Checkers pieces in a chess game

Story by Plasticfox on SoFurry

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#8 of Checkers pieces in a chess game

Alright this is the last of my old posts. I'm currently woring on the next part of the story. I would love to hear what you furries think about it so far, and If you would like to see anything happen in it just let me know. :)

Damn shame. "They hit us hard from the north. We've never seen that before. Poor suckers on the front were out numbered 4 to 1. How in the hell the greavers managed to get that many solders up there without us knowing is still a mystery." The now serious toned bear said as we walked down the street. The big guy finally told us his name. Everyone just called him James. Jane finally got dress after spitting the butt plug out, and was walking very solemnly behind us. I think she had people she knew in that bunker. "But in any case that's how they managed to set off an EMP in town. With the troops to the norths cut out of the picture it was a cake walk for them to move on into the city and do whatever the hell they wanted. It took us most of the night just to clear out this part of town. But I wanna make one thing clear this is still a war zone. And I don't want any more unwanted deaths on my watch so you all need to do everything I say till we get to the safe zone." "For starters lets have all the girls take off their cloths in case your hiding any weapons." The big bear said with that self-confident grin again. Almost in sync each of the girls scream "WHAT?" "Uh... Sir." James looks over to his first in command who was giving him a deeply disapproving look. "What can't a guy have some fun. Just a joke lady's." I look to each of the girls who's expression either showed a look of annoyed frustration, or shock and embarrassment. Beth leans over to me as we walk and whispers. "What the hell are we doing with this pedo freak? I'd feel safer trying to make it to wherever the hell we're going on our own. That's the other thing. He still hasn't told us where the safe zone is." " Well it's not like we can just walk away right now, either he'll follow us, or tell one of the SIX other solders here to make sure we don't run off. Let's just follow this guy till we get to the place, then try and keep away from him as much as possible. If he steps out of line, we just tell one of the other troops." She gave an annoyed frown then says. "Fine." Interesting how all of us fantasize about how things can go wrong. In any scenario, we think about how awful it'll be, we think about how we would react, and we think about what we would do to come out ontop. But when something does go wrong I can tell you that most of us aren't sure what to think, and we are just playing everything by ear right now. Speaking of ear, what is that sound, kinda a soft whistle in the distance. I see the Jame's ears perk up as he catches the soft sound as well. He pauses for a moment, then as the whistling grows louder, he yells. "GET TO COVER." A flash of light, heat, and a feeling like being hit by a line backer next ensued. It took afew moments before my head cleared and my eyes sight moved back into focus. I see a blurry figure standing above me, as my focus clears, I can see it's the bear, and he's yelling something at me, I can't make out what it is though. He grabs my arm and pulls me to my feet looking me straight in the eyes. ".....nee...t....g......d....." He turns his head letting go of me to shoulder his M16. Then lets off afew round which sound distant to me. I continue to stand there in a daze just watching him. Till all at once I could hear the storm of loud noises more clearly. He turns to me again this time able to communicate with me. " Get the fuck out of here." In an instant I'm able to figure out what just happened and finally realize in a moment of stupidity, he had the right idea. I crouched down and quickly scanned around for my friends, I see just the back of Katie as she runs into a building just afew steps away. Another Dog solder peaks out of the doorway, the left side of this body out of the door enough to make eye contact with me, and motion for me to follow. I run as fast as I can to the door way. Stepping inside I see the others moving deeper into the building. I run to catch up finally meeting them at a locked door at the back of the building. Everyone is still alive. At least that's a comfort. The Dalmation walks up to the door, sees that it's metal and pulls out a small white brick from his bag and molds it onto the door knob. He tells everyone to get into the other room. No arguments here all of us can tell what that is. Moving into a public lounge in an apartment, I see the solder flick a switch on what I can only assume is the detonator. Sure enough there was a bright light, a lot hot air, and we were moving out of the room, a hole wall big enough to fit all of us threw at the same time. The alleyway was dark, Only lit by the light at the tip of the guns ahead of us. We followed without question. "Keep moving!" Said a familiar voice from behind. Sure enough the big bear was catching up fast to our pace. He makes his way to the front, and starts scouting out the road at the end of the alley. He comes back. "No good, hostiles to the left and right. We are cornered. Gonna have to go up the fire exit. He then walks down the alley to a ladder folder up high above them the fire escape plateform. "Deacon." He orders. "On it." The Dalmation run up to the bear who is now cupping his hands to make a lift. The dog takes a running start and jumps high enough to find purchase with his right foot in the bears hands. Using the momentum of the jump, he continues to push the dog upward till he is able to reach the platform. It takes little time before he is already up and over the guard rail, then swinging the metal ladder down for the rest of us to climb. One by one we made our way up each flight of stairs. We make it to about the third story when once again we hear the sound of bullets ricocheting off of bricks. "don't stop, Keep moving!" one of the solders yelled. In her attempt to keep up with Beth Katie skips a step and trips. Some of the solder got ahead of her not noticing her due to the suppressing fire they were laying down. I made my way up to her. "Come on we have to go." I say. No surprise, but she had tears streaming down her cheeks. I lifted her up and made sure to stay with her the whole time. "It's gonna be alright Katie we will get out of this." Almost to the top just one more flight of stairs. It happened so sudden. The feeling of katie's soft skin being dragged from my hands. I look to my side, a set of large male lions grabbing hold of her arm and body them pulling her in threw the fire escape. My mind is running a hundred miles an hour trying to figure out what just happened. I turn on my heel and tense up, about to jump in the window, when the next thing I see is something moving fast. ... My head hurts. Why does my head hurt. Wait "Katie!" I yell. Nothing is the same. Not in a emotional way I mean Literally nothing is the same I'm in an dark apartment room, how did I get here. "Good your awake. I turn to see the large bear sitting on a foldable chair next to the window. His form silhouetted by the day light outside. "What happened?" I ask. "I was hoping you could tell me. If you were wondering how you ended up here. Some nasty fella knocked you out cold, ya nearly fell over the rail, That is if my man lieutenant Peterson didn't catch you and bring you the rest of the way up. After that we made our way across the roof tops till we could find a good place to hide. That's how you got here. Now what I wanna know is did you see who took the girl?" To be continued...