Loving and Lusting for My Brother Chapter 1

Story by Vikthefox on SoFurry

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#1 of Loving and Lusting for My Brother

Author's Note: Thanks to my friends, watchers, and viewers. You guys are great! Warning: This series will contain scenes of incest and watersports/pee voyeurism. Because of this I am rating all chapters of this series as extreme, even the tamer ones. This chapter will be from Rodya's POV.

Loving and Lusting for My Brother Chapter 1

My name is Rodya Ivanov. I'm 24 years old and I am a very bad foxy. My fur is a dark red except for the top and back of my head, which I dyed jet-black when I was 16, and my eyes are dark blue. It's Saturday morning and I just woke up from a terrible, disgusting dream. It's a dream I have had over and over again for many years now. I sigh and decide to get out of bed and start my day. I dare not look in the mirror as I brush my teeth and comb my head fur. After I'm done in the bathroom, I get dressed in my usual T-shirt and shorts and go downstairs to the basement to greet the guy of my dreams, the fox I love and secretly lust after, my older brother Malakai. He's 25 and has the same dark red body fur as I, but instead of jet-black head fur he has golden blonde head fur. He dyed it that color after he saw me dye my head fur. What really makes him so adorable are the black plastic-framed glasses he wears. He's such a cute, adorable, sexy, nerdy fox and I want him so bad. He's already awake and dressed and looks like he's working on one of his computers.

"Good morning bro", I said.

"Good morning to you too", he says with a smile.

"What would you like for breakfast?" I ask.

"Hmm, how about some pancakes", he replies.

"Okay", I said. I then walked back up to the kitchen to make some pancakes, his favorite breakfast dish. Once I was finished, I went back down to the basement and asked him to come up to the dining room. He did so and happily ate his share of pancakes.

"So what's new?" he asked me

"Nothing much. You?" I asked.

"Well I'm building a 486 MS-DOS gaming PC", he said.

"Don't you have enough computers?" I asked. I lost count a while ago of how many computers he has. I'm not too knowledgeable about them, but I know he has a bunch of them.

"Nope. Besides, I love building my own PCs", he said.

"I see", I said.

"Yep, but I need a couple parts. Want to go to thrift shopping today?" he asked.

Hanging out with my brother is a double-edged sword. On the one hand it's nice, but on the other being in his presence for long periods of time causes my mind to think naughty thoughts. The longer I stay in his presence, the more I want him. He really loves spending time with me, which is nice, but it makes the thoughts worse. Alas, I do not want to disappoint him so I decided to accompany him to the thrift shop. We catch the bus two blocks south of our house and get off at the Ferry Street Shopping Center where Joel's Thrift Shop is. Once inside, we disperse. Since computers aren't my thing, I look in the music section instead. I browse through the vinyl section and pick up a few rock albums. Once I'm done looking around, I search for my brother. I find him in the computer section bent over and browsing through a bin of random computer parts. He's so distracted that he doesn't see me behind him, staring at his ass. Naughty thoughts come in my head and my shorts begin to feel really tight as I look at his nice ass.

"Hey bro, didn't see you there", Malakai says facing me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"What...Oh, hey bro I was just waiting for you. Did you find what you were looking for?" I ask nervously.

"Um, yeah. Are you okay? You seem nervous about something?" he asked.

"N-no I'm fine", I say.

"Okay", Malakai said, concerned. This always happens when we go out, Malakai unintentionally does something that turns me on and I start fantasizing and get lost in my fantasies until he snaps me out of it. We purchase our items then make our way back to the bus stop and catch a bus to downtown to visit the other thrift shops. I tried my best to not zone out again as we browsed the other shops. After we were done it was time for lunch. We went to a little fast food restaurant called Sal's and had some delicious veggie burgers.

"I'll be back, I gotta pee", Malakai said, leaving his seat. I got hard when he said that. As if I wasn't ashamed enough for wanting to have sex with my brother, I also have a pee fetish. While he was in the bathroom my mind drifted as I thought of him relieving himself at the urinal. I could deal with the pee fetish, but why must my fantasies involve my brother.

"You're zoning out again"; my brother said when he came back.

"Huh? Oh sorry I was daydreaming", I said.

"Rodya, is there something wrong? You've been zoning out a lot lately?" Malakai said.

"Nope. I'm fine. Let's go home", I said.

"Alright", Malakai said.

We then left the restaurant and took the bus home. Malakai returned to the basement to work on his computer while I went back into my room.

"Why can't I be normal?" I thought to myself. "He's getting suspicious. How much longer before he figures it out?"

I decided to check my phone to see if any of my friends messaged me. Despite being cursed with a desire for my own brother, I've always been lucky with friendships. Of course, none of my friends know my secret. I chatted with them for a couple hours until I got hungry for dinner. I went downstairs to the basement to ask Malakai what he wanted for dinner. I didn't see him, but I heard the water running, so I realized he was in the basement shower. I decided to wait for him to come out. As I waited, I took a look around. The place kind of reminded me of a school computer lab, with a bunch of desks upon which a variety of computers from Apple II to a Zenith laptop. He had built shelves on the walls to hold his vast software collection, which he had acquired from thrift shops over the years. On the right side of his bed were a dresser and a couple bookcases containing some more software and of course books. One particular book caught my eye. It was bright red with faux leather binding. I thought it was a photo album until I read the front cover, which read My Art Book. Curious, I was about to open it when I heard Malakai's bathroom door open. I quickly put the book back and waited for him to come out. When he walked into his bedroom, he was naked. He didn't bother to wrap a towel around himself. He covered his privates with his paws the moment he saw I was there, but for a few seconds I got to see a rare sight. I can count on one paw the number of times I have seen my brother naked. None of which were sexual situations, just things like getting dressed for school or changing into or out of our swim trunks. His cock was flaccid, but still I felt lucky to even see it. Of course guilt washed over me immediately for wanting to see my brother's penis. Malakai was really embarrassed, blushing red like a strawberry, which was kind of adorable.

"Hi Rodya I didn't expect to see you down here", Malakai said.

"I'm sorry I thought I would you just wait for you down here. I wanted to ask you about dinner", I said, I started to feel embarrassed myself.

"Well how about we order some pizza?" Malakai asked.

"Sounds good to me", I said.

I went back upstairs and ordered the pizza. I ordered our usual plain pizza from a little pizza shop down the street that delivered. Dinner went fine until Malakai started asking me questions about my zoning out again.

"Are you sure you're okay Rodya?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. Don't worry about me", I said.

"But that zoning out thing..." Malakai started to say.

At that point I started getting upset. Why did he keep bringing it up? Why can't he just forget about it and I can just get on with my life hiding my secret?

"Drop it Malakai!" I shouted. I didn't mean to, but I got so nervous about him knowing the truth that I flipped.

"Sorry for caring", he said with a hurt look on his face.

I felt really bad, so I said, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to flip out."

"It's okay", Malakai said, but I don't think he meant it judging by his sad tone. He then went back to the basement while I returned to my room. The pressure of this secret was getting to me, but what could I do about it? I can't tell him. I can't tell anyone. I collapsed onto my bed and just I just laid there for about an hour or so until my phone went off.

"Hello", I said.

"Hey there Rodya", a familiar, seductive voice spoke. It was my best friend with benefits Denver Hollister. He was a sand-colored wolf/fox hybrid with beautiful green eyes and a really nice personality. He was also amazing in bed. In my quest to cure myself of incest, I turn to men like Denver for some fun; I keep hoping that if I have enough sex with other men I'll be cured of my incestuous thoughts.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I think you know. I'm watching the finale of Project Runway right now, but after it ends I would absolutely love it if you could come over here and have some fun with me" Denver said.

I wasn't feeling horny, but after the events of today some time away from my brother might do me some good. "Sure", I replied.

"Okay see you in two hours. I'll message you when Project Runway is over. Bye", Denver said, hanging up.

I put my phone down and pondered what to do for the next two hours. I decided a drink would do me good, so I went to the fridge and pulled out a wine cooler. As I stood there drinking, I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. It was Malakai.

"I'm sorry about earlier Rodya. How can I make it up to you?" Malakai asked.

"I'm the one who should be making it up to you. I shouldn't have yelled", I said.

"It's alright Rodya, I'm not mad at you. In fact I was thinking maybe we could watch a movie together?" Malakai said.

It's been awhile since we watched a movie together, but now that I have my "date " with Denver, we would only have time for one film. Normally we watch at least two. I wasn't really in the movie mood, but I didn't want to disappoint my brother so I agreed. The movie we watched was an old favorite of ours called "Port of the Vampires." We loved supernatural stuff liked that. About halfway through, I noticed Malakai lying down on the couch, resting his head against my right arm. He looked like he was going to fall asleep any minute. I thought about waking him up, but since we've already seen this movie before I let him sleep. Not too long after that, I started falling asleep too.

I dreamt I was laying down next to Malakai in a sleeping bag in front of a fireplace, cuddling with him. I caressed his fur, causing him to murr happily. It felt so nice; I didn't want the dream to end. When I woke up, I felt something heavy in my arms. I looked down and saw Malakai; his eyes open with a confused expression on his face. I gasped, not knowing what to say. I let go of him and he got up. Terrified of what he might say, I ran to my room and shut the door.