An exiting story based on the journey of doge
AN EXCITING STORY! Based on 420 xXx_w33d_pr0duct1ons[HD] work Sample Text In the other episode of breaking bad (shoot) doge is kill... but what is doge isnt kill! if doge dodged the dead ne is a joke doge is ded doge:what im ded? snoop dog:ye dawge youre ded 2pac:but dawge this isnt youre time bob marley:doge we need youre help doge:but what!? this is hevn all is perfect no? snoop dog:yes doge but our best fear has come true marley:we ran out of dank 2pac:you have to return to earth and bring us the best dank doge:what well ok in what place? snoop dog:we localized the dank in balazed-gu or north corea marley:there kim will suministr you with equipment and food
2pac:then you will continue with your travel doge:ok snoop dog:HEY! wait take this its my magic bong it will bring you magic powers use it wisely doge:ok,cya snoop dog:cya snoop dog:there comes a true heroe will doge get to north corea? the dank will return to hevn?These and other questions will be answered....