Time Apart -- Brings Them Together

Story by Xoka Moon Daimon on SoFurry

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That night,  Aeri  lay in her bed thinking of Alexei.  She wondered if he would volunteer. If she had known that he could,  she would have talked him into coming on board with her. But  they might have been assigned to different ships.  She  couldn't sleep.  She was  tossing and turning, unable to get comfortable. It was too cold.  She needed Alexei's  body heat. She  curled up in a ball, her long  fluffy tail  curled around her legs.  She  closed her eyes as tears wet the fur on her face.  "Mother Bastet"  she whispered in solemn prayer.  "Guide my steps.... Keep my brother from harm.... As we endure this time apart.... Grant us both strength   and  endurance to  carry on  ...."  her voice started to break, "Even though  the pain,  may be great,   your power is greater,  and I place my faith into that power,  and  ask that you  surround us with it.  May the Fates be kind,  and in all things,   may we grow wise.  May it be so."  she  closed the prayer with a gesture of faith, and then  only then was she able to  get to sleep, as she felt the warm  energy of  the Feline Goddess surround her with love and compassion,  preparing her for the journey ahead. She would need  her rest.   ******Back on the Mainland*****"Shuster, what were you thinking stealing that?"The cheetah's ears wilted,  feeling  attacked.  "Why do you think??  It's so you can be  with your sister,  we all know you are no good without her to care for and she's probably  making a mess of things on her own""Aeri is not-- you know what,  forget it,   you  are gonna bring the law down on all of us,  having stolen a State issue Brand!  They'll have your hide for this, you'll be some haughty human's  throw rug."  Alexei countered, folding his arms across his chest. "Look,  you  two need to be together,  I know this, because I've seen it."The room went still.   Alexei's  face went solemn,  eyes a bit wide. "You  haven't had a vision for  months,  why now?""How the hell should I know,   you think I can control it? Anyway  you  two  need to be together  or something bad will happen.  Something big""What did you see?"Shuster just shook his head  a swoop of his  red hair  swished in front of his amber cheetah eyes.  "That's not important,  the important part is the solution.  That's why i swiped this from one of the captains at the docks." he waved the brand stick  in  Alexei's face The snow leopard  eyed it and backed up ... "So you're gonna brand me?"" Would you rather Tybalt do it? You know his hands shake when he's nervous. No, it has to be perfect.  Who has a steadier hand than me?" Shuster  replied  Alexei frowned, glancing at the rabbit, Tybalt  who was watching intently,  worry in his  eyes,  making his ears twitch.  "Don't do it, Lex"he whispered."If I don't and  the dangers come, like Shuster said, I would never forgive myself. Besides this is my best chance of  seeing  Aeri again."  he said,  drumming his paw on his arm as they were still crossed across his chest. After a moment, he nodded and gave the other feline a level look. "Mark me" he said.