Road Rovers: Where are they now?

Story by Nightbear on SoFurry

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#1 of Road Rovers

Cover art by an amazing artists

The Road Rovers Once a children's show that was eventually canceled because of complaints the show only lasted 13 episodes. 19 years later the idea of the show still lives on in the hearts of fans everywhere makes me happy but I've only seen a few fans after the show was canceled but you know nobody took the time to wonder what happened to the cast.

Looking back I was only like in my twenties when the show was cancelled to be honest the show was my first taste of the acting in the world and my last. We waited for a long time for someone to try and reprise the show nobody ever did so my show was gone, just abandon left alone, never to be spoken of again. As for me and my friends we all went our separate ways a lot of people ask how's my relationship with Colleen going and trust me it's annoying people make it seem like they never heard of acting before the relationship between me and Colleen was just actors on the show but that's it to be honest I really can't stand her. But don't think that I can get along with anybody on the show my friends Exile and Blitz they stuck by me when the show is cancelled they are good friends.

Starbucks employee: Hey Hunter

Hunter: S'up

Starbucks employee: How's your....

Hunter: We've been over this it's not funny even as a joke.

Starbucks employee: Sorry so what would it be?

Hunter: 2 coffees one hot and one ice.

Starbucks employee: Sure thing.

My name is Hunter I am 39 years old I was the main hero on the show loved by a lot of people now I'm barely recognizable.

Hunter: Hey guys I'm home.

Exile & Blitz: Hey Hunter.

These are my roommates also my fellow co-stars from the show.

The blue husky is Exile a Russian Siberian Husky in his early 40's , he tends to often work out he doesn't really work sometimes he'll get menial jobs if we're in a tight spot but other than that he can be pretty lazy.

The Doberman is Blitz a German Doberman Pinscher who sounds like a young Arnold Schwarzenegger, he's only a year younger than Exile he can be a little egotistical considering the fact that he makes his own workout videos and that he's a personal trainer.

These two have been staying at my house for as long as I can remember which is 17 years but honestly I can't imagine living without them now.

Exile: Did you get my ice coffee?

Hunter: Yup.

Exile: Thank you comrade.

Blitz: So you're heading out to work?

Hunter: Yeah I'll be back soon okay trying to kill each other before I get back home.

Exile and Blitz: No promises.

Hunter: *chuckles*

After Hunter leaves...

Exile: He always was cute when he laughed.

Blitz: So you gonna make your move?

Exile: Shut up.

Blitz: I'm serious you've liked him since the show was cancelled 19 years ago and you still haven't made a move.

Exile: That's not entirely true.

Blitz: Oh?

Exile: It was back in 1998....

Flash back

Director: Great job today rovers.

Hunter: Alright another successful day!

Exile: Hey comrade.

Hunter: Oh hey Exile

Exile: You got any any plans tonight?

Hunter: No why you had something in mind?

Exile: Well you can come over to my place.

Hunter: Sure thing sounds good.

Exile: Great see you at seven. ( and then I'm going to tell you how I really feel)

We drunk had a few laughs we talked about what we did before we were on the show we really hit it off and when we did I was ready to let out my Icebreaker.

Hunter: I'm not going to lie that's pretty funny dude.

Exile: You should have seen his face not pretty.

Hunter: You know I'm glad you invited me over I never realized it but you don't have a lot in common dude.

Exile: Yeah I feel a real connection to

At that moment I was ready to lean in for a kiss.

Hunter: Um are you okay dude?

Exile: Uh oh um yes don't worry about me...

(Alright that's it enough stalling time to make my move)

So Hunter I was wondering do you like anyone?

Hunter: Like who?

Exile: *snicker* Colleen?

Hunter: That's not funny even as a joke you know as well as anyone else that our relationship is completely professional.

Exile: I know that but be serious do you?

Hunter: No not really honestly I can't think who even likes me. Do you like somebody?

Exile: Uh no I can't think of anybody either to be honest I don't even know what I like?

Hunter: Wait you're queer?

Exile: I honestly prefer confused.

Hunter: Sorry buddy.

Exile: It's all right it's just I've experienced only one side and I want to experience the other.

Hunter: As in?

Exile: I... want to... fuck a guy.

Hunter: Wow... is that why you asked me too....


Hunter: Ha I know I was kidding.

Exile: But... just out of curiosity would you help me?

Hunter: Oh well sure why not I mean YOLO right?

Exile: I have no idea what that means but Da.

Hunter: So here or in your room?

Exile: My room.

After that we entered my room I started to strip.

Exile: You are sure you cool about this?

Hunter: Yeah it's just an experiment most guys do it why not?

I saw him naked for the first time he had

a beautiful 7 inch.

Exile: Impressive.

Hunter: Thanks, your turn.

Exile: *takes off his boxers* What do you think?

Hunter: Man how big are you?

Exile: 9 inches

Hunter: Dude that's pretty impressive so what now?

Exile: You can start sucking me off.

He blushed for a minute then he started licking my cock, it felt amazing to have it call Michael I feel like the luckiest dog alive I started moaning, and everything just got better when he started sucking it, feeling his wet saliva my cock I felt myself leaking so hard, kept sucking it going faster I started face fucking him and as I repeatedly shoving my cock into his mouth finally let out my load into him.


Hunter drank all my semen painted heavily.

Exile: Nice job comrade.

Hunter: Thanks buddy.

Exile: So we can stop here if you want I'm pretty sure I am too big for you.

Hunter: No it's fine I can take it.

Exile: Well it's just the neighbors they complain if I make too much noise and I can't guarantee you won't scream.

Hunter: Yeah I can't guarantee that either.

Exile: Well we can do it if you're willing to try something.

Hunter: Ahh.... Sure?

After I went to go get a ball gag from my drawer Hunter seems surprisingly okay with it so he put it on and we decidedly we should take it to the bathroom so we can take a shower afterwards.

Exile: Are you ready?

Hunter: "nods"

I shoved my cock who is I heard his muffled screams is to focus on good if felt, I went deeper and harder into his ass Hunter grunted loudly I can tell he was enjoying it it's just I was, I licked his neck motion him up and down on my cock, it felt like absolute heaven having our bodies rubbing against each other feeling my cock in his ass I wanted this moment to last forever, I kept pounding away at his ass I felt my climax and shot my loads into his ass, and everything was going fine until we were interrupted by an unexpected guest.

Blitz: Uh am I interrupting something?

Exile: !!!!!???!!!

Hunter: Oh hey Blitz sorry that we're not decent we were just trying out something.

Blitz: It's fine I'm Hunter listen the director called and said he wanted to go over next week's script with you.

Hunter: Oh alright I guess I'll see you later Exile.

Exile: Likewise.

As he got dressed and open the door I felt something something that I wanted to say something that I needed to say.


Hunter: Hm

Exile: There's something I gotta tell you.

Hunter: What's up?

Exile: Look I've been meaning to tell you this for a long time it's really important and you may be a little surprised I want you to hear me out okay?

Hunter: Sure what's up?

Exile: I.......I...... ( but no matter how much I wanted to I just couldn't tell him)

I wanted to say I some ideas that would be good for episode can you put in a good word for me was a director?

Hunter: Wow that is pretty surprising sure thing.

Exile: Spasibo comrade.

Hunter: You're welcome later

Blitz: Wow so Mr. Big strong tough guy can't admit his true feelings.

Exile: Oh shut up look I'll tell him soon it's just his friendship is good enough for now.

Present Day

Blitz: You realize that for now needs to be one over right?

Exile: You're probably right.

End of Chapter 1