Seeking Serendipity

Story by tygacat on SoFurry

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#23 of Lyre City

Chihi the red panda has a crush on the porn star lioness Rajani. She gets the chance to go to a convention where Rajani is signing autographs. But Chihi is a very shy woman. She must combat her shyness and fear of making a fool of herself to meet with her idol.

The lioness spread her legs wide exposing her dark brown slit for Chihi's eyes. The red panda held the magazine tight against her knee as her other hand pressed against her crotch. "Oh, Rajani," Chihi moaned to her crush. Her tongue flicked from her muzzle as she looked at those bare breasts upon the lion's chest. Chihi would give anything to run her tongue over those dark nipples. And Rajani's salacious grin with tongue poking out invited Chihi in to do just that.

Chihi moaned and pressed her fingers further up into her pussy. Chihi turned the page of the magazine with just her one hand. She pushed the page over with her fingers, lifted the magazine and fold the page over, then flipped it over so she could see the lusty images on the back side. It was a tricky maneuver, but Chihi was well practiced at it. On these next pages was a montage of Chihi's tits, pussy, and ass, as well as an interview with the lioness that Chihi knew by heart.

Chihi's heart burned with want for the tawny woman's body. Two fingers pressed against the inner walls of her treasure as her palm brushed against her clit. She flipped the magazine over to a standing view of the lion. Rajani stood looking over her shoulder at Chihi. Her tail swished to the side to show the cleft of her ass. Chihi whimpered at wanting to run her hand between those lovely cheeks. She wanted to wrap her arms about Rajani's body and squeeze her moderate breasts. Chihi's fingers did to herself what she would do to the lion's pussy should she get the opportunity.

Of course, sex wouldn't be the only thing. Her mind broke concentration for a moment. They'd probably first do dinner and a movie. Probably tacos, Rajani's favorite food and a guilty pleasure rom-com film. Chihi would try to be a gracious host. Of course she'd have to ask Rajani what Rajani wanted to do. Chihi didn't want to script out the date based entirely on one-off interviews in porn magazines. That would just be creepy. No, there would be a wide variety of things they could do. Chihi could show the lioness the sights of Lyra before taking her back to her apartment. Then a bit of wine and chatting before heading off to bed for naughty playing. Of maybe just here on the sofa.

Chihi again turned the page to more pictures of the bare nude lion. Her fingers resumed fucking herself as she again got lost in the dreams of what she'd do to that woman. The red panda rubbed and squirmed and moaned until she finally climaxed hard into her hand. Her body went limp on the sofa. The magazine clattered to the floor.

Chihi breathed heavily. She sighed as reality crept back into her mind. Her head rolled to the side and looked at the magazine. It could stay there for a while. That would be the thing's punishment for just being a magazine. For only ever teasing her with what would never be hers.


"Oh, you'll be fine," Ylva assured over the phone.

No. I really won't, Chihi thought. "I suppose," was what she said.

"Haha, you're always so dramatic," the wolf jabbed.

"Well, it's just that you said it's industry only," Chihi tried to worm her way out.

"Pfft, it's not like anyone is actually going to check. You'll be fine."

"It just seems there'll be a lot going on."

"Exactly. All the more reason you should go. You'd hate to miss all of that. And I'd hate for you miss it all on account of me," Ylva toyed with her emotions.

Chihi sighed. "I suppose I can give it a shot." She could just say now that she'd go and then later change her mind.

"Great! And while you're there could you pick up a copy of Leopard Lust 7? Madison La Croix is in it and she'll be at the con signing and she's sooooo dreamy."

"Yeah, I can do that," Chihi said. Ylva had her check and mate.

"Great. I'll be sure to get over to visit you as soon as I'm able. Love you. Ciao."

Ylva hung up. Chihi sighed as she looked at the black screen of her phone. She looked over at the badges on her nightstand. They were passes to Lyra Triple Expo, the premier adult entertainment industry trade show in the Lyra metropolitan area. The show was industry only. Not really surprising. Chihi figured that they didn't want a bunch of perverts wandering about gawking while serious business was being conducted. But fortunately for Chihi her good friend Ylva was industry.

Ylva worked with Rear Enders, a small start up toy company specializing in tail-shaped dildos. Chihi had been so excited for the trip. She would get to sit with Ylva at her table and hang out while Ylva sold her company's merch. At some point they'd wander off to explore the con and see what other naughty type funs were on display there. Afterwards Chihi would show Ylva some of Lyra's regular touristy sights. Just two good friends having a jolly time.

But no, that plan was dead now. Ylva's boss pulled their company out of the con due to some drama involving an ex, an ex of that ex, and really just a whole chain of exes. So now Ylva wouldn't be coming. But Chihi still had her badges that had been mailed to her. And Ylva insisted it would be okay if she still went. But there was still the worry someone would be bored enough to look into things, find out she wasn't technically supposed to be there, and throw her out on her ass.

But, on the other paw she did have Ylva's insistence that things would be okay. And that did count for a lot. She could go in spite of herself to force herself out of her comfort zone. Maybe she'd actually get a feel for being out amongst people. But the best reason to go was that sex idol Rajani the lioness was going to be there signing autographs.

She took a deep breath. Okay, plan time. She could just go in, get Ylva the autograph from La Croix, get her own autograph from Rajani, and high tail it out of there. If she felt that she could stick around for more, she would. She may as well get one for herself from La Croix as well. Ylva was right about that much at least; La Croix was very dreamy. Ooh, if she did La Croix first she could warm up a bit before meeting Rajani. A bit of practice might be just the ticket. She took the plan to the next logical step. She could spend the whole first part of the con running around collecting autographs. Not even from people she knew or liked so if she made an arse of herself it wouldn't matter. When it was time to meet La Croix and Rajani she'd be much more use to talking to porn stars, and that would vastly improve her chances of hitting it off. She might even end up with both sexy women in her bed that night.

She vibrated with excitement at the prospect. She had to talked herself down a bit. Of course it wouldn't go that far. But it'd make Ylva so jealous if it did. Regardless, she now had a damn good plan. Next week could not come soon enough.


It had been many years since Chihi had been to the East Lyra Convention Center. It had always had a reputation of being a run down, third rate venue. Especially compared to the monstrosity that was the West Lyra Convention center downtown. But the ELCC had undergone a fair few renovations over the past years, and was now a shiny little gem on the east side of town. It's smaller size and probably cheaper rates made it the perfect venue for this convention.

Chihi made it into the convention without issue. Her fears of getting taken to a small grey room and interrogated for hours proved baseless. She walked into the exposition hall to get her first look at the hall full of erotic goodies. Furries walked about pushing through the aisles of stalls. There were far more people than Chihi had hoped there would be. So many people to witness Chihi looking over aforementioned erotic goodies.

Chihi took a deep breath. Remember, she told herself, they are here to look at all of this stuff as well. They didn't come here specifically to ridicule you. Besides, a bigger crowd makes it better. You become just another face in the crowd.

Her mental pep talk raised her courage enough to venture into the fray. She started working her way down the first aisle of the con. The aisle was tight with people heading both directions as well as the people standing up against the tables talking with the stall workers. Chihi feared making the faux pas of stepping on someone's tail. And the red panda had to be quite mindful of her own. The giant liability hanging off her butt could get stepped on or knock some valuable merchandise to the ground. Chihi's ears flicked with the tidbits of conversation she picked up from the booths. People discussed materials and quality of toys. Others gossiped about their clients. More laughed and joked about some things they had seen. It was all so much.

Chihi rounded the aisle and started down the next. Big colorful dildos adorned shelves on the back of stands, many far larger than she could even imagine fitting inside herself. A fair few had to be just for novelty. Her eyes glanced over the light bondage gear on the front of one table. Ropes and handcuffs might be fun to try with some partner sometime. Chihi imagined a certain lioness with hands cuffed behind her back. Chihi almost stopped at the table, but she heard, "yeah, I'm not into that baby stuff anymore" from one of the table's clients. She kept moving.

Even for a rain-forest type species, the heat and humidity of the dense aisle made her uncomfortable. And her mind had started paying attention to the smells of the con. Many of the denizens wore perfumes or colognes, and these smells merged with the smell of sweat. Several aromas wafted from tables selling fragrances, scented candles, scented oils. All these smells mixed in a cacophony of odors. Chihi was beginning to feel nauseous from all of it.

She reached the end of the aisle and the last stall caught her eye. A large spotted cat woman stood in her bare fur on a table. Her paw clenched around a brass pole, as that was apparently what was being sold here. The woman was a leopard or jaguar; Chihi couldn't tell if her rosettes had spots or not, and Chihi wouldn't have remembered which was which anyway. The cat twisted, flicking her tail and showing her bare butt to the crowd. Chihi's mind wandered off with this spotted gem of a woman.

"Yow!" she shouted. People turned to look at her. Some rabbit guy had brought his foot down hard on Chihi's tail.

"Keep moving," was all he told her as he pushed past.

Damn it, she thought as she rubbed her sore tail. The furs who had looked to see the commotion returned to what they were doing. Chihi chastised herself for forgetting. All the years of dealing with this thing and she still forgot to reign it in. Just keep moving, she told herself.

In the next aisle she found Fourteenth Hour Productions. This was where both Rajani and La Croix would be signing autographs later. Chihi looked over the many sexy DVD's lining the table. She may have to pick out a few of those later as well. But first to see what time the signings would be. La Croix would be at 1:30, and Rajani at 3. Saturday and Sunday, respectively. Fuck, she thought. Duh, the thing was three days long. She probably could have looked it up online to see when they'd be here and not made this mistake.

Well, now what? She let her eyes fall to the table and the many disks thereupon. Certainly a good selection to choose from. She'd buy them all if she didn't mind looking like a complete pervert. It was hard enough to make herself look perverted enough to buy a single one. Her attention fell to Volcano Vixens Five. That looked like it could keep her busy this evening.

There were a few clerks at the table. The cute wallaby clerk caught Chihi's eye. The wallaby was happily jesting with a few of the other customers. She might be a decent candidate for Chihi's small talk practice. They might talk about the weather or food or hobbies or whatever it was that people did talk about in small talk. What would make for good small talk here? Would talking about sex be an amateur faux pas? Or would not talking about sex out her as a mundane? The many possibilities lay before her rife with challenges. This was a bad plan. Chihi slipped away from the table.

She needed a break. Chihi headed off toward the concession stand for an expensive swill beer, a hot dog, and some nachos. As she ate her lunch she looked over the schedule of panels for the convention. Many of the panels seemed intriguing. Bondage and Safety, Assisting Shy Clients, Brass Pole Demonstration were titles that caught Chihi's eyes. They probably wouldn't be very sexy, keeping things professional and all. But they still might be interesting to wallflower in. But whatever, she knew she wouldn't actually bother going to any of them. She sighed at herself.

Chihi finished her lunch and headed back to the floor. She decided it was time to put plan A into action. Find some actor doing some signing and get some practice. There were many stalls of a wide variety of adult media: film, books, magazines, graphic novels, and more. Almost every one seemed to have someone doing a signing of some kind. It seemed a bit strange to her given the alleged professional nature of the convention. Maybe fellow porn stars still wanted to recognize one another's work? Or there were many people like her, not in the industry but got in by virtue of knowing someone. Or maybe people managed to weasel their way in despite not being in industry. How scrutinous could they be in selling passes?

Regardless, Chihi was spoilt for choice. She should at least get something she could get off to later. She perused the stalls trying to make up her mind. She'd pass on the writing and drawing; why imagine sex when she could watch the real thing? She didn't like super kinky play. She didn't want to watch tentacle based sex. That video looked promising but starred a ferret, and they did nothing for her. It was weird a weird quirk of hers. Otters, stoats, polecats, marmots, and martens were all smokin' hot. But ferrets? Nothing. Anyway, she moved on. That movie there likely had more oral than she cared for. That one probably took its plot too seriously. This squik, that ick, and that just plain no.

Chihi stepped out of the crowd. Well, this was going nowhere. And even if she did find something she'd then have to stand in line obstructing traffic in the narrow aisle and get her tail stepped on more. It wouldn't be worth it. Chihi sighed at herself. She should at least try to get something even if she didn't have it signed so the trip wouldn't be a complete bust. Chihi headed back to Fourteenth Hour as the Volcano Vixens had stuck in her mind. At least the crowd about the table had dwindled.

"Hi, may I help you find anything?" the friendly wallaby made her presence known.

"Um, uh, no, just browsing, thanks," Chihi stammered.

"Okay, let me know if you're curious about anything." The wallaby stepped off to talk to another patron.

No, Chihi thought. She turned and walked away. She wasn't doing this. She was going to go home, microwave a TV. dinner, and head to bed very early. This had been a lousy day. She'd figure out tomorrow when it go here.

A pang of guilt hit her as she neared the doors. Guilt at herself for not doing anything for her. Coming all this way, being in this fun and interesting place, and thumping off home without doing a single thing. Did she really want to be that girl? She let the spirits on her shoulders debate the topic for a bit. She resolved herself. She'd go back, survive the wallaby, buy the movie, and the day would be a roaring success.

"Welcome back," the wallaby smiled. Crap, the wallaby recognized her. "Anything in particular catching your eye?"

"Hi, um, yes," Chihi swallowed. "Um, Volcano Vixens Five looks intriguing,"

"That is a good one," the wallaby picked up a copy from the table. "Fan of the series?"

"No. I mean I haven't seen the others. I just like ladies. And foxes. And alliteration."

The wallaby snorted a laugh. "Heh! You know, Jessie Jillian who's in this will be signing autographs tomorrow." She added the last with a sing-song tone.

"Oh, is she the star?" Chihi asked. Plan A might not be dead yet.

"Heh, nah, she's just a spare butt in the film. It is a very nice butt though. I think she's got a bright future, but she could use some encouragement. So if you've got time to swing by around three tomorrow it'd be great."

"I might be able to manage to come by." Money was exchanged for the goods in question.

"That'd be great!" The wallaby cheered. "So, Rear-Enders? You guys make butt plugs or something?"

"Huh?" Chihi was confused for the moment until she remembered the badge that she wore with her booth name on it. "Oh, um, tail-shaped dildos, actually."

"Hah, nice. That's a neat idea. Where's your booth at? I might have to check these out."

Oh, crap, Chihi was going to have to out herself now, "Oh, um, actually they pulled out. I mean, I'm not with the company. My friend invited me along, but they ended up not being able to come last minute. I mean, my friend said I could still go here. I hope it doesn't get me in trouble."

"Oh, well, um, I think I might have to call the police on you," the wallaby said. Chihi worried for a moment that she wasn't joking. "Nah, I'm messing with you. I'm sure you're on the level. Though what you said is strange."

"What about it?" Chihi asked, concerned.

"Well, usually guys pull out when they are going to come, not when they can't." Chihi wasn't following. "Pull out? Come? Get it?"

"Oh, sorry, heh, yes, it's funny," Chihi was not selling herself on having a sense of humor right now.

"You don't need to patronize me," the wallaby stuck her tongue out. "So, this your first time to one of these conventions?"

"Yes," Chihi said. Her ears were low from wanting to sulk off her obvious amateurishness. "My friend was going to show me around, and I was really hoping she would. But now I'm kind of stuck here on my own. I mean, it's neat and all. I just wish I had someone to share it with."

"Ah, I know that feel. Tell you what. Hop back here and give me a hand for a bit. You can earn that dealer badge and I'll show you a few things later."

Suddenly in a dream, Chihi worked her way behind the table.


Chihi eagerly helped Keala behind her table. This ended up consisting of sitting on a folding chair and occasionally grabbing something from a plastic bin. There were a few questions asked of her which she directed to Keala or one of the others working the booth. Except of course for the customer who asked her things about Swamp Servals Four. She didn't need any help fielding that one. It was pretty much her favorite porno that didn't have Rajani in it.

Keala and Chihi were relieved of duty when Keala's business partner and wife Sally returned from her own explorations of the con. "Already picked up a stray?" The fennec fox teased her wallaby.

"Only one so far! I'm doing good!"

"Heh, I suppose. But you can't keep her."

"Aww," Keala moaned.

Keala dragged Chihi into the crowd. It was pretty late in the day, so things would be closing soon. But they still had enough time for a bit of fun. Chihi discovered that, at least in the wallaby's case, working with sex stuff all day every day did not make you mature about the topic. Keala bopped Chihi's head with dildos. They rubbed silver bullet vibes on on one another's faces. The two mocked things that were downright impractical. This was the sort of fun Chihi had been hoping to have with Ylva.

They also looked over stands that were for the practical side of the business: business tracking software, limousine services, cameras. It turned out Keala was a huge camera nerd. One of the last things they encountered was one of those knife demo booths. One of the ones that sold things that could allegedly carve automobiles like pumpkins. What those were doing at a sex con, Chihi couldn't imagine. The company probably blanket applied to every event they could. Though Keala suggested that after a few kitchen uses the knives would be so dull they could safely be used as dildos. The demoer overheard and gave them the darkest look Chihi had ever gotten in her life. The two women laughed it off and went to play with some vibrating butt plugs a few stalls down.

Chihi still didn't quite have the confidence to purchase a sex toy while in the company of someone who knew her name. Even if that someone was themselves getting 'the variety pack' at half a dozen stalls. "This is of course for business use," the wallaby clarified with each purchase. "This is serious convention times. Research purposes only. Not for my own sexual fun, no not at all." Chihi did have a few fantasies though about playing with some of those toys with a certain lioness.

They returned to the Fourteenth Hour booth as it was time to close up shop for the night. Chihi helped the two ladies organize and stow stuff away. After everything was secured the three ladies headed off to a local pub for some good beer and better burgers. Hunger and thirst quenched they returned to the convention center to catch a brass pole demonstration put on by a manufacturer. They were going purely for business interests, the two married women continued to insist.

The show was very much an actual pole dancing show with buck naked ladies. There was a lithe cheetah, a nice plump black bear, and an opossum who could do such things with her tail. And even the jaguar woman from earlier was there to put on a show. And she was a jaguar, the announcer said so. Watching that powerful big cat rub herself over the pole had Chihi's paw straying towards her crotch. Keala gently took hold of Chihi's wrist, "You'll have to save that for later."

Chihi's ears went down as she sulked. "Sorry," she whispered.

"No biggie. You're far from the first."

At the end of the show, Keala pushed Chihi up to the stage to meet the jaguar that had caught her attention. Chihi stammered through a conversation with the still very much naked Danja. She partly wanted to hit on Danja, just to see where it would go. But no amount of confidence gained today could push her over that hurdle. Thankfully Sally saved her. The fennec did this by stepping up and hitting on Danja herself. And the jaguar was very receptive to the fennec's advances. Together the four women left the convention center bound for Keala and Sally's hotel room, with a quick stop for ice cream on the way.

Chihi couldn't believe that she hadn't run away back to her own apartment and buried herself in her bed until her landlord forcibly evicted her. But no, she stayed. She took all of her clothes off and was completely naked with a naked wallaby and a naked fennec and a naked jaguar. She got to touch all three of their pussies and all six of their boobs. And each of them touched her. Keala got them all to play with some of the toys she had gotten that day. Chihi didn't know how many times she came during that. The three other ladies then tag-teamed the red panda. Danja sucked at her tits while Keala drank from her cunt. And Sally licked her ass. The only way it could be better was if-- no, actually it couldn't be better than just the four of them.


The next morning Chihi woke on the bed in Keala and Sally's hotel room. Well, it was actually the next afternoon she realized on checking her phone. But she was still too giddy from all of the sex to care. The other women had already left as they needed to be back at the con to their respective duties. Chihi hummed to herself as she took the elevator down to the lobby. She strolled back to the convention center, only stopping to buy a muffin and coffee for a late breakfast.

"Hello, Keala, Sally," she sang as she reached the Fourteenth Hour booth.

"Heh, sleep well?" the fennec asked of her.


"We can tell. You slept through La Croix's signing," Keala said. "Weren't you going to get her autograph for a friend or something?"

Chihi's face tightened. "Oh, no," she'd forgotten all about it. "Is she still in the area?"

"No, long gone. Guess you're a terrible friend," the wallaby said. Chihi looked at her. She had to be joking. Please, say you are joking.

"She's fucking with you," Sally called.

Keala dropped her poker face "Nah, I've got your back," she pulled two signed copies of Leopard Sluts Seven, one to Chihi, and one to Chihi's Friend. "You may have to explain that one a bit, though," Keala advised.

Chihi nodded. At least it was something? "Thanks."

"Least I could do given I'm the one who completely wore you out last night."

"Um, Danja and I helped," Sally protested.

"True. You share the blame," Keala grinned at Chihi and then to her wife. "Anyway, you still can catch Jessie. She'll be here in a few to start her signing. You have your copy of Volcano Vixens, right?"

Chihi's eyes widened again, "Oh, no, I left it in your room." She looked toward the door. "Do you think I have time to run back and get it?"

"I don't know. Maybe if you hurry?" Keala said concerned.

"She's fucking with you again," Sally warned.


Keala's game was up. "Chihi, dear, who sold you that DVD?"

"You did."

"And where did you leave it?"

"Your room."

"So don't you think I can give you another copy and get the other when I get back to the room tonight?"

"Um, maybe?"

Keala picked up a copy of Volcano Vixens Five and pushed it into Chihi's arms. "Yours now."

"Thank you," Chihi whispered, ears drooping.

Keala patted her head, "You're so cute when you're embarrassed. Don't worry, I'll tell you about Sally's trip to the water park last year."

"Only if I can tell her about your debate with the vending machine last week," Sally interjected.

"I'm fine with that. I can take what I dish out," Keala stood her ground.

Soon the fox Jeane arrived. She was even more nervous than Chihi had been. Chihi was the first to get the vixen's autograph. Not that there was any competition. Very few people came by for the newbie woman's half hour. But that was fine by Chihi as Jeane proved much fun to talk with. She even followed the world curling league as well. Chihi didn't even imagine the players of the game did that. Jeane headed out when her bit was done, but not without giving Chihi her phone number first.

"Eeeeeee!" Chihi bounced.

"You two really hit it off!" Keala congratulated.

"I chatted up a porn star!"

"Extra," Sally corrected.

"Oh, whatever," Chihi remarked. "Makes me feel so much more confident for Rajani tomorrow!"

Both other women stopped what they were doing. "You're here for Rajani?" Keala asked carefully.

Oh, no, here it comes. Some weird crap about why the newbie shouldn't try chatting with the big famous star. "Well, no. I mean not only for Rajani. I mean, I am a fan of her and Ylva telling me she was going to be signing here helped convince me to come. I don't want to fangirl all over her. Just a quick 'Hi, I like your work, could you please sign this.'"

Keala relaxed a bit. "Oh, okay, that's good." Sally went back to helping customers.

"Maybe make a little small talk if time permits."

The wallaby sucked air through her teeth, "Probably not a good idea there. Look, I'd recommend getting your autograph and heading off to wander the con the rest of the time she's here. You really don't want to try to chat her up."

Chihi bristled, "Look, I get it, you think I'm just some dumb fan who'll make an ass of herself over reaching. I know it's risky. I just want to see where things go, which, yeah, probably won't be anywhere."

Keala sighed. "It's not that. Here, I know you're very happy with yourself for everything that happened yesterday. You are feeling confident enough that you could conquer anything. But it's like you went swimming for the first time, didn't drown, and now you want to go dive into a volcano. It has nothing to do with how good you are at that point. It's lava that will boil you up."

"What?" Chihi shook her head.

"Sorry, what I'm trying to say is Rajani isn't exactly 'chat up casually' type material. It's not that she's not nice. She just doesn't have a lot of patience for fans. And as soon as you've established yourself as that she'll write you off. And then you'll be all sad and upset that things didn't work out. She's just one of those heroes you shouldn't meet."

Chihi wasn't buying it. "I'm going to go off and look at some things. I'll think about it." She wasn't in the mood to have her parade rained on. She walked off and made certain not to look back at the glances the married pair were certainly exchanging.

Chihi took a much more serious interest in the booths that afternoon. She walked about picking up business cards and fliers and various other advertising merchandise. She got pens, fridge magnets, staple removers, bumper stickers, penis-shaped pens, beer coozies, and all the what-have-you. Most of this stuff she'd never use, but some of it had drawings of naked women on it.

She went to a few demonstration panels. She watched sexy ladies stick various toys in their cunnies and assholes. She saw a different pole dancing show from a different pole company. She sat through an improv comedy thing that had lots of racy material. She didn't need Keala or Ylva or Sally or whomever to have a good fun time. She'd do fine chatting with Rajani without them.

A pang of fear struck Chihi. Rajani was signing at the Fourteenth Hour booth. She worked with Keala and Sally. They might warn her that Chihi was going to come talk to her.

No, you know what? It'd be better if they did warn her that Chihi was some crazed fan. That way when she came by and acted like a normal, regular person Rajani would think the other ladies were crazy. That would make Rajani curious about Chihi and maybe even want to get to know her more. One thing could even lead to another and she could get all the sex she wanted!

Chihi shook her head. She tried to ground herself. As much fun as it was to fantasize, she had to be realistic lest she end up the crazed fan Keala feared her to be. Say, 'hi' and, 'I like your work' and 'I hope the con is treating you well' then wander off. Maybe swing back by the booth later before the end of the signing and be like, 'Oh, hello again, Rajani. I'm just coming back to hang out with these two lovely ladies. How has everything been going? Oh, lovely, well I don't want to keep you. What's that? You wouldn't mind a bit of a chat?' It would never happen like that, but it would be so great if it did! She'd get to meet her idol, chat with her, and the condescending women would be two inches tall.

Chihi dreamt of all of this as she wandered back toward the main convention hall. The dealing stuff would be wrapping up soon, but there still might be a thing or two she could grab. "Rajani tomorrow, Rajani tomorrow," she overheard a rabbit nearby singing to her companion.

Yay, a fellow fan! Chihi couldn't help but jump at the chance, "I know! I'm so looking forward to meeting her!" The rabbit stopped a bit. "I mean, meeting her insofar as getting a DVD cover signed," she giggled.

"She's sooooo sexy," the rabbit bounced. Said rabbit was a nice plump little grey rabbit. She also clearly wasn't wearing a bra given the way her large breasts bounced beneath her t-shirt.

"Great, another one," the rabbit's skunk companion rolled her eyes.

"We have better taste than you," the rabbit stuck her tongue out at the skunk.

"She's sexy, yes, but I've heard through the grapevine that her personality leaves a lot to be desired," the skunk stated, slightly echoing what Keala had warned of. The twinge of guilt entered Chihi's head.

The rabbit helped rationalize that guilt away. "Well, yes, I've heard those rumors, too. But even if they're true I've still worked with hell of a lot worse," she replied.

"Well so have I," the skunk conceded, "but 'only sort of an asshole' still isn't a great character trait." There was that twinge again.

The rabbit conceded that point in turn, "True, but I'm only going to get her fecking autograph. I'm not going to be like, 'Hello, Rajani, love your work, make it out to Bonnie. Also, mind if I lick your cunt here and now?'"

"As much as I'd like to," Chihi jumped in with a boisterous laugh.

"I know, right?" Bonnie giggled.

The skunk mimed gagging.

"By the way, I'm Bonnie, " the rabbit held out her hand. "And this spoil-sport is Tanya."

"I'm Chihi," Chihi gave her name with a big grin on her face.

"Charmed," Tanya shook her hand as well.

"Now, I'll warn you, I have been told I can be a bit forward when meeting new people so I hope I don't cross any lines," Bonnie said.

"Oh, no, it's fine," Chihi didn't want to be a sourpuss.

"Great! Want to go to an orgy?"


Chihi agreed to go to said orgy. Some small voice in her head opposed idea, but the 'I'm a confident sex-haver now' part silenced that. But as they made their way toward this orgy party the 'this isn't you' voice became louder and the 'I'm a confident sex haver' started to become 'I want an adult.'

These apprehensions simmered down a bit as they stopped at O'Daffy's for some fast food. The fears returned in double when Tanya got a phone call asking if they could swing by the hardware store for duct tape, sandpaper, and a level. They tripled when Bonnie suggested they stop by the supermarket for supplies. These supplies included oblong vegetables, spray whipped cream, and granola cereal. Though curiosity on that last one helped calm her nerves a little.

But after all those minor errands they were bound for the party proper. And Chihi had two subway trains, a bus, and a taxi to stew over what she had gotten herself into. The party was at a big posh house on the far west side of town. It was no secret where this was being held. They reached the small mansion with lots of loud music, colored lights flashing, and furs clearly fucking in the windows.

"Um, won't the neighbors complain about this?" Chihi could see the police coming by in the very near future.

"Oh, they wouldn't dare," Bonnie said with a tone in her voice that suggested that they really really wouldn't. Her tone dropped back to cheery and pleasant, "Come on, let's join the fun."

Chihi was trying to keep from hyperventilating. Come on, she told herself, it's just sex. She'd seen hundreds of people have it online. She'd even partaken of it herself on occasion. She could do this.

"Come on!" Bonnie shouted to her from the front porch. "You'll be fine!"

Yes, come on Chihi. Not the time to be a prude. She stepped forward into the home.

Inside the house there were many, many furs. Far more than the fire department should allow for this building. All naked. All engaged in sex of some kind. Bonnie spoke up, "This is kind of a free for all area. Back yard has a pool and a hot tub. Also we have a cornhole setup, which I know sounds dirty but it's actually just that bean bag game. We tried horseshoes one year and wow that was a bad idea. Upstairs is for more intimate sexual encounters. I might have to drag your cute self up there later myself," Bonnie giggled.

"Yeah," Chihi fake giggled back. She was so nauseous.

"Basement has this nice mancave type setup. We've got a nice and sturdy pool table to fuck on," Tanya added.

"Uh, huh," Chihi was at the smile and nod phase. Well, she was getting the nodding part down.

"Only thing," Bonnie said, "It's a bit of a no clothes allowed type party. You can hang them up in that closet there, it's huge. Don't worry, no one will bother them. They all know better than that." The last sentence was said in the same tone as the 'they wouldn't dare' from a minute ago. But Chihi was too worried about having to get naked to wonder what Bonnie meant by that.

She snapped. "Um, you know, I think I forgot to pick up my coffee maker and I left my dry cleaning running and - Bye." She turned and pushed out the door. Dammit, they'd all think her some dumb prude who couldn't handle herself. But why not? That's what she was. As much as she tried to put on airs, that's what she was. She'd never be anything more. Tears ran down the crimson fur of her cheeks. She'd call a taxi to take her home.

But first she had to make another phone call. The phone rang and rang and then, "You have reached the voicemail of Keala Cardigan. Please leave a message after the tone," Chihi hung up. Of course. Keala was probably busy with con stuff. Or ignoring her calls. She tried again. It rang four times again, then voicemail. She sighed. One last try.

Nothing. No answer. Oh, well, she'd be able to talk to Keala tomorrow. If Chihi could bring herself to return to the con.

"Hey, Chihi," Bonnie yelled from the porch.

"I'm sorry," Chihi turned and called back. "I really don't think this is for me."

"No, no, I understand. But does the person you're trying to call have a Happy Foxes theme ring tone?"


"Well, that was ringing in the closet here exactly as I saw you making your calls," the rabbit explained.

Chihi couldn't hope for it, "Wait, is there a wallaby and fennec fox married couple here tonight? Both women?"

"Oh, yes. Well, there's three, actually. You'll have to be more specific."


Bonnie and Tanya merrily escorted Chihi to the backyard where Keala soaked in the hot tub. Chihi still had to engage in the required nudity, but it was much easier to strip down now that she didn't feel so alone.

"Chihi? Oh, wow, what are the odds!" Keala was smiling.

"That you both got invited to one of Bonnie's parties?" Tanya said. "Somewhere around a hundred percent."

"Shut up," Bonnie said.

"Come on, Bonnie, we need to go fix whatever mess we needed this crap for," Tanya indicated the hardware store bag.

"Oh, fuck, yes," Bonnie agreed. "At least nothing's burned down yet."

The two ladies scampered off. Chihi settled down into the bubbling hot water next to Keala. Tears streaked through the dark red fur beneath her eyes. "I, I'm sorry, Keala. I was an ass earlier. I'm new to all of this sex stuff. At least on this level," she indicated the crowd before them. "I should know you know more about these things than me and trust your judgment."

Keala put her hand on Chihi's shoulder. "I understand. It happens to all of us. I'll let Sally tell you about me and Mr. Fingers sometime."

Chihi giggled. "Thanks. It means a lot to hear you say that."

"Yeah. I'm sorry, too. I know what it's like to be infatuated with someone like Rajani. You can stick around our booth while she's there. I'll give you a few pointers to help you not make an ass of yourself."

"Thank you, I'd appreciate it."

Keala leaned in and kissed Chihi's cheek. Chihi put her hand to her cheek. That was the best thing to happen to her this week. Well, it was the best thing until Keala put an arm around her and pulled her in for a deep loving kiss on the lips. Much happier tears now streaked through the red panda's cheeks.

"Oh, hey, Chihi!" Sally said from behind them. "I'm glad you're here."

"Yeah, I'm sorry I made an ass earlier I,"

Sally interrupted, "Don't worry about it. I'll tell you about Keala and Mr. Fingers some time." She rubbed the fennec's head. "Anyway, Danja and I are going to go set up the croquet set. Bonnie got granola!"

"Woohoo!" Keala cheered.

The next day shortly before three o'clock Keala started giving Chihi the pointers. "Okay, so the thing about Rajani is that while she may seem cold and callous it really stems from a bit of stand-offish-ness. She had some bad experiences with fans early in her career so she's quite wary of new people. It takes her a while to warm up to anyone, but as long as you aren't too in her face you'll be fine." Chihi nodded. "Well, here she comes!"

Chihi turned and saw the lioness. Her body froze with fear and admiration. The big cat was being escorted through a sea of clamoring fans by a small group of convention security. The lioness was paying no heed to any of the mass of people screaming the things they wanted to do to her. Chihi commanded herself repeatedly to not screw this up.

The lion reached the bench. She was so imposing. One wrong word and the big cat would eat her. And not in the fun way.

"Hello, Rajani, I hope your trip went well," Keala said.

"It was fine. No major issues, anyway," The cat sat at the table space provided for her signing. The staff of the convention hall herded everyone into a line for the autographing. Chihi did not envy their jobs.

"Before you get started, Rajani," Keala said. "If you'd be so kind, this is Chihi. She's a bit of a fan of yours." Chihi waved. The lioness was less than impressed.

"She's Keala's favorite stray of the con," Sally piped up.

"My only stray this con!"

"Yeah. And I think I'll let her keep this one," Sally replied back. Chihi was too dumbfounded to consider whether she should be insulted by this.

"Well, that is high praise," Rajani smirked a little.

"Anyway," Keala stepped away.

Chihi felt thrown to the lions. But it was her time to shine. "Um, hi, yes. I'm Chihi. I do quite enjoy your work. It's a pleasure to meet you." Chihi held out the copy of "Sex on the Savannah," Rajani's latest film. Chihi had to be quite insistent with Keala that she be allowed to pay for the copy.

Rajani reached out and took the DVD box. "Chihi, was it?"


Rajani signed the thing in a flourish. She handed it back. The lioness headed toward the chair but then turned back, "Are you busy right now, Chihi?"

"Um, no, not really."

"Would you mind running and grabbing me a sparkling water from somewhere? I'd really like something to drink during this besides the regular bottled tap water."

"Um, sure," Chihi decided to comply with the request.

Chihi retrieved the water as requested. The lion said "thank you" without looking up from the case she was currently signing. She requested a few more odd favors from Chihi with the same mechanical certainty of their completion. In between the errands Chihi helped the clerks at the booth sell their wares. Rajani kept to her signing. "Hello. To whom do I make it out?" She'd add a simple "Thank you," to anyone who said they liked her work and a deafening silence to anyone who said more. A few patrons had to be escorted away by security when they thought they could get more than a signature.

Chihi could see from those latter why Rajani kept to her mechanical personality during the event. But still, it felt a bit degrading to be the errand girl for the day. It may have been more than many in the line had dreamt of. It was more than she could have truly expected at the beginning of the weekend. All together it became a weird mix of exciting and disappointing that had Chihi staying close by Keala and Sally for safety.

When the lion had finished signing for everyone, Rajani stood and thanked Keala and Sally and the other staff for their hard work. "I must be going. I am meeting a friend for dinner along the river tonight."

"Do take care and have a good meal," Keala said.

"And thank you for coming and doing the signing," Sally replied.

"It wasn't too much trouble for once." Rajani glanced over at Chihi, "You should keep this one on if possible. She does good work."

"Thank you," Chihi stated.

"Well, I am off. Good night to you all."

"Good night," they all called to the lioness as she headed off with her security escort.

The employees of Fourteenth Hour sighed and slumped down in relief.

"Well, that was Rajani," Keala told Chihi.

"Yeah, I see what you meant," she said back, still not knowing how to feel about what happened.

"Honestly though," Sally said, "if it had went any better we would have had to assume she'd been replaced by a pod person."

"I know I'm making excuses for her," Keala said, "but she really is much better in private when you've gotten to know her."

"I understand," Chihi replied. "I just don't know how to feel about it all."

"Well," Keala replied, "like you said, Rajani wasn't your only reason for coming to the con."

Chihi turned and smiled at Keala. Sally stepped over and slipped an arm about her wife's waist. "Very true," Chihi said to them. She almost couldn't wait to call Ylva and tell her all the things she had done. But it would have to wait a while. She looked over the embracing couple smiling back at her. The con may be over, but there were still a couple of things to do that night.