Learning curves: College Exploration

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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#5 of Learning curves

almost 7 years ago I wrote a short story series about high school kids, being gay and their struggles. I have had a lot of calls over the last 7 years to continue. However, this story is entirely self contained, you don't need to have read the original series to read this one. People wanted to find out what happened between two secondary characters, Paul a mouse and Dan. Well their story picks up in college, this chapter follows Paul, though Dan does have some involvement (oh by the way yes I do plan for the college years to be it's own series so more will follow)

There is cover art is by www.furaffinity.net/user/t0l0k/ www.furaffinity.net/user/muskie/ I really love it I think it has everything, character development, romance, smoking hot guys and smoking hot guys fucking. So read on and find out just why you should work hard to get to college. As Ryan says in the story 'remember all that peer pressure your mother warned you about? Well here it is' so dive in!

College, no parents, his own room (well plus roommate, whoever that would be), studies and maybe even a social life. Paul was going to miss his friends from high school, the mouse was the only one who was leaving the town. His best friends Brian and James were going to the local college together, Jack had said college wasn't for him, the housecat was going to tend bars and work on his poetry. His last friend Scott was going to study with Brian and James, Paul imagined the chubby raccoon would hang close to Brian and James until they all got settled.

That left him, the little grey mouse all on his own. He had told everyone that he would be fine, make new friends and have a great time. However the more he told people the less he believed it; he had never been an outgoing person new people made him nervous. Maybe that was why his romantic experience thus far had been giving his friend Jack a one time blow job 'to see if he liked it'. Jack had insisted he did, just that he wanted a female to give him the next one. Paul couldn't blame him, they had both agreed it would be a one time thing. Plus, while Jack was a good friend the mouse preferred bigger better built guys.

Still if there was one thing college was known for, it was exploring both the world and yourself. The mouse really hoped he would get to explore himself and some of the cute guys he had seen wandering around the campus. Registration had been a nightmare thousands of lost students trying to follow people shouting and waving. He'd had a few fliers shoved into his paws and had taken them all, hell for all he knew kayaking was his next passion in life; or maybe it was a good excuse to ogle the buff lion, who gave him the flier while dressed in nothing but a skintight wetsuit.

By the time he reached his assigned room the unfit mouse was exhausted from hauling his heavy bags around. Room 42b, it sounded like the answer, well almost anyway. The door was locked and he was glad to find be was the first into the room. Then he was faced with the toughest decision of the day. Which bed would he take? Technically they were both identical beds, one was slightly nearer the window. They both had desks and a small set of drawers for the students stuff. However, if he picked one and his roommate wanted it that could lead to friction, that might last all year. On the other hand, if he didn't pick one then he might look like a pushover to his roommate.

The mouse stood in the room just staring at the beds for a good five minutes, until a deep voice behind him rumbled him from his thoughts. "Hello!" The mouse turned to find the sun had been blotted out by a seven foot behemoth behind him. A bull, well-built and muscled, a neck so thick Paul wondered how he ever found clothes that fit. Black, long shaggy fur and mischievous brown eyes. He had a football jersey and jeans on, his long white horns were lightly scraping the ceiling.

"Hello" Paul had seldom felt as mouselike as he appeared, but his voice positively squeaked as he spoke.

"Ryan, you picked a bed yet?" The bull asked, waving a huge paw at the room.

"Paul, nice to meet you and no I was... " the bull lurched forward and dumped his bag on the bed nearest the window. "Waiting to find out which one my roommate preferred."

"This one," the bull replied with a grin and a wink. "I snore, sorry ain't nothing I can do about that. Oh and I plan on having people over, so if there is a sock on the door that means I don't want to be disturbed coz I am having some intimate fun with some hot guy or girl. Also, I tend to walk around nude when the weather's warm. I can be musky. You might think I'm a dumb jock on a football scholarship, but my GPA is 3.8 and I got a sports scholarship. I plan to drink a lot too, oh and I might smoke the odd joint, you are welcome to a toke just ask when you want one. I like to be upfront about things, you may have noticed. What about you?"

The bull had rattled things off so fast the mouse had struggled to keep up, his ears were screaming that he had missed something important in that mix. However, his mind had picked up on the 'wanders around nude' part and was filling with mental images of the buff bull au natural, he hoped that reality lived up to his dreams.

"I...erm, don't smoke or drink..."

"You mean you ain't tried it yet," the bull snorted with an annoying smirk, implying he already knew. Paul blushed deeply, mostly because he knew the bull was right.

"Not really had the option," the mouse observed. " Never got invited to parties."

"Fuck me, ya don't need an invite, just turn up see who has the balls to throw you out," snorted the bull as he opened his bag.

"That is easy for you to say, it'd take half a football team just to lift you. Besides, who wants to go where you ain't welcome?" Paul replied, he paused a little after his question wondering if it might offend the bull.

"Ha! True, but I have found a friendly smile and positive attitude are welcome everywhere." Ryan replied with a wink. "I got a few party invites for tonight, you are coming with me." The bull spoke with pure confidence as he unpacked his clothes and started putting them into draws.

"I... dunno, nobody invited me to any parties. I guess they didn't want the skinny nerd..."

"Stop! All that negative energy, come on guy this isn't high school. People are people, that jock nerd stereotype crap don't mean shit. You, me, tonight, party!" With a slam of a drawer the bovine punctuated his insistence.

"O...ok, I guess," the mouse replied timidly. Truth be told, he wanted to go, Ryan seemed quite nice. If a little loud and arrogant, the bull also seemed open, welcoming and fun. Then as the bull pulled a huge pump bottle of sexual lubricant out of his bag the mouse's brain finally remembered what his ears had picked up on instantly. "Intimate fun with a guy or girl?!" Paul was too shocked by the revelation to stop the words coming out of his mouth.

The bull paused, bottle of lube still in his paw, "yeah, no problem with me being bisexual right? Don't worry, I ain't gonna force myself on you. I only rail guys who really want it."

"I guess... I mean no, no problem with it," the mouse mumbled. Paul desperately wanted to add, 'I'm gay too' and if he was honest 'I really envy any guy you rail'.

"Good, truth is I am in full on wild oat sowing mode, don't want a girl or boyfriend. I just want some fun. I will figure the rest out later, when I am older," Ryan said as he pulled out a huge string of rubbers from his bag. "If you get lucky and caught short you can borrow some, but I expect them to be replaced."

Paul felt ready to burst into flame as he stared at the long line of condoms. At least the bull was safe. The rest of the day passed by pretty quickly, the mouse found himself relaxing and laughing with the bull more and more. Ryan certainly had a magnetic personality, he laughed often and told many stories of himself getting into trouble. He offered to help coach the mouse, you know if he needed help with the ladies. Paul still wasn't able to say it wasn't the ladies he needed coaching with.

The time for the party came and the mouse found himself oddly looking forward to it. He'd never really been to one (not a large proper party, cowering in the corner at prom did not count), but secretly always wanted to. They seemed fun, food, drinks and laughs. Of course the mouse had always assumed the laughs would be on him. The two of them headed out a few minutes after the party was due to start. Ryan insisted punctuality was not required and in fact would be oddly unappreciated.

They arrived almost an hour late and the party seemed to be in full swing. The frat house hosting it was packed with mostly athletic guys and a good few girls as well. Ryan gave a full bellow as he arrived and got one in return. The bull dragged the mouse into the throng, a plastic cup was shoved into Paul's paw. "You put it to your lips and drink!" The bull roared as he downed his own plastic cup.

The mouse sniffed it doubtfully, then a huge arm went around his shoulders and Ryan was leaning down, "ya know all that peer pressure your mother warned you about? Well here it is. Drink up!"

The mouse shrank back, against the wall of pure bovine muscle, he had to admit it felt good to be held, even for just a moment. He gave the bull a wink and tipped the cup up, swallowing the fizzy liquid. It wasn't unpleasant and he had to admit the cheer he got at the end made him feel welcome.

Ryan gave him another and another, the bull was talking with everyone around them. Then one moment Paul turned away and the big bovine was gone. The half-drunk mouse began to panic a little, but only a little. In his tipsy state he wandered over to a group standing around a sofa and introduced himself. To his shock, instead of blank looks, or someone asking 'who invited the nerd' he got a chorus of heyas and some names.

Glancing around the group the mouse was suddenly struck by a familiar face, from his past. A young collie guy sitting on the sofa was staring at him intently. From somewhere deep inside his memory a name popped up, "Dan! I didn't know you were coming here!" The mouse said as he slumped onto the sofa next to the collie, "Brian always said you was a good guy... didn't turn your back on him when he was gay."

"H... hi Paul," the collie stuttered a little non-plussed by the sudden appearance of someone from his school. "I got a scholarship with the swim team..."

"Oh yeah! I remember, you was always swimming... in those tight speedos," the mouse was slurring his words a little. One part of his mind was flashing warning signals, but the rest was having a party, with beer. "Brian said you might call me once, but you never did"

"I... didn't know he told you. What did he say specifically?" The collie had tensed up the second the mouse mentioned his old friend.

"Just that you needed help figuring something out and you might call me, for like tutoring or something." Paul was about to say more when a huge weight hit the sofa and almost catapulted both of them off. A huge arm draped around the mouse.

"Hey, there you are... thought I lost you dude," Ryan bellowed, he gave Dan a wink. "Well hello, you look sexy, you ever tried bull?"

"No, he is straight," Paul half shouted, making Dan blush and cringe as every around them turned to look at the shouting mouse.

"Aww, pity here's my card. Give me a call if you ever develop a taste for beef," the bull gave the collie a wink so lascivious the dog felt like he had been groped, as a card with Ryan's name and mobile number was slid into the waistband of his pants, just above his flies.

"Hey, Paul come on I got a couple of nice people to introduce you to!" The bull shouted, as he got back to his hooves.

Paul gave the collie a smile, "it's good to know I'm not the only one from our school that escaped here. Maybe we can get a coffee sometime?"

Dan didn't get to reply as Ryan bellowed, "Paul come on!" The mouse turned and scurried to find his new friend, but not forgetting the attractive collie. He was sure he could get the dog's number from his friends. With the alcohol temporarily boosting his confidence he promised himself that he would invite Dan out for a coffee soon.

The bull was easy to find, after all he towered over almost everyone. He was standing beside a group of students, including a polar bear his own size; Simon, a nice guy also on a football scholarship. Along with three girls all tigers, Paul hated the looks they gave each other a mixture of pity and 'I don't want him, you can have him'.

Not that it really mattered he was far more interested in both the bear and the bull. He just stood, swaying slightly while Ryan poured on the charm, "so ladies, who wants to find out what it's like to fuck a guy who knows what they are doing?" He was a complete class act, it was a very low class but somehow Paul couldn't help but admire the brutal honesty and enthusiasm the bovine had.

"Eh, I have a boyfriend," one of the tigresses replied in indignation.

"Great, bring him and I will show him what he's doing wrong," snorted the bull with a wink as he downed another plastic cup of beer. The two other girls laughed as the tigress who had a boyfriend looked equal parts furious and embarrassed. "Be honest, has he ever fucked you to a proper, rolling your eyes back clawing the fuck out of his back, so good you can taste it, kind of orgasm? If not, you should look me up, same for you ladies, I'm discreet ish... I mean all my neighbours will know what we are doing, but I won't tell boyfriends. Unless you want to bring them."

It was fascinating to watch the bull in action, he could see the mixture of amusement and disgust on the feline's faces, yet all three of them had checked the bull out. Something about his confidence was working, slightly or maybe it was just the rippling wall of muscle they were enjoying. The three wandered away giggling among themselves. That might have slowed down some guys, Ryan just put an arm around the big polar bear, "what about you? Care to experiment while you are in college?"

What's white and red all over? A polar bear jock being hit on by a bull jock apparently. The bear was blushing so hard Paul wondered if he might catch on fire. Eventually he shook his head and muttered... "I don't swing that way."

"Yet, believe me you should try all the swingsets while you can, a little friendly discrete exploration is fine in college," the bull tucked a card into the bear's pocket as Simon turned to leave, glowing so bright Santa might look to replace Rudolf with him that year.

"Wow, that was just... seriously, how do you do that? Does it ever work?" The mouse asked in awe.

Ryan shrugged, "come on I need a joint, I'll tell you out back." The bull led Paul through the house, the part was still in full swing, only people were stumbling a little as they swung, most students not used to controlling their drinking, Paul included. Outside the air was cool and fresh, the noise from the sound system muffled and far less oppressive.

The huge bull found a tree and pulled a joint out from his pocket and lit it,"it's not subtle, but then I ain't looking to romance anyone. I just want to fuck, so I am up front about it and nobody can ever say I lied to get them into bed. Now yeah I strike out a lot, but all five of the people listening to me heard me say I can get them off really well. A big, good-looking, well built stud like me, who puts it about. Well they got to wonder, maybe I'm this confident for a reason, maybe one or two of them will come find out. Oh for the record, I wasn't lying, I am a great fuck guy or girl, I have a long tongue and I know how to use it, fuck, suck, lick and rim. I never let a lover leave without curling their toes, or hooves, at least once. Want a toke?"

The mouse awoke from the trance the bull had cast to look down at the joint pointed at him. Ryan chuckled, "here is that peer pressure coming back, you kinda want the toke but you are worried you will embarrass yourself or get caught."

Paul exhaled deeply and snatched the joint, "at a boy, now take a deep pull and hold the smoke in your lungs as long as you can." The bull instructed, Paul put the burning fag to his lips and paused just for a moment. He had always been a good boy, followed every rule.

'Fuck it' he thought, 'everyone has to break the rules at least once in their life.' Then he sucked down as much smoke as he could, the lit end blazing heavily as he did so. The heat in his lungs was painful, the urge to cough was nearly irresistible. Yet he refused to, he didn't want to look weak in front of the bull. Eventually when his lungs were screaming he exhaled slowly, coughing a little.

"At a boy," chuckled the bull rubbing his back a little. Strong fingers rubbing lightly along his spine.

"I don't feel anything," the mouse muttered.

The bull was already taking another toke on the joint smiled and winked "here take another breath and then just let it hit you. It's good stuff, a nice mellow high, almost no paranoia."

Doing as he was instructed the mouse did begin to feel something, the mouse burst out laughing as he exhaled the second time, "you're a bull who is horny!" He giggled and Ryan chuckled and nodded.

"Ah the giggles, a good start." Ryan muttered while he finished off the joint. "Course you are a mouse, wonder if I can get you to squeak".

"Squeak, squeak!" Paul half-shouted half-laughed at the bull. His head getting dizzy, walking and standing seemed to be a bad idea. So he sat down on the grass, laying back and just looking at the stars in wonder. He heard Ryan say something, but it didn't register.

How long he lay there, he never really figured out. Eventually he began to come down, the beer and pot wearing off enough for him to sit up. The mouse found he wasn't alone, the polar bear from earlier was sitting next to him. "Hey, Simon was it?"

"Yeah, you ok man?" The bear asked some genuine concern in his voice.

"I think, I'm ok. Just a little bit too much to drink," the mouse couldn't help but smile. "You been here long?"

"Dunno, found you laying out and you didn't really respond. I figured I should watch out for you, in case you needed help or anything." Simon replied with a casual shrug. "That bull friend of yours is... interesting."

"I only met him today," the mouse admitted. " But if it wasn't for him, I'd be in my dorm room in bed. I never would have come here. Still like Ryan said, college is about exploring."

"You and he...you know?" The bear couldn't look the mouse in the eye as he continued. "Does he live up to the bragging?"

Paul was a little shocked, for a moment he realised Ryan was right, he had piqued someone's interest. Moreover he realised the bear might be looking to explore. "I... we haven't done anything. Truth be told... I only ever did oral and only once."

"One more than me," the Simon's revelation hit the mouse hard. He had assumed anyone on a football scholarship, as well built as the bear would be drowning in cheerleader pussy.

"Well, handsome guy like you. I bet you will find someone... maybe one of those girls we were talking to." Paul threw that out there, mostly just to test, he really wondered if the bear might be up for a little exploration.

"Not my type, at least I don't think they are," the bear muttered. "My girlfriend at school was like them, I just went with her...cause well it's what you do. Then she was naked and... nothing happened."

The mouse moved a little closer, he could see the bear swaying a little, his breath stank of beer. Paul guessed Simon was really drunk, otherwise he wouldn't be saying any of this. "I was thinking... I mean I have his number right. Gotta try it to know if you like it. Just, I don't like the idea of anyone... you know putting it up there."

With his heart skipping a beat the mouse found a question shooting out of him faster than his normally cautious brain could stop it. "Would you want to be the one sticking it up there?"

This time the bear turned to look at him, the redness around his eyes and the dilation of his pupils suggested Paul wasn't the only one Ryan had shared a joint with. "I dunno... maybe, maybe just try oral first... if I can find someone who doesn't mind trying it with me."

Paul was about to reply when people started to file out, some staggering a few supported by friends. The bear sniffed, "parties over... you won't tell no-one what I said will you?"

"No, of course not " the mouse worried that his chance had just escaped. Maybe it was the mixture of drugs or alcohol, or maybe it was the influence of the bull but he reached out and grabbed the bear's arm. "I certainly would enjoy trying it with you, anytime you want. Give me your phone." The bear did just that and Paul added himself to the contacts list, as Paul call me! He also texted himself, so he had Simon's number. " There, either you call me or I will call you."

The bear blinked a little looking at his phone then nodded, "alright."

There was a spring in the mouse's step as he headed back to the dorms. He had a definite chance with a very sexy guy, sweet too for watching over him like that. Paul thought he would wait a day or two, then text Simon if the bear hadn't contacted him first. His mind was so focused on the possibilities that he didn't notice the sock on the floor in front of his door. The one that had clearly been on the doorknob.

So it wasn't until he opened the door that he realised his mistake. Ryan had not come home alone, the rank hit his nose first. The scent of sweat, musk and lust all mixing into a potent mix that seemed to bypass the mouse's nose and head straight to his crotch. Then his eyes were treated to the most wonderful sight he had ever seen, far better than when he had spied on his friends from a distance, or any porn he had downloaded.

It was Dan on his side, legs lifted high, cock drooling and spurting in a huge bovine fist. The spearlike cock was glistening in the light, the mouse drank in every detail. However, behind the dogs creamy nuts, a shaft as thick as any Paul had ever seen was slamming back and forth. Paul couldn't help but notice the bovine was wearing a rubber

"Oh...oh fuck!" The canine howled as jets of watery spunk flew out from his cocktip. The huge bovine's head leaned down and licked his cheek snorting and chuckling.

"There's a good boy, come on doggy give it all. Still plenty more steak to feed you before this bull is... done" the bull paused as his eyes glanced up and he realised the mouse was standing there watching, a huge tent in his pants and a shocked look on his face. Ryan winked and thrust again harder and faster, making Dan squeal a little and open his eyes.

"Paul!!!!" The dog howled in shock and horror, his body still pushing back into the thrusting bull cock eagerly. Then he started to struggle, "no, stop I..."

"Oh come on, it's just my roommate, he'll fuck off if we tell him too," Ryan purred his thrusting getting a little desperate his paws stroking the dog trying to calm him, while he mouthed to Paul to fuck off.

The mouse shut the door, still in shock. He took a couple of steps down the corridor before he realised, he had nowhere to go. Not that it mattered less than two minutes later the collie limped out, pulling his t-shirt on. He didn't look at Paul he just limped off down the hall.

"Well you may as well come back in!" Bellowed an angry deep voice. Seeing that he really had no way to avoid it the mouse walked back into the room, this time noting the sock on the floor.

"The sock was on the floor, sorry I didn't see it!" Paul almost squealed as he stepped inside.

The bull was still on his bed, naked. His cock standing to full attention, Paul winched to think how something so big could have been inside the dog. He knew why Dan had been limping as he left. Ryan shrugged, "ah it's done now. No point being mad about it, though if you do that again I might die from blue balls." As he spoke the bull pulled off the rubber. "Afraid I am going to rub one out, unless you want to fix what you broke."

"I might," the mouse's voice was so quiet he wasn't sure the bull heard until he saw the grin spread across Ryan's face.

Most men would ask if he was sure, or imply that he didn't have to do it, not Ryan. He just sat up in bed, put both of his huge hooves on the floor and stroked that thick bit of beef between his legs. "Then get to it." The mouse didn't pause, he stepped forward and fell to his knees. His eyes filled up with the beautiful meat right before his face.

His paw was trembling as he reached out to touch it, warm and clammy. The heat from the rod felt wonderful against his paw. Paul's mind flicked back to Jack and their encounter, however, it was like comparing a scooter to a Rolls-Royce. The mouse was about to get his first taste of the finer things. Looking up he could see Ryan smiling down at him, lewdly but patient, letting the nervous male explore.

His fingers traced up the thick length, the pink growing darker until the skin was black against the bovine's crotch. Just below hung two massive melons, wrapped in a black leather sack. The smell of masculinity was almost overpowering, yet he could not stop himself breathing in deep lungful. His mouth watered and he parted his lips, his tongue reaching out and running over the broad glans. While about him Ryan gave a deep rumbling moan of pleasure. "That's it boy, get a taste." The bull mooed softly in encouragement, even though they were the same age Paul really did feel junior to the hulk of a male.

With his clothes off the mouse could see the bull had a bit of a gut, probably from the beer. Something told Paul that Ryan liked to indulge and kept in shape more through exercise than diet. On his chest there was a single tuft of white fur, the rest was dark black. The scraggy bulls mane looked thick and shone with sweat from a night of fun.

The taste of the bullmeat was addictive, strong and potent, bitter and rank. Yet he couldn't get enough, soon his lips joined his tongue and he kisses the thick maleness his fingers squeezing and stroking the shaft.

"Mmmm much better, go on see how much you can fit in that delicate muzzle of yours," Ryan's voice rumbled down and Paul had no choice but to obey. Mostly because his mouth was craving more; more warmth, more flesh and more taste. Pushing forward his lips swallowed inch after inch of bovine perfection, until with a groan he felt the tip pushing to the back of his throat. "Ohhh you like that don't you? Mmm think tomorrow I'll make some time and try that tight little ass of yours." There was no 'can I', or 'could we', just an 'I will fuck you'. Paul figured he should be annoyed or upset, but he could feel his cock throbbing in his pants, aching to be free. The bull was too much of a godsend, big, beautiful, hung and horny. What kind of fool would say no to that?

His lips slurped slowly back up the length, the taste less bitter as his hungry maw had cleaned off the grime of the day. "Don't neglect the balls dude, a little play and a gentle tug is what I like." One of the mouse's paws slipped off the thick pulsing shaft, those sweaty orbs were lifted, Paul could feel his fingers getting soaked in bovine sweat. Then as he bobbed his head down he tugged gently on the orbs.

A deep rumbling moo and a mouthful of pre, bitter and yet sweet almost like dark velvety chocolate. The mouse gulped it down hungrily, tugging once more eager for another taste. "Fuck yeah, you're a natural... mmm I am gonna enjoy your mouth all fucking year long. That's it, mmmm now how about we get a little more in there." Paul squealed as a huge bull paw landed on his head, forcing him down onto the thick and throbbing phallus. The meat slid deeper, pressing right to the back of his throat, cutting off his airway. For a few seconds Paul held still, enjoying the power and control of his lover. Yet as his lungs began to ache he started to squirm and Ryan released the pressure, "sorry dude, your mouth is too nice... guess I will have to train you up, you'll be taking this meat hilt deep in both ends by mid-terms."

A thick finger stroked the mouse's cheek, "love a guy who keeps his glasses on when he sucks, you know a guys really loves cock when they demand to see it clearly." Paul flushed with embarrassment, but nuzzled into the huge bovine palm. "Now just hold still beautiful and let me fuck those precious lips."

Quivering a little Paul did as he was instructed, holding perfectly still, his lips sealed tight around the huge cocktip. Then he felt it move, thrusting forward quickly, those huge sweaty orbs swaying in his fingers. While thick bull meat was stuffed rapidly into his mouth. Ryan groaned and gasped thrusting again and again. The mouse could hear the slurping sounds coming from his hungry mouth. Like a man starved for meat he kept his lips desperately tight on the sliding bullhood.

His nose full of the musk and rank of the sweaty bull, his taste buds ablaze with the taste of finest beef and his ears full of the moans and praise of his lover. Paul was lost in paradise, part of him wanted to reach into his own pants, to take care of himself. Yet he could not bring himself to tear his paws off the meat.

Suddenly a loud beeping came from somewhere on the bed, the thrusting meat paused in his mouth, while Ryan checked his message. "Ha! Dan is asking me to ask you not to tell anyone... I just told him you have your mouth too full to talk now." A flash of white light suddenly assailed the mouse's eyes. "Sent him a picture too, after all fair's fair, you saw him and me." Paul knew he should be furious, yet the idea of the collie seeing him like this, lips wrapped around the bull's fat muscle. It turned him on even more, his head bobbing faster, sucking with extra zeal.

"Ohh fuck...yes...you're all...ohh fuck... love bullcock, don't ya?"grunted the bull his thrusting resuming quickly and desperately. "Shit.... Gonna blow...ohh fuck...fuck ... FUCK!!!" While Ryan bellowed at the top if his lungs, the thick meat in Paul's mouth throbbed, a heavy jet of bull spunk shot right down the mouse's throat. He swallowed eagerly, bobbing his head desperate for more, which Ryan was only too happy to supply.

The second and third jets flooded the mouse's mouth faster than he could swallow. The viscous fluid bursting out of his lips, dribbling down his chin and neck. Ryan just kept thrusting, fucking his warm cream into the hungry mouse. Then he pulled out suddenly, to a cry of outrage from the lust crazed mouse, followed by a gasp as several strings of white pearls landed over Paul's face and cheeks. "Ha... little bit of face painting, that'll teach you to not respect the sock. Now stand up!"

The last command shocked the mouse,he gave the drooling and deflating bull meat a lewd kiss goodbye, slurping up what fluids he could. Then pulled himself shakily to his feet. He squeaked as two strong paws pulled his pants and underwear down. There was no gentleness in the touch, just brute strength. Before he could voice a complaint he cried out in pleasure.

His cock was surrounded by warmth, a thick strong tongue lapping against his full length. Hot breath flowing over his crotch. Ryan sucked and slurped like a hungry pro, his huge head bobbing so hard Paul had to grab hold of his horns for support. The pace built rapidly, and the unprepared horny rodent was no match for his lover. All he could down was brace himself and squeal like the horny, happy, bitch he was.

Less than a minute after those lips surrounded his maleness, Paul was fucking the bull's mouth desperately. His little grey nuts smacking off the bull's chin, while his cock throbbed and he emptied his first load onto the hungry bovine tongue. "Wow, guess you were ready to pop," chuckled the ball as he picked the mouse up and pulled him into his bed. "Horny little guy," soft snuffly kisses peppered down onto the back of Paul's neck as he found himself as the tiny spoon. The huge wall of beef muscle pressing up behind him. "Mmm guess I will burn through a rubber or two popping your virginity properly tomorrow."

Paul had never told Ryan he was a virgin, the bull had just guessed, not that it mattered. The mouse heard someone say, "my first time, I want to feel it all." He blushed deeply when he realised that was his voice and his desire.

"Well, I normally always wear a sheath, but as you are getting your cherry popped... " Paul squeaked as a meaty paw slapped down hard on his buttock. "I will go in raw and fuck every drop I have into you. But if I am going in bare, I am not settling for just one fuck. One in all in I say, you better not expect to be running the next day, walking might take a miracle."

The mouse didn't hear any of that, his eyes had closed and he was softly snoring, wrapped up in a protective blanket of bovine muscle. One thing he was certain of, there was no maybe about him having a social life at college.


With a yawn and a stretch the mouse awoke, he groaned a little. His mouth feeling like someone had snuck in during the light and lain a thick and dirty bearskin rug on his tongue. When he sat up trying not to swallow and yet hoping for some saliva to start flowing to his dry tongue, he noticed he was alone. The big bull had somehow managed to get out of bed, dress and leave without waking him.

Paul coughed and staggered to his own bed, picking up his phone he saw he had some texts. However, a building pressure in his bladder got top priority as he grabbed some clothes and dashed to the shared bathroom. A quick shower solved both problems (oh you know you've done the same after a night out, don't judge) as well as giving the mouse a chance to rinse his mouth out. A dull ache at the back of his head reminded him that he had enjoyed himself just a little too much that night. A bit of morning wood reminded him how much he had enjoyed, the bull had tasted so good. Then his mind reminded him of the promise the bull had made about what would happen that night. His cheeks burned as he remembered what he had asked the bull to do.

His thin fingers wrapped around his maleness and he began to stroke himself, thinking of what he had seen. Dan speared and spread wide by a cock so thick, fuck he wanted to be that dog. He licked his lips and gasped as he stroked faster and faster. While in his mind's eye the bull went wild, thrusting and pounding, all with that smug confident look on his face.

Damn it! Why was the bull so hot? Sure he was well built, confident and apparently a good fuck... Stupid question really. The mouse chuckled to himself. Did it really matter if he didn't want a relationship? Hell, the bull thought he was sexy enough to fuck and, well, why should that be wrong? Convention dictates wait until you find the perfect guy and have a deep romantic experience. However, what the bull offered was a good fuck... and right then all he wanted was to be fucked, convention be damned just this once.

Gasping a little the rodent stroked faster and faster, his doubts vanishing. He knew he wanted Ryan, at least he wanted part of him; which happily the part the bull wanted to give everyone. The thought of finally trying out a real cock, no rubber vibrating dildo a real hot, throbbing cock. It had felt so good in his mouth, Ryan's thrusting had been rough and yet he knew the bull would give it so much harder that night. A soft squeak escaped his lips as a tremble ran through his body, his maleness ached in his paw and he added a few drops to the shower.

He didn't get to bask in the afterglow as someone banged on the door. "Come on dude, there's a queue forming out here. Get your ass out of the shower!"

Blushing heavily the mouse turned off the water and climbed out of the shower and reached for the towel. He knew exactly where it was as his paw grasped the empty peg, it was in his bottom drawer, covering a couple of toys he had snuck in. He smacked his head, all he'd brought was some clothes. A thumping on the door told him that drip drying was not possible. He gave himself a shake, imitating a feral canine and trying to wriggle as much water away as possible. Then he faced the inevitable and started to pull his formerly dry clothes on.

The cloth was soaked in seconds and he could feel the rivers still trickling down his body. He picked up his shoes and opened the door. On the plus side, the queue wasn't too long. He did get a round of applause as he scooted out his sodden clothes dripping and his feet leaving wet marks in the carpet. He heard someone mutter "Freshmen," the blush on his face grew worse. Somehow the fire on his cheeks didn't burn up the moisture.

When he finally reached the safety of his room, his wet clothes were stripped and he dried himself, pulling on a fresh set of clothes and finally checking his phone. He had a message from Brian asking how his first day went, along with a brief telling of what the dog and tiger couple had been up to their first day.

He paused as he tried to think of a reply. What could he say, my roommates a stud and his cock tastes great? A bit too direct. Met a guy I think is fun? True and yet not exactly correct, it implied there might be a relationship brewing. Eventually he typed out is response, a single word, 'interesting'. He hit send and checked his other messages.

"Heya sexy, thanks for the blow. You give good head, I'm off to meet some friends. I will hold you to what you said last night. Ryan." The word sexy made him blush a little. Well at least he knew the bull liked how he looked and how he sucked cock. The rest of the message did leave him feeling slightly nervous, somehow he never thought losing his cherry would be something he would schedule. In his mind it would be a spontaneous thing, while Ryan was certainly spontaneous, this wasn't exactly what he had expected. However expected of not the idea of fucking the bull did make his cock swell. Besides he knew he couldn't say no to the bull now, not after the previous night.

He had a text from an unknown number, "hey...look you keep last night quiet and I'll do the same. D." An interesting message and he knew who it had come from. He started typing out a response to say why would he want to keep it quiet, he was already out. Then he stopped himself, the dog was clearly in the closet and scared. So instead he replied. "Ok, not a word. But if you ever want to talk...well you know where to find me."

The final text he had read simply, "hey thanks for the talk last night, maybe we could get a coffee or something. If you want to that is. Simon...the big bear guy you talked to." Paul laughed at the end of the message, clearly the polar bear thought the mouse had been so far out of it he might not have remembered him. Some things stick in your mind, tall muscular sexy hunks, they take a hell of a lot of booze and drugs to bleach from your memory.

"I'd love to, just tell me where and when! Paul." His fingers typed rapidly and hit send. In college one day and he'd already scored one stud and he might have a date with a second. Damn it they should put that on the college prospectus. Students would kill themselves to get their grades up.

It was with a spring in his step that he headed out into the college world. The first week was all about settling in, finding your way, joining clubs and stuff. He had no plans to pledge to any frat houses, it was not his scene. He did wonder if Ryan would, after all that was a very jock thing to do. The bull was both the most jocky person he had ever met and at the same time the least jocky person. Sporty, cocky and confident and yet at the same time friendly, intelligent, open-minded and actually kind.

Everything in high school had taught him that jocks were cruel. However, were they really? Brian had proved to be a good friend, the tiger was clearly a jock. When Brian came out he'd been sort of cut-off and shoved in with James and his geeky friends. Looking back with a tiny bit of distance and a slight change he wondered how much of that had been in his mind. The tiger had still talked to his former friends, even hung out with them on the odd occasion. Paul wondered how much of the tiger's exile had been because he wanted to be with James, than because his old friends wouldn't hang with him.

Paul wandered around campus, finding a series of stalls set up outside one of the larger campus buildings. There was a stall for every society he had ever imagined existing and a few he never would have dreamed of. Seriously what exactly was base jumping and can you do it as a club? He found the LGBT one, with rainbow flags and a couple of very friendly students behind it. Paul didn't hesitate he signed up quickly, and was given a goody bag of stuff. A couple of pamphlets, a time table of the years events, and of course lube and condoms. The mouse frowned as he looked at the condoms, seriously sweet chilli flavour? And who wants to go down on a peri-peri cock? At least there were a couple of normal ones, but he hoped other people read the packet before trying them, that could be a seriously tailwarming experience.

While he was sticking his nose into the bag checking out the various mints and other trinkets something caught his eye. A familiar shape, wandering around. He looked up to get a better look, there he was; a huge polar bear wandering around the stalls. He had a good number bags in one paw. Simon was dressed in a tank top and shorts, with a blue backpack slung over one huge shoulder. Paul couldn't help but swallow as he eyed those exposed shoulders and arms. The night before the lighting hadn't been good and he'd been drunk. Now he could see just how well developed the bear was.

The mouse moved his goodybag down a little, to hide the suddenly sticking up mouse goody. His eyes followed the bear as he wandered from stall to stall. It was weird to watch such a huge athletic guy talking with the guys running the chess society stall. Paul had already signed up for that one, and the sci-fi society as well. Some sterotypes are worth conforming to.

Simon shared a friendly laugh with the two nerdy mice and was rewarded with a goodybag before he waved goodbye and moved on. The bear was looking at every stall, except the lgbt stall, that one he never glanced at once. His eyes seemed to be on everything but, yet as the mouse watched the bear's path swerved slightly. Paul gasped as he saw a paw snatch a leaflet and shove it quickly into his pocket.

Nobody else would have seen it, Paul only noticed because he had been watching the bear so intently. The guys on the stall had been talking to each other, if they noticed they gave no indication. The mouse knew plenty of students wouldn't sign up so publicly, there was a website where you could sign up anonymously. After all, the closet door was a one way thing and nobody should be pushed through it before they were ready.

The bear swaggered up to a stall advertising the gym and Paul decided that he should stop being a voyeur and say hello. Fortunately his earlier reaction had eased away. As he approached the stall his eyes were on the bear, so he wasn't ready for the sudden and far too friendly, "Heya, Dude, you interested in the gym. It's fifty percent off membership for students!" If the shouted words weren't enough to make him jump, a huge paw on his shoulder did the trick. Paul couldn't stop the squeak that escaped his lips, his cheeks began to burn as everyone turned to look at him, including Simon.

"Oh sorry dude, didn't mean to sneak up on ya!" Chuckled a very well muscled tiger that towered over the diminutive mouse. "However, seriously you should give us a try. No upfront membership fee and you can trial us for a week, for free. We can set you up with an exercise plan and everything." The tiger gave him a winning smile and held out a clipboard. "All I need is some details, your college email address, a signature and if you don't like it after the first week just email us to cancel your membership."The tiger's eyes dipped onto the lgbt goody bag and he added. "Plenty of dude's dig a health body and stamina helps no end."

Blushing deeply the mouse filled in the form and had a membership card pushed into his paw. "Ok, great Dude. When you get to the gym ask for Karl, he will give you an orientation and set up an exercise programme for you." His details obtained the tiger turned to find a new student.

Paul glanced at the stall, the bear was gone. The mouse stepped back, only to bump into something warm, "oh damn, I'm so..." his words caught in his throat as he realised he'd just taken a step backwards right into Simon.

"No problem, nice to see you again," the bear replied with a friendly smile. "You sign up?"

"Er, yeah," Paul suddenly found himself deeply embarrassed by the notion of going to the gym. Clearly he was not the type who should be going into those places, they were for fit healthy people.

"It's a con, if you don't email to cancel they charge you the full membership up front. It was all there in their terms and conditions. Plus you have free access to the student gym," Paul was a little taken back by the warning. "Seriously just email them as soon as you can to say you wish to cancel. If you want, I can show you the student gym, even help with an exercise plan. I'm studying to be a physio, and I'm no stranger to the gym."

"I can tell," Paul replied without thinking and then blushed. "I...just mean... you know you are really big. I mean well built...like seriously those muscles are just so..." somehow the mouse's mind got a hold of his tongue and forced it to stop flapping before he said too much.

The bear stared at him for the longest half second of Paul's life and then a small blush came to the bear's cheeks, "I was going to go do a quick workout now actually, if you want I can get you set up. Nothing rough, just some cardio and light weights to ease you in."

"That...would be amazing! Thank you so much!" The mouse couldn't believe his luck, not on the free induction. However it was a date, well not exactly a date, but, now he'd get to see the bear putting on a sweat and then changing, hell maybe even showering. The mouse froze suddenly, his goodybag moving back to protect his crotch. Communal showers could be a problem, lots of sweaty burly guys washing and the little mouse just standing in a huddle trying to hide his boner. Gulping softly the mouse realised he had no way out now, he would just have to push through and hope nobody noticed anything. "I... can't exercise in jeans though."

"No problem, I'm already in my kit, we can swing by your dorm and grab something for you to work out in and then hit the gym," Simon replied with a friendly smile. There was no option of escape that Paul could see, plus he really didn't want to. The risk of public embarrassment would be worth it to see the bear building up and then washing off a sweat.

It didn't take them long to reach Paul's dorm, the two talked as they walked. Sharing a few details of their lives, Simon was the youngest of four brothers. The smallest as well apparently, it was hard to imagine the six and a half foot mountain of bear's family nickname was, 'Tiny'. Paul was very certain there was nothing tiny about the bear, and he told Simon that. The bear didn't reply he just blushed heavily.

It wasn't until they reached his room that Paul finally realised what he had said could be taken another way. He didn't say anything about it he just let the bear in. Ryan wasn't there and for the first time Paul was grateful not to see the big black bull. After all, he'd probably say something lewd and scare off the big bear. Or worse still lure him away from the mouse. However, any thoughts of the bull went out of his mind as he realised the bear had frozen in place, his eyes fixed on something.

The mouse followed the bear's gaze, to his open bottom draw and the object that could be seen peeking out from under some underwear. The mouse could feel the heat of his embarrassment suddenly like a super volcano exploding right in his face. "I...I... I... justneedtograbsomeshorts!" He squealed and jumping forward his foot kicked the bottom drawer shut, hiding away the huge black dildo the bear had been staring at. Then he made a big show of rummaging in his drawers, determined to to turn and look until his blush had cooled at least a little bit.

He finally pulled a pair of shorts and a t-shirt out and shoved them into a bag. "There we go."

When he turned around he found the bear still blushing deeply, only his eyes were on the bull's drawers, where the huge pump bottle of lube stood proudly, neck to the empty condom packet. "Shall we go?" The mouse asked with a sigh, hoping that if neither of them said anything they could just pretend it had never happened.

Simon nodded dumbly, and let the mouse lead him out. The two didn't say anything until they were halfway to the gym. Then simon started to talk about what he would have the mouse doing. It was mostly light stuff, treadmill, rowing machine, bikes and then a selection of different resistance training. The bear promised nothing too hard, today. However, he did mention that he would expect the mouse to be there three times a week and to start increasing time, reps and weight.

Paul was both relieved and disappointed to find the showers were all individual cubicles. He was further disappointed when the bear just shoved his bag and all the stuff from the stalls into a locker, saying he was already dressed for exercise. The mouse was glad of the bear, Simon was so patient as he talked through the equipment it helped relax him. It wasn't until he finished the last set the bear had given him to do that he realised, nobody had stared at him. There had been no glances, or even a hint of a 'what is that geek doing here?' from anybody else there.

His last set done he looked around to find Simon. The bear was lying on the weights bench, his soft stomach sticking up a little, Simon had moaned about his body's natural inclination to take up space. Despite the bear's best efforts he had a gut, not that it bothered the mouse. It looked very snuggly and yet that was not where his eyes were. They were on the rolling shoulders of the bear, as he grunted. Paul's eyes traced around every single inch of the bear and then onto the barbell. A quick calculation made his jaw drop as the bear was bench pressing more than three times the mouse's weight.

"Twenty," the bear grunted as he locked the barbell on the rests. Then he gave the mouse a smile. "Done already?"

"Yeah, what's next?" The mouse replied, trying not to get flustered by the sweating bear, or the huge rhino guy that was standing beside the bear 'spotting him' Something Paul would happily do, if he had any muscle at all.

"That's you done, just a quick ease in, you don't want to push too hard too fast. Just build up gradually or you'll hurt yourself." The bear replied as he lay back down on the bench, the rhino moved to grab the barbell for him. "So just hit the showers and come back day after next. I'll be here everyday, just text if you have any questions."

Simon grunted as he took the strain, a quick nod to the rhino and his spotter let go. Paul stood there at a loss for what to do, it quickly occurred to him that he couldn't just watch the bear and he headed back to the locker room. His second shower of the day was far quicker, he returned to the locker room, which was empty.

While he was pulling his clothes on he heard someone say "Hi again." He recognised the voice instantly and looked up to see Simon standing in the doorway.

A smile erupted on the mouse's face along with a slight blush, "Hi again."

With a quick glance around the room and behind him the bear stepped inside, "I..er thought maybe, if you want, we could get a coffee tomorrow?" A soft pink flush could actually be seen through his white fur.

Paul had to stop himself gasping while his brain was too busy screaming that he was being asked out to come out with a better reply that a softly whispered, "yes."

The bear grinned widely, "ok great, I'll meet you at your place tomorrow, around three?"

Not trusting his voice the mouse nodded and tried to will himself not to grin like a maniac, it was a valiant effort but he failed. For a moment the two stood there in happy awkward silence before the bear took a step backwards, "well I better get back to my workout... see you tomorrow."

"Bye," Paul said with a wave of his hand. As soon as the bear was gone he found himself taking deep breaths. He had a date, at least he was pretty sure it was a date. Guys don't blush like that when they are just trying to make friends. I mean it was coffee, that's like a first date kind of thing. Not the classic dinner and a movie, but that would be old school. Coffee was the new dinner and a movie, it was cheaper and had foamy milk.

It was definitely a date. However, it's not like he had a frame of reference, no other guys had asked him out. His total romantic experience was sucking two guys cocks, one was an experiment and the other was...Ryan. Paul may not know romance but he was pretty sure blowing some guy cause you cock blocked him was technically not romance. Even if it was a hell of a lot of fun. This was a date, this was I'd like to get to know you more, not I want to shove my cock in your ass.

Although, Paul had to admit to himself, he would not turn Simon down if he asked to fuck. I mean the bear was all kinds of sexy, cute, smart, and kind. In fact, he was a little too good and nice, maybe he was just using the mouse. After all he could just be trying to do the Ryan thing, only not openly and honestly. No, Simon didn't seem like the wham, bam, thank you mister type. Although he was looking to experiment, figure out if he was into guys. What better way than to find some nerdy guy, who wouldn't say no, seduce him and then well you either like it or don't; either way you can move on without the nerdy guy.

The mouse forced his brain to stop thinking, standing in the street his eyes closed and taking deep calming breaths. "Relax, you have a date. Stop over-analysing it." He whispered the words, just so he could hear them. Of course hearing is one thing, believing is something else.

With a mind full of doubts, hopes and questions the mouse really didn't notice much on his way back. He opened the door to his room and dropped his bag filled with sweaty clothes on the floor. Then dove onto the bed with a sigh.

"Penny for your thoughts," a deep voice rumbled from the other side of the room. Paul turned and was treated to the sight of Ryan lounging on his bed. The bull knew how to lounge, his cushions propped against the wall, one arm behind his huge head and a book in his paw. Of course he was just wearing his boxers and a grin on his face.

"Oh, hi, nothing worth a penny," the mouse replied with a nervous smile, trying not to let his eyes wander too much over the muscular bovine.

"Good day?" Ryan asked licking his finger and turning a page on the book he was reading.

"Yeah, I mean it was...fun for the most part. First time in a gym ever, but I enjoyed it," Paul sat up on his own bed, laying back against the wall so he could face the person he was talking to, like the polite boy he was. His eyes focussed on a tiny detail that surprised him, "Kipling?"

The bull looked up and gave him a chuckle, "what can't a bull read a little poetry?"

Paul was too stunned to reply, what was he going to say 'yes, but athletic bulls don't go reading the classics. They read magazines with scantily clad naked women on them. Although read is a strong term for what they were doing'. "I suppose..." he muttered a little embarrassed.

"I like If," the bull snorted and turned his eyes to the page 'If you can dream - and not make dreams your master; if you can think- and not make thoughts your aim, if you can meet with Triumph and Disaster, and treat those two imposters the same,'" The bull read the words slowly and carefully pausing after each line, smiling at the last one.

"'If you can bear to hear the truths you've spoken, twisted by...knaves and made a trap for fools," the mouse continued for him, struggled to remember the poem.

"Close enough," the bull smiled. "It's a good poem, dude knew what being a man was. Just going for it, taking the risks and not bitching when you lose. I keep a copy with me, for those super rare occasions when I need to be reminded to stop bitching."

"Hard to imagine you bitching," observed the mouse, he really couldn't imagine the bull complaining. He sort of just went all out for what he wanted and when he didn't get it moved on to the next thing. Of course so far that had just been his hunt for someone to screw. The mouse wondered if that was how the bull approached everything else.

"I try not to, no point. Don't bitch, fight. That's my motto, if you want something try and take it." The bull put the book down carefully on his desk and gave the mouse a grin. "Speaking of wanting something, I seem to recall we both had a few wants for this evening."

The previous evening suddenly came back into sharp focus in the mouse's mind. He had asked for and agreed to so much. "I... I mean, do you..."

"Want to fuck you?" Ryan asked stepping up from his bed, his boxers were quickly tenting up and the bovine gave him a wink, thrusting his hips just a little to emphasize his point. "What do you think?"

Paul couldn't take his eyes off the growing tent, a similar one was being pitched in his own pants, although like a child's play tent compared to the marquee growing in the bull's boxers. He froze and before he knew it Ryan was kneeling on his bed, the air becoming thick with the musk of an aroused bovine. "I... met someone." The mouse muttered, he wasn't sure where that came from, but part of him was worried about the bear.

"Hmmm?" The bull didn't even fully vocalise the question as he leaned forward, his hot breath flowing into the mouse's face and making him shudder. The bovine's huge frame blocking out everything but Ryan. Paul gasped loudly as thick bovine lips kissed his neck. Strong paws stroked over his flanks. "A nice guy?"

The mouse pressed himself against the wall, everywhere the bull touched tingled, his body responding to the loving touch of another. He couldn't bring himself to stop the bull, "y...yes, Simon...from last night."

"Mmmm," the bull's approval rumbled through his lips as he nibbled up the mouse's neck. His paws slipping under the tin rodent's t-shirt, thick fingers stroking his stomachful in circles. "He was hot, I'd totally fuck him too."

"We... didn't... just agreed to get coffee," Paul's voice trembled, with the pitch far higher than normal. Two paws stoked up his chest and the mouse squeaked as fingers brushed over his sensitive nubs.

The bull chuckled and brushed over them again, "seems like I found a weak point. So just coffee, sounds like a good start." Ryan whispered and before Paul could reply his lips pressed to the mouse's strongly and dominantly. Paul didn't struggle, he just sighed and returned the kiss passionately. He was far too lost to his needs to resist the bull's advances. A bolt of pleasure and pain ran through his body, like nothing he had ever felt, as thick fingers and thumbs grabbed his sensitive little nubs and squeezed.

A thick tongue forced it's way between his lips. Bashing through like a battering ram, the tongue pillaged his mouth and he found himself suckling on it desperately. His arms were stroking up and down the bull's naked back, his thin fingers running through the bull's course fur. He didn't remember when his paws had moved from his side. The kiss was broken and the world suddenly went white as his t-shirt was pulled off over his head.

"I dunno...if I should," the mouse gasped desperately as he looked up at the bull.

Ryan grinned and winked, "well, I ain't gonna do anything you don't want, or don't like. So I tell you what, you say stop I'll stop." As he spoke he leaned down again and then he whispered, "just tell me to stop." The word stop melted from Paul's vocabulary as he felt a warm tongue running over his nipple, fireworks erupted behind his eyes and he moaned deeply in pleasure.

Soft lips nibbled at his quivering nub, while fingers circled the other. The other paw stroking down his stomach and Paul cried out as he felt his cocktip being squeezed between a powerful finger and thumb. Ryan chuckled softly, "what was that, did you say stop?" The mouse shook his head as he panted, he cried out as his nipple was squeezed, the other was nipped and his cock was groped firmer. "Sorry, I didn't hear that, do you want me to stop?"

"N...no," Paul whispered blushing red with embarrassment, he knew nothing could make him ask the bull to stop now.

A strong tongue licked over his nipple again, he felt the pressure around his aching cock lesson as the bull pulled down his flies. Paul squeaked again as fingers grasped around his hot, sticky flesh. "Mmm, I didn't quite hear that, maybe I should stop."

"No!" The words were shouted clear and loud and the mouse's paws emphasized his point by gripping the mountain of muscle just as tightly as he could. "Please, don't stop."

"I knew you'd see things my way," chuckled the bull as he returned his lips to the mouse's nipple, his paws working the mouse's jeans and underwear off. Paul gasped again as he felt a thick hot lump pressing to his thigh. Images of the previous night came back to him, of Dan on his side, the bull's thick cock slamming into him again and again. More than that of the blissed out look on the dog's face as the bovine had fucked him to orgasm. His body trembled, he wanted to feel that, to feel the bliss of a thick cock inside him.

Ryan moved himself slowly, his cock stroking up the mouse's trembling inner thigh. The with a deep moan of lust he stroked the cock against the mouse's maleness, a sexy Goliath grinding to a desperately need David. The bull grasped the mouse's wrist and pulled Paul's hand down to the members. "Mmmm have a feel." The bull rumbled in his ear, before he returned to nibbling on the sensitive appendage.

With deep moans Paul stroked his fingers over the two engorged malenesses. He could feel the heat of the bull's cock, throbbing against his own. As his palm ran over the bull's cocktip a jet of fluid soaked it, trembling with bliss the mouse smeared the hot, fresh, bull pre over his own cock. Then his fingers returned the the bull flesh, squeezing and stroking it eagerly. Ryan mooed softly in his ear, "ohh mouse likes that doesn't he?"

"Oh...fuck...yes...yes I love it!" Squeaked the mouse desperately far too lost to his lust to think, all he could do was act.

"Mmm, knew you were a horny little fucker," Ryan chuckled as he moved up to rest on his knees, his thick rod towering over the mouse's thin body as the bull's weight held him in place. "Both paws now." The command was muttered softly and yet with enough edge to it that Paul didn't dare not follow it. Both his paws began to stroke the huge phallus that hung over him, like some deliciously kinky sword of Damocles. He knew soon that sword would fall and pierce him, the only question was when.

The bull grunted deeply as the small mouse squirmed under him. He smiled to see Paul letting loose with his desires, the fingers on his cock feeling good. However, he knew soon he would feel something far finer. "Ok enough, roll over." It was another command, the bull lifting himself up enough to allow Paul to move, he squirmed on the bed rolling onto his chest. His tail whipping a little in excitement and fear. The bull was huge and he'd had no preparation at all.

Of course that was a worry he didn't need, Ryan prided himself of bringing more pleasure than pain to his lovers. If there was one thing he would do it was ensure the mouse got properly prepared. His paws reached out to the pert little mouse cheeks, squeezing the soft mounds and parting them. The soft pink target of his affections slipped into view and his massive head dove fast.

"Oh FUCK!" Paul screamed out loud, his fingers grasping at the bedsheets, his legs kicking on instinct. While he felt that strong bovine tongue lapping slowly and teasingly over his pucker. He had seen videos online of guys doing this, nothing could have prepared him for the maelstrom of feelings and emotions that surged through him. The bull gave him no time to adjust to it, lapping hungrily, his huge nose huffing hot, moist breath up and down his taint.

Chuckling a little the bull growled, "oh I found another sensitive spot." His answer was a squeal of delight as his tongue returned to licking, swirling around the tender pinkness and then he pushed it. He could feel the doughnut of muscle resisting him. With a kiss to the ring he tried to relax the mouse, while his tongue thrust forward hard. For a second the mouse resisted and then with a squeak of delight he surrendered, the bull's thick tongue slipping inside him.

A squeal erupted from the mouse's mouth as he felt the tongue inside him. It was swirling around and felt strange, yet good. His paws clasped his bedsheets desperately, his cock was throbbing under him, soaking the sheets with his pre. The tongue touched something inside him and the mouse cried out again, as a bolt of pure bliss ran right up his spine. His fingers spasmed and his cock ached with need. On instinct his ass pushed back against the bull's velvet muzzle.

Ryan swirled his tongue around slowly, spreading the pucker a little more. His tongue thrusting and squirming a little deeper as he tasted the mouse deeper, the coppery taste of his prostate sought out again and again. The bull delighted in the cute squeaks and squeals of the mouse as he delved deeper and deeper into his ass. He knew he had Paul, all he had to do was take his time to enjoy.

With a groan Paul felt a paw closing around his cock, stroking quickly as the tongue thrust deeper and deeper. The mouse cried out into his mattress again and again, trying to muffle the sounds he couldn't stop himself making. His tail thrashed between the bull's legs and a small part of his mind registered the feel of an erect bullcock. His tail curled around it on automatic, and he giggled a little as he felt Ryan moo in surprised pleasure right against his ass.

The feel of Paul's tail was an unexpected delight. Never one to refuse new pleasures the bull humped against it lightly. The tip was teasing his glans with the dexterity of a master flautist, playing his thick instrument. With a soft growl of lustful rage the bull redoubled his efforts. He was not going to be outdone by some virgin mouse. His tongue thrashed against Paul's sweet spot, beating out a beat like a crazy drummer, on speed. While his paw picked up the pace, stroking the rodents maleness as fast as he could, squeezing the tip.

It was all too much for Paul, with a squeal into his bed his body convulsed, his cock throbbing. While jets of mouse spunk stained his almost new sheets. His tail squeezed and jerked on the bull for a moment or two, before going limp as the pleasure of the orgasm washed through his body.

"Always , good to get the first one out early," chuckled the bull as he pulled his tongue out of the mouse's ass. "Helps relax you for what is to come." The horny, and horned, young bull wasn't going to let his partner just bask in the glow of his orgasm. A huge paw grabbed something he had stashed under the bed earlier, his bottle of lube. He pumped out a good pawfull, mooing loudly as he began to stroke his achingly hard cock.

He was tempted to finish himself off, but the lure of the panting mouse's ass was far too great. So he forced his paw off the thick meat and reached out to Paul. The mouse gave a soft cute squeak as two thick fingers found his stretched pucker. Ryan was a little too eager, thrusting into the exhausted mouse right to the knuckle, spinning his fingers around and finger fucking the hole. "You've used toys before, I saw the ones you have in your drawer, I'm a little bigger. But I'm sure with a little bit of a shove I can get myself inside you." Observed the bull as he leaned down to nibble on Paul's tailbase. With a little bit of teeth right above the ass he was about to take, he felt fully in control.

"Oh shit...ahhh... yes, I have," was all Paul could reply as those fingers wriggled around inside him. He'd fingered himself before, yet this was something far different. The roughness of the male was delightful, it made him feel weak and subservient and yet at the same time elated and aroused. He wanted to please Ryan, wanted to show he could be a good bitch. Inside he burned with the need to feel more inside him and as he felt those flat bovine teeth nibbling on his ass his need to submit blossomed inside him. He pushed his ass back wanton, like any slut begging for his top's cock.

The bull chuckled, knowing what the smaller male wanted and he was ready to give it. Usually he'd have worked in a third finger, but he couldn't hold himself back any longer. He lifted himself up, his knees astride the young mouse's legs, while he towered above. One paw on his cock guiding it down to the dripping pink pucker. With a groan he felt his mighty black tip kiss the pink pucker, like two lovers kept apart for far too long; they refused to be parted grinding against one another. While the two young boys lifted their voices in joint bliss.

Paul couldn't believe he was doing this, with a guy he had met only the day before. He'd expected college to open his mind and body to new experiences, but not this fast. Yet as he felt that hot musky tip push to his pucker he knew he wouldn't change a thing. He wanted this, more than that he needed it. His body was aching with the desire to be taken, to be fucked and filled. He'd always wanted to feel a male cum inside him. Everything he had been taught told him that the bull should be wearing a rubber, but he couldn't stop himself begging to be filled. His first time, he wanted to feel everything, to experience the full pleasure.

Then with a soft moo of pleasure Ryan began to thrust. The mouse's pucker clenched on instinct. However, it was like trying to stop a charging bull with a wall built of soft sand. He powered through it with a deep bellow of triumph, feeling that tight ring spread and then curl around his shaft, almost sucking him deeper. He sank his thick shaft in, inch by inch taking his time. His eyes closed as he drank in the sensations of the mouse's tight ass around his cock, the feel of Paul squirming to adjust sent little shivers of pleasure down his shaft. Ryan bit his lip as he felt the urge to just fuck down hard, knowing that would hurt his lover he fought the need for now, promising himself soon as the mouse was able he would stop holding back.

Squirming as he was impaled on the thickness Paul struggled to keep himself calm. The initial thrust stung more than he had hoped, although as it slid deeper the pain was starting to reduce. The feeling was strange, a fullness and yet with something else a hint of pleasure, a whispered promise of what was to come. All he really knew was he wanted to try more, just the one taste wasn't enough to do more than whet his appetite. It was nothing like his toys, he could feel the beat of his lover's heart inside him, the groans of pleasure and the smell of his mate above him. He was being taken, by someone who wanted to take him. There was something wonderful in the feeling of being wanted.

With a shared cry of pleasure and pain, the bull's hips pressed to the mouse's after one last buck of his hips. The full thick meat, sealed inside the tight mouse rump, Ryan gasped and leaned over Paul, his mighty paws landing on the bed for support. His powerful legs stretching out digging deep into the bed for for purchase, his massive form towering over his diminutive lover, like some might Colossus over a tiny villager.

The bull paused, letting the mouse adjust to the girth and length inside him, moaning happily as every squirm and wriggle under him drove pleasure into his cock. "Fuck... you feel good." the bull rumbled his large body pressing down smothering the tiny frame under his. His huge muzzle nuzzling into Paul's neck, delivering snuffly kisses.

"Oh... so big... I can't ...oh damn soooo good," the mouse moaned deeply not able to think properly as his body relaxed around the invading length. He pushed up against the warm bulk around him, loving the feeling of being covered and held down. He felt safe and warm, surrounded by such pure brute animal strength. "mmmore...I want more." He whispered and begged at the same time.

"Then I will give you more," groaned the bull, pulling his hips back just enough to slide his cock out an inch, then he thrust forward firmly. Their voices lifting in a duet of bliss as he set up a quick rhythm of short thrusts, resisting the urge to use his full length, not until the mouse was ready for it. Instead he rocked an inch or two in short and increasingly savage thrusts. Each one driving them both deeper into their lusts, the mouse squirming and reaching a paw under him to grab his painfully erect cock.

Ryan bucked faster and faster, while his paw slipped down under Paul, grabbing the mouse's wrist he yanked the paw out, grabbing Paul's other paw he pinned them down savagely above his head, holding them there with one giant mitt. "N...not yet...you cum...ah...when I let you," he growled dominantly into the mouse's ear. His hot breath and drool dripping down onto Paul's neck.

The mouse squealed in outrage his tail whipping around, curling around the bull's leg and pulling him. The feel of the cock inside him was no longer a mixed one, but one of pure pleasure, each thrust assaulting his prostate driving pleasurable feeling deep inside him, the pleasure blossoming forth. His cock drooling, aching and begging under him needfully. He was ready to cum and he wriggled and squirmed under the bull, fighting desperately, like a fly struggling against the giant spider that had captured it. There was no hope of winning, but his instincts drove him on, the need to cum, to feel release. The pressure inside him was already too great for him to stand, he needed to cum.

With the bucking struggling mouse firmly under control Ryan began to slow his thrusts, taking his time and using more and more of his full length. Enjoying the slow deep dicking of the whining needy bitch. He could feel every squirm, each clench and kick of a male desperate for him, desperate for his cock and his cum. It was so rare for him to fuck bareback, he wanted to savour the feeling of heat sealed around his unprotected maleness. He speared that formerly tight ass again and again. All the while, his own instincts were raging inside him, begging him to breed this cow, to fuck everything he had into her.

Inch by inch Ryan's resolve faded, his thrusting getting faster and faster. The room echoed with the slap of bull balls on mouse rump, the squeak of a desperate rodent and the grunts of a dominant bovine. As the two males lost themselves utterly to their bestial lusts, writhing, bucking and screaming in pleasure. Ryan rolled suddenly pulling Paul with him, the tiny mouse landing on his lap, still impaled as the bull bucked wildly under him. Powerful paws gripping his hips and pulling the rodent down hard into every wild thrust.

His paws freed Paul could think of nothing but his own pleasure. He grasped his cock desperately and it took just one stroke to bring him to his peak. His voice lifting up louder screaming no words, just feral sounds as his cock throbbed, jets of pearly white spunk landing on the black sea of bull in front of him. His ass spasmed and clenched around the bull's cock. Mouse tail whipping on instinct, the tip curling around to stroke over two throbbing, aching bull fruits.

Ryan bellowed like some beast in rutt, his hips slamming up with desperate speed and need. He thrust home with animalistic power, the sound of their bodies meeting somehow being heard over their voices. As inside the mouse the black length began to throb, jetting warm soothing spunk as it continued to ream his cum filled depths with each passing moment.

Paul felt the bucking bull under him slowing, as a warm feeling spread inside him. Then he felt something beginning to ooze out of his rear and he smiled. Putting a paw down onto his partner's stomach, keeping one arm up in the air, smirking to himself in the moment that he had just ridden a wild bull and kept in the saddle. His moment passing he collapsed onto the black mountain of strength, feeling arms closing around him, the afterglow of an orgasm so powerful he couldn't think, held him gently. While bull arms held the real mouse safe and close.

The mouse could think of nothing but how perfect this moment was, then he felt a bull muzzle on his ear. He moaned softly and then his eyes went wide as Ryan grumbled, "ready for round two?" He looked up in disbelief, his body trembling as he felt so weak and exhausted. Ryan smiled and winked, "we're only just getting started."

If you enjoyed this story please consider buying my first book details can be found in my https://www.sofurry.com/view/945905 journal It's a sweet romance story with some steamy chapters and some art by Edesk

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