children. The oracle predicted that these children would be very dangerous if they fell in the wrong hands, and so it was ordered that the gods find them and bring them to Asgard, where they could be handled by the gods themselves. Fortunately, the gods had no trouble finding all three of them and bringing them back to the palace.

The youngest of them was a girl named Hel. She had a cold demeanor to herself and was usually very quiet and reserved. On one side, she was a beautiful girl with long, brown hair, but on the other side she was nothing but a dead skull with no flesh. Her appearance brought much disgust to the other gods, especially at feasts. The gods who sat at her good side could eat normally, but the ones that sat on her other side felt nauseous just from looking at her. To solve this, Odin requested that she take care of the souls that died of sickness or old age in the depths of underworld. She accepted this request and left Asgard.

The middle child was a mighty serpent. Jormungandr. It was also quiet, but the serpent was constantly looking for new prey to match its size. As it ate more and more, it kept growing, soon becoming far too large for any pond and the gods could no longer find a suitable place for it to live. They decided to throw the serpent down at the ocean of Midgard, where the serpent would eventually grow so large after devouring every creature that it would try to eat its own tail and swallow itself.

The eldest child was Fenrisulfr, or Fenrir for short. A wolf who stood on two legs and was covered in a shaggy, dark grey fur that covered most of his body except for a lighter tone of grey around his hands and feet. The wolf had black eyes adorned with red pupils, intimidating and cursing anyone that dared gaze upon them for long. Fenrir was the only one who was permitted to live among the gods freely. Odin hoped that one day he could be trained to sit amidst the gods instead of becoming a threat as predicted. However, most gods were still deadly afraid of Fenrir and only the god of swords and war, Tyr, was brave enough to take care the mighty wolf.

Day after day, Fenrir practiced and trained to become a god. His body grew from a small mutt to a powerful, muscular wolf. Fenrir has a tough and fierce personality and always has a thirst for challenges that could seldom be sated. The wolf favored wearing nothing but a small loincloth to cover himself, preferring that rather than armor like most gods wore. "Armor? I don't need armor! My fur is all the armor I need," the wolf would argue, convinced that it was enough even though some people felt intimidating because of it.

Despite of his evil looks and a descendant of Asgardian traitor, Fenrir longed to be amongst the god. He always tried to show himself that he was worthy with his monstrous power and strength. However, he didn't realize that it was actually alarmed the gods that he was dangerous and harmful. Especially to Thor, who always looked down to the wolf that he was no more than a mere seedlings of destruction and evil and needed to be taken care quickly.

It wasn't long until a shadow fell upon Asgard again. The oracles of the palace revealed to Odin that Fenrir, the wolf, was going to be the one who would kill him at the future. Such dire news startled the whole court and the gods proceeded to hold a meeting between them all to decide what to do about the wolf and his predicted fate.

As the meeting started, Odin stood up.

"Asgardians! We have lived in peace and harmony for a long time, but now we must take action," the father of all gods started. He paused, letting silence fill the room as all the eyes fell upon him. "All of you already know of what was foretold about my future. Our greatest enemy was actually in our hands, under our care, inside our home. Fenrisulfr the wolf, is going to destroy us by killing me."

The whole hall became hectic. The gods whispered among themselves.

"I always knew that wolf was no good."

"Yes, we should have taken care of him when he was still a small mutt."

"What should we do? We have to hurry! He grows stronger every day!"

Odin cleared his throat. "We must find a way to stop this before it happens, as soon as possible," he declared.

The gods fell silent for a moment. It didn't take long, until someone unsheathed a sword and raised it up. "Kill him!"

Shouts of agreement came along, more weapons being raised around the big table. More cheers rose.

"NO!" Odin's shout and loud slam over the table silenced everyone once more. All of the cheering and ruckus killed in an instant by Odin's mighty voice. The father of all gods looked between all the gods, face stern and serious.

"Even if he's destined to kill me, I will not allow any blood to be spilled upon the sacred lands of Asgard," the mighty god announced, throwing the gods into worry once more. The silence in the room dragged itself on for a long time.

"Bind him!" Shouted someone beside Odin. The gods went silence and stared to the voice.

It was Thor, the god of thunder, who shouted the idea. He then stood up from his chair and looked at the gods. He turned towards his father, Odin himself. He put his hand over his chest in a respectful salute.

"Bind him? Bind him with what?" One of the gods asked. "He's grown so strong that I saw him lifting several barrels of ale with his hands alone!"

Thor looked to the asking god with a sharp look, shaking the god himself. "Leave it to me. Do not worry."

Odin stared at his son with concern, but considering it.

"How will you bind him, however? Force will not get you anywhere."

Thor smiled. "It's alright, father. I know how to make him willing to be bound. Trust me."


After the meeting, Thor asked Tyr to accompany him to meet Fenrir who was in the tavern. Since Tyr was the one who taken care of Fenrir since he was a child, Tyr volunteered himself to assist Thor to his mission.

"He was never that good. It is my responsibility to take care of him as well," Tyr declared, satisfying the god of thunder.

They arrived at the tavern and found Fenrir was sitting on the stall with people distancing him. He drank a big glasses of ale in one chug and burped alot, before he realized two gods approaching him.

He wiped the ale on his muzzle and greeted them. "Oh, hey there Tyr! ... and Thor! It's so rare to see you here."

"Good afternoon, Fenrir. Can we join you?"

"Ofcourse. Here." Fenrir moved his oversized body aside so the two gods could take a seat without bumping his furs.

After a few drinks, Thor opened a conversation.

"So, Fenrer? How's your muscle lately?" Thor asked while observing of how Fenrir was actually growth.

"Hah, me? It was pretty good, I lifted a boulder with a single hand yesterday." Fenrir boasted while flexing his arms, showing a great view of his biceps. "What's up with it? You seems having something in mind about my strength?"

Thor turned his body. "Well I was thinking. Can you break a chain with your strength?"

"Hmm, ofcourse I can. Why?"

"I see." Thor pretendly thinking something. "Then what if you take a challenge from us to test your proud strength?"

Fenrir's ears twitched and stared towards Thor in an interested look. "What challenge?"

Thor held his smile from baiting the wolf. "It is simple. Since you said you can break a chain, how about an escape challenge? We will bind you, and you have to free yourself in an assigned time. What do you say?"

Fenrir paused, thinking of what should he choose. Sure, breaking a chain would be easy, but being bound infront of them would be humiliating.

Feeling that the wolf would reject the challenge, Thor quickly used his plan. "You know, we are actually looking for someone to fill some empty seat within the gods' position. I was thinking that you might be interested to take that one."

Fenrir looked at Thor with a little unbelievable stare.

"However, one only can accomplish that seat should be worthy and strong enough and passed some challenges. So you think you are interested on this?"

Fenrir took a moment to think, then smirked. "So just breaking out from the chain, huh? That's all?" he said with a haughty tone. "It will be easy, but ofcourse! I will accept it. You will see that my strength is the strongest between the Asgardians!"

Thor and Tyr smirked each other in satisfied look. their plan was working.

"We will see if you can prove it. We will start tomorrow and will prepare some chains to bind you." Thor stood up. "Then good day, Fenrer. Hope you can succeed tomorrow."

"Make sure you will bring me a good challenge. So I could break it hard! Hahaha!"

Thor and Tyr walked out from the tavern. They smirked and stared each other at outside and happy that the wolf agreed to be bound. Now, they have to find a way to find a chain to bind him so that Fenrir would never freed again.

"I will forge it," Thor, again, confidentally told Tyr to relax. "I will make it all night. You will see that my determination is better than that mutt's."

Tyr closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Just make sure you made an exact restraints and strong links. He is pretty strong, I assure you."

"Don't worry." Thor took out his hammer. "My metal is much stronger than his will."


At that same night, the flames of the smith roared with the sounds of fire and steel. Thor worked hard, sweating and focused on the hot iron molded as chains in front of him. He gathered the ingredients to make the strongest iron and had to knowledge of how to work it. The god had already forged many wondrous things in the past and was very confident that his plan would work. He worked alone for the whole night until the sun rose and the chains were done.

It was made of pure, glistening iron. With one sturdy ring at its center, five sets of shackles spreaded out from it to fit Fenrir's limbs perfectly without any loose space. From Tyr's information of Fenrir alone Thor was able to measure it perfectly. The shackles were also connected to each other by short chains, forming some kind of pentagon with star-shaped chains inside. It was a masterpiece. Thor called it Laeding and proudly presented it to the other gods to test its strength. They were amazed at how sturdy it was, able to bind and hold even the strongest of giants.

With confidence, Thor and several other gods marched towards Fenrir's Cave, holding the mighty shackles hoped to hold the wolf down forever.
