Chapter 76: Rainy Interlude

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#76 of Fox Hunt 3: Sword and Stone

Rainy Interludes

Chapter 76

Azrian stood at one of the great windows in Etienne's bedchamber, looking out at the rain. She was draped in Etienne's loose night shirt and was wearing no pants, her red tail low behind her slender legs, her wild red mane falling in a cascade around her serene eyes. Etienne was behind her in his immense canopy bed, sleeping soundly and contently, his chest bare. Azrian glanced back at him every now and then, thinking he was so handsome and realizing for the first time just how much her heart had ached for him. She wondered if being isolated was really what had caused her to slip away. Was it the coldness of immortality that had drained her of all emotion? Or was it the absence of Etienne, her great love? Perhaps it had been a little of both.

Azrian and Etienne had stayed in Etienne's room all morning and all afternoon making love, and no one had disturbed them, likely because Asres and Gallus had made everyone aware of what Azrian was attempting to do. And as happy as Azrian was to be back with Etienne, she couldn't stop thinking of Nadheertia's grim death - of her death. Antony let Nadheertia go, never knowing that she was pregnant, and she had wandered the wilderness alone, likely avoiding other foxes for fear they would recognize her and slay her. What a miserable end the queen had met. Azrian couldn't decide what was worse: the fabricated death of Nadheertia at Antony's paw or her actual death in the darkness and cold.

Azrian also found it odd that she had been able to see what took place after her own death. Perhaps her spirit had lingered to witness what would happen to the child she bore, the concerned mother clinging to the mortal realm. She couldn't stop thinking of it, of Teliso. She couldn't sleep.

Etienne, meanwhile, seemed perfectly happy and didn't seem inclined to ever leave his bedroom, as if he'd rather stay there forever with Azrian, content in his own little corner of heaven. But Azrian knew they had to leave some time. Etienne had to return to his duties as king, and he had to see Zeinara and Ettoras and Teliso . . . his children.

Azrian still couldn't quite believe it, though it had to be true. That Teliso shared the same name as the child Nadheertia died giving birth to was no coincidence. Names were sacred to foxes, as they were usually given by the gods or inherited generation after generation, sometimes abbreviated, sometimes modified, but ultimately still the same name. It therefore stood to reason that the Teliso they knew, once prince of a tribe of Kutre, was a descendant of King Antony and Queen Nadheertia's child, who had borne the same name.

All this time, their bloodline had been watched over by Kutre, who hadn't even thought to enlighten them! Etienne had even come face to face with Kutre twenty years before, and it was because of Kutre and her divine intervention that they'd conceived Ettoras in the Halfway Place. And still, Kutre never thought to mention that their descendants had lived on, that the bloodline of Antony and Nadheertia had thrived?

Kutre was Azrian's mother, that was why she'd looked after her bloodline. Azrian swallowed the reality, blinking thoughtfully as she stared out at the rain. Her original mother, her immortal mother, the one who first bore her when foxes were first forming their empire, had been Kutre, the goddess of compassion . . . and indifference. Azrian remembered now: the gods created the foxes' first rulers, an attempt to maintain some control over the mortal realm. Ti'uu fathered nine children with each of the different goddesses, one to rule each kingdom, so that every child was powerful and pretty much a demigod. Nadheertia was the child Ti'uu fathered with Kutre . . . and she had been his favorite.

Azrian wished she could talk to Ti'uu now, but she didn't know if she had the courage to face him after everything had been said and done. She had defied him in every way possible - for thousands of years, it seemed - and was continuing to defy him even now. And when she didn't defy him, she screwed up royally. If Atieno hadn't been lying about Ac'thalian, then Nadheertia really was - as the dogs would say -- a bungler.

And Atieno. He'd lied! He'd told her King Antony was evil, but nothing could have been farthest from the truth! Even Atieno's story about Antony publicly raping Nadheertia had been a twisted truth: the reality was, Antony and Nadheertia had completely consensual sex and were seen publicly -- apparently, by gossiping courtiers.

"Mmm," moaned Etienne from the bed. "Where are you?"

Azrian heard Etienne turn over. She glanced around her long red hair and smiled. He had turned on his back and one muscular arm fell lazily above his head. He smiled at her from under it.

"God, you're beautiful," he whispered, peering at her with narrow eyes.

Azrian's lashes fluttered and she turned back to the window. She never thought the sound of his voice could make her so utterly happy.

"Still thinking about Atieno?" Etienne asked.

Azrian scowled bitterly. "He lied to me about everything. Or not. I think he told the truth about some things, but he twisted it all up."

Etienne laughed. "Az, are you really surprised that the bloke who viciously cut off your wings was a liar to boot?"

"There's more," Azrian said unhappily.

"Uh oh," Etienne moaned. He sat up against the pillows. "Lay it on me. I knew all this peace and content was too good to be true."

Azrian came to the bed and sat on the edge near Etienne. She bowed her head over her fiddling fingers, and her long red mane swept forward to hide the side of her face. "Etienne . . . Zeinara is pregnant."

Etienne went still. "What?" he said hoarsely.

"Atieno had his way with her," Azrian admitted.

Etienne scowled. "If that bastard wasn't dead already, I'd kill him."

"She doesn't know she's pregnant."

Etienne frowned. "Then how do you . . .?"

"Atieno told me what he did to her," Azrian said darkly. "I wanted to tell her . . . but I didn't know how. I thought she'd figure it out on her own. Oh, Etienne, I'm so sorry," Azrian said and rested her cheek on Etienne's chest.

Etienne stroked Azrian's mane, staring thoughtfully and angrily into the distance. "No, it's alright. It's not like you impregnated her," Etienne said with a wry laugh. "I'll tell her. She'll have an easier time thrashing me than she would you."

Azrian smiled sadly. "You're a good father, no matter what you think. And Ettoras will love you."

"Something tells me you're wrong on both counts," Etienne returned. He kissed Azrian on the head. "But thank you for lying."

Azrian laughed softly.

"So . . . Teliso," Etienne said after a while. "The descendant of our first child, right under my nose. Hell, I met him not once but twice. Even if Kutre didn't flat-out tell us, she gave us some hints."

"She still could have said something," Azrian said bitterly.

"Are you going to say something?" Etienne asked unhappily.

"I want to tell him," Azrian said miserably into Etienne's warm chest. She closed her eyes when he stroked her mane again. "It doesn't seem right, leaving him in the dark about who he is, where he comes from."

Etienne's chest heaved when he laughed incredulously. "What are you going to tell him, exactly? That he's last of Antony and Nadheertia's long lost bloodline? He'd think you'd gone round the bend. I'm not sure I believe it myself, really." Etienne smiled as he thought back to the first time he met Teliso. "You know, I always thought it was strange how Teliso and his mother were so drawn to me. Seretse trusted me almost immediately and allowed me to stay with her clan. Teliso even wound up calling me Uncle Etienne on occasion." Etienne shook his head. "Well . . . he was half-right."

"You think Seretse knew about the connection?"

Etienne blinked thoughtfully. "Perhaps she did. Otherwise, her behavior was bizarre for a fox. Any other clan would have shot me and my guard on sight. Perhaps tied us up and left us to rot."

"Or imprisoned you for half a year," Azrian said, her cheek bulging into a small smile against Etienne's chest.

Etienne smiled. "You met Asres."

"Yes. I'm glad he was here to care for you while I could not."

"Asres loves Teliso like a son." Etienne laughed. "I think he and Gallus are thinking of adopting him," he joked. "Teliso was fitting in very nicely here before my . . . _accident._How is everyone else getting along with him?"

Azrian made a weary noise.

"So they're not getting along with him?" Etienne guessed.

"Zeinara and Teliso are civil enough," Azrian answered. "But Ettoras and Teliso . . ." she sighed. "They fight over Yeneneshe like they've got the last scrap of meat between them." She smoothed her paw absently over Etienne's chest as she reflected. "No _wonder_they argue so. They might as well be brothers."

"In some weird way, I suppose they are," Etienne agreed, playing absently in Azrian's mane. He lifted a red strand and let it fall, then smoothed down her hair. "Who is Yenna . . . Yenna-knee-she?" Etienne tried.

Azrian laughed softly at his failed pronunciation, but she frowned. "Didn't Mogethis and Nkwe ever tell you about their sister?"

Etienne laughed dryly. "Mogethis and Nkwe despised me. We barely spoke the entire time they were here."

". . . ah," said Azrian, who - if she was honest with herself - wasn't even surprised. "Yen was their younger sister. I helped her escape Wychowl when she was a child. Then she grew up . . . and fell in love with our son."

"Ah. Well, at least Ettoras is happy," Etienne said.

Azrian shrewdly noticed how easily Etienne pronounced their son's name and she smiled: he'd been speaking the boy's name a long time. "I wouldn't say happy," Azrian answered. "There was some commotion this morning. I can feel it as if he were near. I should talk to him."

". . . Azrian . . ."

Etienne's voice was low and frightened. Azrian lifted her face to look at him in concern. He was frowning and his eye was afraid. He wasn't wearing the eyepatch, and his eyelids were closed tight over his missing eye. Azrian wanted to give his eye back to him, but she knew he would refuse the offer.

"The curse . . . We both know Ettoras shouldn't linger here," Etienne said, his voice hoarse with fear.

Azrian unhappily dropped her cheek on Etienne's chest, content to feel his belly against hers. "I know. Atieno lied about a lot of things, but we both know the curse by fire is real. If Ettoras stays here, he'll burn." She swallowed hard. "Eventually."

"Ayni doesn't want a child of ours to rule. And all because we killed Teshale." Etienne stared at the ceiling. "Somehow, I can't help feeling like we deserve this."

"No, I deserve it," Azrian whispered. "Teshale only wound up in that position because of my f-foolishness . . ." Her voice broke and she fell silent. She felt Etienne's arms close tight around her and her heart leapt with happiness.

"That's not true," he whispered against her mane and kissed her head. His strong arms relaxed and they looked in each other's eyes. He affectionately brushed a lick of red hair back from her face. "We both know fighting between mortals and the gods is how all of this started_._ If not for that, who knows what might have happened."

"We wouldn't have met," Azrian pointed out. "You'd still be in Heaven, living as a god. And I would have lived a thousand years as queen of Kivaria."

Etienne smiled, his eye dancing over Azrian as he touched her face. "Yes, well . . . then I'm glad the war happened. I don't care if that's selfish. I should get to be selfish . . . every now and then . . ." His eyes went to her lips and they kissed.

Azrian melted as Etienne's tongue slipped warm against hers. She felt his paws smoothing up and down her back, and then his hips shifted under her, and she knew he was getting aroused. She was as well. The lips of her sex swelled as he kissed her, and she could feel the moisture coming. She was wearing his night shirt, but he was completely naked under the sheets. As they were kissing, she fumbled to pull the coverlet from between them. Etienne helped her, pushing up her shirt until their bare bodies were touching and her full breasts were crushed against his chest. He grew more fervent, and as his kisses traveled eagerly down her neck, his big paws took her backside in fistfuls - and he slammed her sex down over his cock.

Azrian gasped as she was filled to the base, his thickness and heat stroking deep inside, until she felt her sex clench and gush. Her slender fingers touched his face, and they smiled into each other's eyes as their bodies moved against each other. Etienne's thrusts were deep and firm, his veined cock slipping in and out between the tight lips of her sex, slowly and deliberately. His paws massaged her backside as they made love, then smoothed up her back to hold her. Azrian's arms were trapped between his, and she cupped his face as they rocked together. She wanted to lean back and ride him, but he didn't seem inclined to let her go. His arms suddenly closed strong around her, and she was locked within the hard heat of his embrace as he humped his back and thrust up and in.

"Oh . . . Oh, Etienne. . ." Azrian breathed, her cheek smashed against his chest as he humped.

"Mpfh . . . Azrian . . . I love you . . ."

"Deeper . . . harder," Azrian whispered breathlessly, her lips brushing his.

Etienne obliged, until the bed itself was shaking against the wall. Azrian cried out, and her body shuddered as she squirted with a throbbing clit. Etienne gritted his teeth, and she gasped to feel the heat of his seed flooding her, until it over-spilled and was dripping from the lips of her sex and down his cock.

"A-Ahh . . ." Etienne sputtered. "Ah . . . Mmm . . . your pussy . . . your pussy is all the heaven I need," he whispered and kissed her lazily on the head.

Azrian giggled.

They sagged together, hot and tired and content to let the rainy wind sweep over them. Azrian snuggled under Etienne's chin and felt his arms around her and never wanted him to let go. His cock was still inside and still a little hard. It felt good, and when she clenched her pussy on it, he moaned helplessly and got a little thicker.

"Mmm . . . Oh, Az . . . don't tease me." Etienne kissed Azrian on the head and suddenly held her tightly.

Azrian smiled. "That was number eight."

"I'm going for ten," Etienne answered, and she laughed. "Next time I won't stop you riding me. I could tell you wanted to. I just . . . god, you drive me crazy." He kissed her head again and her heart fluttered.

". . . I'm sorry about Captain Franklin," Azrian said after a while.

Etienne frowned. "Why are you sorry? That wasn't your fault."

"I was there when Atieno sent him after you," Azrian said darkly. "He did that to hurt me, and there was nothing I could do --"

"Azrian," Etienne softly scolded. "You can't be held accountable for every bloody thing."

"What are you going to do with him?" Azrian asked, trying to keep the dread from her voice.

Etienne was quiet a moment, and Azrian could tell he'd picked up on her fear. "You're concerned for him. You want me to spare him," he realized and sighed wearily.

"Yes," Azrian admitted.

Etienne squinted. "Are you serious? He assaulted me. I'll never sit right again."

"I promised a friend I'd protect him. He's had such a difficult life."

"That doesn't give him the right to --!" Etienne began angrily and took a breath. "Alright, alright. I'll . . . consider exile."

Azrian closed her eyes in relief. "Thank you."

"Who was this friend?" Etienne wondered. He laughed flatly. "I didn't realize Franklin_had_ any friends. Most of the Honor Guard resented his promotion. He was very young to make captain. Too young."

"He was promoted after he was blackmailed into giving sexual favors," Azrian said grimly.

Etienne fell still.

"It's something that's been going on in that academy of yours for several years. That's why Captain Franklin hated you. He blamed you for never putting a stop to it."

"Shit," Etienne muttered and turned his face, looking out the window. "I made a promise to a friend years ago . . . His name was Crawley. The same thing happened to him, only he didn't go along with the blackmail, so he was expelled. Wound up working for my uncle in Howlester, along with the other misfits." Etienne laughed hollowly. He sounded miserable, and Azrian rubbed his chest to sooth him.

"Franklin had a bloody good reason to be angry," Etienne went on, "and I don't blame him for resenting me. But the proper way to get results is to make a petition in court . . . not rape the king. If I'm going to pardon him with exile, let's at least not make excuses for him. Where is he, by the way? How is it possible you could have contained him?"

"Damon's daughter is as strong as a god, apparently," Azrian said.

"Ah. Ethelyn. I should have known. The girl is blessed of Yfel or some rubbish. So Franklin is behaving because of her . . . which means I would do well to keep Ethelyn around. At least until the captain has been dealt with." Etienne shook his head wearily. "How do you exile a god?"

"The gods aren't infallible in the mortal realm, Etienne. You know that."

"Yes," Etienne answered, and Azrian knew he was thinking of his immortal sister Xanta, who was tricked and slain. ". . . I know."

"I think he might leave quietly if I asked him to," Azrian said into the silence. "And if you promised to stop the corruption in the academy."

"But why would Franklin listen to you?"

"I'm a friend of a friend."

"Ah. The one who asked you to protect him. Who is this mysterious friend?"

"Her name's Natasha. She --"

"Natasha," Etienne said with a sad smile. "Yes, I remember her. She was going be expelled from the academy. They found out she was a bitch and were ready to toss her out in her knickers. I extended an invitation, and she came to work for me."

"But doesn't that sort of thing happen all the time?" Azrian said shrewdly. "Natasha can't be the first female to get caught masquerading as a male. Why take a special interest in her?"

There was a pause, then Etienne said quietly, "I knew her father."