Wolf blood chapter 3

Story by jeremy1555 on SoFurry

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School ended and Harry left class, Jasmine met him by his locker.

"Off to work?"

"Unfortunately yeah, gotta get that bacon." He said with dread.

Jasmine smiled as she gave him a hug. "hey, come on now, cheer up! At least you have a job, how else would you be able to pay for college? And your half of the bills at your place?"

"Yeah, I know, I'm lucky to have a job, but that doesn't mean I have to like it." Harry closed his locker, Jasmine and him then walked towards the exit.

Harry walked Jasmine to her car and she gave him one last hug. "Try and have fun at work alright?"

"That's not going to happen."

"Oh stop being so negative!" Jasmine said with a slap on the arm, then got into her car. She rolled down her window to get the last word in. "Skype me later when you get off work alright?"

"Yeah, okay."

"See you later Harry!" She then drove off.

Harry went and unlocked Jasmines bike and rode to work, he soon arrived and locked the bike up and went inside. He went upstairs and changed in the employee bathroom. Once in uniform he went down stairs to clock in.

The manager walked into the back room and pat him on the back. "Hey bud, you on yet?"

"Yeah, what do you want me to do?"

"Work birds two and three, then fill specials."

Harry nodded and go to work. He got it all done in a couple of hours. His boss smiled. "Damn Harry, how do you do it?"

"What do you mean?"

"How fast you work man! I've never met anyone as good as you."

Harry gave a sheepish smile. "Thanks."

"Get to break and start leveling when your back."


He went upstairs and with a bone he bought. He easily ate it as if it were candy. He came back early and worked hard. The store was soon leveled and then he helped out around the store a bit more until it was time to clock out. He unlocked Jasmines bike and rode off for home. When he got home he set her bike near the door and went upstairs to take a shower. After he finished he got out and wrapped a towel around him and walked out. Danny was standing there smiling at him.

"What?" Harry asked.

"I have a favor to ask."

Harry sighed. "Well can it at least wait until I get dressed?"

"Oh, right! sorry, go ahead."

Harry walked passed him to his room and got his boxers on, then he walked back out. He went down stairs to find him sitting on the couch watching the television. "So what's up Danny?"

"Well ya see, I'm selling a game to someone tomorrow, I just want you around to back me up if things get ugly."

"I close tomorrow Danny I can't."

"Please! I need your help now more than ever Harry!"

Harry sighed and rolled his eyes. "Fine Danny, I'll go with you."

Danny gave him a hard pat on the back. "Thanks man, I owe you big time!"

"I know, now good night". He then went upstairs. He took out his laptop and turned it on, he let out a yawn as he waited for it to load up the start screen. He didn't have a password, no one but him ever used it anyway. He opened up skype and called Jasmine. It didn't take her long at all to answer him.

She smiled at him as she lay on her belly atop her bed. "Hey Harry!"


"So how was work?"

"Boring, what about you?"

She shrugged. "Pretty boring, just like you, can't wait til I'm done with college. Then I can become a corporate team builder."

"That's what you're going to college for?"

"Yeah! I told you before ya know, you should learn to listen more Harry."

"Oh, please, like I have time to remember something like that."

"I know what you're in school for Harry, to be an accountant. Not that hard to memorize Harry."


"What time do you get off work tomorrow, maybe we can hang out?"

Harry sighed. "No, sorry Jasmine I can't, Danny is selling a game and wants me to be there to back him up or some stupid thing like that."

Jasmine frowned. "You mean he's just like, going to someone's house and selling it to them face to face?

Yeah I guess, can't imagine he'd need me to back him up if he were selling it online.

"Okay, first off, watch the sarcasm buddy, I'm the only reason you get around town! Anyway, that's dangerous, and stupid. Really stupid."

"I don't know about dangerous, but stupid is a perfect way to put it."

Jasmine sighed. Well I'm going to be getting off, school, and work in the morning."

"Good idea, see you tomorrow Jasmine."

"Bye." She then logged off and Harry did the same and went to bed. Harry got up and went through the motions, school, work, and then came home. He came through the front door to find Danny sitting in the chair, he seemed to be waiting for him.

"Hey Harry, you're still in for, tonight right?"

"Yeah, of course I am, I need a shower first though."


Harry went upstairs and showered, then got into clean clothes. Once dressed he went downstairs to his friend who was still in the chair waiting.


"Yeah, let's do this."

He nodded and Danny left the house, Harry locked the door, Danny unlocked the doors to his car. They walked out to the car and got in. "Buckle up and get comfortable, the ride is about thirty minutes." He then pulled out of the drive way and drove off. They drove in silence for some of the way then Danny turned on the radio.

Harry closed his eyes, he might as well rest his eyes while he had the chance.

Harry was out watching the sheep, he liked watching them, they were peaceful and weren't so mean to him. A gun in his lap, he laid on the ground, using one of the sheep as a pillow. He sighed in contentment, this was the life for him, no worries, no problems. He heard a giggle and his eyes shot open, he found a young pup running around the field. He sat up, not recognizing the pup. "Hey! What're ya'll doin on mah property?!" He shouted.

The pup looked over to him and smiled, and ran off towards the woods nearby. Fear caught Harry as he watched. "Hey! Don't go in thar kid, thars wolves in them woods!" The pup ignored him as she disappeared.

"Damnit." Harry looked from his sheep to the woods, he was to watch the sheep no matter what. The pup made the choice to go in there, she had to of known the consequences of it. He tried to tell himself this, but as time went on he grew more and more worried. He growled as he checked his gun, loaded. He turned back to the sheep. "Make sure the other sheep stay her', ah'll be right back!" He ran off to the forest muttering curses under his breath as he did. He went through the forest and it became dark, almost too dark to see. His eyes were able to see fine in this darkness though. He delved further in, looking back a few times, he knew he shouldn't have gone in the forest. He couldn't bring himself to leave the pup alone in the forest though. He heard another giggle and saw the pup.

"Git over her' ya lil brat!" He whispered, trying not to draw any predators near. The pup giggled again, then ran further into the forest, Harry growled and ran after it. "You lil son bitch! Get o're her' now!"

He ran and ran not watching how far he was going, he soon realized his mistake and stopped, he looked around, lost. "Shit! Ah shoulda let tha bastard dah!" He Heard another giggle and found the pup. "You!" He marched over to it with his hand out. "Come on, yer goin -"

He stopped, the pup had a smug grin on its face. "You dogs are so predictable; you know that?"

"Whatdya me - horror crossed his face as he realized it was a wolf pup, and he remembered his sheep. "Ya tricked me!"

"It wasn't hard to do half breed!" The pup laughed and ran off, harry didn't go after it. Instead ran the opposite way, he needed to get back to the sheep before -


He shot up awake, eyes as wide as they'd go. He looked around and found he was in Danny's car. "I... I was dreaming?"

"Yeah, a little too deep man, I yelled your name three times as loud as I could, we're here."

Harry looked in front of him and found an old rundown apartment. "This place? It looks like crap."

"Because it is, come on man, let's get this done." He got out of his car and Harry did the same. Danny pressed a button on his key pad and locked the doors, they walked to the apartment, Danny knocked on the door, no one answered.

"Are you sure anyone is home?"

"There has to be someone here. There better be at least! I drove half way across town for this, it better be worth my while."

The door opened to reveal a large mastiff. "Or what? huh?"

"Uh.... N- nothing...."

"What you want here anyways kid?"

"I'm here to tickle the pickle."

The mastiff nodded. gotcha, boss been waiting all night for yous ta get here. He stared at Harry a moment with a hard glare. Who's this chump?

"My wing man, he comes in with me or I don't go in."

"Come on in." Danny walked in and Harry followed, the mastiff almost slammed the door on him, missing by an inch, Harry tried to ignore it and continue walking, however the mastiff rudely pushed by. He turned around to him baring his teeth in a snarl. "Watch it chump, or I's gonna rip yer face off and shove it up ya ass.

Harry didn't say anything as he watched him walk off. "Danny I don't think this is a good idea."

"Calm down Harry! This'll be quick, in and out! I promise." They walked down the hall to a set of stairs which they walked up to a second floor. They passed a couple doors and went into room two zero two. The room wasn't lit well, but enough for Harry to see a large figure sitting at a desk.

"Hey Tony, I'm here to sell you that game!" Danny called out.

"Give it ta me then kid."

He walked up and laid the game down. the game box snapped as he opened it. "Good, my son collects these tings, only one he don't have is dis."

Harry got a little closer to Danny's ear. "Why didn't he just buy the game at the store like a normal person?"

He snarled. "I heard that ya fuckin half breed fuck! Fer yer information I can't go buy this game, it's a rare copy, only five were made, so obviously, I gotta do it dis way. Aye kid ya say this is your wing man, right? Good word of advice, next time, let him in on what the fuck is goin on so he don't act al unprofessional and shit!"

"Yeah, so about the money, check or cash, either is fine I'm not-"

"Get outa here."

"Excuse me?"

"I know ya heard me punk, get the fuck outa here before I have you's filled with led.

"Wait a minute! You gotta pay for that, that was the deal!"

Harry put a hand on his shoulder. "Danny let's just go while we still can."

"No! listen you son of a bitch! You're going to pay for that or-"

"Or what?" the large mastiff said, leaning forward with a terrible scowl on his face.

"Or um... my wing man here will fuck you up!"

"Danny shut the hell up!"

He turned to Harry. "Harry Listen to me, you're here to make sure nothing goes wrong, now do your job and fuck this deal breaker up!"

Harry grabbed Danny by the shirt in annoyance. "Listen, dumbass yer gonn' get us killed, this ain't no-"

"Shut the fuck up! Both of yous'!" Tony yelled, he was standing up, snarling. "Beat the fuck out these punks!"

The door to the room slammed open and five mastiffs walked into the room.

Danny took a step back, afraid now. "H-hey, wait a sec Tony, we can talk this out, right?" One of the mastiffs punched him in the face, he fell to the ground and they began kicking him, two more joined in.

"Danny!" Harry went to help him but got punched across the side of the head, he stumbled and got put into a full nelson, by another. He struggled to get out of his grip but wasn't strong enough.

The mastiff who punched him smiled as he cracked his knuckles. "I's gonn' mess up your face, half breed. He then began punching him in the face. Harry yelped as blood splattered all over the floor. The others continued to beat on Danny, kicking him while he was down.

Harry struggled to get free but the grip was tight, he felt his body tense after each hit. His breathing quickened as fear flooding over him. He snarled as his instincts kicked in and started snapping, he got punched again and let out a yelp. He lifted reared back his fist to hit him and swung, Harry caught his fist in his mouth and chomped down. Everyone stopped what they were doing when the terrible snapping sound came. It was as if a jaw breaker broke. The mastiff yelped and howled in agony as blood gushed from Harry's mouth to the floor. He swung with his other fist but Harry caught it in his hand and slashed him with his claws right in the face. The mastiff fell to the floor but was still stuck in Harry's mouth. He let him go and started clawing and biting the mastiff holding him in a full nelson. He got released and whipped around and bitch slapped him to the floor. He turned to the mastiff he crushed the hand of. The other mastiffs took out their guns and shot at him. Harry leapt out of their way, dodging each bullet with intense speed and agility, he rushed the other mastiffs slashing them, downing them one after the other. He pounced on one of them, and pushed him into a wall and started snapping at his face.


Two other mastiffs got up, wounded and bleeding, they snarled, one of them took out a big knife. Two others grabbed Harry, he roared and bit at their throats like crazy. He managed to grab ahold of one of them and bit down hard and ripped his throat out. He chewed it up and swallowed and grabbed the other one and threw him to the ground. Three other mastiffs pounced on him and held him down while one of them took a club and beat him over the head. He roared and snapped at the club but was beaten unconscious regardless.

They all breathed heavy, silence filled the room, until it broke. "What the fuck was that?!" Another mastiff tried to stop the bleeding from the one who's throat got ripped out.

"We gots ta hurry! We can still save 'im if we hurry and-"

A loud bang rang out as he got shot in the head. The mastiff holding him stared at his corpse, stunned.

"Problem solved. Is that freak still alive?"

"He's breathing Tony." He took out a gun and aimed it at Harry's head.

"Hey! Don't do that in here ya mook!" Take him to the woods and finish him off dere.

"But Tony you just-"

"Shut up and do as I say!"

The mastiff holding his dead friend was still stunned frozen as he held him.

"Hey you! Unless ya wants ta end up like that guy, get that corpse, and take care of it. Ya know what ta to do, chop him up in the tub and toss it. Ya got til I get up in the mornin ta have it done. He then walked out without another word.

The dog holding his friend was silent as he stared at the wall with a stoic expression for a few minutes. Then he exploded. "THAT SON OF FUCKING BITCH!!!! HE IS GOING TO PAY FOR THIS!!!!" He cried out, tears streaming down his face

Another mastiff came over and put a hand on his shoulder. "Suck it up man, do as he says or he'll kill you's too."


"I know but-"

"Leave him alone! We got's ta take care of wolfy here, or we're done for too."

He sighed and looked to the other dog. "What about him?"

Danny cowered on the floor, tears in his eyes. "Pl-please don't kill me!" He cried in a shaky voice.

"Oh shut up, you little bitch." He took out a gun and aimed at him.


"Yo Franky!"


"You's gots two bodies to chop up now. He pulled the trigger and shot him in the head, Danny yelped and that was that. "Alright, let's get this body to the woods and fast. It's already three, Tony gets up around eight." One of them grabbed Harry and put a sack over his head and bound his wrists and ankles together. Then carried him out to the car where he got thrown into the trunk, they got in and drove off towards the woods.

The trunk opened and Harry struggled against the restraints. One of the mastiffs punched him in the face. He was then grabbed by the neck and slammed into the back of the trunk. "Keep struggling and I'll start breaking fingers, half breed." Harry whimpered, he didn't struggle anymore though. His pants grew a dark wet spot as he urinated from terror. He got picked up and tossed onto the should of one of them and carried over the guard rail.

"Ya think this is good enough?"

"Nah, we gots ta go further in, make sure no one sees us."

"What if we get lost or attacked by-"

"Quit whining and act like a dog ya fuckin pussy!"

"What the fuck did you say ta me asshole?!" He snarled in anger.

"I know ya heard me, you're a fuckin pussy!"

"Both of ya's shut it! We gots a job ta do here, if you's wants ta beat each other senseless afterwards feel free. But until then act professional! We's gonna be headin further in, end of discussion." He walked further into the woods and the others followed behind him. He stopped and took out his gun. "This is good, drop him."

Harry got dropped on the ground with a thud and groaned. The mastiff aimed the gun at him. "Bye-bye wolfy." Suddenly one of them got tackled by something. A deep monstrous roar rang out and so did some shrill screaming.

"AHHH!!! AHH!!!! HELP ME!!!!!" Crunching and snapping could be heard with the screams.


"Shit, we got's ta get the job done!" He aimed his own gun at Harry and fell to the ground with a scream. SHIT!!!! He grabbed a large knife which got thrown into his chest and tried to yank it out, but it was too deep and painful. "Mother fucker..."

The remaining two mastiffs took out their guns and looked around. "The fuck is going on?!"

Something moved in the brush and they both started shooting at it, until they ran out of bullets. One of them took out an auto prop knife and snarled. "Come on! Whateva's out here, come get some! I dare ya's ta fight me!!!! I DARE YA'S!!!" He got tackled and barking and roaring rang out as he fought whatever was there. Then he started yelping and screaming, the other mastiff ran over to help but got impaled by a spear.

The one who took out the knife stabbed it into it and it howled in pain. He was able to see it as a wolf in the darkness, he got up and ran for his life, tail tucked between his legs. He hopped the guard rail, holding his side as it bled at an alarming rate. Deep slash wounds dug into his flesh. He dragged himself into the dark and fumbled for the keys. "FUCK!" He didn't have the keys to begin with. He got out of the car and ran towards civilization, he needed to tell the boss about what happened tonight. He wasn't worried, he was just thankful to be alive.

Harry's breathing was shaky, as he laid on the ground, frozen in fear. He had heard shrill screams and crunching that made his stomach turn. He knew they were wolves, he smelled them as soon as they walked into the forest. The scent of wolves got burned into his mind after all, he was half wolf.

It stopped, he heard growling, he cringed at the sound of flesh ripping filled his ears. Licking came after it, someone was cleaning a wound.

"Are you alright Gunnolf?"

"I'm fine, the knife didn't cut anything important."

Oh, god, I'm next! Okay maybe if I'm still they won't notice me, yes, then I can go to the police and they save Danny -- if he's still alive. God please let him be alive still!

"What do we do about him?" The female asked.

His heart sank at this. Oh, god this is it... I'm done for!

He heard footsteps and got picked up by the neck, he whimpered as loud, heavy sniffing got done on his face. If he had anything in his bladder he would have urinated again. The wolf lifted him off the ground he fumbled with something then he felt pressure on his wrists. They were soon free; his legs were next. Harry struggled against the wolf, to which he was then put down. He ripped the bag off his head and fell down as he tried to run. He looked up at the wolf who freed him with dread, he must have been a head taller than him and looked a quarter of his weight. A double scar ran across his left eye down to his muzzle. He got cut by someone's claws terribly bad once. Harry looked to the other wolf she was just fine, not a scratch or cut on her body.

"We can't leave him; we need to bring him into the village to heal."

Harry shook his head. "No! I need to get to out of here, my friend needs my help!" He stood to his feet and tried to walk but fell to the ground. His head felt like it got split open, standing made it unbearable.

"You need to come with us brother." The male wolf said as he lifted Harry to his feet, helping him walk.

"You don't understand, my friend is in trouble as we speak!"

"You won't be able to do anything for him in your current state, the best you can do for him now is come with us so you can heal." He replied.

Harry met the gaze of this wolf and saw he was not going to let him go on his own. He heaved a great sigh and rolled his eyes. "Fine."

Nothing else was said on the matter as he got led to where he assumed was their home.

They walked for hours, he knew it was a few because the light shone from far in the sky. They were high in the mountains now, mist filled the cold air, Harry was glad he had a thick coat, it was freezing. Harry looked to the female and saw she was carrying a corpse of one of the dogs. He remembered hearing that wolves eat anything they kill. "Why are you taking their corpses?"

She looked at him a moment but soon had a dull understanding in her eyes. "Oh, I see, the problem now. We're going to eat them."

He looked horrified. He didn't expect any less but having it confirmed still came to a surprise. I'm related to these savages....

He felt the stare of the wolf helping him walk, he met his gaze to find him glaring.

"Why do you hold your head so low like some dog? Wolf blood runs through your veins, show some pride!"

"He may have the blood of a wolf coursing through his veins but he is a dog at heart." A mocking smile was on her face as she said this. Harry was angry but decided not to say anything. He would be hard pressed to hold his own at his best, in this state they'd be eating him as well.

He cringed in disgust. "You are an embarrassment to your own kind half-breed."

Harry was growing annoyed with their petty insults, yet to save his own hide he kept his mouth shut.

Finally, they came to the top, Harry was mesmerized by what he saw. An entire village of wolves, male's, females, all his own age, except for the pups who ran about chasing each other, laughing without a care in the world.

"This is our home half-breed." The she-wolf said.

"My name is Harry." He said in a flat tone.

You haven't earned the right to be called by name half breed. The male said, joining in.